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One of the best animated episodes EVER!!! Also I didnt mention it in the outro but.......did he say ACKERMAN!?


Pain | Attack on Titan S3 Ep 2

This is "Pain | Attack on Titan S3 Ep 2" by YaBoyRoshi on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Cameron Hall

I'm sure people have said and some will say its not important. But watch til the end of episode 12 of season 3

Alex cleveland

We also getting GOH today???


actually I feel like it would be better for them to skip that end credits scene. I dead feel like Roshi and Sheera (especially Sheera lolol) are going to accurately predict what's going to happen when that episode comes up. But that's just my opinion. They can watch that part if they want to, but I'm gonna be disappointed if they predict what happens by watching that end credits scene. But I'll be good either way


one word for this ep: Budget lmao

Tyler Windover

Lets GOO after todays GOH episode I'm hype for MAPPA to do JJK and AoT


This season is full of revelations can’t wait 🔥


Different staff AoT has Yûichirô Hayashi and Jun SHISHIDO as directors and not by Sunghoo Park whos doing JJK and GoH


bro don't watch the intro for the back half of the season it spoils everything

Otter Mane

Just an FYI the first part of Season 3 cut & rearranged a good amount of events from the manga so some of the context is either rushed through or certain conversations that gave weight to characters actions were missed (there was a whole dialogue between Levi & the squad about killing humans and Jean had more to say about it that showed why he hesitated in the first place in the manga) I still like the anime version of part 1 but if you ever want to go back for the sake of seeing what was missed i'd recommend it.

Otter Mane

also it's never revealed in the anime but Isayama confirmed that the couple that made the hot air balloon was Armin's parents


yeah I wouldnt recommend watching SEASON 3 PART 2 OP for spoilers

Oscar Barcelo

Anyone noticed while the flashback of the guy being tortured happened the last flashback with the women and little girl. The little girl looked like a young historia


Yeah I dont think they tell you this but the couple in the hot air balloon were Armin's parents


When did Roshi and Sheera react to this chase a few years back?? Can I find that?

MakAttack G

Interesting Fact: The Levi chase scene was key animated by Arifumi Imai who is by far one of my favorite action animators. He stated in an interview that whole scene took him months to storyboard and then animate. When you look at the individual frames you can really appreciate the work that man put into it. There's one frame where you can see Levi's reflection in the window and then another when his ODM gear actually hit the wall resulting in a spark. By far one of my favorite animated scenes of all time.

Bona Fide

only 2. i cri everytime

Ace Spiegel

Don't say shit guys... but that last chapter tho


I'd suggest not paying attention to the second opening this season because it spoils too much.


He did say Ackerman

JunpeiFES .

I swear these people are either dumb or dumber 🤦🏻‍♂️ but its okay man, i bet roshi and the squad knows how to avoid spoilers.


it wasnt as simple as killed or be killed. or rather it is but in the end, even levi admitted that he didnt know what the right answer is. he could be wrong and jean could be right. jeans hesitation to kill nearly costed him his life but it was also expected. they were trained as soldiers but to kill titans and not ppl. the only ppl who can do so with little hesitation are levi and mikasa who has killed ppl and have killer instincts. armin was able to kill because jean was at the verge of getting killed himself. and it wasnt like levi gave them time to prepare or anything either. they literally jumped in and he was like "we gotta kill dese bois". he shouldve told them earlier (mikasa shouldve relayed it earlier at least) because for those who have not killed b4, they cannot do it so easily. tellin them in the middle of combat was an error on levis side. i do like armins talk about how he was the one to shoot first, showing that the other person also hesitated. why she hesitated was never explained. i dont think she was a newbie as such missions wouldnt be given to a person who has never killed b4. but theres a chance she hesitated because jean hesitated. something along the lines "am i rly gonna kill this guy who looked green af and barely even knows what he got into and couldnt pull the trigger" and that split second gave armin the chance to save jean. so was jean correct? probably not but it was expected and understandable. it wouldve been a different story had they actually sat down, before the action to speak of killing ppl and not showing hesitation.


I have one question. In this episode, when that one interior policeman was getting tortured by Levi and Hange, he was talking about having to kill people who were pretty much trying to leave the walls and he happened to mention a couple that was riding in an air balloon. And correct me if I’m wrong, In the first season, I believe i remember Armin talking about how his parents had left to explore the world and we haven't heard about them since. So...I thinking that those are his parents....I personally always wondered what happened to them since we know what happened to Mikasa’s parents and Eren’s mom. So if someone can shed so light on this, I would gladly appreciate it


That Levi chase scene had the slickest animation I've ever seen


Yeah and the two other people in that scene are known to us after the next few episodes.

Ace Overton

If he was Goku, that seeing a small taste of the skill that Lord Levi can bring to the table


No way the teacher they killed.. was that.?

Ross Lerma

All 3 he mentioned are characters we know or will know in the coming episodes

Jake Thompson

You have to realize that murder in this world is a way bigger issue than normal, especially against other military members. Each one is a valuable commodity against the Titans, killing another humans makes your strength against them weaker. Training for years to fight Titans only to have to turn around and use your skills against humans is a incredibly foreign thought to them.


damn yall missed a bunch of important reveals about certain character backstories @18:45, you saw Erwin's dad getting tortured, as well as a preview of another character's story that i'm really surprised you didn't pick up on


People forget that Mikasa already caught a body as a kid, Eren too. So she’s fine with it, especially if it’s to save Eren.


Ngl when I first saw this part of the season, I was a bit upset they were fighting humans and not Titans. My first impression was like, "Okay, action is great as usual, but wtf are the Titans. WTF is this shit." Lol. That's how I felt back when it was airing. Might be a bit diff now.


Y'all seem to think it's extremely easy just to kill a person at the drop of a hat. Okay.


They wouldn't know that until the next episode when the story is told.


ya gotta chill on my man jean lmaooo


wow guys you made me reaally upset when you started bs jean. why do you all even think that its easy to kill people? wtf, imagine being threatend by titans, humanity is extincting and now all of a sudden you have to not hesitate and take out people like its some game. try at least analyze a bit, its kinda obvious to understand why he did hesitate and why mikasa or levi didnt. have never been that upset on your channel, hope youll improve

Ace Overton

It's a survival instinct. Some people would hesitate, other would not blink and eye. It's ca scale of humanity. I grew up in an area where death happened daily, so the mental block of murder to survive is already gone for me. For some, they couldn't fathom it, even if they were in trouble.


Come on, Lupa-San! Armin and Jean aren't pussies for hesitating. Until now they were trained to kill titans not actual people so it's understandable for them to be this way.


Cant wait for you guys to reach the climax of season 3!!! More tears are coming!

Austin Yun

"Strider Hiryu over here" lmfao Lupa san always got me dead

Lalisa Truong

That and I'm pretty sure those who joined the Scouts didn't join it to kill other people since that's not what they're about...


Think all are being a little insensitive to what they're going through they didnt sign up to kill humans only titans. Of course they're going to hesitate from time to time and shera yelling at the screen just ask yourself would you kill another person smh. Roshi is the most tame reaction here and logical


I see everyone has the same sentiment here. At the end of the day you gotta remember that they're still teenagers who most have never killed a human before. There enemy from day one has always been the titans who were just seen as monsters that needed to be killed for their survival. Finding out that your enemies are also humans is a tough pill to swallow and I imagine taking life, even if it's to save someone, is a tough thing to do.


No offense but I do get kinda tired of people who've most likely never even seen someone die in real life, let alone killed anybody talk about how pussy it is for people to hesitate before killing someone. These soldiers signed up and trained to kill Titans, not humans. This isn't like the military in real life.


Welcome to Ba Sing Se lol.

Markus Antonius

With the exception of the Levi fight scenes, everything about this episode: the lore the settings, were done 100% better in the manga


I mean when u have seen ppl get eaten, tortured, killed in front of ur eyes there shouldn’t be much of hesitation. Nd theres also survival instinct.

Jay Craig

my man really said he was glad he thought Jean was dead because he didn't kill another human being, what a sack of shit


lol yall act like you can kill a human foh


you can see roshi doing the math in his head when kenny said “levi ackerman” LMAO