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more things that should not air on tv lmao


Micah Smith

this was absolutely by far antony’s best performance

Tejiri Ubiedi

Airing before Shadow of the Erdtree drops, by glorious Kings and Queen.

Zachie 24

This is one of the wildest and fucked up episodes of the boys that’s ever been created

Tejiri Ubiedi

That lobotomy scene is legit the only Boys scene I have EVER had to look away from. EVER.


Let’s fucking go

BBL Drizzy, OV HOE, and the light skin brigade (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-21 21:08:56 WHAT IS IT THE BRAIDS!? Sheera looking flyyyyyyyyyyy
2024-06-21 21:08:56 WHAT IS IT THE BRAIDS!? Sheera looking flyyyyyyyyyyy
2024-06-21 21:08:56 WHAT IS IT THE BRAIDS!? Sheera looking flyyyyyyyyyyy
2024-06-20 19:43:21 WHAT IS IT THE BRAIDS!? Sheera looking flyyyyyyyyyyy

WHAT IS IT THE BRAIDS!? Sheera looking flyyyyyyyyyyy


roshy u hit the nail on the head. everyone even the good guys are shitty people or have done shitty things


Anthony Starr is winning something for this fucking performance holy shit.


Thank u roshi I get to watch this before work 😁

Tejiri Ubiedi

That nigga shoulda been found out Frenchie killed his family. This is why you gotta suck toes more, people.


Firecracker is awful but at least her hatred of starlight is legitimate and not something stupid. That's the only credit she gets from me


I hate homelander with a passion, but hey you abused children for years and gave them superpowers and didn't think that they would come back to get revenge or hold hatred for that abuse.


Anthony Starr is GOATED!

PJ Rivera

Butcher had a whole parasyte/ moon knight moment lol whatever is inside needs him alive and won’t let him go

Devin B

My tipping point was the human salad tossing centipede

The NaijaOtaku

Roshi, to offer a counter-point to what you said about what Frenchie was doing to Colin fucking his character, remember that Frenchie wasn't really a good person even before joining The Boys, remember back in episode 2 of Season 1 where Frenchie talks about the first person he ever killed? And in Season 3, Little Nina expands upon this by revealing that he killed even more people on her orders, and in Season 2, even before Mallory met him he was using Xanax to drug a Supe so he could rob a bank.

Fatak Scar

Sheera that hair looks AMAZING Roshi you need a retwist gangy you look like the homeless nigga down my block


“Why would they put this on tv” This is coming from the same show where two episodes ago a grown man was eating out his own ass 😭😂😭


34:02 this is meme material😂😂😂😂😂


the line delivery from the girl kimiko was trying to save was so good


Luka & Sheera looking like they about to hit up the Met Gala


Loving Sheera’s hair omg!!


The conspiracies 🤣🤣🤣


I like how she literally has to be stupid to fuck the deep 😂

Red Death

So Barbara is saying all that bad stuff that happened to him is his fault because he could've just left if he wanted to? Like they didn't mold him into being afraid of disappointing people and wanting to be loved. Like he wasn't a kid whose whole existence was just to be test subject in order to create the strongest hero.


Homelander not killing her is probably even worse since if you look at the door, he lasered it shut. Not that that matters since its a hidden lab anyway, so she's done either way

Joe Williams

Damn Sheera's hair looks fantastic!

John Cedar

I don't think she was saying that. She was just being frank about what they did because she thought that tactic would be the only way any of them could survive. Trying to sugarcoat the situation or infantilize Homelander usually ends badly. Look at what happened to the other two who tried to minimize the situation. This is how Edgar and Vogelbaum would deal with him and it usually worked, up until now.


Lupa's "Get up! 😫" is killing me


Thats how I felt, like ma'am taunting him won't help your survival

Curtis Freeman

“Start beating yo dick nigga is if you want to live” I’m taking that clip and posting it out of contex

Taylor Garci

frenchie was always a piece of shit though especially while working for nina he was never a good guy to be frank with you

Weltall Gaia

Its always like being in a room with a rabid dog when homelander is around.

Aks 321

Realistically statutory rape vs abortion is hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby, no way should firecracker have been able to flip that on Starlight and get away with it😂

Tyshaun Patterson

Anthony definitely deserves Oscar nomination for that episode alone


Only way for shorty to get High is to stab her brain lmao


ironically she’s the one who survived


The way you'll want sage to be a good guy is funny . She seems to be a supe supremacist like Homelander .


Homelander this episode made me more uncomfortable then ever 💀 like idk just the way he can deadass murder everyone but he decides to torture them.

Jazz Rivers

Naw that eye scene actually gotta be the most fucked up scene they’ve ever done.

Crow's Nest

Something to take notice of is that he welded the door shut afterward so she's stuck in that room with a bunch of dead bodies until help comes if it even does with it being a Vought secret facility.

Hasnain Khan


Tejiri Ubiedi

But for her demo tho.... Also *those folks* are entirely used to performing mental gymnastics, they Simone Biles with it 💀

Skye Horton

sheera's hair looking amazinggg

KS Neelesh

I'm not saying I sympathise with hughie's mum I'm just trying to be understanding of the fact that in her situation it was like she said her mental health and depresion was so bad she tried to kill herself so if she stayed she would've done that and maybe harmed hughie and even though its fucked up that she left it seemed to be more that she knew if she stayed there was a possibility she might harm her child and not be a good mother so her option to leave seemed to be the only thing she could think to do to live and get better. So it's more so would you prefer she stayed and probably killed herself and left hughie without a mother or harmed her child or leave so that she could live to get better. Again very fucked up and she probably should've told her family so she could get help but it's very difficult to judge that decision when it comes to something so sensitive and saying what people should've done, again perhaps back then MH or depression wasn't maybe talked about much or taken seriously. I'm just trying to be understanding. Just my opinion


Have you guys seen the boys: diabolical show? It's a spin off animated show with different stories and animations each episode


He welded that door shut with his eyes and he's in control of Vought, I doubt he'll let anyone rescue her. She'll starve to death eventually even if she eats the bodies.

Ryan NYC

Was it jus me or was homelander cooking this episode 😭 im not even mad at him


I do feel for Annie in this episode but Firecracker was right about her holier than thou personality, she wouldn't have admitted to blinding that woman if it wasnt exposed Screw that politician though she already was having a bad day and you call Just to insult her some more?? Eh I'm not too mad about Homelander getting his lick back, it wasn't a matter of them doing their jobs but the going out of their way to make fun of him in his vulnerable state and not expecting him to get his lick back

King of New York

I think they really showed that MM is keeping the whole team together, especially when he stopped Starlight. Sad but got a feeling he's gonna die this season....

Fatak Scar

In this season they are showing the dark sides of the boys Frenchie with his past as a hit man and starlight with the bullying and blinding of innocent we already know butcher is a piece of shit kimiko with that girl and hughie with his dad I think but it’s nothing bad we have to wait and see


Roshi, that shirt man. I keep thinking that white logo on your arm is my cursor, and keep trying to move it out the way



zILovePelmeni _

i really think hughies mom is just in his head and he gave him the V himself


Sage is so fine 🙂‍↕️


Sheera 🔥🔥🔥

Amir Shipp

"I used to be alone trapped for hours in this room." The Bad Room was very simple: a prison that trapped Homelander with his thoughts, especially feelings of shame. So he literally her locked in with regrets and and horror about who she is as a person.


That would be an awesome twist. They give us the obvious hallucinations of Butcher and reveal at the end of the season that Hughie has a lesser version of the same type of brain cancer and is hallucinating his mom. I'm trying to remember, has anyone talked to Hughies mom or acknowledged her being there?


It would kind of be cool if Butchers power is turning into a supe when needed. Almost like the new Parasite show.

The NaijaOtaku

I agree, what Starlight did to Firecracker all those years ago was terrible and she has every reason to hate Starlight's guts but she's no better than her, she literally committed Stat with a 15 year old boy and tried to spin by saying God put that boy in her path in order to reach the point she's at. MA'AM?! God should've smited her with lightning for even uttering that blasphemy, and I also feel like what Firecracker said was a jab at all of the people in the real world who do terrible shit and use God to justify it all but to get back to my main point, Starlight sucks for what she did to Firecracker but Firecracker also sucks as well.


Yep that's why I said the only credit she gets is that she actually has a legitimate reason and to have hatred for starlight that's not something basic like oh she outshined me during the talent portion of a beauty pageant. Other than that firecracker is an awful person, hell a large portion of the people on both sides are awful and have done terrible things in their past or they are still doing terrible things now.

Noctis lucis (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-20 21:54:03 You ghetto idiots obviously weren't paying attention, NINA ALREADY TOLD UP FRENCHIE WAS ABOUT THAT LIFE LAST SEASON THIS ISNT NEW INFORMATION
2024-06-20 21:54:03 You ghetto idiots obviously weren't paying attention, NINA ALREADY TOLD US FRENCHIE WAS ABOUT THAT LIFE LAST SEASON THIS ISNT NEW INFORMATION. How is this messing with his character?? You losers want the most generic bs possible lmfao
2024-06-20 21:53:35


Hasn't the nurses and doctors at the hospital spoken to her before?


He left her locked in the isolation room with the corpses, possibly indefinitely as he might kill anyone he hears opening the door...


So hughie has the actual will that has been changed by the dad. I can't remember the scene if the lawyer had the actual document when he was talking to hughie or if that is just what he said to the lawyer. I know hughie had asked his mom that his dad never updated his will when she said she was his power of attorney, she said that he did two years ago to add her as the power of attorney. Hughie seemed to think he was on it as power of attorney since the mom wasn't there, but what if the dad never changed it from the mom to hughie ever and the mom really isn't real. No one besides hughie still hasn't talked to his mom or seen her. I think a doctor or nurse came in the room before but I don't think the acknowledged her🤔

Noctis lucis

Because it is sick and you should be thrown in prison for murdering babies .


uh bruv calm down with all that who is this disrespect aimed at a lol

Noctis lucis

Yes it is its hilarious how you npcs just go around giving opinions that aren't your own and yet you can't even spell correctly LMFAOOOOO


Lmao Roshi at 59:53 "And this s-st-st-...Fucking woman"

Bish im Goku

Imagine paying for a subscription to talk shit, lmfao you must be a little boy 🤣🤷


bro pays for their patreon and starts disrespecting them, lock this man up

Noctis lucis

Oh I forgot, here you're only allowed to be on dick 🤣🤣🤣 no opinions allowed

Omar Bautista

Starlight keeps trying to make excuses but still is a shitty person. Comes in to help singer but just insults him and his tactics and covers up her early years always to forget the past with either the family or firecracker. She needs to learn how to better apologize with her big ego

michael myers

I'm just notingthat in the comics, taking Compound V with cancer turns the cancer into a super powered monster so i'm not sure if thats the direction they're going but that'll be super dope if it is

Nick Baynes

You never stated an opinion. Just a lot of accusations and insults.


Ngl, this show peaked in s3

Noctis lucis

That's cool, I respect your opinion 🤷‍♂️ it's wrong but I respect it (see how easy that is?)

Valentino Garay

Sheera your hair looks really good!

MancunianProphecy (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-20 22:13:29 I so hope this is the end of the Frenchie and Colin BS now. That shit was mad tiresome and just a waste of screen time. I've invested in Frenchie's character since the beginning but I just can't with him this season... I get Nina said last season this is what he is like, but to have that development just to regress that quickly? Nah, I'm good bro.
2024-06-20 22:12:00 I so hope this is the end of the Frenchie and Colin BS now. That shit was mad tiresome and just a waste of screen time. I've been invested in Frenchie's character since the beginning but I just can't with him this season... I get Nina said last season this is what he is like, but to have that development just to regress that quickly? Nah, I'm good bro.

I so hope this is the end of the Frenchie and Colin BS now. That shit was mad tiresome and just a waste of screen time. I've been invested in Frenchie's character since the beginning but I just can't with him this season... I get Nina said last season this is what he is like, but to have that development just to regress that quickly? Nah, I'm good bro.

zILovePelmeni _

@bleach that doesnt mean anything. nobody in the hospital ever looked at the mom except hughie

Tramaine Thomas

"Venom" song went through my head during that Butcher shit, I also wouldn't be suprised if Hughie's dad just has basic powers Hughie had in the comics since he was modeled after the actor who plays his dad, just strength and durability ect

zILovePelmeni _

@LaTesha thats what im saying. nobody even noticed the mom besides hughie its another YOU season 4 situation

Corey Leach

Think they might introduce an aftereffect of using Compound V. Let's jus say that Butcher definitely ate that nigga lmao.


ya so if woman was raped she has to have the baby and not care about the fact the woman would have to live everyday of a growing trauma in her womb?


Not saying I agree but you have to concur that female taking advantage of a boy verses the other way around feta seen in a different light


I had to look away and never look at termite going into the guys dick in s3

Devin B

Honestly the lobotomy scene wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, it's uncomfortable to watch but imo it's not up there when it comes to disturbing scenes in this show

Ashanti Patmon

. I’m glad I’m not the only one who couldn’t handle that scene.

Noctis lucis

It was gods will . That's exactly what I'm saying. PRISON TIME OR DEATH SENTENCE MAXIMUM


So far Frenchie whole thing this season has been “I’m gay and I can’t tell my new boyfriend I cooked his family” little disappointed the direction they decided to go with Frenchie’s character, a little too 1 dimensional. Also Sheera fire hairdo

Themperor Xaquayza

So she's not getting dumber because her brain regenerates.

Corey Leach

That makes sense cuz I was like he had to have locked her in there.


Jesus we have an actual firecracker supporter over here.


They showed that with frenchie for the past two seasons

Corey Leach

Yea his revenge is fair. It's like I hate him, but I can't completely cuz them ppl turned him into a coldblooded psychopathic killer.

Themperor Xaquayza

This brings a whole new meaning to blowing someone's brains out


Statutory is taken far less seriously if a woman is the perpetrator, the boy will just be called lucky and forgotten about

halinton williams

Frenchie didn't know that was his family until now bd that was when he was with that manipulative woman

I VisiBomb I

this episode was really pushing it. y'all think the last scene is messed up, imagine how it feels knowing how a room like that looks like for real.

Jamaal Ellison

This Frenchie shit needs to have a point besides ticking boxes because it's getting ridiculous and old.

Jeremiah Neely

Yo. The Deep just keeps winning bro. lol.

Ryan NYC

What’s crazy is they engineered a flaw psychology to make him want to be loved so he’ll forever be obedient to them. They wanted a puppet and it backfired

Jordyn Brown

🤣Some people only realized when she said “you’re one of the good ones” but as soon as she said “uppidy” I was ready to swing. Uppidy was almost exclusively used to say a black person climbing the economic ladder in white spaces.


Me and my homies hate Hugie's mom


"Start beating yo dick nigga!" Is one of the wildest statements I've ever heard 🤣


No honestly I could tell you you can skip all the times Frenchie was on screen and not miss anything remotely important to the plot


sage calling firecracker a cracker has me dying

Wassim aitikhlef

Butcher got that Las plaguas from Wish. Soon he gonna talk Spanish


Sage is maybe plotting against the 7 but she definitely isn’t trying to help starlight, she has her own agenda and I’m pretty sure she doesn’t have good intentions

Ellie Reid

"Vanished into a dark gaping hole" LOL. reference to that one guy who banged every hole he saw?


Nah, I thought it was very clearly just Frenchie’s past catching up with him. Which seems to be the common thing this season, since Kimiko and Annie are also examples of this.


That lobotomy scene is up there with the sickest shit this show has done so far my god 😭


watch it be a super worm lol, "Would you still love me if i was a worm?"

Zachary Shepard

If I remember right that locks from the outside, she will probably die with all those bodies.


She never came back tho. Its not abt the fact that she was mentally ill, its the fact that that woman wasnt PRESENT at all in hugies life in any way until now. She blames the dad for cutting off contact but as far as we know, she never fought for it either. Mental health is important but thats not what the issue is


First of all, it has not been “I’m gay”; you just have an unconscious/conscious bias against gay shit. They have portrayed Frenchie being into guys and girls before this; you just didn’t acknowledge it. Second, Frenchie’s whole character has been about being some kind of “hero.” He has a trauma savior complex. He kissed Kimiko after her brother literally died. He is trying to help his boyfriend after he literally killed his family. His shit isn’t one-dimensional. It’s meant to be a character arc about him being able to get over his trauma of being a hitman without vicariously living through other people getting through their trauma. Third, his shit is low-key boring compared to other arcs in the show.

Drake Rage

17:40 Yeah, it is insane how good the Homelander's Actor is, how he displays all these complex emotions/trauma from the past that makes him the terrifying villain he is now.

Alexis Sullivan

I've seen a theory that Hughies moms isn't there and he's hallucinating her like Butcher is with Becca, only difference is Hughie doesn't know he's hallucinating. Especially cuz no one but Hughie has spoken to his mom and i dont recall anyone ever acknowledging her. They both took the temp V last season but Hughie took less of it so it makes sense his symptoms wouldn't be as bad as Butcher. If that's the case Hughie gave the V to his dad and doesn't realize it. That's kinda the only thing that makes sense cuz what exactly prompted his mom to just randomly look in his pocket? Especially after their estrangement why would she just be going thru his shit? Naw, I think she's not really there

Colin Donnelly

I knew it was a lobotomy tool, but goddammit i did not want to be right.

Adrian Neal

Hugie’s mom plotting some sneaky shit


Homelander is too nice. He left months worth of food with Barbara

Justin Spencer

I was gonna fry the guy Frenchie fucking cause how you not see his ankles then I thought about it. I can’t remember anyone I’ve messed with ankles 🤣


Lupa looking like he has a sentient Sponge living in his head.


Anthony Starr’s homelander performance is up there with heath and Bryan

Ranginald Vagel

It is so sad that a lot of real people with functioning brains would also immediately absolve Firecracker and be like "Wow where was she when I was 15, lucky kid"


This show going crazy except for Frenchies arc felt pretty pointless so far lmao

Just Shinji

True, it's not even the relationship being gay or something, it's just I don't see where it's going and why it should be important for the mainplot


Ong it feels like it only happened to make Frenchie start using again

Justin Spencer

I wish sage wasn’t a villain cause I want her to stick around and not die like they tend to in these type of shows reminds me of xanatos from gargoyles I love my villains with big plans ❤️

Ranginald Vagel

I get the feeling she hates the entire establishment and would like it all to blow up, she doesn't care who really wins or who gets hurt. Maybe she wants to rebuild society afterwards. If I was that smart and bitter I'd probably do the same thing.


Bro all I can imagine is freaking Anissa over Butcher’s shoulder whenever I see Becca now 💀


is it me or is the deep fucking ripped n huge. like way more than last szn. canonically in the show he should be the strongest dude cause wtf😭

Justin Spencer

Was I the only one surprised that starlight told hughie about the kid


I could not even attempt to watch that lobotomy scene. even the sound was wayyyy too much


@noctis lucis Idk if u enjoy trolling but man u gotta figure out how to love yourself. i hope u reconnect ur family and ur loved ones cause ur a sad human being


Lmfao had to take my like away with that suck toes part

Cayla Gibson

Sheera lookin extra good this episode. Love love love the hair 😍😍😮‍💨


Yeah.. im not on starlights side for the abortion

Donte McLemore

Sheera looking like a snack damn

Ranginald Vagel

Very cringe to not admit why Firecracker hates her, I don't think she's a bad person since in the end she's trying to make the right choices but she needs to get over herself

Ranginald Vagel

"statutory rape vs abortion is hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby" is probably a phrase that has not been said in human history up to this point, congrats. But I'm going to be honest her getting away with it because she is an attractive older woman is tragically realistic.


Cause he actress Shantel VanSanten voices her…

Nick Vaughn

Yea I’m mixed in general on how they’ve developed Frenchie’s character throughout the series. It feels like they don’t know what to do with him half of the time. Also this is Anthony Starr’s best episode as Homelander. Bro his laugh gave me serious Heath Ledger Joker vibes like Jesus. I’m also mixed on Sage only because I don’t understand her motive and I don’t care for her having sex with Deep so I’m hoping there’s more to that

Ranginald Vagel

I was watching with my brother like, "goddamn, the guy who invented this won the Nobel Prize for it"

Reckless Company

The only time I support homelander killing people lol


They're basically making fun of conservatives and trying to call them idiots


Sheera looks extra good!! The hair is fire!


Firecracker's strategy only worked because she's a woman. If this were a man that did this to a 15 yr girl, they're getting crucified on the spot.

Kiara Brown

Sure that’s ur interpretation lol but I think this season so far has been u can’t hide from ur past demonstrated with literally a bunch of characters Kimiko, Starlight, Butcher, Homelander, and Frenchie

General Grevious

I know Homelander is a piece of shit but it’s not surprising at all that he turned out the way he did, if he had just one positive role model he could have been an actual hero.


I just found out firecracker is Kara in Detroit become human

sotonye ogan

They done turn oi Butcher to Moon Knight lol. and The Boys only recurrent method against supes is just Blackmailing.


Ngl that lobotomy scene was odee 🤦🏽‍♂️


I've seen many a shit and that lobotomy scene was the first time I lost my appetite while watching something


i’m pretty sure butcher now has the same power or something similar to soldier boy’s super nova. every time soldier boy uses it he doesn’t remember what happened and the same thing happened to butcher.

Omar Bautista

Firecracker diddling a teen and getting away with it aint even much a far fetch thing to get away with. Teachers are thriving with only fans and no one cares if a boy gets diddiled that news sweeps under the rug no questions asked


as someone who used to drive a forklift the forks being raised up like that is literally a safety violation lmao

Kyle Fields

They both decided to abort together cause it was both their baby but they felt like they weren’t ready


@maxy7maxy who says I didn’t acknowledge him being gay before? They’re obviously just highlighting that part now since it’s June and they want to be inclusive, just because I have something negative to say about a gay character doesn’t make me homophobic. I and many other people think the plot with him currently is being dragged out.

Engel Paramo

The theme of the season seems to be the past catching up with you. Whether it's Frenchie, Hughie, Annie, Homelander or Kimiko

Nuke XD

Homelander laughing this episode just made me sure of one thing, he could definetly play the Joker, that laugh was crazy


The Frenchie plot seems so pointless. Like delete all that out if it's gonna have nothing to do with the bigger struggle here.


Damn this whole theme of the past catching up to people is giving Enji Todoroki. Lol

KS Neelesh

Yeah you've got a point. I agree she should've made contact with hughie even after she left but I'm just trying to not be too judgemental when she literally had Paspartum Depression and tried to kill herself. Also in her mind she probably thought if she came back she might hurt hughie cuz as far she know we dont know how long she took to recover or get healthy. Again just trying to be sensitive to what she might have gone through as well.


this might be me overthinking. maybe hughie is going through the same thing as butcher, and his mother isn't actually there. hughie did take temp v, so maybe he's experiencing those side effects. no one aside from hughie has spoken to her so far this season, and aside from that nurse, it doesn't seem like anyone's acknowledged her presence.


I think it’s different in soldier boys case most of his explosions happened due to something triggering his ptsd so then he’d have like an episode and black out but butchers seems to be like a parasite honestly the V pry gave his tumor powers and it’s like a symbiote and it needs butcher to stay alive


nah a symbiote wouldn’t literally explode someone it has to be some type of variant of soldier boys super nova. if it is then they won’t need soldier boy to kill homelander cuz butcher could just do it himself

Samke Dladla

I think when Butcher took the V, the parasite might have already been there and also got affected. Looks like it's latched onto his brain and can tell when it's host is dying and only then do Butchers powers activate. Might be a stretch but that's what I'm thinking.

Boogie's Games

Dawg ts crazy bro firecracker admitted on live tv that she a pedo and nobody said shit 💀💀💀


Yeah, and people still listen to Drake songs 🤷‍♂️


Starlight killed a man with a baby seat in his back seat in s2 when they tried to save hugie


Lupa was mentally defeated at then end😭

Orlandez Malone

The lobotomy scene is the first time on this show, or any show tbh, where I physically couldn't make myself watch what was happening. Easily the most disturbing and disgusting thing I've ever seen lol


Ur forgetting soldier boy would blow up like a bomb and would be naked afterwards(if I remember correctly), I doubt it's the same


that’s why i said something similar or a variant of it


Man a shit as Firecracker is ... I have to applaud her moxy being faced with blackmail and actually using it and the Christian faith and turned that whole thing around on the fly. Yeah Sage I'd playing 4D chess but that exposure bit was Firecracker acting fast. Like wow.


I absolutely loved the lobotomy scene. That is very similar to what they used to do back in the day!

Alexis Sullivan

No they didnt. Episode 1 we say when Hughie saw his dad for the first time and she wasnt there. Then Hughie came back later that night and his mom showed up, there was nobody there but him and her. Episode 2 there were 2 scenes of them at the hospital, both scenes it was Hughie yelling at his mom and there was nobody in the room but the 2 of them in both scenes. Episode 3 he has the convo about why she left, a nurse walks past them and never says anything to his mom. In episode 4 the only time we see her is at the end when he has the vial of V and again there is no one in the room but Hughie and his mom. Nobody but Hughie has ever spoken to her.


What type of fire extinguisher did Butcher use cuz, tf? imagine the V gave Hughie’s dad a one time power where he just explodes and dies anyway.

Cam Kaneki

Theory y’all think butcher got the blood bending ability from the V? Only thing I can think of for why bro could have exploded in such a way.

DsWorldd •

But in that sense it seems like the nurse acknowledging her is proof enough that she’s real no?

DsWorldd •

Yhh him laughing at Marty in the chair was one of the most psychotic expressions I’ve seen from homelander this whole series

DsWorldd •

Even kimikos plot line is more crucial and it’s barely being touched on like that. Hell I’m more invested into MM and his family’s plot line and other than Todd dying there’s been nothing for the last 4 episodes. Frenchie coming to terms with his guilt is important for his character but it’s hard to stay invested. Maybe it’s just me🤷🏾‍♂️

DsWorldd •

If homelander wanted to be thorough he coulda fucked up the upper floors so they’d essentially be buried way down there too

DsWorldd •

It’s just uncomfortable since it’s more realistic ig. Were desensitized to seeing people get holes punched through them and blown up but mutulation with needles and stuff always make people cringe lmao

DsWorldd •

Yeah starlight can be very self righteous until something gets brought up and she withdraws. She can be strong sure but it’s like she sweeps everything under the rug to maintain that strength


I find it so hilarious that as a collective we seen, the most gruesome way a person dies, from body dismemberment, vomiting, jizz, flying penises, people getting burnt alive etc but a lobotomy is where we draw the line 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


yea, its not like I said its awful, it just peaked in s3, I don't need a re-watch to come to that conclusion lol

Lamaree Jackson

He had to give it that HAWK TUAH! Spit on that thang ☠️☠️☠️☠️


Frenchie did know it was his family, they made that clear when he was on video call to Cherie, she said to him "what will you do when he finds out you murdered his family" implying that Frenchie knew before he started fucking him again.


Wait so does this mean that Sage can surive a headshot!!?? so if Homelander finds out that she has some kind of play going and beams her dome she'll eventually heal her brain and survive!!!???


She didn't say anything to her. The thing about seeing things that aren't there is that the person seeing those things is typically the one who did it. Hughie most likely was the one who injected the V into his dad's IV. He was most likely the one who confirmed that his dad be let go, but imagined his mom do it to cope.


It happened in an episode of that animated The Boys show, and that was one of the few episodes said to be canon.


His mom was also talking about respecting his DNR wishes so why would she suddenly go against that?


Idk but I feel like if her whole head pops it won’t be back, maybe a small hole would generate but I don’t think a whole head


I mean she said her brain would regenerate not her head so it would more than likely end up being like a courier 6 situation where her brain is somewhere else and controlling a body remotely (I have no other media references memorized that would be comparable)


Sheera looks so goood periodt 💅🏾


I’ve been watching you for 4 years and that lobotomy scene was the most freaked out i’ve ever seen them lol. And yeah the frenchie plot line is completely worthless.


Naw it’s the cancer venom shit from the animated spinoff. Yesterday the creator said that episode was canon which is weird timing with this one.

Alexis Sullivan

Also forgot to mention that in this episode the mom, hughie and the doctor are all in the room when the doctor tells them he's brain dead. The doctor only speaks to Hughie. His mom speaks and says it's the right thing to do but the doctor never responds to her. You see his mom nod her head and the doctor seems to acknowledge that and leaves but if he's hallucinating then that was actually him nodding which would explain why she acknowledged it but the doctor never actually physically speaks to his mom. Hughie is the only person who has ever spoken directly to her in all 4 episodes, everyone else doesn't talk to her and doesn't acknowledge her presence


Damn, yalls hair going hard this episode, like the looks.

Kevin Kovacs

Sheera's face 51:37 was killing me sooo much! lol


The hair game is crazy from y'all, always killin it


Is he also hallucinating the lawyer he consulted about getting the power of attorney then? That person was there around other of the team, and was looking at actual records to offer his assessment. That's a big plot hole if mom is a hallucination.


@LaTesha there's no way the lawyer would've given an opinion without reviewing the actual documents.


Using the wrong word has nothing to do with grammar.

Lily Rose

lupa always aggressively rubs his face.. showing us the inside pink of his eyes

Alexis Sullivan

That lawyer gave his legal advice based on what he was told by Hughie, the lawyer never spoke to his mom or anyone representing his mom.

Alexis Sullivan

Let me be more clear, I think his mom may actually exist (unless the story about her attempted suicide was actually successful and shes been dead this whole time) but assuming she is alive, I just don't think she's really at the hospital with him. Either mom is dead from the suicide when he was a kid or shes alive and the hospital reached out to her but I don't think she ever actually showed up.


They really pulled a moon knight on butcher better be the last one


I dont think were suppose to be, like I dont support both her and Hughie decision because saying "were not ready" while having the stability to do so is not excuse to abort.


Frenchie from episode 1 of S1 is him being co-dependent and taking in strays. His entire thing with Kimiko was always co-dependent.

Mohammad Taha

Homelander must be one of the best "villains" ever. in every scene he is in, it keeps you on the edge of the seat that something is about to happen. Anthony really deserves an emmy for his role, he absolutely killed it!


Homelander's maniacal laugh really sounds like Mark Hamill


I think it's mainly because people have never seen that procedure done. It's pretty fresh. The only gruesome lobotomy in mainatream media before ... this... was Superman doing it to Doomsday via heat vision.


Crazy how everyone else can forgive but starlight who suppose to be this loving person always complaining lmao

Daniel De Lira

crazy after the mother been trying convince hughie to accept pulling of the plug and hughie finally does the lady sneaks into the son jack and gives it to the dad. LIKE BRUH


They do not have the stability, both parents lives are consistently in danger and the baby would be too. Imagine if homelander finds out about a baby, Money isn't the only kinda stability needed to be ready for a child.

Ryan NYC

She’s not getting out of there he cut communications to upstairs at the very beginning of the episode lol


The “diabolical” animated show right? If so what episode

sotonye ogan

not always lmao. seen a principal crashing out exposing a teacher doing OF in classroom in a conference.

Omar Bautista

She said that she would go blind if deep messes up. I'd assume that if homelander beems her shed live with 2 giant holes in her head


as long as the headshot doesn't damage anything else, her eyes and mouth and throat wouldnt heal


This whole frenchie plotline is boring and stupid as fuck

Taylor Garci

she left when he was 6 postpartum doesn't last for that long at that point its just mental illness and not wanting to be apart of his life fyi she tried to end herself not hughie it took her 20 years to get better and not contact hughie but manages to reconcile with his dad idk man


I think that this murder spree was the most ethical thing homelander has ever done lol. Those scientists really did deserve this for torturing children. Who knows how many kids the "raised" like this.


I'm with you Lupa, I immediately covered my eyes during That scene. I can handle A LOT but that just gave me such a visceral reaction that I had to look away. I've dealt with eye-horror before since I watched some HTF when I was a young teen, but I can't stand seeing it done to an actual person. Also, the amount of women who were lobotomized back in the day is extremely high so it hurts me even more as a woman watching it happen to another woman, even if Sage is literally asking for it. Great episode but a truly horrific scene.


The frenchie plot line is a little dry, but I like how it ties into the themes of all these characters having to deal with having done horrible things under orders. Kimiko, Frenchie, Starlight, A-Train, and the scientists that tortured Homelander as a kid are all parallels to each other. Of course some of them (Frenchie, Kimiko, and A-train) had less agency and choice than the others (since the three of them were/are basically owned by someone or some group, in Kimikos case) but they all did terrible things to innocent people. Its just like Homelander said, none of them stopped to say this is wrong. Most if them didn't have a choice of course, but people were still hurt and blood is on their hands. Idk if it is an intentional decision by the writers or if I'm just seeing random patterns in the clouds, but it is an interesting theme none the less.


Sheera, watch The Boys: Diabolical, episode 8 if you want to see a little bit of what happened to Homelander in "The Bad Room".


That's the most plausible explanation if they go that route


Sheera new hair 🔥


@Tabbs You literally said his whole thing is “I’m gay and I can’t tell my new boyfriend I cooked his family” why highlight the fact that he’s gay when it has nothing to do with his character arc. Collin could be replaced with a girl and the character arc wouldn’t change but you felt the need to highlight that he’s gay. I never said you were homophobic I only highlighted your biases.


Homelander is the end all be all of villains, man’s makes you uncomfortable every second he’s on screen. I think Anthony star is the only person on earth that could pull this role off.

Orlandez Malone

At my high school we had 2 different teachers get caught hooking up with students. They got fired but no jail time. One of them was married with kids but his wife stayed and now he owns a gym like 2 miles down the road from school lol

Jaelyn Mcgee

Sheera's Make-up and hair is so pretty!!!

Arsean Wilbon

Lobotomy Sage got me folding everytime.

Des Bethea

but is kimiko really bad though? It's not like she had a choice

Des Bethea

but sleeping with children isn't sick? Another womans vagina isnt your business. Abortions have been a thing since 1550 BCE. Get over it, you don't know someone's situation. You yap about abortion being wrong, but are you doing anything for children in foster care who are constantly being abused and thrown in and out of the system?

Jaelyn Mcgee

anyone else notice that sage likes specifically early 2000s stuff lol?


Yall damn near drew the line at the lobotomy but was weak as hell at multiple man eating his own ass


Seen this show explode dicks and rip guys in half and whatever. But that lobotomy scene is the most squeamish shit I've ever seen of any show

Gumball watterson



After a rewatch of the episodes. I'm pretty sure that Hughie mom isn't real. Not even the doctors acknowledged her but it just appears like it because Hughie is also in the room.


I hate how Hughie be blaming a train for everything that nigga been made it up


ngl I dont think the mum knew he had anything. I wanna believe she had sum V on her, because she works for sum company related to Vought. Who knows tho next ep tomorrow.