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They knew what was goin on the whole time! Shoutout to Kenma that boy is a beast!


Nicole Guerrero

suddenly i don’t feel like doing homework, this is more important




That dude who scores the point for Nekoma in the beginning is like the opposite of those paintings that follow you with their eyes -- his whole body moves, but his eyes have been stuck on the same point since he was painted in the maestro's workshop in 1431.

Ranginald Vagel

WOOOOOOAH They were gassing up Nekoma cuz they're the next opponents if Karasuma wins, epic. Now I feel like Seagulls gonna take out Owls for the next round. Trash Heap battle will be epic. BTFO twins we got a rivalry to get to.

Kalib Holland

Kenma turned into that Paul George Gatorade commercial "No OT tonight"


7 more episodes left🔥


knowing that you guys sometimes treat some teams like they're villans (ushijima rip), i'm glad y'all at least like Nekoma :) i hope you'll continue to support both teams while rooting for your fave boys if it really does come down to karasuno vs nekoma.


We are so close to some of the best episodes of the entire show, I can't wait!

Donovan Breest

Yo Roshi's face when lupa said about the IQ -Haikyu was "Do i want to go to jail for that joke cuz imma kill him"


So one thing with translations I want to clear up as it was a nice little moment. When Kenma says the line "You guys are all so determined to begin with" (about 9:56/57) he actually says something more like "You all are users of 'guts'" saying that they are all players that have "guts" "Konjou (guts/determination) no tsukaite (user/master of)" . This is why Tora reacts when he says it. Sadly translators just try to get the sentence across rather than the message which can add some nice flavor here and there.