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This is a top 5 episode



This episode was amazing 😂


Now that ive watched these two episodes back to back, i just remembered the way darkness looked at kazuma last episode when she found out kazuma’s bounty was 200 million. Is that somewhere around the debt her dad has on the other nobles? I wonder….

Wilson Reeves

Love the VAs and they really turned up the Darkness humor

Son Gokhan

Dust has actually been a side character for a while now, he is frequently in the first two seasons

Devin B

If it wasn't obvious that this season clears the other seasons in terms of comedy then this episode cemented it for me


On pride and men’s mental health month is crazy


F for Dust's cheeks

Arima Kana

Want to cum on darkness’s belly and see my nut flow down to her pussy through her abs cut

Hasnain Khan



I shouldn't be surprised but I am a bit that the noble was voiced by Dio's VA

Tre Staples

Straight to jail 🤦🏾you too horny for regular society my guy lol

Tre Staples

Dust got that Diddy treatment 😂😂


love the way dust just hands Kaz a whole stack of succubus coupons as thanks


I really hope they slip in a joke of what happened to Dust next episode. That was crazy. Kazuma just leaving was foul even after hearing him scream 🤣🤣


Heavy Snowfall vibes for real @_@


Y'all we gotta stop falling for the bait, it's what the freak wants.


They all have fun with it, but he seems like he's having the most fun voicing it

Reckless Company

AYOOOOOO kazuma is goofy lol, Lupa saying Oh nO will always be funny


Dust is holding more than just an L he's also holding a D.

Bryann Kam

Happy Pride Month everyone. HIT IT! 🎵It's okay to be gay, let's rejoice with the boys in the gay way 🎶.🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


I'm so sad, only 2 more episodes left, PLEASE GOD let season 4 not take as long to come out, it the time is like from season 1 to 2 then I'd be okay. Season 2 came out only a year after season 1 but it took literally over 7 years for season 3 to drop.


i been waiting for this episode since the light novel. Between the Castle arc and this Darkness arc its some of the funniest shit. And its where Konosuba really gets good.


Tbh the comedy for this season has been on and off compared to previous for me. Then this one has to go and be one of the best episodes so far lmao.

Clinton Vance

Not the Snowfall flashbacks 🤣


Just a heads up for anyone that might not have caught it... that wasnt MONEY Dust gave him, those were tickets to the succubus bar.


I was a little disappointed they cut out the bit where Dust and Kazuma switch parties... ONCE. The dude was traumatized rolling with Kazuma's party.

Devin B

I'll give you that, the other seasons were more consistent but in this season certain moments takes the comedy to the top, especially this episode

sotonye ogan

Nigga said the rumors are true lmao, and peep one of the guards at the back holding his crotch nigga bout to rub one off.

Nick Vaughn

Only kazuma can f*** up the potential of getting some yammms


Laugh tf outta this eps🤣


Continues to be my favorite isekai comedy of all time.


Darkness threw herself at him and he fucked it up! Holy shit Kazuma you dumb fucker!

Thulani Mason

This was one of the most bizarre episodes of anime I've seen in a while.

Ren Lichtfoot

I mean...its not like you have to sleep with every woman that throws it your way........


I feel sorry for Dust i feel sorry for Kazuma I feel sorry for all Yaboyroshi fans cause i realized this episode we never got a "Not like us" reaction


Yah but he’s obviously wanted to hit since season 1….

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

Megumin after intentionally scaring the hoes: “FUCK, I’m mad too” 🤣🤣🤣🤣 no you’re not gtfoh🤣🤣🤣