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Yeah, this guy has got to go 


Civil War Pt 1 | Legend of Korra Ep 3

This is "Civil War Pt 1 | Legend of Korra Ep 3" by YaBoyRoshi on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Ppl sayin "Shes just a kid" acting like Aang wasn't only 12 with common sense. And how old is Korra? 17. Was lowkey disappointed this season


And if someone is finna say "Well technically he was 112" that doesn't count since he was literally frozen for 100 years. He didn't age nore did his maturity or sense.


True aang did show common sense or wisdom but I’m sure you know too that it took a while. Korra was practically a sheltered child or teen or whatever, regardless of who you are ,not experiencing failure but somehow making a reasonable decision is basically impossible.


Obviously but what he’s saying his he has a whole bending nation on his shoulders. Regardless of your facts, which are a solid point. But if he died early or something happened, the air normads would become extinct basically

Cody Braim

Bruh ya'll are pumping the content out like crazy right now

Kevin Kovacs

Roshi.. you gonna love Varrick!! Trust me! 😅


the link unfortunately is still broken This appears when i click on it https://i.vimeocdn.com/filter/overlay?src0=https%3A%2F%2Fi.vimeocdn.com%2Fvideo%2F920143900_1280x720.jpg&src1=https%3A%2F%2Ff.vimeocdn.com%2Fimages_v6%2Fshare%2Fplay_icon_overlay.png


Link isn't working


It’s not working


https://vimeo.com/435815794/49072c036c Link for those having issues. Had to open it on my phone in Chrome.

Kamau Catching

Link is working now... Civil wars might be the most underrated part of Korra period. I'm not going to spoil part 2 but it's just as good if not better than the first part. The emotion and frustration of Korra and her mom in their conversation is the highlight of this episode to me. Obviously there is more action and other parts of the episode which are good but that part always reminds me of conversations I had as a teen with elders in my family. Korra is frustrated and can be frustrating but her heart is in the right place. Shes still learning and growing but there will be bumps in the road


Bruh it’s asami not salami Jesus ik y’all see it in the subtitles

Oui Oui

It's Asami. Why do y'all keep mispronouncing her name?


Bruh roshi great episode but when are u gonna do more solo leveling 🤔🤔

Hoodlum JoeBro

Next episode is one of the best of book 2. Unfortunate we gotta wait till next week tho 😭😂

Oui Oui

"How are y'all gonna produce airbenders" Do y'all not know how genetics work?

Belt Cedd

The thing about Aang as a parent was that he kinda played favorites once Tenzin was born an airbender. He put all his attention into Tenzin while his other kids kinda just existed. It's not that Aang didn't love Bumi and Kaya too but it still hurts watching your parent clearly show who his favorite is. Imagine being the 1st and 2nd child and constantly having to hear about your dad taking the 3rd child to Disneyland, Miami, Six Flags and anywhere else in the world while all you get from your dad is maybe basic love like a hug.


I know we're getting spoiled with 3 eps a week but my gosh I need more lol. Book 2 is awesome.

Devin B

True but in Aang's defense he was thinking about rebuilding the air nation from scratch and it is unfortunate that he didn't give Bumi and Kya the attention that he gave Tenzin but he wanted to make sure that Tenzin was well off before he eventually passed away and Tenzin gets in a similar situation to Aang being the last airbender and knowing an entire culture starts and ends with him.


And yall can't forget thats her UNCLE. So its easy to be blindsided and side with family. Not korras fault, Unalaq is just smart and knows what he's doing.


Boomi and Kya might not be airbenders but the they still have the genes dormant in them. Think of it like height and eye color. You can have a tall Grandfather whos height skipped his kids and went on to his grankids. Think of it like that.

Delinda Arts

Adult Aang was givin off some real Goku energy when it came to his kids lmao

Devin B

I'd say more like Naruto vibes cause Goku ignored his kids just to go off and train or choosing to stay dead instead of coming back. With Aang and Naruto they were actually busy being leaders of the new world and being productive.


I think Aang loved all his kids equal he just spent more time with Tenzin to teach him Airbending. I know people want their favorite characters to be perfect but in real life parents make mistakes sometimes without realizing it.

Belt Cedd

Agreed. I have uncles who are both around 7 feet tall and my dad is 6 flat. Yet somehow I'm 26 and still 5" 5'

Delinda Arts

“It’s a family affairrr”🎶

Keno31404 .

I understand what y'all meant about making new airbenders, but that doesn't mean it's the ONLY way to honor their father. They all are his legacy regardless of how they move forward, that's their point.


Yeah like u get genes from your grandparents. :, D


Bending works like other genetics. If one of the grand parents is airbender but parents arent, there is still around 25% change of the child being an airbender. It can skip generation. Also building a legacy and airbender culture doesnt require to be an airbender


Plus im pretty sure the two could have airbender children if they had any. The chance is lower tho


Non benders can have bending children as along as there is bending in their genes. I imagine that Aang was really worried about not producing a air bending child, probably felt a bit of disappointment each time even if he didn’t want too.


06:39 - yes she is

kurumi Tokisaki

When that little girl threw that snowball and said what she said at 10:33, I felt that lmao

Faiz Khan

they still have the same genes plus they could also help out with the city


Yeah unfortunately Aang did not do so well at being as dad as he did being the avatar, he favored Tenzin because he was an air bender and he gave him the task of re building the air nomads. Meaning his other two kids got neglected sadly

Justin Baker

I think it highlights that even though aang was this amazing avatar, hes still human, and made mistakes. We witnessed that even in ATLA. It makes him feel more relatable, rather than this omnipotent perfect being, knowing that he struggled with such a comparably mundane task of raising a family.

Justin Baker

The boomi disrespect is real! You'll love him by the end of this season lmao.


Technically, They can produce air bender offspring, Katara parents weren’t benders but she was. Why can boomie have that change?


Side with family, as if her father isn't family. Just bad writing


Bumi and Kya whole grown ass adults really bitching about their childhood when their niece has been missing for hours. Book 2 really doesnt give them a great introduction

Sheraya san

not them getting angry at Korra lmaoooo

Belt Cedd

I just had a messed up thought. What if Aang just kept putting kids in Katara until he got an airbender? Just imagine Tenzin was born a water bender? Aang: Monkey Feathers!! Ok 4th times the charm. Lol

Jack Stiles

Korra so bloody toxic, this is why I never got past season 2.


season3 and 4 some of the best stuff in animation.


my fav thing is yall going "yeah?" before saying things lol, that's how you know you're into it!

Griffin Quinn

I'd say Korras gullible cause she's 17 and has been out of her compound for like a year at most. She didn't even know the truth behind her confinement. She's realizing how much she's been lied to and Unalaq is taking advantage of her frustration with her mentors. Korra absolutely could do with a skeptical ass Sokka in her life at the very least tho.


A lot ppl who are adults are also gullible, being gullible is not. Kid trait


Here comes Big brain Sheera to the rescue 😂 deterring everybody's opinions with hers about the manipulation their is no possible way Y'all could know manipulation 3 episodes in notice how she mean mug the screen and get mad when she gets her theories proven wrong. Y'all was with Korra with whatever she does in the show no matter how biased it is but now she's gullible? Also lets not talk about bully Roshi over here about "how about i take your bending away for no reason just because got on korra bad side" y'all funny though. The point is Unalag could save Korras mom,brother, sister, lover & y'all will still claim hes a bad guy


Why are you crying about it? Unalaq still is a bad guy.


Aang was a shitty parent is quite understandable, him being a monk wit no parents

Benji Schulman

This is my first patreon sub ever, I never expected people to get so nasty in the comments like shit. They haven't seen the series before, its totally fine for them to speculate and make guesses. People need to calm down...


not yall using the r word...


Honestly, they should've made Bumi an Earth Bender.


nah that would have ruined the lore, his chracter and all the worldbuilding


I think you guys got some things wrong. Aangs Legacy is not only airbenders that’s what their kids talking about


It's kind of interesting. ATLA never showed this because ATLA was a very simple good vs evil story where the most complex political issue Aang had to deal with was whether to kill the Fire Lord or not and even then a solution to his predicament was bestowed upon him. However, when he was older, there was a comic where he had to deal with an international crisis between Fire Nation citizens and the Earth Kingdom, and he was making all kinds of problematic choices along the way as well. Like Korra, he was young and didn't know how to handle such a complex situation without picking a side, but Avatars always end up picking a side, and it's usually the side of whatever they think will prevent any fighting, but it never works out cause when people want to/have to fight, they will fight. He eventually came around to the idea, but had Aang gotten his own way, Republic City would have never been a thing. That city is more Zuko's baby.