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holy cliffhanger until next year! Im big sad



Not to rush u on it or anything but when is the my hero academia episode coming out


Manga ends in 2 weeks Roshi stay safe out there on twitter lmao


I’m sorry to tell you the bad news but they dropped the show

Nicole Guerrero

yooo pieck is really a real one like i really thought she was gonna snitch, things are gonna get even more epic now !! gonna have to catch up on the manga


Yey!!! But are we also getting the new BNHA episode out? Please :)


mappa did yall anime onlies dirty


Yeah, Mappa did y'all dirty. For anyone who wants to go straight to the manga: Start at Chapter 115. Final chapter of AoT comes out April 9th. I know plenty of people won't be able to wait till December for "The Final Season Part 2"


Well, they got a year to animate it so the quality will definitely increase

George Kiourtis

Part 2 is going to be the cinematic catharsis that GoT SHOULD HAVE been. I can't wait for everyone to experience it


Yup, from what I heard, they started production in Oct 2020, so they got a good chunk of time to work on it. A lot more than they had for part 1, that's for sure lmao

Luis Alejandro Orjuela

You missed Porco among the soldiers that blushed for Pieck ;(


I dropped this series episodes ago. Where is the other reactions.


You guys are the only reactors I watch the whole video for because yall funny as shit


still not anime of the year in my opinion


It is boring. Majority of the characters are worthless.


at 18:13 u can see jaw standing there


I never understood why peick wouldn't want to work with them? After paradis island humanity isn't going to just let the rest of the eldians survive, especially knowing about the world ending threat. Right after paradis island gets leveled they would have killed the rest of the eldians who are already in concentration camps and treated as expendable fodder.

Kendall Gresham

Crazy how none of you noticed Gilliard standing in the crowd like that lol


That's why there stealing the founding titan so eldians would still be useful therefore saving eldians outside the walls

Alex Omega

Yeah, I definitely believe that baby is Historia and Eren.

a. tree

It's not that Pieck didn't believe what she was saying, the Warriors will eventually have to fight to protect their families from Marley and that's why she said the only people she can trust are the ones in the same boat as her. It's just that she has NO reason to trust Eren since he demonstrated his willingness to destroy her home just a few weeks ago. If Roshi is right and Eren does want the Rumbling, there's no way that he can get Pieck's family into the island in order to protect them from that. meaning he is a much more certain and immediate danger to the people Pieck cares about than Marley is at the moment. Pieck cares about her family which is in Liberio hostage to Marley, while Eren only cares about his crew in Paradis. Their interests are both against Marley, but because of where they live they don't align.


I'm assuming it's euthanizing Eldia as a whole. Also, since consuming spinal fluid transfers titan powers. should that titan had consumed zekes spinal fluid?

Natasha Padparadscha

Y'all gotta watch Pieck's monologue again. She believes Eldians should be free and that Marley should be crushed, and she sees Eren as a threat to that freedom because he made their race the world enemy. When she speaks with Gabi after Galliard came through the building, she says that while she opposes Marley, she knows that they have the might to possibly destroy Eren and stop his plan, so she will help them for the time being. Such a neat character :)


Pieck did believe what she was saying, because as she mentioned at the end, she doesn't trust Marley, only her comrades. If Eren wants to do the rumbling against the entire world, then clearly he HAS to go. He's ONLY thinking about his own people and has ZERO interest in the millions of other innocents who have done him no harm like Pieck's father/family. He's literally perpetuating the cycle of senseless violence for his own sake. Siding with Eren would be a mistake on their part. To them, they can't allow an unstable teenager with the power to end the world to actually go through with his bs.

a. tree

It really sucks because if Eren simply reached out to Pieck and Reiner through Zeke while he was in Liberio, and said "hey, I have this plan, it has a high likelihood of success otherwise I wouldn't be suggesting it in the first place, if you join us we can get your family to Paradis where it's safe, by the way tell any close friends not to be at the festival tomorrow evening," they would probably be down. The Warriors have one clear motivating factor, and their similarity to the Paradis squad makes them prime allies; it would have just taken a bit of extra work to be able to communicate with them.


Eren’s action are due to the fact that Marley and the rest of the world wants to eradicate everyone on paradise. Obviously this was his only option. He can see glimpse of the future and knows the outcome. Also it’s no for his sake it’s for the sake of his race. Why would anyone allow his friends and family to be killed just for being alive. His actions aren’t right but they aren’t wrong. Most of the people are only against him due to the fact their family are on Marley and not paradise


I think they missed the little girl in Zeke's vision.


yall clowning mikasa too much. she's not mad, she's literally having an identity criss cause eren told her that the real mikasa disappeared when she was young and ever since she's been a shell just faithful to her blood. again u should compare mikasa to levi and kenny to validate eren's words. she also took off her scarf bc more than hating eren, she hates herself. also yall if u think berthold can affect armin that much, how can u think eren's acting on his own will lol. ALSO pieck is smart, what she said is right and she believes every word but she has to protect her family, and she sees eren as someone who would destroy all eldians so she'll side with marley for now which is why she says she doesn't trust marley but she trusts her comrades which is valid. the point of this show is that no one is right or wrong and everyone's reasons for doing what they're doing is understandable. also yelena goated for doing that to grieze. good luck avoiding spoilers till next year seriously

Ted Cali

I want to say as little as possible, but it has to be said: this was a WEIRD place to stop the anime. Like, for those who know, I think we can agree, given the story left, and where we are in it, there was a much better HYPE/HOLYFUCKWHAT cliffhanger that might have been a more natural end to Part 1. Not that this was bad, just... weird. Still agree that Part 2 will will be dope as fuck though.


see y'all in 2022

Dyran Whitaker

Who was that little girl in zeke’s vision or flashback? 🤔🤔


im pissed someone put me in a coma until next year


imagine being blind


you all are lucky they didnt do 3 more ep and ended it on an even worse cliffhanger

Earphone Jack

I thought it was next year, too, but it's really until like December of this year.

Jalen Holmes

Its a farmers kid not erens


For clarification, Winter 2022 starts in December of 2021 and ends in February 2022. Edit: It ends in March.


Can't believe all 3 of y'all didnt see the Jaw Titan dude when Picke say hi to everybody.

Viela Guay

Lmao Sheera going from completely believing Pieck's turn to saying she knew it was a farce as soon as its revealed.


yall completely missed Galliard in the crowd disguised as a Scout when Pieck said hi to all of them from the stairs. As soon as I saw his ass standing there I knew some fuckshit was going down

Viela Guay

Pieck's stab animation was like she'd practiced this hitman level 10 times already

Otter Mane

It's euthanasation by sterilization


I would start on Chapter 115. There is a scene that wasn't shown yet in the anime that will likely be shown next year.


His willingness to destroy her home was because his home was attacked first. I truly believe Pieck should have actually considered siding with Eren but I understand why she might be hesitant about that. I think Eren has more to his plan, I just dont think anyone knows it (besides manga readers)


Winter 2021 is winter 2022 for anime. as weird as it sounds


Most of winter is actually in January through March, with only 1-2 weeks of winter in December. So winter 2022 actually refers to end of this year/beginning of last year


did anybody els see galliard when piek waved her hands in the handcuffs?


I hope Mappa pulls back on the CGI Titans for the rest of this season. Shit is going to be WILD.

Alex Extevez

Deadass I was shocked that they missed him, but it seemed like the others blushing over piece distracted them.


Not necessarily, if Zeke dies before then whatever baby that's born after will just inherit it. Whom in this case would be Historia's baby who would then only live to be 13 years old then.


ight I can fk with this cliffhanger, thought they would've been evil to us like usual.


11:33 They didnt catch Roshi's Tra rags reference 😂

Stephen Delong

Needed them fucking stem cells


I thought last ep was the last and turns wasent and they said this was the last now there’s still another one wtf going on


Was the subtitles little off or is it just me?


That’s all she does is try to call what’s boutta happen as it’s happening I think it makes her feel good abt herself


Yeah they were definitely watching a different version than we were


Just some clarification. "Euthanization" isn't an incorrect word choice. Yes the immediate action is sterilisation... but the overall plan is the euthanization of all Eldians. Euthanization is "mercy killing" or "the act of putting to death painlessly or allowing to die". So, Zeke's plan is to kill off all Eldians but not in a slaughter, in what he considers to be a painless and peaceful way. Remember he also thinks that to be born and live as an Eldian is suffering, so to him it is a mercy killing. Sterilisation is the process but euthanization is the overall end goal.


y'all completely missed Galliard standing with the blushing soldiers haha


What every manga reader was saying from the start... It would be impossible to fit all of the remaining manga into just 16 episodes. People have been saying from the beginning that they would give us either a movie or a part 2 to the final season... were getting a part 2. This is very good news :)


So annoying subs didn't even know that they are talking about sterilization and not about euthanasia (mercy kill).


i just hope the fanatics chill i dont want a repeat of the earthquake situation


AOT is so good it has Floridians begging for winter lmao

Sir Bull Thesis

OMG, you guys are confused, Zeke wants to kill all Eldians (mercy kill) euthenasia! In that way, no future Eldians have to suffer and the world will have peace without their kind. How do you even sterelize someone using the rumbling lmao. He's not going to perform vasectomy on ppl.


The plan is called Euthanasia because they are basically mercy killing their own people!

Tim Kane

Maybe I'm mistaking what you're saying, but it sounds like you're the one confused. They were exactly right. Its an euthanization (gentle way out) of the Eldian race. Not of individual Eldians. Zeke doesnt want to kill the current living Eldians, but are going to sterilize them using the Founding Titan's power so that no further Eldians are born. There is no Rumbling associated with that. As Yelena explained, the Rumbling is a separate instrument they will use as a threat so that Paradis can remain a free home for the currently living Eldians while they gradually go extinct

Mr. Toastman

"Euthanasia" is an applicable term, but only in the metaphorical sense. His plan is actually sterilization. If this was explained more at length and was not juxtaposed to the "Rumbling" plan which literally murders everybody, people would have been less confused by the term "euthanasia". It's not a coincidence that so many native English speakers were confused by it because "euthanasia" has a very specific meaning that doesn't lend itself to the soft genocide that Zeke is actually planning. Sheera, Lupa and Roshi were not the only reactors to be confused by this, so I'm not sure why people are so up-in-arms about it.

Gaelynn Hartmann

Did you see Eren at the end of this episode? Nothing but 2D. If they get more time, we might just get that good shit

Derrick B

JJK and AOT have ended for 2021. I feel empty inside

Alex cleveland

I will not read the manga😅. Shits hard asf


Crazy how even i didn't see Porco downstairs when pieck stopped to say hello.Crazy show, ah 9 months sigh.

Jeff Heart

How did no one see porco titan form Inside the building or if it was we didn’t see any lightning.


Really? After all that and y’all are still taking Eren’s side blindly? It’s clear he wants to do some fucked up shit and y’all still just want him to win blindly it seems. Neither side is right, but Eren wants straight genocide.

Eli Kisamo

What are you talking about? Roshi literally said he wasn't sure who to root for. And Sheera and Lupa didn't verbalize picking a side. They only discussed the differences in Eren's plans in contrasts to Zeke. No one was blindly taking Eren's side. Although, if neither side is right why are you making it seem like supporting Eren would be an issue? Also, if genocide is your only issue you're late to the game. It's been happening. That's literally what the Marleyans are doing to the Eldians. XD

Rob Not

After rewatching the series to this point again, it really sticks out just how often so many characters keep saying something to the effect of how it would have been better not to be born or not to exist. Like it's *constantly* happening throughout and you don't think about it at the time as anything but general expressions of despair, but that idea has been sitting there in front of our faces the whole time. My question is whether it has anything to do with the Founding Titan being connected to all Eldians, because that would make this super fucking creepy.


They already showed us Historia's husband episodes ago. They would not let there be a royal heir out of wedlock


quick question, did you guys did react on Lost girls, right? It seem that I can't find that reaction no more...

Art of Trolling

Wanna laugh. Watch the live action attack on titan 😂


I only bought patreon to see you guys watch the whole series, next season is on january


You guys should watch the OVA’s that recently were put on crunchyroll. At least Levi’s backstory if you don’t want to watch all of them, it’s so good!

Goku Kakarot

first time realizing this, but at 18:11 you can see galliard