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HOLY FUCK they got washed by Thundercat lmao



Titan really was planning on making the city better for a lot of people. He grew up in an environment controlled by the asshole, and decided it was time for the asshole to get what he deserved. Though the plan had its downfalls, it was a good plan. it worked out in the end.

Jarren Jenkins

So random that Battle Beast just pops up and is like "I'm HIM" and leaves.

Rishad GB

I dont think titan was evil here....he just used him but for good as leading the city and riding of the bad one


He got paid and promised a good fight. Every singe one of them he was able to beat down. He felt it was not worth his time and he got paid for what he did.

Charlie baker

Bro battle beast is that guy in here and the comics,him being in this kinda fight as a first appearance is wild with perspective


Everybody got clapped lmaoooo

Ranginald Vagel

Ah geez still confused by the Martians? One of the astronauts was WHOLLY replaced by a Martian in disguise. How would it be just a blue patch? The astronaut that was replaced is still on Mars, and was caught by a Sequid. No flashbacks or anything like that.


ohhhhh ok I thought that Martian thing just was attached to the astronaut like some kind of symbiote didnt know it was a whole replacement


Who fed rengar.. my viltramite isnt fragging

Diddy TheKid

Damien Darkblood got exorcised because he was close to figuring it out. Cecil did it so he could figure out why Omni-man killed the Guardians and also give them time to figure out how to stop him. Hope that cleared it up (if you were confused that is, if so my apologies)


"Your lives worth minimum wage?" Titan asking the real questions.


Need Mark to get a massive dub after this ep

Solivigant Kaiba

Yo if a villain was blackmailing me with my family but had autotune voice and looked like a Daft Punk reject nah, just, give me the knife, I'm slitting my own throat. That's humiliating.


Bro that whole fight is a reason to disband PETA


Maybe the astronaut on the ship is a Martian that got taken over. Shape shifted?🤔🤔


Lol oof someone above me already guessed that.


My new theory: Viltrumites have a berserk mode.... they're essentially space vikings. When shit gets real, they unleash the beast. Remember when that alien king dude was about to shoot Eve in the head, and Mark's emotions peaked and he easily escaped the restraining goo and went ham on the dude? Then later he acted like he wasn't full aware of it himself, as if he was kind of on auto-pilot or something. And then what happened in this episode. I think Omni-man is deep down a good dude, but over the many years he's been doing the superhero gig, he's probably tapped into berserk too many times, and it fucked with his mind. Lastly.... I think it's possible for Omni-man to be saved from himself, but he also needs to face punishment as well. Because if my theory is true, then it just means that he didn't use the power responsibly and let it get out of hand.

Asante Upshur-Benson

Interesting theory🤔 So why kill the Guardians then? I kinda feel like he has a legit reason why he he either it was good or bad


This show walks the fine line between super hero satire and a good super hero story. The way they can just mix all the realm of dc, make fun of it, poke holes in the trope but also use it to make a good story is unbelieveable


So when they get angry they go Super Saiyan? lolololol


Also, I think Robot actually wants to clone Rex so Rex can get a load of himself. "Rex, I want you to spend a day with yourself." And then Rex will be an asshole to Rex, and Rex will realize "Well, fuck, I'm a whole piece of shit. No wonder I got dumped." And ensue character development? Maybe? Oh, but I also like the theory of Robot uploading HIS consciousness into a clone of Rex. Rex is a dick anyway, the absence of the real one won't be missed, as long as his powers can still be used. Also Robot has a thing for Monster Girl, clearly. We'll see how that ends up, but it doesn't look good.

Chaz Finch

At 16:45 Lupasan sounds like my engine trying to start during winter.


Don't get it twisted the old Guardians of the globe almost killed Omni-man so viltrumites can be killed I guess he just thought the guys wouldn't be able to or something idk


Did you guys see the homeless kid Nikki (Nicky?) , the one that used to hang out w/Martian Man, eating at the shelter while Eve and Amber were talking? Broke my heart that this kid’s best friend was dead.

Rudy Strother

I guess they were trying to find a way to make a weapon (biological or otherwise) weapon against him or something but can’t find a way


I got a feeling next episode gonna be rough too

Jordan Odle

I am going to hold off on judging Titan too harshly until I see him actually do some good for the city even if it is in the background solely on the premise that I believe he left because he was thinking about his family and didn’t want to die for this mission because you can’t change anything or even help if you are dead. Granted he could have took Invincible but that is dead ass putting a target on your back in the middle of the shit show that cat man was doing. As we saw in this fight it would have been real easy to clap someone if they weren’t 100% focused


Nolan best superhero, everyone should thrive to be Omni-man.

Dark Danny

or maybe they can come close to dying but won't, what if they bounce back no matter what? kind of like immortality, or he might just be hard to kill, I'm just throwing out ideas


I like how they got Cottonmouth to voice Luke Cage


I don't think y'all noticed it, but when Mark was fading in and out of consciousness, Omni man was watching him from above. He was hidden behind the doctor's headtorch, but you could see his cape and feet. Then when Mark blinked, he vanished

Fin brotherson

In my opinion, omni man was completely in the right here because mark really is acting like he knows everything this was an ass whooping he needed to get to truly understand how this world works.


Battle Beast was too fucking much. Hope we see his ass again.

Jericho Fostse

why my guy in the beginning looked straight up like gat out of hell

Fin brotherson

People are really mad at omni man because he is giving mark the tough love he needs to survive lmaooo


They did


Dude wtf. He nearly died!! What do you mean ass whooping, Omni Man had idea this would happen. He literally wanted his son helplessly get beaten around. No father would go that far to teach anyone a lesson. He is just deluded and thought this was the perfect opportunity to get rid of his competitors


Mans was going to die. That’s not love.


There are really people trying to justify Omni Man watching his blood son get battered like dough. No way anyone saw this coming. Can’t wait to see the Battle beast vs Omni Man showdown then


this is why I'm a patreon. Roshi u spoil us :D


Mark is a whole clown, where's the strength he had in the invasion few episodes ago

Fin brotherson

dont get me wrong his methods are very peculiar but he is definitely setting mark up for some big Ws in the future

yasmina C

idk how many times this show is gonna make me do a shocked pikachu face, but it's good at it lol this ep was amazing. i hope mark finds out about his dad soon, jeez

Jake Thompson

If I had to guess, Robot probably used to be a person, and wants to get back to being a human. It's why when he talked to Monster Girl before he talked about knowing what it's like to not be what people see.


Right there it just wasn’t enough this time he ain’t the hero he think he is yet


I wasn’t expecting another upload so soon. Blessed


I’ll just mention the comments made from the beginning of the video 1 the tomb thing was basically one big joke that’s not important they just showed how casually a real threat just got taken care of on accident by them flying by it’s supposed to be purely comedic as for that Mars mission it’s not a flash back then heading back and the Martians being wiped out happened at the same time but the astronaut on board actually can clearly shapeshift as we saw with the flag moving meaning he’s already been infected and being used


Man he must have good cell service to get a text in space

Big Daddy Dre

Idk if you’ve ever heard the phrase “a hard head makes a soft ass” but mark didn’t listen and got his ass whipped,it’s that simple also pretty sure that he knows how much his some can take before it’s deadly and why would a group of teens be competition for a nigga who just washed the strongest people on the planet solo😂


Tough love is one thing, but did he know with absolute certainty that Mark was going to survive that encounter? Otherwise Omni Man was being a dick.

Lamaree Jackson

I love this show but I feel like I’d love it more if it weren’t animated like it should be following Rick and Morty on “prime time” adult swim. Like give me some bloody avatar animation or something


I'll say this as someone who's dabbled in the comics, that guy who fucked him up is named battle beast, never said in the show but was in the credits so that's not a spoiler, but that guy? Yeah no mark wasn't beating him, that dude is a serious fucking threat if he decides someone's worth fighting.


The Sequids haven't been shown to give shapeshifting powers, so I think that astronaut with the moving badge was a martian who left Mars of his own accord and just pretended to be the real astronaut so he could get a free ride, thus the real astronaut got stranded and the Sequids were able to take him as a host and take over Mars. The martians are also immune to the Sequids so I don't think any of them were on the return shuttle, including the fake astronaut/Martian.


I'm glad omni man didn't come and save the day this was a lesson mark needed to learn. when he recovers though ima need him to body titan. that snake shit cant go unpunished

Devil’s Advocate

Titan’s just looking out for his family. The way he’s doing it isn’t perfect, but I can’t completely blame the guy. And I think they’re gonna end up making some kind of kryptonite.

Alexander Szabo

I actually think that the tomb was just there and we won’t see it later. Literally just therr to be closed. You see it sometimes for comedic effect. But we’ll see.


yo these dudes are sinister 6 times 2 OH MY GOD!!!

Joel Braaten

Omni Man was right in the end lmao. He gave his son a brutal lesson in trust.


Good theory, I don't think he would be saved though, in the trailer there is a part where his eyes are super red as if he cried or went maniac, my theory he kills Debbie becauseshe finds out what he did, there is no other way he should be looking devastated like that when he is the strongest hero, watch the trailer!!!

Mr. Nobody

I imagine someone's already said this, but I believe Principal Winslow was actually voiced by Carl Winslow's actor. I dont know it that was caught or not.

Mamba Lamba

Why is Robot so interested in Monster Girl?

Grand-Daddy Longnuts

Now it's some disturbing parenting but I think Omni-Man figured that Mark would be pushed to the edge one day /without/ his dad there to save him and this was a rough way to.....hammer that in 😬


Thanks for this, wish I had a noticed it, but nice find


It just occured to me tho, the only sus thing he did was, if Isotope was on his payroll, then the ambush shouldn't have happened. But whether or not Titan knew is still up in the air for me

devilx12x xenox

You guys should try reacting to Demon King Academy


He sees some similarity between himself and Monster Girl. Idk what that is tho.

Jev Cor

SilvaSeal, How the fuck you watched so many shows and anime and don't understand that some people are stronger than others. This shit isn't rocket science genius.

Jev Cor

Yeah I was so hyped when my dad watched these dudes stab me in the alley to teach me a life lesson, top tier parenting.

Zachary Reeves

I think robot wants to fix monster girl using DNA somehow, and I think he also wants to use the DNA left behind from the previous guardians of the globe to clone them back to life so to speak. I think he can see that the current team isn’t enough, so he’s trying to clone a better one

Jay R.

Do they know this is the last episode...?

Dark Danny

it looked like roshi caught on but forgot or didn't say anything,


Yo titan literally went the luke cage route.

Jay R.

Yea there’s only 5 episodes in the first season and Prime hasn’t renewed it yet. So it’s second season, if it gets one, probably won’t be out until 2022 😬

Jay R.

Hey Roshi y’all do know this is the last episode right?


Nah there's at least 2 more episodes left this season

Quinton Campbell

i enjoyed seeing two grown men scream like little girls during that ass whoopin, for I too did the exact same thing

Peacefinder Simply

No this isn't the last episode. Can't find anything on it being the last episode, next episode is scheduled next week wherever I look. Its supposed to be 8 episodes this season.

The Pebble

I hope this isn't the case, I prefer a "villain" with deeper and conflicting reasons as to why they do what they do and this would be the same as, " He's brainwashed! We have no choice but to take the evil guy out now!" Boring and lazy writing so I doubt that's the way things are gonna go.

Yourboy Gman

Omni Man dosnt fight Battle Beast? And if they did fight my bets on Battle Beast.

Devin B

Nah this isn't the last ep. Ep 6 is going to air on the 16th

Devin B

I think it's cause he relates to Monster Girl the most because during the team selection she said people only judge her on her appearance and not what's inside her and Robot said he knows the feeling

Justin Neason

WAIT... "I'll fix you", Robot looking at Monster Girl when he said "some of them"... Maybe he wants to save Monster Girl with the cloning stuff? Also I disagree about Titan, I think Sheera's right. He seems like Luke Cage at the end of the final season, I think he wants to clean it up by being the boss. Another detail I love is how they show who's actually powerful. Mark was getting knocked around but no one drew blood from him until Battle Beast uppercut him with that mace and he came down on the balcony. Instantly went from a bunch of chumps to a few solid villains and a BOSS BATTLE lol


I’d prefer an invincible vs battle beast rematch, that redemption would be sweet

Adanis Costa

I'm not gonna spoil comic stuff, but Battle Beast is a PROBLEM


Yeah but then again you're not saving entire planets, I assume that at the kind of level they're playing at, Omni-Man has to do some seriously fucked up stuff to get his son at HIS level.


Jace, you gotta understand something. When you're a being capable of annihilating entire CIVILIZATIONS without a sweat, the power level of EVERYTHING becomes MASSIVELY inflated. This battle was basically like two ants fighting between each other to him. Mark has to understand that there are beings out there who could be SO POWERFUL they could even kill Omni-Man. If that is a possibility, then Mark HAS to go through some tough fucking training to get on his dad's level, or above it.


Cool theory, but I think it's far more likely that Omni-Man is a conqueror, and he's training his son to be able to be a planet destroyer like him, kind of like how a King trains their Princes to become vassals and go out and take over other fiefdoms for themselves.


Yeah there's absolutely NOTHING Mark or the Guardians could have done against Battle Beast alone. Mark legit was using his full power when he said "You guys are fucking dead!" Because he stopped holding back. Yet, Battle Beast stopped that little outburst in ONE casual move.


I just started that episode but yo is that Chow from Jackie Chan adventures🤣


Very interesting. I love how that even mirrored the ending of Luke Cage's last season too.

kyle bernard

That big cat was battle beast and he is the 3rd most powerful character in the entire series

kyle bernard

That big cat was battle beast and he is the 3rd most powerful character in the entire series

Faiz Khan

what in the Evil Dead was Damien Darkblood's notebook

Nikolai Cannady

Martians can shape-shift and the parasites use a host to become powerful through a hive mind dude on the ship is Martin while the real him was compromised still on Mars


clearly the lion nigga been training under kaido legend has it the man is undefeated they say land, sea, and air bet on thundercat

stanley drury anderson jr

Eve would’ve fucked them up not the beast dude but the other ones easy


The Mummy thing was a bit of a joke to illustrate how inconsequential some threats are to Viltrumites. Mark unknowingly handled the situation by not being conscious of the world around him while flying with his father. Basically, clapped. The Mars thing will be explained later. It wasn't a flashback. There were 4 astronauts, and one got left behind and became a sequid host. Something/Someone else is on the ship with the other three astronauts.


Again with the mind fuckery?! I love it lol

Alvin Smith

I took the last part as saying that Vultrimites just can't die at all. It seems like they're like Wolverine and even if they get blown up and bleed out they'll regenerate eventually.

Corey Leach

Man this dude Mark got a fucking real ass, down-to-earth girl but don't wanna reveal to her that he Invincible. I don't see this relationship working out too good with him not being on time for her and she don't know the full story.

Corey Leach

Exactly. Like manipulating shit on a molecular level is some op stuff.

Corey Leach

Yea it's true. The highschool Mark goes to is the actual name of the person who plays Carl Winslow in family matters also.

Maximiliano Silva Jr.

I don't think robot wants to clone anyone besides Rex. He probably sees Rex as a lost cause and wants to make a new Rex, (and MAYBE put black samson's mind in him so he has powers??). Also just learning about cloning and stuff might help fix/solve/cure Monster Girls reverse aging, but not clone her.


The plot line in the desert thing was meant to be joke. Unf they're cutting a lot of side villains out like that one but yeah it was meant to showcase how ridiculous mark and his dad are this whole ass villain was about to return to life and shit and them casually flying through the desert ruined his whole plan.


Also Turns out his Dad wasn't wrong. He learned a very painful lesson and got used 100% lmfao.

Ted Cali

Ngl, I 1,000% expected the camera to follow or cut to the Battle Beast after he teleported and reveal that was just Omni-Man in disguise who fucked everyone up. This show is giving me trust issues.

The Truth

You aren’t a super hero who cells don’t die, sit tf down, y’all are soft asf. You think Omni man doesn’t know he’ll heal and live through it? SOFT

The Truth

Ohh really? He is? I didn’t realize after seeing him absolutely destroying Mark


I believe he knew he would survive. He knows how much a viltrumite can take.

Jaime Ruiz

So I think robot was actually that lump of flesh and took some of Rex's blood to make a clone so that he can have a body... meaning that I think he is going to kill Rex and I'm okay with it. That dude is a fucking asshole.

Ranginald Vagel

Both in the show and comic he does clearly show that he’s next level but you don’t know how much stronger he is until much later, which is why it’s really weird that comic readers and people parroting them are so OK with sharing how strong he is.

Charlie baker

I dunno i stayed vague just saying him being in this low tier fight was overkill with perspective which roshi and the group get even without knowing the comic from how he beats half the team unharmed

Ranginald Vagel

If Omni Man becomes an open enemy there’s really no stopping him with the Guardians gone, of course they need a Kryptonite for him. There’s no hero or group of heroes strong enough anymore, so they need a weapon to arm themselves with.

Ranginald Vagel

You’ve got a point, Isotope could have just... not summoned the guys Machine Head paid. Then again, if they were promised money and the job didn’t materialize it could have blown back on Titan so he could have just assumed Mark would win.

Charlie baker

Aight saying it that way is a bit to specific the rest of the comic guys like me were saying hes that guy and him being shown like this was wild you dont gotta be specific on how truly powerful he is

Charlie baker

Yeah the comics had loads of inside jokes related to typical comic stuff like being carryed underarmpits is super uncomfortable and mark fighting a rhino spoof villian the elephant whos joke was mark unlike an elephant always forgets stuff like who the elephant is

Charlie baker

Yeah mark wouldn't have been able to do anything here even if he was alot stronger

Charlie baker

Yeah honestly i was watching nikki the whole soup kitchen segment feeling bad about her friend being dead

Charlie baker

I mean in here the guardians put up a fight mostly for viewer enjoyment as a way to hook non comic fans with the shock ,if you were curious Not really a spoiler but heres your warning nolan kills them all in an instant without trying in the comics half offscreen so i wouldn't trust that

haywood banks

Its funny you mentioned the thing about the principal looking like Carl WInslow, the high school in the comics is named after the actor who plays him lol

Just Hatsu

Sheerah sounds like she has a cold to me on this one i hope she’s ok, great reaction as always, STAY SAFE LOVE YALL!!! 💖

rickie woodson

kitty man is here! i so forgot it was battle beast and was like "battle cat's in the building make some noise!" lol. and like you said earlier "viltrumites are saiyins" . and what happens to a saiyin the more the fight and the closer they get to death?????? #itsallconnected


Couldn't they clone the original guardians of the globe? I mean all their DNA is splashed over Omni-Man's suit....

Candice Blair

I don’t think Mark was acting like a know it all when he asked for both parents opinions and slept on it. He genuinely thought he was doing a thing and helping someone who needed help.

john segun doe

Bruh sheera wrote the script. In most of the reactions ive seen her in she is so good at putting things together. it super impressive. Sometimes it pisses me off a lil cuz im like "NOO I'd rather it be a shock" but still lit

Jaidon Dean

I never expected to see Battle Beast this early. Nigga is just too raw for Mark rn lmao


didn't know you guys already reacted nice surprise

Ranginald Vagel

Robot is gonna kill and replace a fellow hero? Pretty villainous... Oh wait, it's Rex? Biggest damn hero of the show

Jonathan Harris

Battle Beast is legit that guy. One of the best characters in the comics.


you guys didn't seem to catch why robot wanted the cloning tech so gonna let you know. it was originally intended specifically for monster girl. she's losing a little of her life every time she uses her powers, which would put a limit on the usefulness of this team. also robot felt a strong similarity to monster girl. her being seen only as a kid, him being seen only as a robot, same struggle type beat. i know i know, robots are a liability, and I agree, but jeez bro benefit of the doubt for my homie robot please. EDIT: what you guys said at the end about it being for the whole team is probably applicable as well.

Mark Haunt

Some dont like how deviates from the comics, I read some of it so far the show does a great job at telling the same story just slightly different

NATAS Lewis (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 03:41:14 😂😂 When black Samson got his hand broken & roshi screamed, that shit cracked me up yo. It looked like Samson was screaming.
2021-04-13 12:42:17 😂😂 When black Samson got his hand broken & roshi screamed, that shit cracked me up yo. It looked like Samson was screaming.

😂😂 When black Samson got his hand broken & roshi screamed, that shit cracked me up yo. It looked like Samson was screaming.


Make Way for the King! This show is so hype! Didn't see Titan's play at all!


I think that was an accurate scream to come out of black Samson's mouth in that moment anyway lmao


battle beast is no joke he has conquered a thousand planets at least and it has been implied that not even omni-man himself can win in a battle against him.


holy shit how much did he have to get paid to even show up there? I can't even think of a price where it'd be a valuable use of Battle Beast's time.

Aniruddha Sharma

He doesn't care about money, he just wants to fight. That's why [MINOR SPOILERS] he joins the good guys later on, because he figured there would be more opportunity to fight powerful opponents.

Immoral Mortal

Mark made his choice its not omni mans fault

Sinister Red

I know this is really late but The

Sinister Red

astronaut that came back I think is a Martian Shapeshifter

Brittanie Malan


Daniel Borrego

i think nolan took it that far not only for mark, but for his wife. remember she was the one who basically told him to do it. now she wont question omni man when it comes to superhero business.


its not implied lmao......its just true... Nolan wouldn't be able to beat Battle Beast.

CJ Dennis

31:52 I never noticed the outfit that the Maular Twins wear is one big M and a T in the back lol.

Lamaree Jackson

This episode is why I have no sympathy for Mark being a rookie. Was begging and waiting for powers his whole life. How do you read comics all the time and not see the hero get the smoke or people dying? Then told Titan he handles world problems and call someone else, and proceeds to be overwhelmed by those small problems.


Well, Battle Beast is definitely a world problem, not a small problem. But yeah, the other villains were definitely getting their hits in

CJ Dennis

44:34 With that line I don't know if Atom Eve is talking Mark or Rex.