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we had too much fun this reaction lol btw....is that kid Static Shock, or a Static Shock reference?



Technically it is her fault…I won’t exclude Dick cuz we all know he’s smart enough to realize she can read minds so he should have tipped her off with their plan to begin with to avoid sh!t like that…but still ultimately it is M’ganns fault, despite being old friends with Lad she still went out of her way to fry his brain like that other guy did to them in Season 1…hopefully there’s gonna be a way to reverse that but judging by her reaction I kinda doubt it…

Asani Bailey

He’s Static Shock👍🏾

gerard long

It's definitely static

gerard long

Um Yes it is goggle it

Jack SV

Answering your question would be a huge spoiler but..just watch the rest of the season. Maybe others already spoiled for you here in the comments.


Roshi switched real quick when Aqualad got brain fried XD


Roshi wit the tony baker reference lmaoo


"big black cockroach" 😭 sheera oh my god


I swear that green nigga is samurai jack

Shaun A

"This Static Shock looking nigga over here" - Lupa. LOL


Yes it is him i tried so hard not to spoil it 😂😂


Answering that would be spoilers, sorry man ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


can we enable subtitles?


The Scarab is less: "I choose you!" and more: "...Eh, you'll do." 😂

Adrian Valiente

This is the episode where I fell in love with Jaime/Blue Beetle, fucking came in clutch 1 on 1 when everyone was KO'd. Seeing a snippet of his origin, Impulse's mission, and his diverse powers were such a great touch to his character. He basically a combination of Iron Man in Infinity War + Venom. Been a fan ever since, we don't get a lot of cool latino super heroes.


Phil LaMarr, mans a VA extraordinaire, he’s in pretty much any Warner branded cartoon ya can think of


LMAO It never occurred to me that "half-way, the hard way" could sound sexual until yall's reaction


Most people don't realize that Shimmer didn't have powers before this episode and opened a hole in the ship completely by accident.

Jay rellim

wait so the scarab is basically goku?? sent to earth to be some sort of spy or conquerer but forgot both its purpose and connection to the reach? and im guessing will be the main savior in this timeline


straight up static shock


God I forgot how much of a beating Cassie takes this episode lmao, she’s a minor character she don’t deserve that

Philly The Kid


Jay Voorhees

Nah Roshi keep that energy don’t change now🤣🤣

The Truth

Roshi is still right, she only did that to Aqualad out of revenge not because it was the right thing to do.

The Truth

She’s practically invincible, knight wing took more damage on Aqualads punch

The Truth

Lol can’t wait to see Lupas reaction when he they show he is


The whole point is it’s dangerous and reckless to just casually mind rape people. She’s supposed to be better than the villains.

The Truth

He’s still right though. Megann didn’t even need to do it, it was out of revenge not necessity

The Truth

You’re clearly late, read the comments above you lmao

Philly The Kid

Nah bro. That's not going to fly on any team that's about justice. There's no justice in being judge, jury, and executioner like she has been. This ain't jujutsu kaisen or some anime bruh.

André Clarke

can't wait for the next couple of episodes now.

Jules Eris

Man there's a lot of spoiling douchebags in these comments

Devin B

@Brian in Megan's defense she was face to face with someone who kidnapped her man, destroyed their base, and worst of all "killed" her close friend so turning him into a vegetable was her kind of justice. But yeah they should've let the OG group in on the plan so things like this don't happen. Even Superboy almost seriously injured Artemis without realizing it.

luis delgado

So here is the thing if she had done this in public we would be on civil War territory, the people would be scare of her andif you go acting as judge and executioner then she is no diferent than the villians

Jazmyne Mattucci

Whats more fucked up about the M' gaan shit is if Superboy actually told someone shes been doing that mind shit when she started, they might have got her in on it also.

Arsean Wilbon

If Batman and the rest of the league can stop their murderous rage from taking over then Ms. M can stop turning peoples brains into soup. The theme with DC is being different than the enemy and not going down to their level of tactics. Ms. M tampering with people like that makes her no better then that guy on the villains side who’s brain she fried that one time in season 1.

Earphone Jack

Y’all will see how the M’Gann stuff plays out for the second half of this season

Devil’s Advocate

Lol now y’all got issues with Meg the Vegetable Juicer.

Faiz Khan

bruh the flip flopping in this episode with them on Meg is hilarious, l knew they were gonna be like this exactly 😂😂😂


Never thought the fake laughter and corny jokes would get old. But here we are :(


That is Static, but not the Dakotaverse Static

The Truth

Casually? Can you read? I said when it’s the right thing to do, y’all don’t pay attention at all

The Truth

Yeah it’s really a spoiler when he looks exactly like Static Shock lmao, Lupa tripping for not considering it


Idk where you are cuz there’s no fake laughter and all the jokes be hittin😂


Pornhub: "White Teen gets Destroyed by BBB"

Michael Allen

also side point nobody but conner really knew megan was fucking peoples minds up at this point i think

Michael Allen

because remember back on episode 7 she mentioned why conner didn't tell the team about how she was acting

Michael Allen

well shit after i comment this sheera mentioned the exact same thing lmao imma shut up


its never the right thing to do my guy lmao

Chris D. Jones

Halfway thru the door the hard way? Yea!? Cassie needed an adult or Chris Hemworth


Tim Drake: *Is Expert In Deception* Also Tim Drake: "If they don't see my blue eyes, they'll never know I'm that guy whose face they've never seen..." Well, I suppose in a universe where Superman can trick the whole planet into not realizing his epic famous face is that of epic famous super-journalist Clark Kent just by wearing some reading glasses, using dark lenses must be like some Sun Tzu-level shit.

The Truth

Yeah when the world is about to be destroyed and the only way to stop it is to get the code to stop the countdown, clowns like you would be like nah that’s too much, we should just die lmao, y’all never think

The Truth

Yeah I’m sure the public would be afraid of the person who got the information from an alien to save the world, lmao, yeah they sure are scared of soldiers who kill

The Truth

If they are about to destroy the planet no one would give af if they die lmao, you obviously know nothing about 9/11

Jeremy Knox

No she shouldn't be frying brains like Superboys been telling her not to 😂


Heads up, the scene with Shimmer melting the wall of the ship was to show that she just got powers. We've seen her in the previous season and she had no powers. Plus, what did the Reach say? They were experimenting on the meta-gene. You could tell she looked confused when the wall started melting. No underwater ship would've had that feature lol

Marcus Haynes

Roshi: I was on board with this until it was Aqualad Those of us who’ve seen the show before: EXACTLY. Now you see why we were against it lol


The world wasn't about to be destroyed though. There's a reason why the show didn't demonstrate the problem with her methods when she used it on those two aliens. They were enemy combatants, and very few people would actually see a problem with frying the brains of enemy combatants. Once she starts using it on criminals and for personal revenge, then she become judge, jury and executioner.

Eli Kisamo

You don't think she's better than the villains? You're hilarious. The only thing that really differentiates villains and heroes is the cause for which they fight. You can damn near justify any means if the outcome is worth while.

Eli Kisamo

Justice? Being a vigilante is illegal. They are already being judge and jury, just not executioner. Which Megan technically isn't doing because she's not killing them. I'd argue some of Batman's methods, especially early in his career, were similarly egregious. I'd also argue that their methods are woefully redundant and inefficient in their mostly asinine refusal to kill any villains. Jujutsu Kaisen or some anime? The fuck is that supposed to mean? You do know that's a whole genre bruh. You do know There's anime that explore the nuance of being a vigilante better than this. Though, JJK is not even comparable. Are you idiot? Or have you just not seen the show?


Lol Roshi with the Kamehameha joystick

Daniel Williams

OR you shouldn't juice people's brain indiscriminately 💀

Alejandro Rodriguez

yoo I never noticed before but the whole impulse creation beats destruction thing was to convince Blue that destruction was bad.....imma be honest idk if this will make sense I'm zooted af

Roberto marshall

Y’all ain’t laugh enough at Lupa’s “ the beginners “ joke tbh 😂


It is though. Superboy had already told her to stop doing that shit because she might fuck things up like she had with their relationship, and now she fried Aqualad’s brain.