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My man got his skills back!


Ayman Gebrail

Always love to see the drops


Lupa with the "piss in a can" comment LMAO


the soul reference lmao

kurumi Tokisaki

For dub shows in the future could you guys find a way to still put subtitles. Its the same complaint from cowboy bebop and other shows with no subs that you guys release...I like to hear the jokes and follow the story at the same time

kaeleb white

I like how y’all acted like Thomas actually painted it, the animators prolly just copy pasted that shit 💀


But....we've already seen the show. LOL. We're here for THEIR reaction / discussions.

kurumi Tokisaki

A lot of people haven't seen this show...If you came for just the reaction- put your sound on mute and cover the upper left part of your screen while watching. Then you can understand the difficulty of enjoyment from the other end of the spectrum.

Not Dual Wielding

I mean it's really the same for any fictional work like every shounen were like BWAAAH after hellish training he mastered the Fullbring Rasen Spirit Gun Transformation when they just drew that shit, but you still feel the struggle lol


With all due respect to those people, but that's a different kind of stupid. You're suppose to watch the show and enjoy it on your own time first. But hey, to each their own.

kurumi Tokisaki

People pay to enjoy it with Roshi and the gang. (Scenario) You go to the movies with your friend's, and while at the movies your friends are talking and joking through the whole thing. When you ask them can you hush because they are too loud and your cant hear the movie~ they state, "You should have watched it before inviting us" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. To add...You paid for their tickets. Make it make sense.


The issue is Roshi grabs the video we see from another site, not from Netflix itself. Those sites usually don't have subs for their dubs. That's something Roshi can't really put time into doing sadly unless he gets it by torrenting series that have both sub and dub.


Again, that's stupid. Because you're not experiencing the episode itself in full quality. Most of us have seen this show already, and rewatching their reaction that way is more satisfying. If your brain's wired a different way and you really wanna watch it with them for the first time here's a suggestion. Sync it with the real episode either on a different screen, or a separate tab. That way you're not watching the episode on a little box they put on the corner in shit quality. Also fixes the issue you're initially complaining about since it'd be up to you to pull up a version with subtitles.


And your analogy is painfully hilarious. To add to my point, this is precisely why you watch the episodes prior to watching their reaction. So you don't gotta worry about missing details, and you only pay attention to THEIR REACTION. What you're suppose to be paying for is their reaction to the show, not the show itself.

kurumi Tokisaki

Agree to disagree. I guess everyone has a different reasons for watching and enjoying the show with them.


theres better anime to watch then black cover, its to long its generic not bad show but its not exciting either

Jacen Prichard

i think they have seen it i remember in a reaction they mentioned asta so they might of seen it or some of it already


Funny how they didn't say anything about Thomas buying all his paintings back and going into MAD debt, but when Makoto turned himself in, he was MAD dumb. Both tryna clear their conscience

Darren Banks

Both were illogical, but emotions and morals don't apply logic in general... Makoto's idea was a little stupid in the sense that you can pay back the people you scammed with anonymous donations. Putting yourself in jail for two of the most workable years of your life is counterproductive.


I get what you’re saying, but at the end of the day, who gets to judge if it’s counterproductive or not. I’m not a fan of him going to JAIL, but whatever sits right with his conscience🤷🏾‍♂️Would I advise him against it? Most definitely. Would I FORCE him to not do it? That’s something else entirely