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What a show!!



Awesome show, sadly it’s underrated


Great reaction, as always! To answer your question, that kid with Cynthia at the end was one of the trafficked kids.

Matthew Osteen

I think the president was supposed to be the dude from the razzies movie. The guy you say is steven segal lol


Honestly if you ignore the whole part about the people they scammed and ruined their lives somehow helped them, the ending is pretty good. But that part is really hard to ignore.

Solivigant Kaiba

Hoenstly I live this show but it would have been so much more satisfying had Edamura's betrayal been real. Like, let him pop off!! I'm probably an awful person but after all of this, I'd say he deserves it. And the president is Steven Segal, y'know from case 1. And yeah, Cynthia adopted the trafficked boy who spoke to Makoto, Kouen.

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

The President guy was the same movie star with chopsticks that Coleman made those terrible movies with. At the end I guess Laurent called Edamura for a job again, so the scamming continues.


That president was a call back to season 1. That was the star of those crap movies. Anime Steven Segall basically.


The president is the dude that was in all of the razzie movies the dude directed from case one. And if you go back to rewatch the cases there are subtle hints that show that that all of the guys that got conned are connected, like one of the paintings being seen in the mansion in case one and other hints like that. The subtlety in this show is so good when it comes to things like that


the kid was from the trafficking


So the kid was a trafficked kid and it ties back to edamura saying cynthia would make a good mom. and the president was from eddies movies.


Great show, weird ending that made no sense, if you already drugged them THEN LEAVE WITH THE MONEY AND DUMP THEIR ASSES THERE


Didn't Laurent want to become a diplomat when he was a kid? Seeing how everyone's just chillin maybe that's what he decided to pursue and that's why he's there


For sure one of the underrated shows I have seen!


The idea of that isn't the problem, is how the show brushed it off. For a show this meticulous and well directed, that part is a let down.,


The show would have took anime if the year if the ending was better

kevin (btw i'm a girl)

Honestly this show reminds me of video game. I could see myself playing it a lot as a kid


As you've mentioned in the previous reactions, the earlier arcs were "training arcs." In both sense that it trained Edamura as a character, and the audience to think a certain way. In each previous arcs, they showed you the precise sequential process of the con, which was meant to condition you into thinking that they can pull pretty much anything off, one way or another. At the end, the show leaves the audience with the responsibility of connecting certain dots with our own imagination. Which is why certain aspects of the ending seemed like it just makes no sense on the surface level. This same concept was done in the movie "Magnolia."


How did Dorothy survive? What?!


They bout to scam america


ill really miss this one


there have been rumors of a season 3 made by some leaks from the author

George Kiourtis

president was supposed to be Steven Segal :P


The ending is trash, makes no sense how Dorothy survived and i feel like the Edamura choosing their sides kinda go against the arc itself

Genesis Cadiz

Please watch Japan sinks 2020 next


The ending emplies laront is gonna scam the president


Underrated? It was nominated for Anime of the Year and a whole bunch of other awards. Literally the exact opposite of underrated lol.


Watch Mushuko Tensei Next

n momo

I'm not sure, but I seem to have seen somewhere (maybe discord) that they had tried to watch it, but they didn't quite like it. Or I confuse with another anime.


cant say enough about how much i enjoyed this series but also getting to watch it for the first time with yall to. im with lupa lmao i hope they come back for another season.


If they ever make a live adaptation of this. I want Kevin hart to play makoto (Mc) I’ll just like to see his reactions after every job done, “y’all muthfuckers never tell me SHIT!” Just a clown fest 😂


Cohen was one of the trafficked kids, the kid who talked to Edamura when he tried to break them out the first time. They might release a season 3, they haven't ruled it out so let's hope :D

Zachary Provenzano

at first i was like not another live action adaptation then after reading “y’all muthfuckers never tell me SHIT!” i have to see it now XDlol

James Woodson III

Laurent became a diplomat, Cynthia adopted that trafficked kid, and the president was anime Steven Seagal. I thought this was a great show and enjoyed your guys’ reactions to it


Just like to point out, if Edamura had never gone and did his time in jail, none of this would have been possible, as he still would have been a fugitive in japan. Also for a minute there I was just like "Are they about to scam Trump"

Tyrese Marshall

I hope they don’t find the mc too weird, I do at times but since the show is fire idc


So Edamura, the well established goodie goodie, siding with child traffickers makes more sense to you? Because of what? That he grew fond of the old woman he's known for not even a month? That's on some next level dumb shit. Think for a second. Dorothy surviving isn't a problem. As long as there's an adequate explanation behind it, which I'm assuming they'll delved into in the next season which was highly implied to be happening.

Lively Nili

Edamura's mum was talking about his Dad who came and visited.


The kid looks exactly like one of the trafficked kids. The kid that was sorta their leader/the oldest.


Lowkey was kinda hoping edamura would body everybody.

Spearbearer Josh

They showed multiple times that Makoto's dad was visiting his mom, and they laid it on thick with her wizard references...