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I Cried, Cried My Lungs Out, And Stopped Crying | Re:Zero Ep 8

Watch "I Cried, Cried My Lungs Out, And Stopped Crying | Re:Zero Ep 8" on Streamable.


MakAttack G

I think this was the episode where I really got into it. Seeing how everything was taking a mental toll on him hit.


At this point, the Lupa-Sheera intro has become an art form lmao.

Alex cleveland

Haha Im glad yall almost at ep 1*. Im binge watch everything when Im done wit vacation

Kelsey Brown

Just so you know. He doesn't create a checkpoint whenever he falls asleep. He has no control over that. The checkpoint just automatically happens. #OnlyAutoSaves


The mansion arc has the same checkpoint. Sleeping isn’t necessarily the trigger for the new checkpoint. I think the comment you are referring to is that Subaru’s checkpoint is when he wakes up to the twins, which happened after he met Beatrice for the first time. The events are as follows: Subaru wakes up first time -> Subaru meets Beatrice, gets knocked out -> CHECKPOINT -> Subaru wakes up a 2nd time to the twins -> Subaru dies 4-5 days later. Every time Subaru restarts, he will have already met Beatrice once for each loop.


He doesn't necessarily get a new checkpoint each time he falls asleep. Because he usually spends a few days in the mansion before dying. If you remember, he met Beatrice first in the house before he met the twins. She sucked his mana dry, and then he passed out and woke up and met the maids. That's why she says that she remembers him. Because his checkpoint is the second time he wakes up in the mansion

Lye Batenkaitos

Yeah no one knows what how the check points are determined yet but they explained the beatrice stuff above ^ I’m happy you guys are enjoying the show! It’s a psychological thriller , heavy dialogue is the key to figuring things out in the show!


Its not everytime he falls asleep. Remember his first checkpoint was the apple vendor guy holding out an apple


Subaru just came for the 1st time ever.


Rem call Ram sister bc Ram is the older twin. Just a respect thing.


Guys the witch has nothing to do with any of this

Viela Guay

God I love how much Subaru is actually a normal person dealing with insane stress. Sometimes you just need that day long crying session man.


The psychological aspect of this show amazing. The way Subaru evolves throughout the show and resolves his regrets and grows as a character is beautifully written


yeah it isnt that much important. Its just Rem showing respect to her older sister


imagine playing dark souls game and letting the game auto save u xD i can feel subarus pain


Subaru isn't "normal" at all. Subaru slowly turns into the ultimate simp as the story progresses. His entire existence is about Emilia...he really is a pathetic character through the entire story.

Baren Nerab

whoa this is my third time watching this series and I just noticed but, does it look like beako sounded automatic when answering the witches information??

Big Daddy Dre

Y’all to deep into the names bruh😂 rem is the only one that calls her sister every one either calls her ram or just say what they got to say to without calling her name

Champion Bescos

Yooo, shout out to Lupa. Two episodes in a row with the on point nets references (Ben Parker, Bioshock Infinite). Our boy is truly a man of culture!


Will they watch any of the ovas? Both are canon

Tev Overhaul

Around episode 20 people we will inform them to watch frozen bond before starting season 2 . Because by that time they are done with season 1 the season 2 first occur will be done and we have to wait until January for season 2 part 2 where the plot thickens heavily!

Phil Astar

And he also went to sleep multiple times, hence it being day 4


Only Rem calls Ram sister. Everyone else calls her by her name


Btw Emilia thinks of Subaru as a 13 yr old boy😂


I agree i hated in character in S1 coz how stupid nd selfish he was but after some time he grew on me...


Can't find episode 7


Where’s lucky number 7