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Plot twist from hell


Koosha Mokhbery

Bruh did anyone notice how the news anchor man at the beginning had a name like J. Jonah Jameson lmfao. His name is G. Gordon Godfrey. I'm dead. First "no its not me spiderman" (black spider) and now J. Jonah lmfao.


I've never clicked so fast

Adrian Valiente

Oh man i been waiting for this one.

Branden Jenkins

Ocean Master is Aquaman’s brother btw.


Lupaa said i thought they were talking about Aquaman im crying


I been refreshing all damn day

Oui Oui

Lupa they were talking about The Competitor AND Lobo. Also Sheera that was his daughter

Jay Voorhees

He said it but you guys missed it he didn’t hear about it because it wasn’t in his sector of space


Ahhh, yes the betrayal.


It took the only black Atlantean this long to figure out that his dad is probably the one black man that's been to Atlantis?

Adrian Valiente

Oceanmaster was a villain that was part of The Light in season one. He actually doesn't get much screen time besides a couple of appearances and one light during their calls. *spoiler, but not really because its not part of the YJ story*. He is actually Aquaman's half brother who is jealous of him because he is the king of atlantis despite being half human. You actually meet him during the episode where Aqualad visits Atlantis and Black Manta destroys MOST of the starro technology.


"Cause he's black." Fucking idiots lmaoooooooooooooooo


Aliens disgusting as humans. Nobody see the Men in Black reference lol


Imagine being the sort of dude who comes out of a nuclear blast without even having to pay a dry cleaning bill and people being like, "Oh, he looks like he needs some help..."


Yea, but what about their colleagues that had that sector that could’ve give a heads up, maybe


Waiting until ep 10 for the brain-frying comment to come back and bite all 3 of them on their ass.


Blue beetle is the warrior not lobo


This man aqualad turned into eren


@14:55 So wonder woman just straight-up murdered that alien

Terry King Jr

Lupa's comedic timing is insane.


yall watched aquaman and dont know who ocean master is im disappointed lmaoo


Those Krolotean's are just Eldian's attacking Marley(Earth) for sending Titans (Justice League) to attack their world. :D

Michael Hodges

Green lantern a whole galactic Cop…but he don’t know shit? Smh

Darwin Hernandez

The Tula incident is what the video game covers. The video connects the seasons together.

Tina L

Bat Family Outing! This episode has one of my favorite Superman moments. It really highlights his humanity.

Alexander Szabo

Still waiting for Roshi’s reaction to Miss Martian’s methods in the future 👀


ocean master was the other bad guy in the aquaman movie


It wasn't part of his sector that's why he didn't know he said that lol


ocean master is aquaman evil half brother


The Green Lantern Corp isnt being shady BUT The Guardians are famously very secretive and withhold alot of info and have a sore spot for the Lanterns of Earth.


The nigga Batman punched got glass all in his eyes😂

CJ Dennis

Icon and Rocket are hero and protégé not husband and wife lol. I think you mixed them up with Hawkman and Hawkwoman.

rickie woodson

ah bibbo, classic superman supporting cast

Brandon Gibbs

Ya know if you play YJ Legacy you'll see what happened to Aquagirl aka Tula