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Woah indeed

Sephorah Elambo

This episode was intense, turned dark real quick and it’s only the beginning

Kdawg 226

this show is crazy

Alex cleveland

Nah, this show is intense and great so far!!! I heard the manga keeps getting better and better apparently!! Aren't there like almost 200 chapters rn?!


I didn’t think of that, both versions of Akkun had to have pushed him onto the train unless there’s some other factor in play. He seemed really stressed trying to figure out how he could’ve possibly survived and it feels like someone ordered him to push him. Like he’s left out of the loop and it became too much for him. It’ll be fun figuring this out in later episodes. Great reaction!


Regardless of their relationship Akkun would still push him off because the shitty ass boss is still in control and damanded Akkun to kill his childhood friend. Only this time, Hina's brother came and saved him, and Akkun feels the regret of Takemichi still living. I think Akkun came to that conclusion of time travel because he knew that Hina's brother died, but only to see he was alive and saved Takemichi (it's my only guess, and the concept of time travel exists in pop culture). Takemichi has to go back in time to solidify his relationship with his old and new friends to void them from dying in the future. It all stems from that shitty boss though. He gotta go.


Damn this show is crazy wtf😂😂


I didn't read the manga. My theory is that Akkun was forced to do this. If he wanted him dead himself he would have killed him. The fact that Tetta dude was there shows that we might see the present Takemichi conflict and past Takemmichi conflict!!!!!


I Think kisaki ordered akkun to push him since he mentioned obeying him and he was in the cut


Shira: "But if he was gonna kill him, he woulda killed him already..." Me, who has seen this episode already: *Uncomfortable Side-Eye Meme*

Devil’s Advocate

The more you try to think about time travel, the more you realize no version of it makes actual sense. How is Takemichi even alive? Because a dead person saved him? How did he travel back in time without touching Naoto’s hand the first time? Life threatening event? Then if his body is stuck in the present/fut— Bruh... Paradoxes are screwing with me. Is this a continuous timeline or an alternate one? Other than the time travel aspect (no one actually knows how time works so I can overlook that kind of thing), the only thing that I have a problem with about this show so far is the way they try explain the power. Like the handshake thing is a lil goofy and the way Akkun just was like “IT HAS TO BE TIME TRAVEL” felt forced. If they prefaced it with him bringing up how Takemichi said weird future shit when they were kids then it would’ve been more organic. But the tension in this show is great.

Devin B

Yeah I know what you mean, there are certain mechanics with time travel in this show that doesn't seem consistent but it's still an interesting concept. Plus if I was Akkun I would think maybe he saw the future instead of saying time travel cause that would seem realistic compared to time travel in that situation.


Man time travel just creates so many different scenarios and asks more questions than it answers. Like if naoto is already a police officer when he saves hanagaki, did he save him on his own because of hanagaki telling him about his ability or did hanagaki tell naoto that he would get hit by train at that time and date if he didn't save him? I can only figure a future version of him from an alternate timeline went back in time and told naoto but didn't change anything else? What would be the point of that though? Yo my brain.

Vash Stampede

I would love to see them scratch their head over Steins Gate

Devin B

I actually thought about that too cause the only thing he told Naoto was the day that he and his sister would die before going back to the present. I think maybe he was trying to find Takemichi that day and talk about how he believed in his ability to time travel since Takemichi was right about what would happen that day and ended up finding him at the train station.


Well the way the show is set up there is only one timeline. So there wont be any instances of multiple of the same people running around. The important thing to note I feel like is that anything that happens in the present timeline can be undone but anything that happens when he travels to the past is permanent, he gets no redos there. The exception I guess being if in the present he waits 12 years and goes back to right after he wakes up in the hospital and meets Naoto....then maybe he could shake Naotos hand and jump back again on some bullshit lmao.

Benjamin Moore

I never thought about that. The reason he went to the past in the first place was because Naoto saved him on the tracks. He grabbed his hand to pull him up. By that point the past was already altered.

JD Watkins

What if like because of that moment in the beginning Takemichi’s slip back into his self as a kid that in the moment time already readjusted to any thing he was going to do while he was there and instantly Naoto grabbed his hand to save him in the timeline we are following now that is what now being the “ he always knew to grab him, he was always there“😂😅 but think about it Takemichi spent a whole afternoon in the past and time moved on with his body being a lifeless shell in the present and woke up in the hospital like he’d been there for hours

Devin B

So I got a theory about Takemichi being pushed into the train. Maybe the person that pushed him the first time wasn't Akkun but someone that had his position before Takemichi changed his past cause in the original timeline Akkun was a no name punk after he got arrested. I think Kisaki is trying to get rid of Mikey's close friends and since Draken died I assumed he wanted to kill Takemichi just to mess with Mikey for whatever reason.


So with theory does everybody remember events changing like the death of Hina’s brother, cause I’m thinking it’s only Takemichi and the brother who remember past events cause they’re both linked to the time travel somehow.


This is how the Akkun situation works. So I think Akkun in both timeline version is order to kill Takeamitchy since whoever ordered it knows that they were friends. I think Akkun was forced to do this and couldn't refuse. And I think Akkun probably got stressed out and probably thought over and over again how did he survive and that he's probably going to get killed by Tetta K since he was on the roof that's the conclusion I came with there. Leading into that stress. And if someone probably only has that on his mind (anime world) I guess could make the conclusion that time travel could be involved. Because conveniently Hina's brother is there when she just died. So ehh still don't know what initially triggered his power in the original timeline. or why he was ordered to be killed.


Also he probably was going to off himself in the original timeline as well, but he altered the time already before that would happen. OR I completely called something in this 3rd option that I deleted because I was told it was right lol


Fun fact, i just started to read the manga and manji (as in - tokyo manji ravengers) translates into the swastika no joke. Edit: just did some research, there is a reason why its a swastika https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbr.com/tokyo-revengers-toman-gang-manji-symbol-explained/amp/


This is some RE: Zero Steins Gate level time/space fuckery.


I am more curious to know what happens when he goes back to future and how does his 12 year old behave after that? As I don't think he is same person now that he was when he was a kid.

Chris Johnson

So here's what we have right now to summarize just to keep everyone on track. First Time Leap: Hina and Naoto are dead. Someone pushes Takemitchi on the tracks and as he gets ran over, he time leaps for the first time. This would seem to imply that his death was his initial trigger for the time leap. Takemitchi goes back in time and tells Naoto about his death as well as Naoto and Hina's own death at the hands of Toman. This in turn causes Naoto to save Takamitchi. At this point, the one who pushed him is still unknown. Second Time Leap: He prevents Akkun from stabbing that one guy and befriends Mikey. This changes the fact that Akkun now is a high ranking officer and works under Kisaki. This also makes it so Akkun is the one who pushed Takemitchi onto the tracks in this timeline. Of course this leaves the question of who pushed him in the other two timelines. Could've been Akkun again, Kisaki himself or some random thug for all we know. However, one thing we also know now is that Draken's death is what caused Mikey's change and so this will likely be what the third time leap will focus around.


What's confusing to me is, in the future he's in right now Akkun still ends up stabbing that one dude. Was that in a later interaction in the past, or was that the same time where the MC prevented it by standing his ground and Mikey came through and for some reason the past changed?


Akkun was just saying how the hell naoto save him on the tracks that fast there no way unless he knew that was going to happen so he kinda guessed time travel which is crazy but hey lol


I don’t know if anyone has suggested it yet but I would like to suggest you guys watch “So I’m a Spider, So What?” I think you guys would get some laughs out of it

Sephorah Elambo

But the first time Naoto originally died so it’s confusing as to how Takemichi was able to go back in time the first time


I see you are enjoying this show. I recommend adding to your list, Steins: Gate or Erased


He went back in time because he died then he was able to go back because he saved naoto


The thing is, I don't think Luppa's theory is correct, since the first time he falls into the rails, the brother was supposed to be dead, so I don't think the original loop started that way.


I think the train accident was in the future, like the gang wanted him to die bc he changed the past and ruined their plans, so they wanted to kill him. It’s like reverse story line


Roshi: He's not gonna jump Akkun: *jumps* Roshi: *pikachu face*


Now I’m going to watch episode 1-4 again because I think I miss something. Episode 4 just messed up my whole theory.

Matthew Ballard

I'm trying to figure out how takemitchy went to the past the first time since naoto was already dead along with Hina


Def looking to be my favorite series this season for sure

Ky Williams

maybe naoto became part of his power because he’s the first person takemitchy told it to hence why he can send him back now... idk lmao

Julian R

Notice how at 15:41-15:48 Akkun catches on to Takemichi saying "I guess for you it's been about 10 years" making it seem like he just lived through it. Pretty sure that helped Akkun figure out he could time travel.


Been waiting for this reaction


I think either kisaki has awareness of timeline change/ timeleap himself or its gonna end up being a super mindfuck and the one who is in control of this is the Take who lived the 12 years of the timeleap


The thing about akkun pushing takemichi it’s that it makes no sense to me somebody else pushed him the first time cause remember akkun was in jail and had came out very recently while in this one he was someone high up on the manji gang so somebody else pushed takemichi the first time around


I never understood why either, but only thing I can think is that maybe Akkun was angry that Takemichi left them behind and moved away. As that excuse could work for both timelines.


You guys should watch Steins;Gate if you haven’t, one of the best animes of all time


I wish Bostons trains had the same rules as Japans lol. The kids are out of control on the trains here, full blown adults too


uhh clearly its setting up that someone different pushed him into the train originally where in this new timeline it was akkun. It also couldn't of been naoto originally because he was dead july 1st with his sister and take gets pushed and killed on July 4th. Its also obviously being set up that kisaki tetta or w.e his name is must also have some kind of time travel power because he's obv the one who sent akkun there specifically to kill take. Why would he try to kill take who's had nothing to do with the gang for 10 years and is basically a bum unless Kisaki knows about his power and wants to try to prevent him from changing the past and ruining his plans. I think its pretty obvious from all this Kisaki deff has powers too and knows about takemichi. Only weird thing is Akkun before he jumped said "oh you wanna save "him" and not "her" which you think would be his first guess about saving hina so we gotta figure out who the "him" is he was referring to at this point which I got no idea.


that or Kisaki is actually manipulating naoto to make sure his plans come to fruition by sending him into the past using bait in the future. Judging off the next few episodes and how things go stuff kinda unfolds like it should anyway which makes me think Takemichi is actually the trigger to make Kisaki the leader of the gang.

Flameo Hotman

This is such a good theory. I’m pretty sure Akkun was referring to Draken when he said “him” but I could be wrong