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IDK who tf Lupa thought this guy was but Im disappointed for him lmao



@Tjay bro I understand you not knowing who he is, you probably gained consciousness between the 3 years I originally made this comment lmfao

Dry Lyo

Yeah I'm also hyped for next week

AjohnJexy 123

Will episode 5 come today?


new anime watchers be gassin Demon Slayer but don't realize Ufotable put little effort into it compared to the Fate Series lmao

None None

Lupa's theories for Lancer's identity were pretty sound. Can't blame him for not knowing Diramuid. He's not a character you'd know unless you were interested in Irish mythology. America doesn't really have many A-list mainstream adaptions of those stories.

Tyler Hawke

Iskandar is easily the best character in this franchise and future episodes will continue to prove it.


Think Lupa got triple or quadruple clapped in this episode...

Tyler Hawke

Keep in mind this came out in 2011. It's damn near 10 years old.

Oui Oui

Does Lupa not realize that the Servants aren’t biblical characters? They’re based off of actually historical people. Some who are pinpoint accurate.

Antonio Williams

Not all servants are based on real people. Gilgamesh is literally from one of, if not the first, written mythologies.


December it was part of the Winter season line up


its a debatable topic.. historians couldn't prove if he was real or a legend.

Oui Oui

King Arthur’s story is more in between fact and fiction. I don’t know where you got the 100% from. And about Gilgamesh, The myth is based on a real king. The real Gilgamesh was thought to have ruled the city of Uruk, in modern day Iraq, sometime between 2,800 and 2,500 B.C. Over hundreds of years, legends and myths were built up around his actual deeds, and these became the Epic of Gilgamesh

Peacefinder Simply

Yup this is a 10 year old show too, and animation competes and still beats almost every new anime.

None None

You say that as if most Biblical characters weren't real historical figures. There actually was a roman general named Longinus. He didn't have anything to do with the guy who stabbed Jesus, though (but a real person did stab him).

Dashua Ren

Ufotable's "Unlimited Budget" meme came from Fate/stay night: UBW, aka Unlimited Budget Works.

Oui Oui

That’s not what I said. I’m saying that they’re not biblical characters.


I mean in the sense that the arthurian legend is more or less a mix of different people, stories and legends and no archaeological evidence to support his existence, and a lot of additions to the story was made centuries after he supposedly lived.

Donna Rowe

I can't wait for there reaction to episode 5 this is just one of those series which gets better and better each time I see it 😁


Lmao facts they must’ve put so much money into this tbh😭💯


you mean every episode and every series they watch right?


They are based on myths/legends/famous people. The more popular and well known your myth or legend or you yourself is the more powerful you are hence Sabre being OP since king arthurs myth is known by everyone. Iskander also being pretty strong since most people know Alexander the Great and Gil gets his strength for being the origin story for almost all other heroes to be based on.


Where is episode 5? Or is it dropping tomorrow?

matthew perry

disagreed, I think both series look about the same, it's just the nature of the source material produces different results. Fights and all that become way flashier later in the series for demon slayer.


The reason Kiritsugu has Irisviel always by Saber is to make the other masters think that she's Saber's master and not him, so he stays hidden and out of sight. In most cases, killing th master, gets rid of the servant too. And killing a master would be far easier than going up against a heroic spirirt. So Kiritsugu keeps himself hidden to avoid this happeneing. He's basically using Irisviel as a meat shield

big siah

Jae actually the opposite the reason ufotable production is so crisp is because of how their studio and staff is set up it's hard to explain but it's lot of Yt videos on it

Oui Oui

1) they’re not “based on” historical people 2) maybe go back and read what I put. I said the Servants aren’t biblical characters. Y’all to seem make up stuff to suit your comment


well it said on the schedule it was 2 on monday so i dont know


I love the next episode. I really do. Cannot wait.

Gurnoor Sekhon

Iskander is basically Alexander the great (I think)


I dunno about yall, but I think it'll be a nice touch if Roshi and them do their homework in between episodes about these ancient Legends that actually existed just so they get the contexts of each of the class warriors

Jalen Holmes

Once yall get to unlimited blade works the fight are going to be even sexier

Panhada Hang

you guys should look up each of the servant and what they are based on. iskandar is just a different pronunciation for alexander. so rider is based on alexander the great, which is why he's obsessed with conquest. also why he asked where Persia and Macedonia was when he was first revived. Macedonia is the birthplace of alexander the great.


Nah, there should be two episodes a week. Last week they dropped episode 2 and 3 the same day. The reason they only posted episode 1 when they started was because that episode was 40+ minutes. (2 episodes in length)

Tyler Hawke

You know what I'm hyped for? Episode 11 😁


How y'all not yet get that, "that guy" is Alexander the Great


ride that one dude whos like "fuck the rules i make my own rules"


Isnt episode 5 supposed to be today?

Viela Guay

Fox hate to break it to you but biblical characters literally are servants in Fate. In other works we've got characters like Solomon and Moses. Hell even Buddha is a servant (although for the "Savior" class)


i guess 4 episodes is too much just let them rest


Is everyone in the comments a history buff, or are we just pretending to know what we're talking about?

None None

Does it surprise you that a series about historical figures fighting each other would appeal to history nerds? Or that a lot of people took an interest in mythology because of it?

Hakurei Oni (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-23 16:30:11 Servants can be biblical characters though? Salome, Solomon, King David, and Moses are all servants in various Fate series
2023-12-23 16:30:11 Servants can be biblical characters though? Salome, Solomon, King David, and Moses are all servants in various Fate series
2023-12-23 16:30:11 Servants can be biblical characters though? Salome, Solomon, King David, and Moses are all servants in various Fate series
2023-12-23 16:30:11 Servants can be biblical characters though? Salome, Solomon, King David, and Moses are all servants in various Fate series
2023-12-23 16:30:11 Servants can be biblical characters though? Salome, Solomon, King David, and Moses are all servants in various Fate series
2021-03-30 03:37:36 Servants can be biblical characters though? Salome, Solomon, King David, and Moses are all servants in various Fate series

Servants can be biblical characters though? Salome, Solomon, King David, and Moses are all servants in various Fate series

Hakurei Oni (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 03:47:30 Can't blame you for not knowing Diarmuid he isn't the most famous character in history lol. He was basically an Irish knight who fought with spears, famous in Ireland and the UK, not so much America or anywhere else
2021-07-09 03:47:30 Can't blame you for not knowing Diarmuid he isn't the most famous character in history lol. He was basically an Irish knight who fought with spears, famous in Ireland and the UK, not so much America or anywhere else
2021-07-09 03:47:30 Can't blame you for not knowing Diarmuid he isn't the most famous character in history lol. He was basically an Irish knight who fought with spears, famous in Ireland and the UK, not so much America or anywhere else
2021-07-09 03:47:30 Can't blame you for not knowing Diarmuid he isn't the most famous character in history lol. He was basically an Irish knight who fought with spears, famous in Ireland and the UK, not so much America or anywhere else
2021-07-09 03:47:30 Can't blame you for not knowing Diarmuid he isn't the most famous character in history lol. He was basically an Irish knight who fought with spears, famous in Ireland and the UK, not so much America or anywhere else
2021-03-30 03:39:18 Can't blame you for not knowing Diarmuid he isn't the most famous character in history lol. He was basically an Irish knight who fought with spears, famous in Ireland and the UK, not so much America or anywhere else

Can't blame you for not knowing Diarmuid he isn't the most famous character in history lol. He was basically an Irish knight who fought with spears, famous in Ireland and the UK, not so much America or anywhere else

Oui Oui

No one is talking about the others in the series. Talking about the they are currently watching. So no. There aren’t any biblical servants in this. And I never said they couldn’t be. Y’all really want to try and prove someone wrong so bad

luis delgado

So just to give a bit of context iskander is the turkish Name that was given to alexander the great

Deshawn Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 03:47:30 I hope you guys can watch Garden of Sinners someday (Also done by Ufotable) and it's 10/10
2021-07-09 03:47:30 I hope you guys can watch Garden of Sinners someday (Also done by Ufotable) and it's 10/10
2021-07-09 03:47:30 I hope you guys can watch Garden of Sinners someday (Also done by Ufotable) and it's 10/10
2021-07-09 03:47:30 I hope you guys can watch Garden of Sinners someday (Also done by Ufotable) and it's 10/10
2021-07-09 03:47:30 I hope you guys can watch Garden of Sinners someday (Also done by Ufotable) and it's 10/10
2021-07-09 03:47:30 I hope you guys can watch Garden of Sinners someday (Also done by Ufotable) and it's 10/10
2021-07-09 03:47:30 I hope you guys can watch Garden of Sinners someday (Also done by Ufotable) and it's 10/10
2021-03-30 04:25:26 I hope you guys can watch Garden of Sinners someday (Also done by Ufotable) and it's 10/10

I hope you guys can watch Garden of Sinners someday (Also done by Ufotable) and it's 10/10

mitch anderson

Schedule said 2 fates on Monday, the next one coming?

Matthew G

I thought they were doing 2 episodes for fate, no?


Just google it dude. Why r u surprised everyone knows everything? It's ez af


lol you haven't seen much of Ufotable then.. cause there is a clear difference in quality. Put this into perspective the 3 animators who worked on Demon Slayer were also working on all 3 Heaven's Feel Movies at the same time.. its obvious where all the attention went to. DS was like a side project for spare time lmao


Actually I'm referring to all the comments acting surprised that they don't know who iskander is etc... I've seen the series as well as UBW so I know who everyone is now. But I had no reason to know a lot of them before this.

Viela Guay

I mean I got into fate because I was always a huge history and mythology buff. Read multiple biographies on the likes of alexander and such. A big reason fate is so interesting to me is seeing the author's interpretations of these people and characters and how they use them. Unfortunately nowadays it seems most people know all these mythological names and figures solely from Fate and so people think I have cats named Gilgamesh and Enkidu for weeb reasons and not the fact that the Epic of Gilgamesh was one of my favorite stories growing up lol.

Viela Guay

What I don't understand is why your original comment is acting like it should be obvious to Lupa that the servants shown so far are not possibly biblical figures? For what reason would it be out of the realm of reason for him to think Longinus could've been summoned as Lancer when you have literally king arthur fighting against them. It wasn't stated anywhere and literally most of the servants are not named yet so you're also trying to throw off perfectly reasonable speculation on their behalf which is part of the fun of the whole "non-named servants" thing and is just a weird way of trying to indirectly spoil. And being based off real people is actually more of a based off legends around the real figures, which is why Alexander here is summoned as Iskandar and Caster is summoned as Bluebeard. Both being one tale's interpretation of these historical figures as the true central figure can be summoned in various forms based on class and part of legend.

King Tulo

Idk if anybody else got that lu bu joke but that shit had me dying hard af

Oui Oui

You don’t understand because you’re wrongly assuming what my original comment meant. And it doesn’t spoil anything. Y’all are quick to say someone is spoiling something when they’re not. And caster’s based as Gilles. You can take the time to look him up if you want. So while you’re making your next paragraph trying to make someone wrong when they’re not, maybe don’t assume the wrong idea. Y’all are so focused on trying to make someone wrong no matter what.

big siah

Thts also connected to fate but tht way more confusing but I do agree

big siah

Plus in different subs and the dub they say Alexander the great instead of iskander

big siah

Matt definitely not true demon slayer does look great but out off all of ufotable animes the anime the fate franchise is by far the best animation

Deshawn Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-23 16:30:11 Same universe but parallel dimensions. I get what you mean when you say confusing but it's not that hard to understand as you piece it together
2023-12-23 16:30:11 Same universe but parallel dimensions. I get what you mean when you say confusing but it's not that hard to understand as you piece it together
2023-12-23 16:30:11 Same universe but parallel dimensions. I get what you mean when you say confusing but it's not that hard to understand as you piece it together
2023-12-23 16:30:11 Same universe but parallel dimensions. I get what you mean when you say confusing but it's not that hard to understand as you piece it together
2023-12-23 16:30:11 Same universe but parallel dimensions. I get what you mean when you say confusing but it's not that hard to understand as you piece it together
2023-12-23 16:30:11 Same universe but parallel dimensions. I get what you mean when you say confusing but it's not that hard to understand as you piece it together
2023-12-23 16:30:11 Same universe but parallel dimensions. I get what you mean when you say confusing but it's not that hard to understand as you piece it together
2021-03-30 11:38:42 Same universe but parallel dimensions. I get what you mean when you say confusing but it's not that hard to understand as you piece it together

Same universe but parallel dimensions. I get what you mean when you say confusing but it's not that hard to understand as you piece it together

Medunuuu (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 03:47:28 This nigga Lupa just yelled out the only spear name he knew & hoping that was it lmao
2021-03-30 13:59:54 This nigga Lupa just yelled out the only spear name he knew & hoping that was it lmao

This nigga Lupa just yelled out the only spear name he knew & hoping that was it lmao

Lupa is Dadi

Why not show the credits?


I actually researched plenty of various mythologies because they appear so often in fantasy genre types, so I like to know the core concepts/thematics to know what to predict to happen. Of course some of the LNs actually have translator notes explaining the basic origins of foreign terms (Mondaiji-tachi being one of those kinds of LNs, which I appreciated, since it's essentially NGNL but god-tier/mythology-tier instead)

Chris Johnson

I feel like people really need to chill. Not everyone is a history buff. You merely have to let these guys know who these characters are and not act all elitist because they know this shit, but these guys don't. It's one thing to be a history buff and correct/enlighten someone who doesn't know what you know. It's another to be an asshole. Especially to people coming into this series blind.


i really hope they aren't purposely pushing it into next month, so we have to renew our subscription to watch THAT epic scene/character


I hope after they continue with FSN:UBW instead of FSN. Don't get me wrong, I love the orginal but it would be a step back animation-wise.


@Desharn Smith Multiverse*. Nasu created pretty much simultaneously the most in-depth and the most convoluted multiverse system ever, although anime-only Nasuverse fans never even get a taste of that. @YellowLamb Not really. It's not any more difficult to understand than any particular Fate anime. More difficult to understand than that mythological Tsukihime anime that most definitely doesn't really exist and you just imagined it though.


@Medunuuu the *Roshi* patreon community in general

Deshawn Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-23 16:30:11 i know what you mean, i've played all the vn's, etc
2023-12-23 16:30:11 i know what you mean, i've played all the vn's, etc
2023-12-23 16:30:11 i know what you mean, i've played all the vn's, etc
2023-12-23 16:30:11 i know what you mean, i've played all the vn's, etc
2023-12-23 16:30:11 i know what you mean, i've played all the vn's, etc
2023-12-23 16:30:11 i know what you mean, i've played all the vn's, etc
2023-12-23 16:30:11 i know what you mean, i've played all the vn's, etc
2021-03-30 19:47:26 i know what you mean, i've played all the vn's, etc

i know what you mean, i've played all the vn's, etc

Moe Abd

damn i hoped ep 5 was out too


Just a heads up Dearg is Irish for red. Here in Ireland we grow up learning about him in school so it's cool seeing him in other media


wasnt mondays supposed to have 2 episodes?


maybe they didnt had a time for a second episode . you already got 3 episodes today so its more than most people would upload in one day

Cole M (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 03:47:26 Happy y'all reacting to this show :)
2021-07-09 03:47:26 Happy y'all reacting to this show :)
2021-07-09 03:47:26 Happy y'all reacting to this show :)
2021-07-09 03:47:26 Happy y'all reacting to this show :)
2021-07-09 03:47:26 Happy y'all reacting to this show :)
2021-07-09 03:47:26 Happy y'all reacting to this show :)
2021-07-09 03:47:26 Happy y'all reacting to this show :)
2021-07-09 03:47:26 Happy y'all reacting to this show :)
2021-07-09 03:47:26 Happy y'all reacting to this show :)
2021-03-31 00:15:11 Happy y'all reacting to this show :)

Happy y'all reacting to this show :)


Biblical characters are "based" on historical people especially if you are an Atheist. I don't even know what you're trying to say at this point.

Oui Oui

They’re not based on. They ARE historical people. Do you not know what “based on” means? And do you not know what an atheist is? Y’all are just trying to argue for no reason now. And y’all are trying to pull anything out of y’all’s asses.


I'm super conflicted about Studio Deen's FSN adaptation. As someone who read the VN, the Fate route is actually super important to the overall story regardless of what other people want to say. I would never tell people who plan to read the VN to skip Fate route and go straight to UBW or HF. However in terms of the anime, Studio Deen's adaptation is crap but I still think that it needs to be watched. That's just my 2 cents though.


Heaven's feel movies look insanely good. Demon Slayer also has crazy animation but I do agree that more work was put into Fate. We'll have to wait for Demon Slayer S2 to see how much they improve

Davon Thomas

Half the people don't even know who the people actually are lol. They only know because the show tells you

AlexXis Amadeus

Oh man, if you thought this was Budget, just wait a few episode, or better yet, wait til you his Unlimited Blade Works

Arc (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 03:47:26 Wasn't it Fate (x2) & Mushoku (x2)?
2021-03-31 12:27:10 Wasn't it Fate (x2) & Mushoku (x2)?

Wasn't it Fate (x2) & Mushoku (x2)?


react to Inuyashiki please


Bro you really asking this EVERY video, relax please lmao


I mean yeah he could chill a bit....buuuut Inuyashiki is like really fucking good too so I kinda get it

Peacefinder Simply

well for one, because its drives people nuts and most likely will decrease the chances of the reaction, its spam now.


im pretty sure the've already watched it,since it's an old ass show and i've seen sheera wear an inuyasha shirt b4...so i'm sure the've probably watched it b4 they started youtube

Kenisha & Kim

Guys this anime is kinda confusing not gonna lie like last episode was confused on why the guy kissed the other chick when he has a kid with another women which in this episode revealed that she is a weapon for them that was created but if she was created how is he the father to the kid Lmfaoo and like the first episode was boring I got like three characters mixed up hopefully we get a good explanation through the story

Fred Then

This anime has a huge fan base from the original Virtual Novel so yeah the explanation can be lacking and scenes be confusing. Hopefully you can figure it out more as the shows go. But if you really want some thorough explanation you can do some research though it might spoil a lot of things.


first episode was boring cause u werent smart enough to follow the clearly defined rules and characters LOL


I mean Longinus IS a servant in fate lore so it wasn't a bad guess lol

Kyle Drayton

@Vayne Wow what an asshat way of exposing yourself as a gatekeeping keybaord warrior who hasn't passed the age of 12 kid. People like you are exactly the reason why no one respects the Fate fanbase, because it's full of pretentious egocentric assholes like you, The guy above you made it clear that there's heavy info dump in the starting episodes of the show, so you'd have to be a troll to judge people


If your shows first episode needs 45 minutes to explain the starting plot it’s not a good plot

Nick Walker

Lucius Longinus is a servant and the Spear of Destiny is a noble phantasm in fate canon