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Probably my favorite scene in the whole show


Beyond the Inferno | FMAB Ep 53

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I bet Lupa would be happy to know that Roshi would go all out and give no mercy to Lupa's would-be murderer if it ever happened lmao. Now that's a true homeboy right there :'D

jesse almonte

Roy honestley has so many if the shows best moments on lock


The drip on Roshi’s hoodie


This episode with Envy’s monologue and the Izumi ending was just 10/10. I’m with you tho on the Mustang should’ve killed Envy train, who cares if you hate a monster that killed your best friend and started a war that killed an entire country


i do agree that roy had every right to wanna kill envy, but i guess the point was that roy was full on torturing them rather than just getting it done. it is worth noting, though, that i don't think roy is aware of all the other deplorable things envy has done, like starting the civil war (correct me if i'm wrong tho!!), he was purely fueled by the fact that envy killed his best friend, so even if we, the audience, know envy was far worse than just murdering one man, i don't think roy knew. still, envy deserved it in my opinion. either way. i understand the moral they were trying to drive home and i'm glad you did as well even if you don't really agree. also i'm glad you caught the fact that riza was fully intending on killing envy herself anyway, a lot of ppl seem to think she was just gonna let envy live lmao. nice reaction as usual!!


Oh yeah, Roy's anger was justified and he definitely should have cooked him but I think all of those around him did not want that kind of hate to taint him at all since they obviously want him to be the next leader of the nation. Enough of the endless cycle of hate and all that jazz I guess.


"I lied" fucking Riza just playing mind games with that clown


We can all agree envy was a true pos. He caused the ishvalan war and the deaths of many many others. It is funny though how he thought he was so much better than humans but I'm sure in the end he wished he was human as well.


I was bummed that he didn't check the end credits scene.


Part of it too was Roy wasn't really trying to end Envy right from the start. Compared to him burning up lust, he took his sweet time with envy. Burning his tongue, eyes, limbs, etc. instead of just trying to fully incinerate him from the beginning. Roy's anger is completely justified and I'm fine with him killing him, but would find it better if he wasn't just fucking with Envy for a while and just took care of business.


Unless Ed told him, idk how Roy would know that Envy started the war. He only told Scar when he got out of Gluttony's stomach.


missed an end credits scene here

Ruma Risto

Envy might be a piece of shit idiot asshole but he is probably the most complex character of the homunculi, certainly the most tragic. Jealousy is an ugly thing but it's also so very human. His death scene was one of the best in the series in my opinion. Not only because he died but because it raised so many mixed emotions. If Mustang had actually killed Envy, wouldn't that have been kind of the same as if a character like Winry killing Scar since he murdered her parents?

TJ Frangie

"Catch this overhaul". Ya know, ironically that is pretty spot on. Does kinda feel like Overhaul vs Lemillion.

J Valentine

Okay so sure Mustang's whole situation may have been a bit over the top, anime where he's totally justified for doing what he's doing and making you try to see something in a way that you just don't get. But I like that they spent most of the episode dealing with it so we could see Envy literally kill hisself due to shame.


Envy crying at the end always make me laugh. Envy shot a child to start a war so f him and his pathic whimpers. (is envy a him?)


Good question tbh since envy is portrayed as androgynous


"my man deepthroating that" 🤣🤣🤣🤣




What I love about the Envy scene is how is shows Mustang learning that to be a real leader means being willing to give up some of your own selfish desires. Like, he has every right to just blast Envy away, but he sees how acting out of anger and killing a helpless being would color how his friends see his leadership ability/potentially shake their confidence in him being able to show restraint. So he pulls back even though it's still what he wants, because he realizes that being the kind of leader his country needs means being willing to let go of his own vendettas.


Did my man just skip one of the best ending scenes :(


Yes, he did and a little bit of me died inside, not gonna lie... Let's hope he watched it later.

Lalisa Truong

The problem isn't the fact that "killing Envy is wrong" or that he's feeling pure hatred for Envy while doing the killing. It's the fact that unlike how Mustang dealt with Lust (cold, calculated and quick), Mustang is literally taking his time killing Envy by torturing him. He's even giving Envy time to regenerate just so he could incinerate him again. I think that's what's bothering Ed and Riza the most. Mustang wants to be the future leader of this country and has already set a high bar for himself. Ed and Riza knows he wants to be a better person, especially after what he did in Ishval. This is them helping him be that better person he set out to be. As for what Riza said about wanting to end her own life, it may be a bit dramatic but I can't blame her for feeling that way. Because of her, Mustang was able to learn flame alchemy and what has happened thus far because of it? It was used to slaughter countless Ishvalans, something that Riza still can't forgive herself for...and now it's also being used for torture as she watches the man she cares for let hatred consume him. Riza basically has a stake in how Mustang uses his flame alchemy and will feel responsible for his actions.


Pretty much most popular character aside from the brothers. Between his plans, abilities and his quotes, he's the Goat of FMA.


I always love this episode. I agree with Mustang's view about 80% of the way. And I understand what the others were trying to tell Mustang. They hate Envy just as much as Roy (Envy killing a child while disguised was the cause of the war that ravaged the Ishvalins, but even Scar held back). Revenge is one thing, but certain actions taken while in an emotional state deeply change a person. Also if you become a monster to destroy a monster, it's hard to find yourself again. He'd be no better than King Bradley.


this dood too busy doin his show

Christopher M

Honestly, I'm, pretty sure most of us feel the same about envy as you do.


The only people who can beat the Homunculi are the top of the top Alchemist.

Koala Banana

Envy is so interesting. Ed nailed him perfectly. He's jealous of humans. That's why he's always tearing them down, insulting them, turning them against each other. He wants to believe they're monsters, because he knows he is a monster. Deep down, he's desperate to believe humans are like him, and he's like the humans. But the reality is that Envy is the monster and Mustang isn't. Envy finally understood that and couldn't live with it.


Mustang is about to become the leader of a military dictatorship. Full stop. He's going to have full, autocratic level power over the country. With that level of power, his every whim is almost a single order away. What I think they're getting at is that *this* is what he does in response to killing his friend. Continually burning the culprit alive, letting them heal, and then doing it again. Rage torture. If that's what he'd do with no extra power and for a friend, what would he do with the power of the office of the Fuhrer and the hurt of something he cared about more than just a good friend? He's a world leader now. Assassination attempts, maybe kidnapping his future wife offer or child? Traumatizing someone he cared about? Maybe even just killing his citizens. How do you think he'd feel seeing the grief-stricken victims being for his aid after an attack by another nation? He'd definitely care. He'd definitely feel their pain. He'd definitely be mad about it. We've seen how much he cares about the people under him. I didn't initially like or get the whole stopping him thing the first few times I watched this show growing up. Now it makes sense. We wouldn't want our own world leaders going off on people like this- emotionally justified or not. Have them judged; have them executed for their actual crimes if that's the punishment; don't torture them as catharsis. What other things will you do when you feel emotionally justified? It's the burden of leadership. It's the burden of power. Having to show restraint. Having to think about precedent. Having to be better than you are.

FreshxEli Tv



this episode is literally the equivalent of the saying "An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind" . Yes Envy is a monster, but from the Ishval and Scars perspective Mustang is a monster. He's a man that slaughtered countless innocent men, women and children.

Cian Perkins

I just went through the comments on this and the last episode, and I’m shocked that nobody mentioned my favorite small detail! What gives Envy away as not being Roy when they meet up with Riza is the sound of their footsteps. Watch her face and listen closely. It’s that their footsteps don’t match. Soldiers are trained to walk in cadence to such a degree that soldiers trained on opposite sides of the country who have never met still naturally walk in step with each other. Envy’s steps are super out of sync with hers. Just a cool little detail in the sound design that I adore!


no i agree he should have just burned envy to death

Shawn Oxley

The envy scenes here are so good its unreal big sad Roshi skipped the ending again tho