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another episode of Mark getting thrashed lmao



damn it’s like yall just forgot Mark nearly died just 6 days ago and is still recovering yet you expect him to be in 100% max power condition. people got goldfish memories


Hopefully he'll become as strong as he was in the comics but in the show.


Lupa - "it was hard for me to watch." Roshi - "not me, cause I have no soul". Me - 💀😆🤣


Huh? She didnt cheat though? Wtf you going on about....

Rishad GB

? when did they blame mark for not winning? they said that why he immediately didnt go

Rishad GB

but the fact that if his family makes him mad he is gonna do bad things outside

Rishad GB

if he didnt want to continue he wouldnt have started in the first place....you dont go that far into relation if ur not serious

Carla Thomas

ngl mark was being a dick and everything but i dont know what they want him to do after almost dying 6 days ago and not able to use his powers right the only thigs he can do is fly kind of right and he was still recovering and he still had his bruise so if not being able do defeat someone after all of that will make sense


Fucking vincible 😂😂😂

MitensuraTensho (edited)

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2021-07-09 03:38:57 💀😭 PLS
2021-07-09 03:38:57 💀😭 PLS
2021-07-09 03:38:57 💀😭 PLS
2021-04-17 04:26:59 💀😭 PLS

💀😭 PLS


Why you gotta do my boy mark like that lmaoo he tried.

Big Daddy Dre

Amber couldn’t be my girl...bitch i told you i got hit by a bus and you’re still mad i didn’t show up😂😂


Damn mark got his ass beat so much they changed the name on em🤣🤣


same voice actor as rick

Charlie baker

Ehy the reanimen are finally debuting , they had more fucked up torn up mouths in the comics but not bad, in the comics william didn't come out as gay untill later and was dating eve briefly who got annoyed by his whinyness and him also bugging her to take him flying much like hebdid with mark


The only excuse good enough for her would be if the bus killed him 😂


Clapped in the comments be like.... “VINCIBLE” 😭😭


Bro I swear I heard rick’s voice

Jake Thompson

Yo that drunk dude in the beginning is 100% Rick's voice actor from Rick an Morty.


Ready to watch some vincible guys


YEAH; this man typed VINCIBLE :-(


This entire episode i was just calling him vincible, man be getting his ass beat every episode.

Ranginald Vagel

"Maybe fighting off alien invasions isn't in either of our futures" You live with an alien invader you better be fighting off alien invasions in the future.

Kai Lee

Roshi I think you missed it but in one of the episodes Robot had a connection with Monster Girl because he could relate to her and her troubles. I think it was when Black Samson was doing an Analysis on their latest fight. Robot said something like "I understand your pain" and then Monster Girl pretty much said "How could you, you're a Robot".

Charlie baker

Oh on a side note something the show hasn't been doing is reccuring jokes like the comics did, a recurring one is viltrumites aren't mirror copys of kryptonians so mark often gets called out to only to have to get closer or ask people to repeat themselves because contrary to popular belief he doesn't have super hearing.or art the costume guys first gold and orange costume he tried to give mark has discs that act as solar batterys because Art "i made it back when i was under the impression your powers were solar based" Nolan" dont worry about it, it's a common misconception"

Lamaree Jackson

Love how they had Ezra Miller diss his own powers first in his little speech in the classroom. “When you wanna get somewhere fast, you don’t run, you take a car.”

Daniel Turner

Roshi should cut lupa’s intro one of these days when he’s about to say invincible the title card just shows up


So a point I wanna make about WHY Mark was getting his ass beat this episode. He's still healing and recovering from his injuries from battle beast, he can heal faster than and survive more than humans yeah considering he woke up after only 6 days after getting a hole straight through his abdomen, but he's still not fully healed. Another point is after the fight with battle beast, his confidence is shot so he doubts himself, and finally that last fight was 3 on one and once he knew how to take them out (the box in the back of their head) he instantly took one down

Beef Gristle Mill

I was wondering if someone was gonna point that out, during the fights in this episode I just kept thinking "damn my boy is still healing he needs to chill" And like you pointed out, in that last fight he was getting jumped bad so idk what they expected him to do while he was still kinda injured beforehand.


Amber gotta be the dumbest character I’ve seen that’s whole shtick isn’t to be dumb lol


There is no way they are gonna kill marks mom. Like she is the emotional shoulder mark needs.


Roshi's like, "I got news for you, bro. I ain't goin' down in the sewer after you AFTER I got help. Aw, hell no!"


vincible on his thats rough buddy days

Shin splits

Chill on the boi Mark he just woke up from having his abdomen ripped through. It took Ominan longer to heal with injuries that appear to be less severe.


Mark literally just got back from having his stomach caved in. He's not at full strength

The Truth

Mad? She literally let him start over, she’s showed frustration because he’s never there, she even said she already dumped him. The only reason why they are still together is because he got hit by a bus.

The Truth

She wouldn’t want to be your girl anyway, definitely not someone who would call her a bitch. I’m guessing you would run just like she thought Mark did. Those moments show who you truly are and what you care about

The Truth

Eve has the Best Power there is, she’s a literal god.

Bryan Ortiz

This man can travel around the world in minutes but leaves the costume in his house with other people smh


Turns out the douchey drunk dude from the beginning is the same VA for Rick from Rick and Morty

A1_MiLFshAkE (edited)

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2021-07-09 03:38:49 Amber & Mark's relationship will not workout either tell her your Vincible and with that she knows the dangers or being w/ him. Enemies knowing he has a significant other could lead to all kinds of bad Lupa called it he got scooped up XD
2021-04-17 06:10:31 Amber & Mark's relationship will not workout either tell her your Vincible and with that she knows the dangers or being w/ him. Enemies knowing he has a significant other could lead to all kinds of bad Lupa called it he got scooped up XD

Amber & Mark's relationship will not workout either tell her your Vincible and with that she knows the dangers or being w/ him. Enemies knowing he has a significant other could lead to all kinds of bad Lupa called it he got scooped up XD

Big Daddy Dre

Bruh chill out 😂😂 she brought it up which means she still salty about...what happened in that scene is the equivalent of getting shot and your mom questioning you about why you ain’t do the dishes and me saying the word bitch was just me expressing what would’ve be going through my mind at that moment nothing more😕 and you right i would’ve ran to...if i see a nigga punching through concrete and throwing buses n shit I’m leaving....that her dumb ass for stay there ain’t no point in both of us dying 😂😂


Guys you have to understand that he didn’t want that hero life anymore. Its pretty common when teens become super heroes. Peter Parker literally quit being spiderman and let fuckery happen all around him because he just wanted a normal life.


This boy Mark is literally Gohan at the same age 🤣 Or this is what I imagine Future Trunks might have gone through if Vegeta had been there for the androids lol. "Boy, if you don't stop getting your ass kicked, I'll just stand here and watch as you die...!"-Omni-Vegeta


lmao bruh its a cartoon nigga relax can't u understand the concept of a joke..


Lmaooo y'all wrong for that title


I don't understand why he couldn't hurt the Cyborg's human parts.... Just tap them and they'll burst open like a watermelon.


Yeah. Their criticisms were way unreasonable. It's like they never considered Mark's current condition.


Y'all doing Mark dirty with that title lmao. Don't really understand why Mark couldn't easily pop those bootleg Robocops though? Like, he's half of Superman basically.

Devin B

I was just thinking that. He could've even left it on a different planet or the moon just to make sure no one on Earth could find it but for some reason he left it in his own house.


The timing when lupa called Rick getting snatched was killer. Had me dying😂😂


Yo I just realized the kid at the end with black hair is the stepson of the guard in the first episode.


im highly convinced that roshi's a horrible person lol stilll love em tho


Justin roiland as the douch kid XD funny shit

Quinton Campbell

Praying for Lupa's stress levels 😂


amber and marks relationship should just end...cuz even if mark tells her the truth she'll still want to know every single detail about his movement which is not ideal for a super hero....the only way they'll work is if she becomes a super hero somehow

Quinton Campbell

This episode Lupa 😱 Sheera 🤔 Roshi 😀🤣😁


Man I feel bad for Lupa, my mans had a tough time watching this episode

Cleven Anthony

I feel like people keep misunderstanding how strong mark is lmao he’s no where near as strong as his dad, even worse he’s not 100% viltrumite. Secondly Nolan has had years even decades to get stronger, like he said in an earlier episode they need to build up endurance and strength so fully expect this mans to get pummeled until some training or enough tougher opponents

Cleven Anthony

Also mark literally just got his ass handed to him bad, I doubt he’s at full power, look how long it took omni man to recover from his Fight with the guardians lol


"ME AND MY HUUUUGE....... trust fund." XD


She wouldn't want to know every single detail of his movement. She just wants to know why he's always flaking and lying to her. He should either tell her he's a hero or break up. This cliché trope is so trash it's decreasing the quality of the show.

Charlie baker

Not to mention he hasn't trained at all by pushing his boundaries in speed,endurance or strength so his overall powers are still at a kid viltrumite level


Amber is so annoying 🙄

Charlie baker

Reanimen are highly reinforced with cybernetics and preformance augmenting compounds its like has anyone with super strength ever hurt cyborg in dc on his human parts,not really right


Ezra Miller really showcasing his acting talent (DA Sinclair). Voice acting for live action actors can be tougher than it seems, so it's really impressive to see an actor who is versatile enough to do both well.

Charlie baker

Her powers are similar in concept but far more potent and non limited compared to even the most skilled alchemist

Charlie baker

Not sure if youd consider this a spoiler but The reanimen are also quite strong ,they gave mark a run for his money even when he wasn't injured in their first encounter in i think #20


and he was in the last scene too with the two kids in the grave the other one is the son of the white house security guard


I feel like if Omni-Man as any shred of decency in him, even a sliver, he won't kill her. I feel like, and am hoping, that's the one line he won't cross.


I like Amber as a character, don't love her but she aight. However, she overreacted big time there. Imo "going to get help" is a reasonable cover and excuse for dipping. Sure it was a lie, but even if it wasn't, it still wouldn't be a bad thing to do. Though honestly, if she was Lois Lane or Iris West, she would've put two and two together at that moment when Mark magically disappears and suddenly Invincible shows up.


You never heard the expression, "hiding in plain sight" have you?


Um, they won because Machine Head was apprehended. That was the goal. The other villains were just for hire. But they got Machine Head in the end, so in writing it was still a win.

Bryan Ortiz

bro it can still be found in his house, he could have left it at the bottom of the ocean or launched it into space and made it impossible to find


I don't think Lois would've put it together. Clark does it all the time.

Donavan Warren

Look,I'm just going to say this, Peter Parker wasn't perfect when he started out either. Yes he makes mistakes and you can't fault him for that. He literally started months ago. He not like these veterans whose done this for years now. Most heroes we know didn't start off perfect. Look at Spider-Man, he started out as a teenager just like Mark. Made mistakes just like Mark. Got his shit kicked in. Just. Like. Mark. All im saying is you can't shit on someone who is just starting out. There's no hero-NONE you can name that started out perfect.


Besides the randomness of the titlecard, I love how there's more and more blood on it every episode lol


Damn you guys get so mad at Mark for not being stronger lol. He'll give you better reasons to be mad at him later.

Matthew Osteen

Yeah, I'm not crazy about mark and amber either. I feel like they should just break up or he should tell her. Right now it's kind of a distraction from the rest of the plot. I mean he just got his ass beat and he's worried about amber instead of the guardians or homeboy that took over for machine head. Mark needs to stop simping


Did you guys already forget Mark just recovered from his injuries? Not sure why you expect a teen who's only been a hero for a few months to wash every opponent he fights. He may be Viltrumite but he still needs to build up endurance and strength like Nolan stated. You can be mad about the Amber and Rick stuff but to get mad at him for losing a fight where he's getting jumped makes no sense.


bro why is mark always takin L's


It's sad that you gotta explain something so obvious for them to understand. Like they react to shows for a living and still can't grasp the simplest scenarios.


I love the show but they’ve changed a lot from the comics... I hope it doesn’t effect the story too much... still an amazing show


we still dont know if black samson got his powers back he only said he feels like before he lost his powers

Isaiah Gibbz

Great reaction as always! But I’m confused on what y’all wanted Mark to do while getting jumped by super human cyborgs😂 and still recovering from the last fight

Justin Baker

I think he has to actually learn from his dad, and just fly around like crazy. He had so many chances in yhe fight to fly like 20 feet away, and then he would have so much more options. He could've also taken out the scientist guy right away, easily. I think he needs to utilize his flying much more, just because of the fact that he can push off anything, flying is miles better than trying to move, or punch while on the ground. He obviously doesn't have much experience, but its still aggravating to see him literally always get his ass kicked 😂


Roshi petty for the title 😂

Miguel NoName

I remember that, but I feel that doesn't explain his obsession for her, there has to be something else to it.

Jaime Ruiz

He's not wrong, for being the son of Omniman Mark is fucking weak. Some nerd was able to make things strong enough to fuck him up. Lame


Damn nigga don't shit on him, he's not a fucking perfect warrior with no training or development.

Candice Blair

I don't think his dad wants to fully train Mark until he knows Mark will be on his side. If Mark opposes him, he will be the only one who could go against his father with time.


Andre simping for a cartoon girl, calm down nigga

Robert Solis

fax they mad annoying they always shit on the main character like they not suppose to lose at all


Yeah but he's blatantly lying like you can read the body language and the way he speaks. She knows he's lying, she's heard him lie plenty. Hearing him lie like that when her life is in danger, even if he can't do much as a normal guy it's the "run, hide, lie" that's really sending her over. She's not wrong to feel that way I think

The Truth

Nah you’re just a pussy, while she’s there you would run like a bitch, William risked his life for Rick as he was about to die, pussy boy like you would keep running like a bitch

Big Daddy Dre

You need to go get you some pussy cus ain’t no way you this upset over a fictional girl 😂😕

The Truth

Of course your pussy ass is leaving your girl and your friend there to die, nothing but a bitch move that shows who you really are. You got a weak heart

The Truth

It’s not about the girl, it’s about the situation but I’m sure you’re too slow to think about that. You weak asf


As many horrible things Nolan has done i have zero anxiety when hes around his family. He a whole villian but u can tell he love his family cause if not why would he even play house.


Mark is getting the Korra treatment by fans lol. But that whole shit with Doug and Rick was so messed up. Like I really felt bad for them and William. I agree with Lupa. This episode was definitely hard to watch. If I ever rewatch this show, I probably will skip this episode tbh lol


I think everything alluded to him getting his powers back


Exactly. You can’t blame none of this on Amber. All she wants is for Mark to be there when he says he will. Of course she wouldn’t understand why he keeps leaving her out of the blue or flaking on her because he ain’t telling her nothing. Then she gave him another chance and he did the same thing. If he told her, judging by her character, she’d understand. And after that, all he would have to say is “I gotta go” and she’d 9/10 already know what for. It’s being left in the dark and Marking seeming like he’s hiding something that’s making her upset. So he either needs to tell her, or just leave her alone. What’s the point of chasing after her if you’re not gonna tell her and stop the same shit from happening? And it’s not like she’s gonna keep letting him do it either. She already left him once


And he’s literally a novice. Man got his powers like a week ago and y’all expect him to be on Omnimans level when Omniman himself said Mark needs to train to be stronger and gain endurance and he needs experience too

Kevin (edited)

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2021-07-09 03:38:40 Mark was literally the definition of SIMP in this episode. He really wanted to talk to Amber over saving his friend lmfao!
2021-07-09 03:38:40 Mark was literally the definition of SIMP in this episode. He really wanted to talk to Amber over saving his friend lmfao!
2021-07-09 03:38:40 Mark was literally the definition of SIMP in this episode. He really wanted to talk to Amber over saving his friend lmfao!
2021-04-18 08:27:52 Mark was literally the definition of SIMP in this episode. He really wanted to talk to Amber over saving his friend lmfao!

Mark was literally the definition of SIMP in this episode. He really wanted to talk to Amber over saving his friend lmfao!


I don't think he's anywhere near Omni-man's level. He was destroying planets! But, a random college student making discount cyborgs in under an hour or 2? (the boyfriend got kidnapped at same time as the party) You would think Mark could have had a bit of a better showing. It's likely that he is still injured.

Bully Finch

We watched Nolan just after the battle with the guardians, go to another planet/dimension and wipe out an entire civilization of aliens. Yeah, Mark is only half viltremite but c'mon. Those were three fair value cyborgs. They were right to flame him.


Guys you have to understand that mark just got his powers, he still new to everything Omni-man is thousands of years old and was born with his powers so their not going to be close powers wise. Also viltrumites have dominate DNA so it doesn’t matter if he was full viltrumite or half he’s still going to have the potential to be as strong as his dad.

Nero Redfield

Bro, not only is he just learning how to use his powers, this dude just had his ass handed to him by Battle Beast and probably didn’t even finish recovering. I admit, I thought he would get pissed and win, but still. I want him to win once too, but he needs a training arc

Alex Omega

They should break up Mark and Amber already because we can tell it's not going to work out. It's obvious they want Eve and Mark to be together but honestly, I don't like Mark's character very much. The fact he was EVEN hesitant between saving his best friend or trying to win back his soon-to-be-ex-girlfriend made me shake my damn head at this boy. This is why I really never support a Superhero/Regular Person pairing ever especially Superhero/News Reporter Person to me those are the worst ones IMO. Once again that's my opinion.

Bully Finch

If those two got together I can't imagine how their child would not be the anti-christ lol. Too much power.

Charlie baker

I will say that steven and the show itsekf does make mark quite a bit less likeable then the comics

Charlie baker

Oh nes nowhere near even your average teenage viltrumite hes an extremely late bloomer and hasn't trained to get stronger

Bully Finch

There's a spoiler a few comments above be careful if your new to the series.


Invincible is a pretty good name 'cause Mark still gets up after all the beating he takes, he would be Vincible if he straight up died.

Adanis Costa

Mark didn't catch the hands this much in the comic

Nero Redfield

This dude just had his whole body cracked by battle beast, took 6 days to recover, and right as he was getting back to decent condition he gets jumped by 3 of these things. He has to be invincible since his human superpower seems to be "unlucky". I thought he would get the rage boost though, was hoping for it. I want him to just clean stomp a high-tier villain at least once


they really titled this episode 'vincible' LMAO

Sunshine Hall

Doug Chestons voice was rick and morty's voice I heard it when he said his name and burped, so yeah he's a voice cameo

Jdogzero Silverblade

imo any girl that tries to cheat on you just because shes mad at you is scum. dump them right away. relationships have fights thats life so deal with it. work through your problems not go cheat with the first hot guy you see cuz your mad. same with guys too.

Jdogzero Silverblade

he didnt betray her at all. not a single bit. he makes it to almost every single thing even though its a little late or a few hours he makes it. if shes mad about that cuz hes saving lives then shes stupid. even if she didnt know he was a superhero at the start the moment she found out she 1 should have been 100% up front about it and 2 gave the dude a break. she betrayed him first by lying that she knew. its called a secret identity for a reason. and no one on the planet ever shares all their secrets on the first day of dating. they were dating for a few weeks maybe a few months which isnt even close to a bare minimum amount of time needed to know if you will spend the rest of your life with them or not. she knew he was a superhero and instead of confronting mark she acted like a spoiled brat that isnt getting attention when mark is out saving lives while she does nothing. she goes to a community center to hand out food and thats the extent of what she does. she has no job that pays she has given no reason for mark to tell her hes a superhero. selfish bratty high schooler who thinks her life is more important than the thousands mark can save. and whats worse is the only thing shes actually complaining about is him being late. thats it just being late. if i were dating a superhero i would 100% be fine with them being a bit late. i would be concerned but thats normal to be worried about the person you love. she on the other hand just complains and complains and doesnt give a good valid reason for her anger. and then after all the bs she did knowing he is a superhero only once she found out who marks father is and what he did was when she felt sympathetic towards him and gave him a break. shes 10000% in the wrong. so dont give me a dumb reason like she wasnt looking to cheat. you ALWAYS look to cheat. its ALWAYS on purpose. anyone who cheats has no right to defend themselves. even if you get drunk its still your fault. you didnt take someone you trusted with you to look after you and still got drunk. so no excuse outside of mind control can exist that will justify her actions.


Is a hot dog not a taco though?

Corey Pearson

I'm late to these reactions but I don't get what Sheera and Lupa was consistently getting mad about. It made zero common sense to be upset at Mark for a situation that was out of his control and expecting him to beast out while getting jump after just nearly dying in a previous fight. I'm pretty sure dude was still recovering and he hasn't even had his powers for a year yet and has still came out on top. They keep making it seem like he took L's when he's still winning/getting the job done overall with some help.


I know what mark did was shitty but its like people forget he's a teenager, a superhero yes, but he's a goddammit teenager, he'll make some dumber choices and works under stress poorly, people out here getting passed because he isn't emotionless focused on the mission

Lamaree Jackson (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 03:38:35 What’s really sad about Eve’s situation is that she named her superhero persona after her dad kinda (his name is Adam) and he’s so repellent to her.
2021-06-16 04:35:45

Devon Joseph

Yeah that's the whole thing. Invincible is the most realistic superhero show besides the Boys. This is what Deku would look like if he didn't go to UA and just tried to be a hero Getting clapped left and right.


Did they seriously fuckin' make Eve's life an atom joke? LMFAOOOOO.


you see thing is everyone is different they react to situation different. like even in this series someone like deku would fumble but bakugo would adapt to situation quick. its just how people are. there are different realities for different people.

Drake Rage

Alright, I am still not done with the episode yet, but damn I have to agree. Mark/Invincible is trash. I don't know if it is Mark being too weak or the Cyborgs are too strong.. but those guys should not be that strong just from getting some machine parts. It would make more sense if Mark is the one just being too weak and getting his *shit pushed in* by them. He named himself Invincible but gets his skull caved in by everyone he fights? Wow. His Dad casually destroyed a whole planet, so I can get behind Mark being inexperienced, BUT watching him crack his skull by seemingly weak opponents is not fun.


He is still learning the extent of his powers, don't be a dumbass Drake.


It isn't just strength, they are taking away the feeling of pain and just flooding the body with natural chemicals the brain makes. They make a point in the episode where the asshole nerd is talking about simply replacing hearts for machines etc, "Just replace it". The human body is capable of a lot with switches turned off, Mark still has limiters on and sees himself as a lot weaker than he is. "This punch would kill a strong person!" strong person stops punch...."I see...". Remember, he is not 100% V he is 50/50.