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This man Courier wanted to be the bike so bad



courier died a G truly never failed any mission 100% his life

Alex cleveland

Thank u for the triple drop! Makes up the miss from last week fr fr!


best tuesday ever


NGL Never caught that bunny and shark had the hacker symbols on them. Thought Kanto could just see that it wasn't going to end well with that video coming out and so they switched sides

Big Daddy Dre

That scene with courier was one of the coolest scenes I’ve seen in a while...the music and the visuals was perfect 😤

AjohnJexy 123

Such an underrated show!


This show never missed!

mitch anderson

I wonder what's coming in place of this. I enjoyed watching this with you guys. I thought Swindler and Courier were gonna fuck but oh well


Akudama was such a surprise. Started off just pretty and goofy, and ended up blowing me away.


Bruh, reactioning this anime with y'all and just remembering how damn good it was, and emotional. Shit had me tearing up during swindler's and courier's moments. The soundtrack, visuals, mood and tone shifts just blew me a way. 10/10 Also if you look closely at the last 20 seconds or so of the Op Theme, you'll see that from episode one, the show actually spoils itself, it was WILD when I found out that those surprises were clearly shown in the opening.

G. B.

This show was indeed a sleeper hit. I picked it up with the old seasonal anime because I thought the cover image looked interesting and thought nothing of it, but Akudama Drive checks pretty much all my boxes. Love that you guys got to experience it as well.

Jake Disarufino

The character development in this show is amazing started off a a silly heist show and ended with one of my favorite endings to a show amazing 🔥

luis delgado

i love this show, also i know you have a lot of shows in the white board but you should add Helsing and hajime no ippo you will love those two

Jordan Odle

Fun little piece of info if you haven't heard the opening shows you how they die during the last couple of seconds and becomes clear for each character after the episode each one died in. So the opening dead ass spoils them dying

Tsunami Wave

Every Akudama that stayed true to the team died happy and complete.


LOL dude became one with the bike at the end, I'm fucking dead xD

Alex cleveland

Im extremely glad u enjoyed this anime. I def 100% did. I never expected this anime to be this fucking good. Crazy how shows like these r sleepers, but be the best!🔥🙏🏽


Once I learned that the character artist for Danganronpa s the guy behind this series I knew things were gonna get dark, but damn this was a great show. Quality-wise its like a modern-day Cowboy Bebop with the range of emotions it makes the viewer feel and how amidst the goofiness it slowly starts draining you. Definitely a gem that came from the mayhem that was 2020.


The real main character was the bike


This show had style from start to finish. 10/10 in my book too. :)


swindler best girl, u guys got so annoyed by her esp sheera but i loved her so much. her character development is *Chef's kiss

RavinFox .

I decided to check out the remaining episodes I didn't get around to with you guys(around the last 5 or 4) and it was FUCKING AMAZING! Thank you so much for reacting to this. Extra satisfying! I'll be doing the same for Slime season 2. I caught up to the first season thanks to you guys so I figured, why not the whole ride? There's way too much to keep up with as is anyway lol

A'Deante Castro

the show actually has 13 episodes not 12


No it doesn’t lol. Not sure where you got that information. The only extra thing about the series is there being a director’s cut for the final episode when the Blu-ray releases


yo the ENDING was a MASTER PIECE I thought I was watching a movie movie for a second the music production started turning up near the end All-Around good show


The character development of swindler is fkn phenomenal.


This show was a masterpiece 10/10 for me thanks for the reaction <3 cant wait for next i wonder what it is any ideas ?


you guys should really watch soul eater


Damn that was a wild ride... Ya'll should check out Akame Ga Kill (This one hurts the heart, Loopa would probably break down) and Magi (People are fighting with Vibes) if you haven't already seen them!


I agree with the guy above definitely watch akame ga kill it’s a ride of emotions and magi imo has the best power system in anime and all the ops slap also kabaneri of the iron fortress is like a walking dead type anime and ik u guys are playing that rn


if you guys look at the op at the end it shows how they all died it shows swindler dying tricking people brawler dying in a fight hudlum dying for gang loyalty (brawler) bike guy dying finishing a mission doctor dying from a death she couldn't control and hacker dying from tech he couldn't hack

Victor Vilela

How many times have you seen AGK, was it a while ago. Trust me, it's not nearly as good as you remember

Victor Vilela

I hope to Jesus and Buddha that they never watch Akame Ga Kill, Trash like that should stay in the garbage where it belongs

Taylor Wimpfhiemer

My god fuck yes this show was amazing you guys have to react to korokono basket now that you guys are done with haikyuu you will not regret it

The Endless

The executioners were in the right the whole way through


Ngl this show reminded me of Akame ga Kill how after a huge event/reveal happening near the middle of the show then the members slowly dying off one by one.