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Just realized we missed a whole ass end credit scene while editing smh



Sheera is right though. Both her and Roshi were right. Ogata is both an awful man with an awful back story. Pretty sure Sheera even mentioned how you can feel for him but that doesn't change the fact that he made his choice.


glad y'all realized the end credit scene lol

AjohnJexy 123

I am jealous of his Chest bush.

Viela Guay

7th division guys never a joke combat wise despite how much of a joke personality wise they can be. Also the mole had dots like moles, real subtle lol.


god bless the beefy fanservice in this show, lol


Finally this episode lol. Looking forward to the reaction already. Laughed my ass off when I first saw it.

Alex cleveland

This da Big SUS ep and where Tanigaki got them good cheeks that night lmao.


I love how Ogata just lays there during the whole scene


Well, now we know why that dude told the "newlyweds" to eat that meat together. Which brings to mind... why the fuck did that old guy want it?

Drake Rage

I don't think Sheera even understood that Kiroranke is shady and Inkarmat told Asirpa that he killed her father... lol. Sheera: Oh he is here, so Inkarmat's plan is foiled? Me: wtf... no, Kiroranke is shady and might backstab everyone. I am happy that Roshi understood how sad Ogata's backstory really is. Sheera was quick to talk trash about him during the flashback last episode, but damn he grew up with neither parents loving him. Ogata is sooooo messed up inside that he had to kill his Brother (who he knew was such a great guy) just to see if he could finally get some love from a parent, and like he said: "to find out if I ever even had a chance at happiness".... really sad. Also, I must say, I absolutely LOVE Ogata's voice. Reiner *cough* Tanigaki's voice is up there too, but in this show it is an absolute treat to me whenever Ogata talks.


Yes! Ogata's voice actor also did Nanami, I love is acting so much

Drake Rage

Haha, I loved Nanami too! I was always super scared whenever Nanami went on missions because I didn't want him to get killed, lmao.