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Not gonna lie that underhand serve was NASTY


mitch anderson

YESSSS, this is what i was waiting on. After this and episode 12 i can go study lol



Ranginald Vagel

Kinoshita may have pulled a Yamacoochie but at least he’s not wallowing in self pity for an episode and a half


I watched this episode so many times but Kageyama's dump still managed to fool me lmao.


People really out here hating on cartoon high schoolers.


Funny thing about underhand serves is that if the ball hits the ceiling it's out. I've played in gyms with really low ceilings and underhanded serves (I was really good at them) were almost not possible in them.

Devin B

I think Sheera made a good point about being able to focus on what happens now and not assume that you'll have another chance later but them assuming they could make it a third set was more of a morale thing basically hyping themselves up.


The anime in this season is suppose to be alot like the source material of the manga. In the manga the characters do start to contort and get weird faces sometimes when shits moving fast or important stuff is going on. Just something to get used to.


ayo real shit. Imma let you guys know that the next few episode 11-17 animation is down bad

Jake Thompson

It's not just the space in the gym that's disorienting, you're also staring straight up into the lights trying to find the ball. It's not a fun time.

Deshawn Smith

Bit of an exagerration there. Some episodes aren't great but it's not that bad

Christopher M

12:45 Did anyone else think this was Kuroku no basket for a split second?


But that wasn’t the point for that character. The team brought him in to rack up points, and he got a few, but he couldn’t hold out when they actually picked up his serve. He was about to get down and out about it, but his teammate was telling him to get ready for the third set and not worry about what just happened. You have to remember that he was subbed in and subbed back out, so for that set he’s done, not going back in.