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Ghislane is epic!


Antonio Williams

Wait, what happened in the years since this regarding Sheera's understanding of shock? Now she doesn't give any character slack when they're in shock no matter how bad an event turned out.

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

After knowing of y’all’s channels for 3 years I am today years old finding out Lupa =Paul


bro.. i watched this last night and only realized from your comment that Lupa is an anagram for Paul... holyyyy


Certain places with smaller or more insular populations are like that. But in normal circumstances, 2nd cousins don't share that much dna.


I think your parents' cousins are 1st cousins once removed, and their children are just second cousins.


This has to be one of my fav intros to a react ever lmao




Second (wait, why is this thing still relevant again)


Man I cant wait to see the reaction to the next few....................

Ian Zabala

just now realizing Lupa is Paul with the letters jumbled up smh

Anthony Peralta

I’m saying it now but just have the stomach to get thru some of Rudeus’ lesser scenes coming up. The story just continues to progress amazingly.

Harrison Crandall

also they aren't cousins, paul and whatshisface are cousins


Eris said, "I be quiet, but when they gone, I be talking again!" 🤣🤣


Marrying your cousins was normal back in the day so I understand why the Paul and her father said those things 😂

Just Another Josh

To be entirely fair about the whole cousin thing, this was a very real thing that happened all throughout history. Hell, it's still happening to this day in some areas. Lots of cultures didn't really see anything wrong with marrying into the family tree, so long as it wasn't immediate relatives. The best possible example is how horribly interbred the royal families of Europe were, in which almost every single royal family was related to another royal family they were marrying into. It got so bad for the Habsburg family that they were all being born with horrible genetic deformities and eventually interbred their family line to extinction. For nobility in a medieval setting, it does kinda make sense that this would be considered fairly normal. At least it's just cousins because real history got so much worse with its marriages.




Making them *second* cousins. Granted, even that is taking the "cousin" thing at face value. That's something often used to describe anyone related, even distantly. Paul and Eris's father are from different branch families of the Greyrat family. Those two are likely at least second or third cousins themselves.

Hakurei Oni

Heads up, the next few episodes are gonna be DARK and hard to stomach for some scenes. Keep in mind this is a dark fantasy and a lot of this is done to show how flawed the characters are in the series. I know it's a bit much for some people because this anime goes into some dangerous territory, but imo it handles the subject matter well and I think you should be open minded to it. At the very least it gets much better after these next few episodes


Eris is part of the boreas greyrat family while rudeus and Paul are from the notos greyrat family. Branch families that are stretched generations apart.


this show is raw AF. Its the grand daddy of Isekai for a reason. Everyone just copied some aspect or another of this show. Itll be a slow burn for awhile until we really get into some good action but when it hits im sure itll look amazing.

Sebastian Stróż

I love this episode, it's probably my favorite from season 1. It really showcases the greatness of the show (both anime and source material) and whole idea of isekai. The change of Rudy from shut in NEET to person with dreams who wants to enjoy the life to the fullest (him retaining memories from his past life makes this so much more impactful as well as his constant interactions with them). Also to people that complain about his perverted side, yes this is also a huge part of his person and we will see progress on this front too.


Also Ghislaine is insane shes 1 level higher than paul but only in 1 sword style if i remember. Paul is actually insanely strong being Advanced in all 3.

Hakurei Oni

Btw Eris and Rudy aren't true cousins, they are extremely distant, he's from a branch of a branch family.

G. B.

To clarify, rudy and eris are only distant cousins. The 'greyrat' name is like an overarching noble name, and anyone with any of their blood would keep the name in some form to mark their status. Paul's last name is Notos Greyrat, while Philip (and eris) are Boreas greyrat. Paul and Philip are then some cousin, though not stated which, and Eris is then even more distant.

John Spartan

The man is named after one of the og's most perverted characters. I'm sure he can hadle it.

Ranginald Vagel

I appreciate that Rudy got fucked up seeing a corpse for the first time I mean that's horrifying for a sheltered modern man no matter who they were

John Spartan

People here worrying too much about a certain scene. The channel and the man are literally named after of the OG's perverted characters in anime. Obviously they won't approve but they can handle it.


I wouldn't blame them one bit if they dropped after the next episode.....


One of the best episodes. The fact that it was Key animated by a single dude too!

mitch anderson

Lol i wonder how they gonna react to "that scene" lol

n momo

welp...episode 6 is coming....

Devin B

Rudy tried to be about that gender equality life but messed with the wrong one


Eris is not close family relations. Think of it is a far away cousin type of thing. Technically it wouldn't make much difference, especially if you take into account the type of time period this world is based around.

Thamor (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 03:44:29 Well if go by Eris's dad's words. Paul & him are cousins --> so Eris & Rudeus are 2nd cousins.
2021-04-06 00:47:48 Well if go by Eris's dad's words. Paul & him are cousins --> so Eris & Rudeus are 2nd cousins.

Well if go by Eris's dad's words. Paul & him are cousins --> so Eris & Rudeus are 2nd cousins.

Oui Oui

He’s been alive for 7. Where did you get 10 from?


And this is set in a time period where nobility married pretty close relations anyhow. There were tons of kings whose queens were as close as first cousins, lol. Hell, Eleanor Roosevelt was FDR's fifth cousin (once removed) and there's actually a number of areas in India and elsewhere where people marry second cousins even today, sometimes exclusively. Don't ask me why. They just do.


I live in Kentucky where this can happen. Even with Alabama there is the phrase "sweet hold alabama" when incest is a topic. It honestly isn't something bad as long as you tend to push the blood relations out past first cousin. You still run the risk of what everyone knows about and that is problems when you have an offspring but the chances lower a lot when it isn't in the immediate family. I for one know who my main family is on both sides but it would be awkward as fuck for me to find out that I have a girlfriend who is like 2nd or 3rd cousin to me. But in terms of the past people had no choice or didn't even care a lot of the time. You are basically related to many people in your area and people didn't want to venture off outside their area in hope of finding someone who hopefully isn't related to them. It is like in Dr stone. That village Senku ran into definitely had some incest and close relation offspring. It is also why some of them are not "normal" in their character designs.


I mean they didn't drop after SAO assault scene. Just goes to show they can not like something and still watch a series.

Alex cleveland

I knew u guys would love this amazing show!! Its so different and raw compared to other anime Ive seen!


I wouldn't blame you if you left and didn't come back here.


Dude, that shot of the rescue slash, man. So epic.


I only see it as one scene which is next up. The last scene before (spoilers) isn't really the same. I understand underage in our time is still a thing but Eris is pushing for it as well but even then nothing actually happens.


@Kryptonite Why u so triggered? I said I wouldnt blame them, not they shouldnt keep watching


Fun Fact: The VA for Paul's cousin also played Jotaro in JJBA.


I love the attention to detail in this anime especially how when Ghislaine went super fast it actually had the repercussions of something moving that fast (sonic boom). Also very interesting how Eris didn't bat an eye at those people dying just showing you that this kind of dark stuff is common in this world.


Enter the tsundere.

Taylor Moon

I'm confused do people really find the upcoming episodes hard to stomach... man people these days

Taylor Moon

Next episode is my favorite episode


I wish this was how Asta put Noelle in her place. Just beat the living fk outta her.

Sylanna Maxwell

Issac Newton married his Cousin. During those types of time periods it was fine to marry inside the family but not with those too close such as siblings and parents. So cousins were usually an exception. Obviously to us we see it as sick, but go back a few hundred years and shit gets crazy.

Hakurei Oni

Personally it doesn't bother me, and knowing these guys I doubt it'll bother them. But apparently there is a small subset of reactors who go into this anime expecting it to be "family friendly" and then get upset / offended and drop it because it gets too dark and adult for them.

Matthew Quinn

Philip said 'I suppose we're cousins' meaning he didn't think a 7 year old would understand the whole branch family thing and dumbed it down for them. They are distant cousins


I've been binge watching this content for months and this is the first time I learned lupa and roshi's real names lmao I honestly thought those were their names this whole time. Don't tell me Sheera is named Rebecca or something


i think theyre talking about the scene between eris and rudeus next episode and by hard to stomach i think they mean its weird to watch since theyre both kids or maybe its in ep 7 i dont remember


Well, marrying a first cousin is still legal in 80% of the world today. It's pretty much just China, North Korea, South Korea, Philippines, Croatia, Serbia, North Macedonia, Bulgaria and majority of US stats that have outright banned it or made a criminal offence of it, as said, in the rest of the countries it's pretty much legal and fine. Doesn't mean people do it in droves, but they could.


Apparently cousin marriage makes up 10% of all modern marriages. Not as uncommon as you'd think. First cousin marriage (nobody cares about second or greater) is legal in half of US states and even more if you count states with exceptions (for example, both spouses are elderly, one is infertile, or pre-marriage counseling is required).


Dating cousins has never really been a big deal in the past and nowadays it still happens but of course it’s usually distant cousins never sister or anything like that. inbreeding with cousins simply becomes bad once they are close cousins but if there’s like 2-3 generations apart it should be fine and there shouldn’t really be any de-formalities never smash any siblings guys one is gross and 2 your children will come out deformed because you both have nearly or basically the exact same DNA so it fucks everything up in there. If topic but idk why people think this one is gross, fucking a step sister or step brother is fine idk why people get so triggered about it you have no similarities except the fact that your parents are fuckin each other there is no reason for that to be gross


Yeah, idk why people don't understand that. It's pretty common knowledge how bloodlines used to work way back in the day. Game of thrones did the same shit because they wanted to emulate the dark ages.

Terry King Jr

Lupa is an anagram of Paul. Mind is clapped.

John Duncombe

I thought lupas name was lupa 😭


She's prolly seen her father/grandfather merc some bigboi criminals, cuz of Execution being a common penalty for medium-to-high crimes at the times


Egyptian pharaohs literally even married their SIBLINGS. This makes sense, since the female & male offspring of the Dynasties were raised till like 15 y/o in ENTIRELY SEPARATE AREAS OF THE PALACE AREAS, so they never met until their puberty hit, which would have disabled the Incest Taboo Switch, as it gets disabled when puberty happens, yet any boxes tagged before the function disables, remain there as a kind of Blacklist. Thus if you don't meet your siblings until puberty, the Incest Taboo Switch doesn't get enabled, so your brain doesn't see them as truly your siblings (I think it's toggled on by default in relation to mother-child stuff, from the get-go, tho. Might be wrong, I dunno if anyone has done tests on mother-child parts by taking the child instantly after birth, not letting them see the mother until puberty), so according to your brain you can fuck em cuz Not on the list = logically not a sibling, because they would have grown up in your line-of-sight if they were (biology doesn't account for humans artificially forcing the offspring to grow up in separated locations by non-biologically related servants, after all)


Incest ONLY starts having a miniscule % chance for defects after SECOND GENERATION of direct incest. So as long as your incest babies don't want to fuck their siblings as well, it's statistically a non-problem. By Gen 10 of direct incest, it should be quite high % for defects, due to duplicate genome pairings (the reason Asexual reproduction is only seen in simple organisms or single-cell lifeforms in the nature, because they are prone to all getting fucked up by being vulnerable to same shit as their parent units, which is why sexual reproduction is OP compared to it, if you don't have the raw numbers viruses/bacti have to spam infinite clones of themselves, where a portion of them all getting fucked becomes irrelevant, if you can spam em out faster than they die from vulnerabilities of the same kind)


WDYM? Technically both of them are from Main Families, given how extensive the Greyrat clan is overall


Technically they are both from Main Families, but I get what you mean, but it's not politically technically correct to refer to the 4 Main Families as branch families, per se


@AceWonder20 Why preemptively say it? For brownie points? Just chill and see what happens.


Ghislaine Haxwell.


So something traumatic happens next episode fantastic -_-


I mean the last Royal Family of England is the living example. Just look up their history and see how their family grew.


Yeah it only affected our boii Rudy because he's never experience death... literally in front of his face, and in such a grotesque manner too. Goes to show he is still a human being.


Get over it dude. I had to watch the entire show just because yall be overreacting to THAT episode. Like... Rudy got his just desserts by getting his ass whooped, so his actions aren't just ignored.


Yeah I mean that is out natural instinct if you aren't used to such a scene or a homicidal maniac


Don't worry, I think Roshi and them will understand once it's explained in the next 2 episodes


I mean by that logic that is pretty fucking stupid of them to assume it's family friendly when the show literally set up the tone of the show from the very beginning.


In this episode Paul and Roshi Dox each other.


Come on dude it's not like Rudy gets away with it. He gets his ass folded for it. They are hard to watch, but he gets what he deserves

Jerome Green

Holy shit! Lupa is just Paul mixed up. I'm fucking dumb bruh.


It's a nice touch that while Rudy is in shock, Ghislaine and Eris are completely unfazed by the bleeding corpses. Top notch storytelling on how this sort of thing is commonplace in this world and we never noticed cause we've been following the story from Rudy's point of view, in his safe little village.


Gigguk did a great video on this show, he points out all sorts of stuff like this

Jazmyne Mattucci

Honestly not shocked about the cousin thing considering what we seen so far is that this world is based on Old England type shit but with magic. Especially with royalty statuses.

Cleven Anthony

Chill guys 😭😭😭 in the old days cousins married all the time especially distant cousins it just living how we live now your inclined to judge that hard but realistically thts how it was


In Japan, It's legal to marry your own cousins btw. Just saying.

Faiz Khan

what do you mean old days bruh l'm brown so we still get married to our cousins, l have an arranged marriage with mine but fuck that and my mom and dad are first cousins

Anthony Peralta

I feel that you guys misunderstood what I'm trying to say. I'm just hoping they don't drop it like a few others have.


Brownie points lol? How? From who? Please explain yourself, my comment was vague and you're leaping to conclusions

Revstarallstar .

Yh some traditions of marriage sre stuck in the past just like the one you explained. First comment doesn’t need tweaking


It feels so weird knowing lupa’s name is Paul dude just rearranged his name and said “I’m Lupa now”

Ruben Plonus

just realised lupa is an anagram for paul


I know this is a late reply, but I think people are pretty defensive because there have been a lot of people coming to these comments just to shit on the show. Not saying you were doing it, just guessing why people were aggressive towards you.

Ricardo Velasco

I’m sure you guys know by now but if not, Rudy and Eris are believed to be second cousin which even to today standard you can marry and have a family with your second cousin it’s legal. For the time period that Rudy is currently in it’s probably normal for families to set there kids up with distant relatives second cousin and on. Don’t be surprised if they even got old marrying young I’m talking 10-20yrs gaps.

Astor Lefflinker

It really depends on the culture. In my culture, it'd be frowned upon if you marry even if your 3rd cousin. But that's the point really, it depends on the culture, so this show shouldn't be too judged based on our standards because that world has their own culture, e.g. 15yos are adults.


i also took it as Ghislaine being SUCH a safety figure for her. All she could really see or care about in that moment was Ghislaine.