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pulled up at midnight to tell him "fuck you" lmao



Daemons father dragon was vhagar and mothers dragon Meleys

Metweet .c

The books are written in the perspectives of people who were never in the room for all these events so it's all word of mouth and written by people who hate team black. And some of these people's accounts are just plane crazy and written years after. And its basically written as high-school gossip especially for the female character were Rhaenyra is written as a fat bitter woman jealous of alicents slender body. So I would ignore the raging book lovers since they've completely forgotten that George himself has said this show I'd the confirmed accounts. Hell one of the writers is a court jester who said he fucked Rhaenyra so take it with a grain of salt. Even the witch tormenting daemon, in the books it's said that she didn't affect him in harrenhall and it dosent delve into his experience, but it's not like daemon is gonna walk around telling people he was being haunted. Game of thrones books, we have the characters inner thoughts and motivations. House of the dragon is like history books of today. He said, she said type of ish


just noticed the guy with the sick daughter is bill from warriors


Book readers correct me if I’m wrong. With the exception of Daemon & Rhaenys, Aemond is the most skilled dragon rider in all of Westeros


The book makes heavy use of unreliable narrators. Things like the kidnapping and slaughter of children in the riverlands is attributed to Rhaenyra herself. Essentially what the show is doing in it's adaptation is showing us what really happened during this conflict by removing the fog of only having a single percpective or point of view on any given event.


The books aren't actually "books", it's more of a "Silmarillon" type thing with it being a historian's account of past events, think a history textbook with more artful prose. So, no, neither side is really painted as the bad guys or good guys, although the narrator's biases does factor in to some things and people argue whether or not some events aren't faithfully told because of that (victor writes the history and all that).