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Mushroom girl is gross (I know intro music is muted, it will be fixed next vid lol)



Fore WHAT?

Wadesworth Lawrence



thought the title said foreskin lmao


The title of this vid threw me off 😂


I don’t watch MHA but what is that title bro is it fr 💀


That title has me dead


lmao it's not, the title for the episode is foresight

rośe 薔薇

Knew I saw that right 💀

Earphone Jack

Kimiko Komori is scary lol. I’m glad she’s on the hero’s side.


Sir please 🤣🤣💀🤣🤣


holy shit my hero loves wasting episode time. they recaped the whole 2 episodes? fck sake


The title is concerning me but I'm going in


“Foreskin” 💀💀💀💀💀💀


nah that title caught me off guard

Charles Darcy

mushroom girl real name "kinoko" literally means mushroom lol

Earphone Jack

Lupa, you leave Komori alone! 🤣🤣🤣 If anything, this shows you that Class 1-B is no joke. Komori literally has some balls to do what she did to Tokoyami lol.

Faiz Khan

Yeah???? This guy


why Lupa so mad but Shroom Girl is wild lol

The Pebble

Bitches love cannons

Chaz Finch

People be complaining about a 2 minute recap but the episode is 25 minutes. They aren't shorting us on the episode, just adding 2-3 minutes to the runtime.

Mario Gallardo

YEAHHH? Foreskin?! 😂 too much lol


man no ones complaining about the episode getting short. they are complaining that if the recap is really needed? like come on they did a recap on the past two episodes like we forgot or it happend a year ago wtf


O h, I understand the title now

Dous Dous

I think it's for pacing purposes. This season is covering 3 arcs and this arc is fairly short (at least the fights are) tbh. So they have to give this first cour that fun little vibe and recaps so that the second cour can be paced properly and not stretched out or rushed because the arc after this is absolutely vital for the series and tbh how they handle it could make or break things compared to a first cour training arc.


Comicmans Page on his face is part of his costume. Normaly his head is just a speech bubble.

yasmina C

a lot of characters are named like that though lol midoriya (green -- because he has green hair) xD for example, denki kaminari (kaminari means lightning lol he uses electricity) -- just a thing I guess with the author :P


In the words of our savior alucard, Bitches love cannons

Devil’s Advocate

It shouldn’t matter if he’s overseas. It’s HIS quirk, so why would it not work if someone doesn’t know what the word means? The mushrooms grew when he said “damp” right?

Charard Brown

The overseas comment is also for how tf is this going to be animated in the dub, will they have to change the giant letters that appears


They showed a long recap cause this arc sucks ass.

Tev Overhaul

The reason for the recap to slow down the pacing so episode 13 transitioning for the next big arc , can’t wait to see Roshi cheesing the second half of mha lmao but after this episode it should be pure heat since deku shoto and bakugo is the best for last lol


Including intro & outro, the episode isn’t even a total of 25 minutes. In this episode we get about 17-18 of actual new content. Even if it was just 1 minute recap, we don’t need one for stuff that literally happened in the last couple weeks


They recap a lot because they assume the audience is hella young and dumb.... which is probably true for a very good portion of it.


In other news though, Kendo is thicc and Tokoyami is badass af. "JoJo References": Comicman = Echoes, Kendo ORA ORA ORA. XD Imo the way that match ended was kinda lame. They popped off and suddenly it just went "wah wah wah."

Candice Blair

I love Momo, and that's that.

Dous Dous

Once I saw Komori naming off the specific types of mushrooms, I knew it was a wrap cause my first thought was "what about poisonous shrooms?" Just putting mushrooms on people isnt much of a quirk but if she can control which shrooms she makes, she's a problem. Plus she can give off spores, so imo the second they lost Aoyama, they lost because you can't fight her up close (or even far given her range). At least she cant make mold, imagine you're robbing a bank then black mold spore forms in you. Crazy.

Christian Young



This manga nigga is literally koichi


I've read the manga and i really like the show but holy fuck this arc sucks ass


In the words of Alucard, Bitches Love Cannons.


I would of been pissed went to sleep human woke up as a fucking comic page 😭


Guys. The Manga page on Manga Fukudashi is not his face, that's his MASK. The speech bubble is his head and the rest of his body is human. It's just like Tokoyami's deal having a head that doesn't match the body. It's a very common mutation aesthetic that goes on in the BNHA world. Also, I'm gonna assume Manga Fukudashi can still use his quirk overseas and he can just make sound effects in English ( or in other languages) if he knows how to pronounce them. Though really, I bet it still works regardless despite not understanding.

Ted Cali

Pretty sure the overseas comment was just a meta joke. Like, "hey this looks pretty cool, but how's the dub gonna handle it?" Which is cute, but doesn't really make sense since the dub usually just shows the Japanese onscreen with subtitles. Real talk though? Willing to bet money this man was born after his father got too excited on a cursed page of hentai. Otherwise, what must that birth have been like? "Alright, keep pushing! Keep pushing! I see the head it's... it's a-- ma'am, you gave birth to a page."


had to make sure yall were on ur toes with the title lmao

Vincent S Deluca

If Tokoyami knocked her out they would have swept, but he treated too much like training so he gave them a chance to bring out the trump card, very easily could have gone either way


Just wait bruh the arc after this one is gonna go apeshit

Jay rellim

i think the other class also treated it too much like training. mushroom girl could have choked them all out so many times lol


I see nothing wrong here. This episode was very much foreskin cause they are stretching the hell out of the skin with this episode to pull back this arc that isn't long enough to last until the halfway point of the season. I have foreskin but I don't stretch the hell out of it to the point of making it look bad (aka this episode itself).


They are taking down the quality by throwing in padding and fluff to stretch the hell out of this arc and make it last until the halfway point. That was what I was worried about. Bones and their bullshit with wanting to make sure arcs end where they want them to. This episode was the worst episode of season 5 so far in my opinion. Too much padding and flashbacks and reused content. They are also reusing the biased commentary joke too much. It got old after the second time they showed it. They put in budget animation for the fights but they are dragging them into the ground with other bullshit to stretch the fights out. I really hope this was the worst of it and they do better with the next 3 fights since they are more important. If they had to sacrifice this episode for the sake of the upcoming fights I can handle that. But still really disappointed with the amount of recap and padding and flashbacks and all this other shit.


It is dumbass studio bones trying to stretch out this shorter type of arc to barely reach the halfway point of the season. It really disappointed me when I saw this episode today cause it was just recap and padding and reused content and unnecessary flashbacks. The first round was great and it ended off right but this entire episode was not needed at all. They should have ended this round off at the end of last episode. They are giving animation to the fights but fucking everything up anyways because they want to stretch stuff out and reuse shit.

Tev Overhaul

I feel ur pain I'm not gonna lie I didn't expect much for the first couple of episodes I had low expectations but my expectations are high for the next batches of episodes, bruh these recaps I hope it's only for this arc lmao and on the flashback part it didn't annoy the shit out of me until gentle vs Deku my goodness to do air force shot = 3 mins in the air lmao when in the manga it was 1 panel smh

Earphone Jack

If y’all though Komori (mushroom girl) did some wild shit this match, just wait until the next one. They do even more wild shit there lol.


I am screaming at the caption 🤣🤣🤣💀


I just can't buy the praise that everyone was trying to give Class A team after they got their asses handed to them. Instead of taking down the opponent in front of her Momo took a gamble that didn't even matter in the end and was captured for it. Kendo had a plan a and a plan b, she has some major confidence issues if she thinks they didn't deserve the win. Also Mushroom girl would rather choke out a classmate by infesting their lungs with fungi rather than just take the L of a training exercise, she needs to be watched.

Leaky Peach

Lol one of the major issues I have MHA is how seriously some people take the training (and how little the teachers reprimand them).



Stephen Delong

Imagine getting beat up by an invisible naked bitch

Zen Reacts

Damn dude whats up Lupa's but man. He soundin like Monoma for class A


I like mushroom girl, she could have knocked them all out in her first attack. Lol. Choke them all out and sort it out after, stop the chaos first, that's how it goes down in real life. Must be fun to party with her, and some magic shrooms hahahha


If the bitch can literally use LETHAL MOVES against someone in a TRAINING MATCH, then can Yaomomo just spawn an AK47 or handout the team gasmasks and spam mustard gas nades into the entire area, until every enemy dies from the mustard gas?


Nah. If fucker shit like this is allowed, then Yaomomo would had won, since she could create gasmasks to her team, and gas the entire area w/ either sleeping gas or mustard gas, winning the game unless the others have gasmasks too (which they don't, it seems)


Yea she could probably do that, takes time to create things as complicated at those gasses. She should have been a scientist.. imagine the shit she could create, alloys and stuff. If she used gas in a real situation with civilians it would not work which is why she probably don't think along those lines, but in a more controlled environment or operation she could use gas etc. Since here team would be prepared for it, ie masks. But fungus girl can 'seemingly' activate her lethal move selectively, which means she could spread her spores to civilians and villains alike but only incapacitate the villains.

stanley drury anderson jr

Not foreskin popping up in my notifications I was like wtf😂😂😂


this title kinda throwing me off

Jaime Ruiz

I think it's complete bs. The Mushroom girl used a thing that could kill him by putting it inside him. BECAUSE they were about to lose, so does that mean Tokoyami could've let DarkShadow rampage and split them in half and smash their heads into mulch because they were about to lose?

Austin Yun

Cheap victories are the best

callum brodie

ayyy nice. Btw, im not sure you guys will watch it but, a new show called "shadow and bone" came out and its fucking cool.


I dunno. I always feel so disappointed watching Yaoyarozu fight. She has the ability to make anything she wants as long as understands its components and how it works but she is always making the most ineffective things and getting bodied because of it. Her opponent is a girl that can make her hands big so what does Yao do? Make large plates and a cannon to shoot a grab bag to her team mates. Come on man at least put spikes or something on the plate so the girl with large hands can't do the one thing she is capable of which is just hit hard. Yao has one of the most broken quirks in the show and she is capable of approaching this fight from a million angles while her opponent has one angle. Hell, if we can create spores to prevent opponents from breathing in a training exercise she might as well make gas bombs or any other invention to immobilize class B and bam this is over. I know I'm being really negative but we are supposed to believe Yaoyarozu is smart but every time she fights she is made to look so dumb and it sucks because I want to like her so much. She really has a quirk that so busted I would put it up there with AFO but it is more interesting IMO opinion because it is only limited by her imagination and knowledge. Also that comment from Kendo about not feeling like she won when they stomped them 4-0 felt so out of place.

Viela Guay

I mean just putting out there she's also severely limited by the fact to produce anything complex or big she legit has to spend some time and focus to produce it depending on the complexity, which means anyone with superhuman speed or a restraining quirk can handle her pretty easy if she doesn't have anyone to cover her or time to prepare. Yeah her quirk is really powerful overall, but it's been established a weakness of hers is battle sense in the moment, which she's made progress on, but is definitely a contributing factor to underutilizing her quirk in fights. It's like how you can practice and memorize a bunch of combos in a fighting game practice mode, and then soon as you play a round you're only able to do like one or two consistently.

Viela Guay

The one thing that's always a pet peeve of mine when series have characters with abilities like Momo's is that more often than not the author is not a scientist or engineer and as a result the "complex objects" restriction is always wildly inconsistent. Like if she can make thermal googles in that amount of time she should be spending her time going to underdeveloped countries and shitting out solar panels and other complex machinery infrastructure or medical equipment rather than wasting her time with the superhero shit that saves like what 10 people at a time from some injuries on a good day. Smh actually pursuing the glory over results

Viela Guay

Lmao, people really mad at mushroom girl for doing something that "might" kill someone yet I don't remember the same concerns with a man literally electrocuting people. Remember, not everyone's nervous system handles electrical shock as well, which is why some people are fine and other will have a straight up heart attack to the same current, so in a way Kaminari is worse since he's just a waiting manslaughter charge while mushroom girl has pretty fine control

Immoral Mortal

Mate it is an anime about superheroes, I want to see them fight villains not poverty

Immoral Mortal

That is why they said he lost because he only considered it training and went easy

ur mom

She didn't have to put a MUSHROOM in someone's windpipe though. Denki's quirk is literally just lightning, if it was a fatal quirk they would tell him how to handle it, but it looks fine. Like are you dumb??

Waka Flocka Flame

Bruh I need that "Bro What" meme for this title 😂😂😂

Rin B

I don't mind Komori. Yeah, putting that mushroom in Tokoyami's windpipe was pretty wild but I don't think she would have actually killed him and I feel like a lot of the other trainings in the past put a lot of students in danger as well so I didn't expect there to be any consequences. Hopefully no one would have a bad reaction to it. Also, if I was Momo, I would have just made some gas bombs or something with some masks. Maybe send it over with Dark Shadow in that first attack and just gas them. Might not work but it would have been unexpected lol. I also will say that I feel like Class B was superior this round and Kendo's takeaway was odd. Their plans seemed more thought out and the fact that they predicted the actions of Class A in the beginning of the fight helped them out too. I know it was obvious to send in Dark Shadow first but anything could have happened. Class B planned well and deserved this win to me.


so tokoyami hits these kids at full speed with dark shadow and they're not knocked out?

Kevin Campos

He hit them with a soft hand, he’s soft. He needs to go all out POWAAAAAAHHHH!

Alrick Campbell

Momo pulled out that BBC... That Big Black Cannon.

AjohnJexy 123

Again not feeling anything with MHA. I know people said to wait till the next arc but idk the story line seems so linear.


This is for sure the weakest start to a MHA season we've had so far and it might even be the weakest arc. Largely due to pacing. I am still optimistic about the future arcs though.

Preston Bryant

I don’t know if I agree that this is a breather arc.


Well kendo’s takeaway was that despite Class B’s planning, Momo still had thought ahead and had a plan to counter that. If it wasn’t for Komori’s secret last resort, Class B would’ve lost. Cuz Tokoyami just captured two people and with Manga distracted by Invisible Girl, Kendo couldn’t do much with Momo strapped to her so she definitely wasn’t gonna be able to take on Tokoyami and Dark Shadow. So her takeaway made sense

Rin B

Aoyama's hero name is so long 😅 It would be cool if it was Nonstop Twinkle, or Twinkling Star, SuperNova, or just Twinkle. Or maybe Beacon Boy lol. I'm just imagining if someone was in need of help, they would have to say, "Help Can't Stop Twinkling!"

Byron Wright

Mushroom girl is dangerous already but imagine if a later version of her suit could just collect spores and blast a wide area the same way Bakugou's gauntlets and grenades do, going from "Everything is fine" to "Why are there mushrooms everywhere" would be disastrous.


I love how they started playing feel good music after this whole biological menace pulled a bitch move to win. This is why I wouldn't be a superhero in this world, though. I'da knocked that bitch the fuck out the moment I realized she did it. I mean, full on, she need some milk, gonna have to talk to your dentist about bridge work knock-out.

Baron Salt

I don't know if you guys read these, but for reference, Horikoshi, the manga creator, stated that her strength is 20-30% of All Might's strength in his prime. So she's incredibly strong

Steven H.

If only Tokiyami had some helpful teammates other than the girl that can create stuff, this fight woulda been easier.


Lupa over here tryna make mushroom girl into an actual villain by expelling her


Even after months I still feel like they lost mostly because they needed at least 1 class A loss. Honestly still feels like bull.