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Saber gets no respect!


Tyler Hawke (edited)

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2021-07-09 03:33:34 This is literally the best episode in the series! Great clash of ideals & Iskandar's Noble Phantasm is literally "the friends we've made along the way"
2021-04-27 03:20:02 This is literally the best episode in the series! Great clash of ideals & Iskandar's Noble Phantasm is literally "the friends we've made along the way"

This is literally the best episode in the series! Great clash of ideals & Iskandar's Noble Phantasm is literally "the friends we've made along the way"


Please react to To Your Eternity at some point in the future. Also poor Saber

Byron Wright

Iskandar used domain expansion before it was cool


when sheera said unlimited arrow and weapons i got goosebumps xd

Matthew B

Saber is 14 she shouldnt be drinking smh

Scott Riley Adrueno

I'm glad you were one of the few who saw the flaws in Iskandar's reasoning. Both he and Arturia were correct, in their own rights. It's just that she was too troubled by her ideals that she can't barely defend them.


Both of them are correct on how a king( a hero of his people should act) A hero story always goes two ways: either the hero encompasses every aspect of the human life, live life to the fullest, reaches the height of fame, possibilities and power and always live at the edge of his own story which inspires others to follow him, to give their life and to aspire to be even a fraction of that person. OR A hero is the one that bares the weight, the responsibility, the fears, the need and the safety of all his people and walk his path alone to accomplish this mission. The mountain that will keep the people safe. If you look back, every "hero" story is one of the these two ways or a mixture. From jesus to gilgamesh. Jesus taking the sacrifice of the world to himself and gilgamesh taking the world to follow his rule. None of these is either right or wrong. Riders point was that he proved his way. You can see it Every single one of his peers, being so hooked on how he lived that they all became heroes in their own aspect. Saber doesnt have her proof to show


And gilgamesh is not making fun of saber as much as you think. He is someone who genuinely wants to defy heaven and hell,despise the gods and actually understand and has been through and has lived the full extent both heaven and hell both literally and figuratively ( i dont know about the hell literal part). He understand both side, he knows both side. For him a king is not one or the other, but both. He is laughing at saber not because of her ideals but because of how confused she is about her ideals. Her bubble was popped when she saw the other end of her spectrum. A virgin being deflowered in bed. You will see that gil will never has anything to prove

Matthew B

UBW saber would have told iskander to fuck off. I hate how she was written in fate zero by urobutcher

Gurnoor Sekhon

Don't worry, she about to get even more disrespected in an upcoming episode.


Notice how gilgamesh goes from calling Iskandar 'Mongrel' to 'King of Conquerors'. He's beginning to respect him

Amzee (edited)

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2021-07-09 03:33:29 fun fact; when we see iskandar's army, we see what looks like an Older Waver (and he aged like fine wine).
2021-04-27 04:31:36


It's under another fate tag. You can click on tags and see there's an extra "fate" tag with 1 video, that's episode 10.

G. B.

This was an interesting conversation, presenting three ideas of what a king should be. Gilgamesh thinks people should serve the king who's authority is absolute and god-given. Saber believes that the king should serve the people, slaving away as their protector. Iskandar thinks a king should serve themselves, hand in hand with their people. Each perspective has a point, but is not without flaw. However, Iskandar both gilgamesh and iskandar view the king as being larger than life, as a beacon for their people to follow which is fundamentally opposed to saber's view, thus not recognising her as a king but rather as just idealistic and naive.

None None

That's Eumenes. The later spin-offs often joke about how similar they look, but they're not the same guy.

Scott Riley Adrueno

UBW Saber is more or less a moe blob. I doubt she'd make any difference. I like her better in Zero, an idealistic but ultimately flawed king.


Gilgamesh recognise saber as a king, he calls her king of knights at the end just the same he calls iskandar the king of conquerors. Whats interesting in this is that gil didnt talk a out kingship, my take is that he agree on both terms, the people should serve the king hand in hand and the king shoule be bigger than the people and also the king serving the people. He just laughs at saber's failure and is fascinated by it


This is the first time after rewatching this show so many times that I noticed adult Waver in Iskandar's army.

None None

For like 5 years after this episode aired, every Fate discussion would inevitably devolve into a king debate if it went on long enough. That or an argument about how many conditions in their favor each servant would need to stand any hope of killing Gilgamesh.


Freakin' love this episode. The convo between the 3 kings and Riders power are just top notch. Before this ep I really enjoyed Zero but after this ep I loved it.

Viela Guay

It's not actually adult waver, it's some other named servant that just happens to look like that. His name Eumenes

Viela Guay

Babylonian Hell is much more like Greek hell than say Christian Hell (i.e. it's just kinda where all the souls end up and you get to live in various areas of it depending on your actions in life). Gilgamesh ended up ruling the upper class part of it after he died. But yeah a lot of what his original myth can be interpreted to be about is actually the breaking off of mortals and their dependence on gods at the time.


I thought Golden Kamuy was going to be posted tonight too?

Jake Disarufino

One of the best episode in fate period yes it my opinion but it’s Also correct 😂

Viela Guay

I mean that's only because in UBW the exact dilemma proposed here is reaffirmed for her through her observations of Shirou and Archer. She was having the exact same doubts and conflicts inside her regarding her philosophy for the majority of UBW (the anime doesn't do any of the characters' internal development justice).


This is the episode that cemented fate/zero as one of my favorite anime.

Devin B

Yeah and that's also why he said that he would kill him himself cause after hearing his ideals on how a king should be he decided he's not like the other "mongrels".

Sebastian Stróż

I really love this episode, further establishes Iskandar as best character. Also fun fact about Iskandar noble phantasm, All of his soldiers who are there follow him of their own will and some of them are even stronger than Iskandar himself.

RavinFox .

This episode is the first things I always think about when it comes to Fate/Zero


btw just think of rider's reality marble like a domain expansion.


What Rider meant is that Saber was always just trying to protect her people, rather than connect with them. She lived a miserable life, spending every moment trying to keep them safe. While Saber stood in front of her men, Rider stood beside his. He shared in their pains, and their glory. He saw himself as an extension of his people combined, whereas she tried to stand as a lone shield, but was detached from her people

Devin B

Also because Saber was always trying to protect her people she made them rely on her too much to the point where they can't do much for themselves but because Rider didn't try to take in all of the responsibilities himself his subjects learned to fend for themselves.


Caster's Master is faster (only said that for the rhymes, he's actually fucking sick and dumb).


Ima have to take Saber's side in that debate there. Kinda trash to knock Saber for having a heart lol. Not saying the others are wrong or anything, just saying it's trash to talk shit to Saber for being a good person. But ngl, that whole conversation was cringe af for me. I'm just like, "Yeah yeah yeah, I get wtf you on about. Just finish your goddamn wine and clash already before you talk your mouths off your faces, ffs."

Symmetra Senpai (edited)

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2021-07-09 03:33:23 Lancer has two spears the red one cuts through magic as if it was paper and the yellow one creates wounds that cannot heal. That kind of busted in my opinion. And then saber she is king arthur. Wielder of excalibur. One of the most powerful swords in tale. And then archer....well he actually shoots noble phantasms
2021-04-27 14:57:28 Lancer has two spears the red one cuts through magic as if it was paper and the yellow one creates wounds that cannot heal. That kind of busted in my opinion. And then saber she is king arthur. Wielder of excalibur. One of the most powerful swords in tale. And then archer....well he actually shoots noble phantasms

Lancer has two spears the red one cuts through magic as if it was paper and the yellow one creates wounds that cannot heal. That kind of busted in my opinion. And then saber she is king arthur. Wielder of excalibur. One of the most powerful swords in tale. And then archer....well he actually shoots noble phantasms

Antonio Williams

Once you all know what Gilgamesh's Noble Phantasm actually is, all the random stuff he pulls out becomes hilarious af. Also, It'd be hilarious if Saber had to basically learn what modern England was like and decided to change her wish lol.

Jake Disarufino

One of the best episodes of fate ever I love the clashing ideologies.... Gil believes he is absolute and as the king he is god similarly Alexander believes that the people offer themselves to the king and in return the king must lead by example and saber believes in pure unadulterated values that can’t be compromised.... I personally believe Alexander is the most correct but all the ideals have there own merit


saber goes to england for a week comes back like " Damn Irisiviel, dat bunda is mad, the madem gonna love that ting"


@veila Guay And if im not mistaking, atleast in fate lore. Gilgamesh was a tremendous ruler and a valiant king. His people would die for him and he would die for his people. Not only as a servant, gil was an absolute beast in battle even when he lived. I think he comes as an asshole here because none of the present world is under his rule, and thus has no care for it


His noble phantasm is Gate of Babylon and his TRUE noble phantasm is EA. Not sure what you mean by random shit.... Every single weapon in his vault is another heroes noble phantasm. He literally possess every weapon ever made.


Also fun fact Gilgamesh really does already own the grail. Like i said every treasure of mankind including noble phantasms and the grail are his and are in his vault.


how i interpret what gilgamesh said to saber is that, he like to see her bear the path of kingship that is impossible to bear and will eventually lead to ruin. Not because he's a sadist, but i believe its because he likes seeing human perseverance, to go through adversities and fight through the impossible. I only ever understood his character after watching him in fate CCC and fate grand order. Gil is a tyrant, truly, but he is entertained by people fighting through hardships i guess, but its just an interpretation oh his character tho


I will continue to remind people that Iskander is the biggest mass murderer there. He doesn't inspire heroes, he inspires mass murderers to join him in mass murdering. He's charismatic to be sure, but every unstable region on this planet is filled with jackasses like him. Caster is but a newborn next to Rider. Just thought I would give a little more context as to what he actually means with his words.

Alex Sytinskiy

but not really though, the sword can just cut through any other, as far as mythology and magic gear go Arthur's other stuff was way more important, the sword was literally just a starting point.

Symmetra Senpai (edited)

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2023-12-24 17:50:11 I didn't want to give any detail away yet idk if they've seen it in action considering how it got downplayed a few reactions ago.
2021-05-05 05:37:04 I didn't want to give any detail away yet idk if they've seen it in action considering how it got downplayed a few reactions ago.

I didn't want to give any detail away yet idk if they've seen it in action considering how it got downplayed a few reactions ago.

Eli Kisamo

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I don't really find her to be a good person. Just, an extreme idealist. Lol, and look where it got here.

Eli Kisamo

Lol. You got some kind of bone to pick? Sounds personal. Not sure why you'd assume he doesn't inspire heroes. Especially given his stated philosophy on conquering and kingship. Context? I dunno man. Sounds like you're just attributing. The meaning of his words seems pretty evident. Ya sound way outta depth. Especially on this episode out of all episodes. xD


Yeah thats kind of the point they were making but good job spoiling it.


I mean he did say a King is supposed to exhibit both the qualities of good AND evil. A King is not like a president or world leader today. He's supposed to stand at the top and the people serve him and in return, he leads them through his conquests and glory. To modern standards, its obviously not good as having one person with so much power is dangerous. However, that is the definition of a king. Saber, on the other hand, would be much better as a Knight. She fights and protects the country but doesn't know how to lead or inspire her people to follow her. While her fellow soldiers/knights probably respected and admired her, they were distanced from her due to her lack of leadership. To them, she's like a savior or some kind of divine protector of their country. Rider, while saying hes a tyrant, makes himself human because he has both good and evil qualities. People relate better to someone like that and as a result, hence why so many choose to follow him. Moreover, he says he doesn't regret the actions that lead to his or his empire's demise because doing so would be a disrespect to all those that lived during that time. The irony is that as arrogant Gilgamesh and Iskander is, the true arrogance in this scene lies with Arturia. By attempting to change history, she essentially disregarded the blood and sacrifice her and her people have suffered. She wanted to run away from the responsibility that was given to her. Iskander was correct, she was no King.


its labeled as Fate with a lower case F. You can just search the title and see all the episodes, so you don't even need to select the tags.


Yanpo, I mean if you wanna say that he is a murderer I guess I cant argue, BUT honestly theres not enough context to just say that hes simply a genocidal tyrant. If you really delve into his history he did start all those wars out of personal greed and pride for his country, but he did fight a war for unification, enacted fair laws for the various cultures in his empire and started the helenization period (greek culture spreading through asia for those that werent taught that in school). I think thats not as bad as the worst kings that ever existed ('*cough* Ivan the Terrible, *cough, cough* King Leopold II of Belgium, etc...), and him being compared to caster in that regard is way more nonsensical cuz Iskaner wasnt some gleeful boy that giggled as he danced in the puddle of childrens blood after they were tortured, so yeah idk what you on about, yeah he did kill more people in his lifetime (thats simply how organized war work), but that really does not relay the horrible difference of how evil Casters methods of killing were comparably to Riders. One had some semblance of sanity, even if not a perfect human being, full of greed and aspirations, but the other is a whole nother level of extreme malice, so no I dont think you fully understood either the context or his words!

Jacota Lucian

She was a good person...but a bad king / leader... she was always acting as the shield for the country,she protected her people but never fought alongside them,never connected with them,never let them deal with their own problems,she became an idol people were dependent on,and that dependency was teh downfall of the kingdom


Lupa: "All they did was advance forward" LOL


Iskander THE GOAT

Jay Harris

Yo I didn’t notice when I first watched the show but was that adult Waver marching with Iskandar’s army?

Bat_ GunGamingHD

this man was around durring that time or sum cuz this shit sound personal. Bro did he slaughter ur clan or sum?

Drake Rage

My god, I was speechless. This episode can easily go down as one of the best anime episodes of all time.


Thats actually Eumenes, he was shown in the Case Files Materials book, he just looks similar tho

Sebastian H

Assassin is the "family pack" of servants