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Need season 2 ASAP, hopefully we get more episodes so they can take their time next season!


GOD/GOD | God of High School Ep 13

Watch "GOD/GOD | God of High School Ep 13" on Streamable.



Yessirrrr the reaction I’ve been anticipating the most. I really liked this season can’t wait for what they might show next!


Although the pacing was really off for this adaptation, no one can deny this was good popcorn entertainment. Mappa really worked with what they got and they did a great job. Looking forward to their future projects and hopefully GOH gets an OVA or something filling in some plot holes. Fingers crossed for season 2.


3/10 compared to the webtoon. Webtoon has better fights and a way better consistent story with a much better pace.

Daniel Robb

The music in this episode HIT all episode, I was amazed.


I didn't see any good feet this episode

Alex cleveland

Looks like I can binge watch GOH now lol. Lets see how the rest of this season is! Ep 5 is where I stopped, so a lot of catching my to do!


does anyone know what chapter comes after this episode?


If you guys are searching for an new anime to watch, might i suggest hajime no ippo. Im sure you guys would love it


just read the whole thing doesnt take long and you'll learn a lot that wasnt covered here


Apparently jujutsu kaisen was chosen over GoH to make the most money thats why this was so rushed and stopped at 13 eps but still this was enjoyable at least


Damn they really just said that chick started the human race then left it at that no explanation


After seeing the first episode of jujitsu kaisen I can say it maybe in the running for best new anime.

jesse almonte

I'm all disappointed in this adaptation, but I'll hold the L. at least we got good fights


Fun all around


The first episode has been out for a week now.


The yellow haired commissioner was the spy! If yall didn't catch that in the episode, when he wasn't at the meeting with mujin and he was with the enemy.


It seems liked y'all missed it but it wasn't jaeson that turned jegal into stone, it was his grandson. That's why his grandfather smiled I guess because he knew it was him.


They did do a stream. But cr will have the first episode this friday.

Isaiah Rodgers

10:08 my boi's calories r gone

Setsuna Yuen

Hopefully you guys will read the webtoon to fill up the plot cut from this anime. See yall on s2.


I really suggest reading the webtoon. It will fill in a lot of skipped stuff and give a lot of context to things.

Space Mechanic

Yeah season 2 needs 24 episodes minimum

Faiz Khan

they boutta hear Moo


To clear a few things up. Yes Mori is a god, and that god hand was just a thing they added for that one fight, when you see nimbus expect lightning. When Mori tried to remember his past the crown he has tightened on his head and that's what caused him pain


And also at the end that wasn't jegals charyeok eating him, him true charyeok is megalodon. The anime adaptation did a very poor job of explaining what that was, but what was eating him at the end is known as greed which in essence can be considered a charyeok, but not really


btw "made in abyss" movie is out .


“I’m the progenitor of human race.” Everybody skips over that...... 🤨


To be clear Mori is a whole GOD which I adore lol


I feel like they might have completely missed the part where Kim Ungnyeo was like, "I'm the PROGENITOR OF THE HUMAN RACE." 'Cause they had NO reaction to that thing that feels super reaction worthy.


Not the biggest fan of the story and the pacing was trash but the animation was fire. For me, this season was just a long ass trailer to get me hype for the animation in attack on titan s4 and jujutsu kaisen since its the same studio (correct me if I'm wrong)


btw just wondering is kim ungnyeo a big deal in this story ? i mean shes just 1 of the six like the rest of em right


Personally, idgaf about petty shit like pacing, story, w/e.... when it comes to anime like this. I'm just here for the animation and fights. If it happens to have some decent story or w/e going on around it, cool. And as long as I like the character, I'm good.


I’m kinda the same. I love a good story but if the fights are really what’s focused on more in an anime, I’m fine with it. If you’re gonna focus on fights, all I ask is that they’re well animated and choreographed. I look at it as more of an entertainment factor rather than focusing solely on Lore. I just enjoy it for what it is until I have a reason not to


I love GOH so much, the anime didn't go like how I expected but I'm so happy it got an anime in a first place. I hope it gets a second season.


i love lupa's shirt


So "the Key" was just the Shikon Jewel? Always has been


It's just his Charyeok being true to itself. Based on the origin of it, it's supposed to do that at the end, where it devours itself, after having devoured everything into nothingness before that, as per mythology.


Pretty sure the clouds he summoned are the clouds sun wukong is riding on.

Devin B

Yeah it's his cloud called Geundoowun that he can call forth from anywhere in the world

Devin B

The only thing I hoped for during these final eps was the rematch between Daewi and Ma Bora cause that's when you truly see him use his charyeok. Other than that it was a pretty good first season.


hes not a vessel he literally is a god. He just doesn't remember.


God Of Highschool, to be replace by....... Juju On that Kaisen!


Illpyo got his own whole ass anime lol. Fox Demon off to collect the Sacred Jewel shards, with his plucky gang of friends. He's basically Inuyasha. Hell, the two girls could be his Kagome and Sango, or Kagome and Kikyo.

Bona Fide

I can’t wait for season 2 tbh. I really enjoyed the anime and these reactions.

Joel Braaten

Sad this over. Hopefully, Crunchyroll funds a season 2. Now it's Jujutsu Kaisen time!


An explanation comes in the six season Ragnarok.


Animation was amazing but everything else in this anime was trash.


guy transformed into devil jin

Champion Bescos

Ya'lls reaction made this show a 7 when it could have easily just been a 5. So thank you. Charming as some characters were, I honestly didn't care for anyone in this story and I can't remember half of the fights. If any of the protagonists died, even the MC, I probably wouldn't have blinked. The stakes just weren't there consistently enough - ranging from superficial to personal to world ending and cosmic, then switching back and forth incessantly - and thats shit storytelling no matter how many flashy fights you dress it up with. Fantastic animation and music, intriguing but sloppy world building, charming but undeveloped characters, all undone by insanely poor pacing and a complete lack of consequences. A Michael Bay film equivalent. For all the fanboys whining about other people whining for expecting more from an anime of GoH's popularity, grow up. This show is a time investment just like anything else. People always have a right to point out flaws in something they've invested in, so long as it backed by logic and reason. How else will the author or studio ever improve? How else will aspiring creators know what to avoid doing in their own projects? People who shy away from criticism are weak, mindless sheep, easily satisfied and prone to repeating mistakes. Challenge yourself and challenge others. If you liked the show, despite its flaws, thats great. If you didn't, you have the right to state why and hope that Season 2 learns from its mistakes.


I don't think the anime was handled perfectly. A lot of the details from the manwha that made it so endearing (character growth, the background stories about how much effort each of the side characters put into their martial arts, the technical parts of the fight scenes) was left out and it definitely makes the series seem more hollow. Roshi I know you read solo leveling, so give GOH a try before the next season comes out!


Pretty much, cant even say the fight scenes were amazing because i think they were even better in the webtoon. Weird to say the fight scenes in a manga is better than the anime...


Season one needed to be 24 episodes, Anime typically fits about 1.5-3 chapters per episode, GoH fit 8.6 chapters per episode... Thats insane, on the high end thats basically 2.5x more than a typical anime.

Oui Oui

That's you buddy. Everyone else seems to enjoy it

Oui Oui

Roshi wanted Lupa to know she was part of the Six and nothing else

Reckless Company

i thought in legends the monkey king had a gold bo staff or maybe they saving that upgrade for last

rickie woodson

sheera is right, she's a god. she said she's the progenitor of the human race (created them) so she is 100% devine and a member of the six. maybe they are ALL gods?


Looks like they were implying that the commissioner that invited Mori in the first place was the traitor :o