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The Second Mission from the Boss | JJBA Part 5 Ep 12

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AYEEEEEEEEE was waiting for this👍👍


Ages of the gang in part 5 go as follows: Abbachio is 21, Bruno is 20, Mista is 18, Narancia is 17, Fugo is 16, Giorno and Trish are 15.

Alex Sytinskiy

Can't wait until this shit is done so i dont ever have to watch Spaghetti battle Stromboli


Oh Fugo..... how Araki forgot about you Fugo...

King Uma is life

A literal quote from Araki in the Golden Wind interview I watched today " Yes, there are beautiful women there too but it's much more important for there to be beautiful men. I needed to draw more beautiful men."


Lmao Roshi, the first coronavirus stand in the flesh!

Mustardy Boi

Surprised you didn't comment on the Stand being called "Man in the Mirror" when you sung the song before it was revealed lol

Isaiah Gray

The sadness in Roshi's voice when he realized that Lupa wasn't there. Lol the bromance is real.


Kakyoin in Part 3: The mirror world doesn't exist, it can't hurt you. Man in the Mirror in Part 5: WELCOME TO MIRROR WORLD, BITCH! YOU'RE GONNA DIE HERE!


So you watched the Platform the night before. Great Movie!


on the topic of japanese parents, while it’s good to disregard stereotypes, this is the one stereotype I can confirm to be true, parents in east asian countries can be extremely hard on their kids, and especially kids who pursue careers in art (which would explain why so many mangaka include this in their stories) that being said there are loads of great asian parents so don’t think they’re all that harsh, but a large percentage definitely are very harsh on their kids expectation wise.


it always surprises me how abbachio is only 21, i feel like he should be at least 24-25

The Pebble

No one in the squad but Bruno are aware of Gio Gio's goal to become the next Boss; I mean, going around telling possible Boss-loyal stand users that would be literally ReTaRdEd.

Faiz Khan

can confirm this as well l may not be the Asian y'all would initially think but Pakistan is still in Asia and we share a lot of similarities when it comes to parenting styles, fucking look how well the shitty pressuring worked on me l'm a welder now instead of an artist kek


He didn't really need to send a message before Narancia killed him. The member who went to check this particular lead was the only one who didn't report back. It's probably a safe bet that the lead that member was sent after was the jackpot. It's not an uncommon tactical element. That was the thing Narancia didn't understand at the end of the last episode when he insisted that he already took care of him. Because Narancia sucks at the thinking side of their job.


Bruno is best mom

Sam Lafave

Man when he said that i got wild flashbacks, that movie is CREEPY

Tyler Robertson

Yoooo they watched the platform, i would have loved a reaction to that

Drake Rage

Ah yes, Sheera suggesting the "let's split up" shit they do in all horror movies and die 1 by 1, brilliant idea, lol.

William Tippen

bro you on her dick heavy i binged all these reactions over the last few days and low and behold its you constantly commenting on everything she says... a few times here and there is understandable but i maybe seen 2 videos that didnt have a comment from you about her.. obsessed much? its mad weird my dude

Drake Rage

I binged this show too and my "HUH?" meter didn't have time to reset, resulting in these types of comments, my bad.

Shawn Oxley

Big up the platform dope movie imo