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whoops, uploaded episode 8 before this one on accident! Scroll down for 8!



Roshi with the episode mix up lol

Oui Oui

It was his doppelgänger like he said. Also Lupa Gobzo is only interested in Shion. Also also Myulan only disabled the communication. It was the second barrier that weakened everyone

Just Hatsu

YEEEEEEESSSS YEEEEEESSSSS I HAVENT STARTED THE VIDEO BUT I LOVE YALL SO MUCH THIS MADE MY DAY (can’t wait for the sliiiimmeeee......with a diiimmeeee)....... now I’ll be happy to start my week!

Bona Fide

Nobody: Lupa: Dude, this just got like.... eww LMAOOO


Lupa chill bro, let’s not start hating without looking for answers

JunpeiFES .

“By the lips” I am worried, ive seen a 3 second clip which it was not when he saw the dead goblins....onto to next episode!

Jalen Holmes

Myluan was the one who put the anti communication barrier the church put up the weaking barrier


Who knew Nishinoya went ahead and became a merchant after he left Karasuno?


omfg cookie crisp i remember that damn commerical rofl


I wish you guys would've said, "EXPLOOOSSIIIONN!!!" When Hinata used her disintegration ray lmao.

Devin B

In hindsight it was a good thing that Rimiru wasn't there cause Hinata would've just went to Tempest just to take him out and there definitely would've been way more casualties if she had put her barrier up on top of the other two.


If the manga/LN says he thinks he would have lost even outside the barrier, then the show did not a great job displaying the power difference.


The show did fine, I think people are just using extra knowledge about Hinata as a reference.


Forgive her? Bruh, it's not even solely her fault. I hate how some ppl act like Myulan is totally at fault for this. Sure she had a part in it, and deserves some form of punishment, but she's not a mastermind and she was under duress. She has zero malice. THAT's what's stopping her from doing this shit again. It literally wasn't her choice. The Church deserves WAY more blame, they're the ones who erected the weakening barrier. People really not in touch with priorities, smh. You would've killed her with such a huge lack of info? Wow, you're trash lmao. Killing someone for being under duress due to a Demon Lord having possession of her heart, that makes sense. Literally can't take you seriously or respect you for this particular reaction anymore lmao.


Relax. It's not that serious Myulan was an enemy. Even if it wasn't her fault, some people just aren't that concerned for her circunstances and wellbeing with all these monsters dying. Plus, they didn't even know that she was being held hostage, they thought that she did it on her own accord. You're comment is a literal spoiler. Don't call them trash, when you're the one who isn't paying attention. And no one gives a crap whether you take them seriously or not. No one is going to take any of your future comments seriously after they read this one.


why is lupa so mad at rimuru is he not ever suppose to be able to leave his village..? He saved those kids which was something be very much had to do. Blaming rimuru doesnt make sense to me


It isn’t a stretch to say his naivety caused this situation rimuru past actions indirectly caused this to happen

Corey Pearson

One thing about Lupa is that he talks so much shit but never knows what is going on. lol Sometimes it's funny, other times it's annoying. No one is fully to blame for what's going on. I was heated seeing these episodes for the first time but to take out more anger on Rimuru then the people who attacked is stupid. It's hard to fully blame the girl too considering someone literally had her heart.


Clayman? IT WAS ME, DIO!!