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Noctis lucis

she's gross but some of the shit you people do is even more disgusting 🤷‍♂️

Noctis lucis

You ghetto freaks say ew to everything lmfao the irony.


I always love getting a notification from ya'll

Trent Ward

Young justice and haikyuu the best reactions from yall no cap

Ranginald Vagel

Guy Gardner would vote for Trump with no hesitation

Oui Oui

Guy is the GL that Ryan Reynolds should have played

Devin Witt

(Whispers hauntingly) Am I a real boy papa?


Always liked this ep, it just gets under my skin every time, the way Canary and WW speak to Cpt Marvel. It's like, he's proven himself, he has a right to be there. Guh, hahaha! Thanks again, guys, stoked your loving this show


Wally was one of the candidates to join the JL btw even though y’all like to shit on mah manz🙄

King Uma is life

Wolf literally taking hits like his character is written by Araki

Revstarallstar .

Ikr but you got to hand it to the show. Compared to Wally everywhere literally everywhere else hes a problem to fight but the show is like “we wanna make the speedster slow”😂


I know they shit on Wally for being slow but in the comics he’s supposed to be the fastest flash so I hope he gets some good moments further along or maybe an improvement or something


Kid flash was up there


Well, usually the fastest Flash just tends to be whoever the star of that particular comic is. Like Barry Allen is usually the fastest when it's his own comic line. Same for when Wally is the main Flash in his comics


Well he is just a teen, and there are 2 other speedsters. Maybe 3 depends on the status of Zoom in the universe. The more speedsters the more the power is spread out. Barry has far more expirence and training.

Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

What about the pink slip Roshi, you were on Red Torando's ass. Two words and superboy is compromised what about him.

Otter Mane

Only the white Martian's look like how she does. Martian Manhunter is a green martian so he doesn't look like that.


The ladies are just salty cause they've probably checked our boy out before realizing he was 10.


Yeah but Wally is always the fastest Flash,except for the brief time they killed him off. Even canonically right now he's still the fastest even when Barry is around lol

Zoei Brown

Don't worry. They should have a change of heart and respect about our manz in season 2.


No she's a different type of marsion

Jules Eris

these YJ reactions are the highlights of my week


Just so you guys know Wally is only as fast or faster than the flash because of the speed force. But in the universe that this show takes place in there is no speed force. So Wally can’t reach the same levels of speed as Barry Allen.

Norrin Radd

Sheera being a genius is the best thing on Patreon!


And that's how superboy got his first tie from his dad...


You guys keep mixing up zatara and zatanna although I'm pretty sure it's by accident


bruh Lupa mentioned it in this episode. but i would fuckin love it if yall react to Batman Beyond series.. whenever yall have an open slot..


Ruining the line about Robin

Antonio Williams

I know its super early to talk about other series, but I'll mention it now. You all should definitely watch the Harley Quinn cartoon series. Its hilarious

Omar Bautista

If Ms Martian was born 48 earth years ago and if they follow the same rotation year count of 687 she would be 25 on mars? But then They could live longer and 25 is still a child to them or whatever

Omar Bautista

They aren't that different from another. They show how green martins look in season 2


I mean Batman was right Robin could’ve been another Joker or a crazy mf if he didnt find out who killed his family


Lupas immaturity kills the mood sometimes


Yall complain about this man everyday bro, he wasnt even doin shit like just dip if you not rockin wit it

Jake Young

Oh damn. Lupa better not be himself anymore then. Smh. This channel is a trio, Lupa is a key part of the dynamic and his personality is what makes it what it is.


The doctor ran away because in the first episode, Superboy pushed her away hard. And being a normal human, she must fear him, and the possibility of her being harmed again by him


Superboy: "Believe in the SHIELD."


Well relationships, even under friends and collueges, are build on trust. They felt betrayed.


14:20 "Than Billy maybe you should leave until we hash this out" If i was Billy, I'd feel disrespected as shit some screaming street level super talking down to me like I haven't been a hero of my own city for years. Before they thought he was odd but still listened to him, but the second they hear his age they start ignoring his judgement and treating him differently? And all that lie by omission crap. EVERYONE has secrets. Especially Batman.

Devin B

I gotta say Batman is the realest one in the JL. Everyone was quick to judge Captain Marvel when they found out he was just a kid but Batman saw him as a an equal and even gave him the role to watch the Young justice gang for a little but even though he's younger than them. For Batman the most important thing is if you're capable of responsibility despite appearances, age or upbringing.

Yannick Hector

y'all shit on Wally way too much fate literally said he's ready

Trent Ward

Nah they mad cuz they thought cpt marvel was fine af and now they cant get dicked down by him.

Trent Ward

Nah theyre gonna clown him for not being fast enough to avoid it lol. I cant't wait to see the comments when they clown wally

n momo

she had the audacity to say "perfect seasoning"😂😂


Eventually you guys will call Zatanna by her name lmao


Ok after the slapper comment by lupasan ima need Roshi and sheera to be brought up to speed on the dcau 😂 Thats batman beyond references and they dont know bout that, static shock, batman and superman animated series, and dont even get me started on justice league and justice league unlimited. That gave me mad nostalgia. Im talking kids WB throwbacks 😂

Shreyansh Gupta

This is a world where hypnosis and mind control exists. All of the league are compromised. Red Tornado would be immune to Queen Bee and telepaths while the human members of the league would be immune to hacking. It's just type advantages.

The Truth

Facts like that great loner with Batman. “So that he wouldn’t” completely ruined


Been bingeing these YJ reacts like mad :) btw sorry to repeat some people, but I just wanted to help clarify a little that m’gann’s true form as a white martian is what Sheera said last ep, that it’s a different species on Mars that gets discriminated against. M’gann brings it up during the episode about North and South Relaysia, how green martians discriminate against white martians, probably because of the physical deformity (she even says “I’m a green martian of course, but that doesn’t make it right to discriminate” or smthn like that so they planted the seed early on). It’s not a big point but I wanted to bring it up since they don’t really talk about later on, and also to emphasize how different white martians are.

Jaelyn Mcgee

Double Helix was right. this man said, hey I wanna form my own community for my own people and we'll release match once he's calmed down. and conner really had to shit all over that. also I second sheera and roshi getting into the wider dcau, esp since the justice league animated series is pretty awesome. Poor Lupa has to carry all of the burden of being a comic nerd and everyone else rarely getting what he's talking about


Roshi: That's it?!! Just black pepper?! Me: DIES OF LAUGHTER LOOOL I've enjoying all these episodes! I would NEVER watch young justice by myself (and didn't even know about it), but i was looking for more reactions from you guys and found these gems! Love it!


I loved that Guy Gardner joke. They didn't want that annoying asshole around lmao