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My man is about to take one for the team lol



Think we’ll get episode 3 today ? 😂

Mozart Waddell

You guys should watch Don't Toy With Me Miss Nagatoro or Higehiro after you finish this.


definitely not their type of show. id also argue its not good

Jake Thompson

Is Vivy Flourite Eyes song on your radar? It's WIT's latest project and one of my faves of the year so far.


Don't know if it's already on your guys' radar Roshi, but Vivy The Flourite Song is another recommendation from this season. Way too many anime to get through though, so no rush.


The show will get better from here. And To your eternity is also a great show

Big Daddy Dre

He better than me i would’ve stole off on his ass while he was sitting down 😂😂


none of those guys are the two leaders mentioned btw. u havent seen them yet


No lie I would’ve clapped him the next day😂😂


When do y'all think the next few ep are gonna drop?


Since you started Tokyo revengers which is a seasonal anime that is coming out now, I suggest you also start the anime called VIVY.

Kamo King

Hoping you guys check out Vivy airing this season. Not at all the kind of anime many think it is at first glance, every episode feels like a movie, and it has shown to be the hottest show this season in terms of growth. (Animated by Wit studios and written by the Re:Zero author too)


Yeah, more people need to keep saying word of Vivy.


Honestly I read the manga for this and it's heat but out of all the shows airing this season, I would have prefer you reacted to To Your Eternity or Vivy. Hopefully you guys give those a shot next.


I have people say otherwise, plus still isn't finished yet.


Mannnnn Bring Oga Tatsumi in here and the anime just over problem solved

Pearl's River

After this you guys should watch Mekacucity Actors


The OP song is called crybaby btw


It occurred to me that Naoto might have been the one to push him on account of the fact he time leaped for the first time right when it happened. Maybe Naoto didn't become a cop in the original timeline? But I kind of suspect there might be more to it than that.


The commentary for this is absolute gold.

Chris Johnson

That wouldn't make sense because remember that Naoto was dead in the original timeline so he couldn't have pushed Takemitchi.


I recommend To Your Eternity and Vivy also. Tokyo Avenger + those 2 are stellar this season.


Takemichi just "telling Hina not to go to the festival" is basically addressed in the first episode with his encounter with her brother Naoto. Firstly Naoto so easily believed his out of this world story because of the naivety of youth essentially, secondly Naoto was also supposed to die that day and thus when Takemichi told him he was informing someone of their own fate directly which is what you're suggesting he do with Hina. In Naoto's case it seems he did save him but Naoto was still unable to prevent his sister from dying. So even if Takemichi approached her in the past and tried to tell her the same thing he told Naoto given that she is older and definitely more level headed than her little brother she isn't likely to take Takemichi's words seriously. Also even if she did there is no guarantee that would ensure her safety as we don't know if her death was basically "wrong place wrong time" or if she was directly targetted. If it is the latter than telling her definitely wouldn't change anything.


y’all really be thinking of ways to end the anime in 2 episodes


I assume somebody has mentioned this at one point, but the Japanese call high school ‘middle school.’ You guys keep treating these character like kids but they’re teenage gangbangers. He says that at the start of the show, he was in a gang of second-years. These ‘kids’ are killing each other Bc they’re out here thugging lmao

Lupa is Dadi

Yeah???? So we skip endings??

rickie woodson

well if he told hinata then that would be one episode instead of a whole season lol thats how narrative stories work. the lead always is a little dense and takes the hard way instead of the easy path

Peony 三色団子

Naoto didn't tell Hina not to go to the festival because he didn't know she would die at the festival. In the park, Takemichi told Naoto only on the day Hina and Naoto died. I'm sure Naoto told her to refrain from going out, but it didn't work out like that.