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S tier game adaptation



Been waiting for this!


Love your reactions guys🙏

Ethan Eggeman

The story has a lot of problems, but it's still a decent watch. Here's hoping season two is better

Edwin Reyes

Refreshed at the perfect time


perfect timing just finished cooking my dinner

Kayvon Davis

Best reaction channel‼️

Zombies Marble

Definitely my favorite video game adaptation.

John Cedar

Not saying it's flawless, but for someone with a lot of problems with it, you described zero of them 😂

Michael Pamon

Where did y’all read that none of the cast are coming back for season 2?? I literally cannot find anything confirming that.


No season 2 is crazy but it’s cool👍🏽

Brian Wilson

i think they're talking about a different show. Theres a lil bit of a cut

Hasnain Khan


PJ Rivera

Man I geeked out seeing vegas and the deathclaw skull but I do hope we see the proper NCR return rather than remnants led by moldaver. The bear will rise again!


there is a season 2 confirmed y'all. as well as the actors confirmed to be coming back.

Renni .

W reaction

Omar Bautista

Yeah Vault tech were just hungry with power and so decided to make a world in their own F'ed up image. [Vault 68] being 99 men and 1 women and [Vault 69] being 99 Women and 1 Man. Like what's the point except for their own F'ed up pleaser

Jack SV

We need a Metro or STALKER adaptation next. Those games are top tier.

Michael Pamon

Btw, all those scenarios that the execs were pitching are actual vaults you discover across all the games. God that’s amazing.

Jack SV

The story doesn’t explore enough of the factions, as a matter of fact doesn’t even make explore their ideologies. The NCR in this show are painted as good people but in the video games they are a bunch of bullies who impose taxes or take territories in a passive aggressive way to other small communities. Also, the wasteland in the show seems a bit empty..like I get is an post apoplectic world but in the games the world seems more lively. While some of the writing in the show is good, is still missing the nuance that made Fallout such an entertaining piece of media..I could go on but I get why some people wouldn’t enjoy this show as much as others. And to be fair, this is coming from someone who already beat Fallout 3,4 and NV.


you guys sould look up the experiment in the Bakersfield vault, explains why she didn't want to go anywhere near there

Jack SV

Also if what they are hinting at the end of this season is true then that’s a bit of a dangerous territory because that means one of the endings of Fallout New Vegas then it’s canon since this show is now canon with the games as well.. I wonder what ending would be canon..

Guav (edited)

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2024-05-23 23:26:51 wait they missed him saying thank betty when they were looking at the subtle lmao
2024-05-23 23:26:49 wait they missed him saying thank betty when they were looking at the subtitles lmao

wait they missed him saying thank betty when they were looking at the subtitles lmao

Brian Wilson (edited)

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2024-05-23 23:40:44 The ghoul was never apart of the brotherhood. He just knew about the power armor cuz they wore it during the war post nukes
2024-05-23 23:38:26 The ghoul was never apart of the brotherhood. He just knew about the power armor cuz they wore it during the war pre nukes

The ghoul was never apart of the brotherhood. He just knew about the power armor cuz they wore it during the war pre nukes


This show was amazing. Def gonna play the games now. Shame I didn’t buy them during the sale a month ago though. I loved the ghoul and Lucy teaming up.

Alejandro Rodriguez

bruh bottle caps is money in this future why tf does vault tec even want this type of monopoly😭

Johnathan Shelton

So since you played the game was that new vegas at the end? or maybe like an enclave headquarters?

Johnathan Shelton

Yea I just looked it up, it was New Vegas, thats dope.


finally this mid is through

DJ Muldrow

The ghoul wasn’t a knight, he was in the military and they used power armors

Jack SV

Do you really want to know lol well spoilers…………………………,,.,,,,……………………:……….::……………… That’s new Vegas!

Frederick (edited)

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2024-05-23 23:53:48 Amazon is really dropping great shows bro. I want them to do more live action game adaptations
2024-05-23 23:52:43 Amazon is really dropping great shows bro. I want them to do more live action game adaptations. 10/10 🔥🔥🔥

Amazon is really dropping great shows bro. I want them to do more live action game adaptations. 10/10 🔥🔥🔥


The "they're not returning for season 2 anthology series" they are referring to I think is Mr. and Mrs. Smith not Fallout.


I think they were referring to mr and mrs smith bc thats an anthology but fallout is def coming back with a season 2


damn i was so hyped to see lupas reaction to the deathclaw skull ;(


I think Roshi should definitely play Fallout 4


fuk dat he needs to play vegas with the mods that fix the game

DJ Muldrow

Also the scientist was a collaborator with shady sands


i feel like the daughter isnt alive. and hes looking for his wife so he can let her know that she killed her own daughter.

Xavier Quesenberry

The ghoul wasn’t apart of the brotherhood he was in the army before he was an actor


texture packs and mods that make it so the game doesnt crash every 10 seconds, go to nexus mods and go to the new vegas mods and theyre the top mods for vegas, the most important one is nvse


Ayye man this just furthered exaggerated the rich live by a different set of rules than us 😂😂😂


Considering he is just a brain i think the actual reason he says all the goofy stuff is because his thoughts get transmitted to sound. He can't have a quite thought literally

Jack SV

If you are on PC, you can wait for the summer steam sale!


Dad- she’s lying Lucy- 😐 Bro I see the bottle cap neckless are you really saying that shit still


Great reaction guys!! Our favorite ghoul was never part of the brotherhood of knights. He mentioned a lot in his flashbacks that 200 years ago he served in the military and during that time he operated the suits. He also talked to Bud and told him that the vulnerabilities in the suits caused a lot of people to die. Clearly quality control was some bullshit since nobody patched the suits in 200 years.

Dark Shogun

Roshi what you said at around 19:18, it's pretty much the basis of the Resident Evil movies.

Brian Wilson

Its possible they could be saving alot more of the “meat” of fallout for the next few seasons. Theres alot of monsters, factions and lore etc that they could dig into with other seasons


5:40 did Sheera pronounce "groin" as "grow-in"??

Art of Trolling

Damn Lucy and Jinx, this actress is about to be the queen of crashouts


Btw, I am pretty sure that Vault-Tec didn't actually drop the bombs. It's been confirmed previously by one of the game's writers or directors(I can't remember exactly who) that it was China that dropped the first bombs, and then pretty much everyone followed suit. That scene with the executives was pretty much them saying that they were willing to drop the bombs if it came to it. Plus, who knows, they might have joined it and dropped a few themselves, but it was confirmed that China had dropped the first few and started it.


The pass code also was the release of the first game.

Davon Thomas (edited)

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2024-05-24 01:16:54 i just want to theorize the wife was talked into killing her own family as well, which is why she didn't tell him when it was happening. No dogs, no family, just all the heads of the table.
2024-05-24 01:16:14 i just want to theorize the wife was talked into killing her own family as well, which is why she didn't tell him when it was happening. The arguing over what's right and what's wrong morally might have caused a rift in their relationship. To where it became easier for someone at her level to persuade her into just not saving her family, probably said something along the lines of "your husband, will never understand the sacrifices you had to make to protect them. He doesn't respect your decision making capabilities. Leave him in the old world as we build a new."

i just want to theorize the wife was talked into killing her own family as well, which is why she didn't tell him when it was happening. The arguing over what's right and what's wrong morally might have caused a rift in their relationship. To where it became easier for someone at her level to persuade her into just not saving her family, probably said something along the lines of "your husband, will never understand the sacrifices you had to make to protect them. He doesn't respect your decision making capabilities. Leave him in the old world as we build a new."


I'm gonna assume that they may have instigated China to start bombing I guess? I don't play the games so I dunno the deep lore.

Gucci Pucci

imagine having to cope this hard, delusioally proclaiming that the reds did it only because you don’t want to accept that you American capitalists are and were the first to nuke civilian population centres both in this fictional series as well as real life 💀


But he said he was looking for his family implying more than one person otherwise he'd just say hos wife or hos wife's name. We'll have to see in season 2 tho.

Golden Pants

Ehhhh, I can see the criticism of the NCR not being fleshed out, but the Brotherhood had some depth at least. And now with a lot of the pivotal characters setup and fleshed out a bit, they could easily delve into the other factions in Season 2. As for the world feeling empty, you have to consider that games have intentionally shrunken scale to make content more dense and to avoid having to spend hours or days walking to places (Not to mention the technical challenges of actually having entire full scale cities in the game lmao). So in this adaptation it makes sense that they wouldn't find something interesting every 50 feet. Since the waste land is so much bigger, its bound to have a lot of empty barren space.

John Cedar

What they're getting at is not that Vault-Tec literally was the hand that turned the key in the missile silos, but that they were able to use their influence to kill the peace talks. This is essentially the same thing as doing it themselves. That scene was literally the most shadow government, eyes wide open meeting that could ever exist. They said exactly what they intended, and I don't think that Todd's soundbite that China instigated the war from years ago is the full story at all. That would just be so boring.


I will say it again. Maximus is the luckiest nigga in this entire show

Ryan Murphy

It was awesome seeing your reactions to the series. To clarify something that might not make sense with the Great War in the beginning, VaulTec didn't actually launch the bombs that started the war. It was more that they were prepared to go that far and took actions to aggravate the conflict between the US and China. A decent number of the vaults didn't get all of their residents/staff in time because they had so little warning when the first bombs were launched by China.

Suited For Gaming (edited)

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2024-05-24 01:34:32 Solid easter egg for fans of the games. The fusion reactor code, 101097, was the year the original Fallout game was released, Oct 10, 1997. Even more impressive when you consider that no matter where you are in the world, whether you arrange your dates by day, month, year....or month, day, year...its still checks out.
2024-05-24 01:33:53 Solid easter egg for fans of the games. The fusion reactor code, 101097, was the year the original Fallout game was released, Oct 10, 1997. Even more impressive when you consider that no matter where you are in the world, whether you arrange your dates by day, month, year....or month, day, year...it still checks out.

Solid easter egg for fans of the games. The fusion reactor code, 101097, was the year the original Fallout game was released, Oct 10, 1997. Even more impressive when you consider that no matter where you are in the world, whether you arrange your dates by day, month, year....or month, day, year...it still checks out.


No notifications once again smh

Michael Pamon

If you have an Xbox, they’re all on Game Pass (minus 1 and 2, those are probably on Steam)

mason zeo

Cooper's wife wouldnt be in the vault since she wasnt in his bud's buds program. That was a specific team of lower executives he managed. She was higher up


Yeah it's really ambiguous. Remember that Janey was with him when the bombs dropped. So either they got separated or Janey's dead. A plausible idea is that Coop took Janey to Mom at Vault-Tec as the chaos was unfolding and they took Janey into Cryo but Ghoulified him and kicked him out or something.


Mom definitely figured out that Coop was spying on her, probably saved the daughter but left him outside


I don’t think China being the ones to nuke and not vault-tec has been confirmed anywhere, just a theory (albeit one that makes sense). But we’ll have to wait til season 2 to know for sure I’m guessing

Tatsumaki Simp

From start to finish one of the best tv shows I seen all year,up there with shogun


Meaby, but that's the game's lore, they could have just retconned it.


Id assume different canons or that theyll just say that in world the lie was spread that china dropped first


The brotherhood’s motives are fleshed out, the NCR are painted as morally grey Moldaver literally slaughters Lucy’s vault and forces her mom to stay a ghoul, and they spent the bulk of multiple episodes (mainly 2) making the wasteland feel lived in. The show ain’t perfect don’t get me wrong, some of the writing and action can be a little iffy, but I totally disagree with the criticisms you listed.


Absolutely 0. Didn't realize till your comment that its been a re-occuring thing recently. And this the main/only one I watch xD


also there are a handful of vaults that weren't completed further suggesting is wasn't vaulttec that dropped them

Dale Tucker

Yeah the logic behind the nuke drops doesn't check out. The in-game lore explained the Vaults, their real purpose, way better. But this show had to dramatize the shit out of it so........myeh

Antonio Williams

The bombing took place when his career was in the gutter if I remember correctly, so it's possible he and his wife were either outright divorced or just on bad terms. That seemed like the result of him wanting to live simple farm life (something the wife pushed back on). He probably couldn't hold in his anger, got into a fight with his wife, and then they went their separate ways. Unless somehow both he and Janey survived and the wife took her into cryo

Marc-Antoine Beauchemin

The Ghoul wasn't in the Brotherhood. He was already a veteran turned movie star 219 years ago. Remember how he points out to Bud Askins how the T-45's flaws resulted in the death of a lot of his friend the first time they met? This is how he knows the said flaws. His past military life is what helped him thrive for 219 years in the wasteland.


FYI unless it's a major retcon they're not saying they *did* drop the bombs, just that they were willing to. I dont believe it's been confirmed one way or the other, and it's one of the great questions of Fallout 'who dropped the first bomb?' Technically, who knows/it doesn't matter. Even if vault-tec didn't, they were willing to if need be and definitely instigated/sabotaged peace deals as shown.

Marc-Antoine Beauchemin

I think that what we see is Vault Tec planning on dropping the bombs and just that. Not what actually happened. Would Barbara plan to drop bombs while her daughter is out of a vault? I have a feeling it didn't go according to plan and the bombs dropped sooner than planned.

Calem Joseph

All of the vaults don't have a managerial vault. The three vault system is exclusive to the vault tech executives.

Dark Danny (edited)

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2024-05-24 02:54:47 No season 2... My year is ruined
2024-05-24 02:54:04


The goul wasn’t apart of the brotherhood he was just apart of the military back before be became an actor


Am I imagining things, or the shootout scene was inspired by the Shiva fight in Young Justice??

Abigail Clark

So a fun easter egg that i learned after the series is that Coop wanted to move his family out to Bakersfield, California yeah? There IS a vault out in Bakersfield, but the experiment for that one was that the door would be improperly sealed so when the bombs hit everyone in the vault would be exposed to radiation and become ghouls. Barb KNEW the experiment for that vault which is why she protested so much.


We need Season 2 now!!!

Zaidi Kamis

Yeah the release date has always been a bit of a mystery and has been discussed for quite a while. The actual release date was 10 October 97, confirmed by several developers that worked on the first game. Game hit the stores early on the 7th. And for some reason Steam decided to make the game free on the September 30 for its 20th anniversary, which was the date the game first went gold aka ready to be shipped.


Definitely one of the best game adaptations out there! As far as other show suggestions go, you guys should all react to the series “Foundation” on Apple TV. It’s one of the best sci-fi series I’ve ever seen and I think all three of you would really enjoy it. It’s like Game of Thrones in space.

Tyrese Marshall

He ain't lying though. Because she found out he was lying, the mum took her children from the safety of the vault out to the fucking wasteland. That is dangerous.

Tyrese Marshall

Maybe I'm dumb but I feel like they are forgetting that Vault Tec is a company with higher ups making decisions and not a hivemind. Hank was just an executive assistant (whatever the fuck that is), he clearly wasn't in the meetings and is just spouting the shit he has been told. It's no different from Lucy going around talking about how Vault Tec's goal was to bring back civilisation in the first few episodes. What he is saying is clearly misguided, but it isn't 100% nonsense, if anyone gets me. Just like everyone in the show, he made dumb decisions on the mindset of making the right call.


Bruh what? It literally was them in the games. Stop yapping and get dat money and join the capitalists already.

Sage Anubis

When has evil ever made sense? Vault tec is just dumb and evil.


plot twist, Betty is the gouls daughter


Lupa NEEDS to do a fallout new vagas stream after this show done 😭😭🙏

Adrian Neal


Biggie Thumpz

Just to make a few things clear, although they talk about it in business terms ValtTecs real intentions were really more world domination type bs. Also each of the vaults had their own individual experiments, but they don’t necessarily have management from the past many do actually have overseers who were elected. And in most cases the original/first overseers were aware of the experiments.


Yes that is in fact New Vegas


They literally just pointed out betty in the flashback when the ghoul met hank for the first time. He even called her betty


The ghoul was never part of the brotherhood. He took part in a war before the nuclear fallout where the mechs were used. Him and his old acting buddy discussed this in the past. It’s why he knows the weakness of the suits. Several of his old friends died because of it.


Relax, it was a joke that 200 years later his daughter was just an old mf damn. Mfs crying lmao get a life 🤣

Reckless Company

Wow they basically nuked the world so they would be able to do whatever they want in the vaults Table of Terrible rich people lol


Season 2 can't come soon enough!!! 😤

Keyshawn London

don’t know why but sheera saying wow they’re really close to moldaver holding roses hand like it wasn’t implied they were together made me laugh 😭😭


So Moldaver was banging Lucy's mom...and she had no problem trying to kill Lucy and her brother? Are we sure Lucy's father wasn't justified?

Roberto Hernandez

I just gotta say I really love how Sheera points things out that I noticed right away that other people miss right away 😂👌 like her calling out Betty 😂


Y'all missed it but they name dropped Betty a minute before Sheera realized


Yup also almost all the companies at the meeting have a dlc or are tied to the games too


So when is roshi playing any fallout games? Pretty please 🙏🥺

dolphin tho

Plot hole here i think. Why didnt the ghoul just exploit this weakness when first encountering maximus?

Kareem Davis

Maybe I missed it but when did they say they had a romantic relationship?

Samke Dladla

These knights were also using the T60. That's why he said "I wonder if they fixed it in this new version".


Fun fact: The code (101097) is the date that the original Fallout game was released. October 10th, 1997


Fun fact: the pass code is the date of when the 1st fallout was realesed 10 Oct. 1997, 101097.


Roshi must of forget that flaw with the power suits was brought up like 2 episodes ago

Jaelyn Mcgee

Tbf there was a lot of story and lore to absorb going on so I can understand them not making the connection

Jaelyn Mcgee

I think he also didn't have access to the ammo he was using at the time

Dale Tucker

I see, yes that makes sense from what we know. But the underlying logic, behind dropping the bombs in the first place, just doesn't click with me. It's such a dumb plan, considering how the Vaults are designed. Ignoring the fact that most Vaults are meant to fail, the few that could actually outlast the nuclear winter would not boast a population big enough to repopulate. The Vaults are isolated from each other and have different forms of government, conflict between Vaults would have been inevitable. Also the world would still be a fucking wasteland with everything irradiated to hell. So yeah, this "winning through outlasting them" is just such a dumb idea. I like the way it's presented in the games: Vault-Tec was making money through fearmongering, building "bomb shelters" and loaning them out to various companies to conduct unethical research. There was no actual plan to use these Vaults in the event of a nuclear war. That was just the facade. No evil mastermind plan to "outlast the competition". The fact that some of these Vaults actually did was just a sick twist of fate.

Jaelyn Mcgee

I mean, I admittedly haven't played the games but once you become a ghoul there's no way back from that right?. I agree that she should have put her out of her misery tho


Wait who is not coming back for season 2?

KingKai _

Nigga said "👆 Um actually, she's lying 🤓"


Season 2 taking place in new Vegas is hype


Cooper’s wife couldn’t give any warning because according to Fallout’s creator Tim Cain, the Chinese dropped the first bombs. I assume the show had this in mind and so Vault-Tec miscalculated. Because if not she is even more trash for using her daughter as a sales pitch when not even caring about her.

quxntum (edited)

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2024-05-24 14:11:20 vault tech is literally just umbrella corporation
2024-05-24 14:11:03 vault tech? nah umbrella corporation

vault tech? nah umbrella corporation

Vincent S Deluca

I love how they said explicitly that woman was Betty, they don't notice it then realize its betty and act like its some crazy realization lol. THEY JUST SAID ITS BETTY LOL


Considering this is apparently what you enjoy, nothing you say will have any impact on the shows i enjoy


new vegas coming soon???


If you remember back in episode 2 Maximus mentions that titus had it reinforced


Your literally crying about a bad joke, "NO IT WAS BETTY IN THR FLASHBACK NOOO OMG" cry more lmao


where the hell did you get that the NCR is painted as good people. The first episode is literally them brutally slaughtering people of vault 33. The brotherhood is very well portrayed with clear ideologies and values. The season is focusing more on the characters because that's how tv shows are you need characters to focus on.


You'd be one of the ones crying in the invincible reactions when roshi is trolling "NO ROSHI ITS NOT A HOLOGRAM ROSHI HES TELEPORTING OMG"


i feel like the continued mystery of who actually dropped the bombs first is a staple of fallout. I really doubt we'll ever get an answer because it really doesn't matter.


Episode 2, Maximus notices that Titus has a modification to his suit "Tempered Lining" which could explain it. Additionally, before he actually shoots the T60 in this episode, the show makes a pretty distinct shot of him loading up a special bullet into his weapon.

pmreez (edited)

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2024-05-24 16:39:22 Yall talking about a different show in the beginning? Cuz Fallout season 2 already greenlit, New Vegas hype
2024-05-24 16:38:57 Yall talking about a different show in the beginning? Cuz Fallout season 2 already greenlit, New Vegas hype. Also, the game lore is China did set the bombs off first, so based off the show people believe, they caught wiff of what Vault Tec wanting to launch first but in the end China still did it, could explain why Coop had Janey and didn't have a heads up about the bombs

Yall talking about a different show in the beginning? Cuz Fallout season 2 already greenlit, New Vegas hype. Also, the game lore is China did set the bombs off first, so based off the show people believe, they caught wiff of what Vault Tec wanting to launch first but in the end China still did it, could explain why Coop had Janey and didn't have a heads up about the bombs

Clinton Vance

Since they’re being decently lore-accurate, New Vegas will be such a particularly awesome location in the show, and a nice change-up from the present-day locations in season 1, iykyk. I’ll just leave it at that, since they’ll probably explain how NV came to be in season 2.


Why Maximus' actor look more like Denzel than Denzel's own kid

Jaelyn Mcgee

Lucy and Norman really could have grown up with two moms and been happy. Its so sad


What were they talking about in the beginning about being an anthology? Fallout??


Dan you good? You’re losing composure lol


Who is Lupa talking about, actors for this show or another show?

Hueki Yuuki

I actually enjoyed this show way more than I thought I would. I legit teared up when I realized that was Lucy's mother, that's just... Heartbreaking, and beyond sad. I'd give this show an 8 at the least I think, personally, idk about anyone else.

Jake Kirby

Lupa, you need to play Fallout New Vegas man, its old as fuck now but a really good game none the less and it will really put into perspective how big the NCR is on the west coast and what they're all about aswell as the politics of the wasteland and how the NCR and the Brotherhood are at odds with eachother, it would also be great for when the 2nd season comes out and you have all this knowledge beforehand because no doubt season 2 is going to dive heavily into the factions that were in Fallout New vegas and the crazy events of that game.


You wish. Those games can be long as hell if you're not just rushing through the story and skipping side content kinda defeats the purpose of trying to get into them as well 'cause the side content is usually where the really cool stuff is.


Ik I've played them all, it'd still be kinda nice if they at least tried some of FNV or F4


Just to clarify, the bombs first dropped in the 2070s so they already had the big T-45 armors. The Brotherhood just repurposed them after the bombings but The Ghoul knows the armor from using it in a war before the first bomb dropped.


Unless it was retconned post-Fallout 2, it's safe to assume it was China. Based on some logs from a Chinese captain narrating pre and post war events, the only plan China had to fall back in case America successfully invaded them was the bombs and when the bombs dropped, America was already or pretty close to getting Beijing. This theory is also reinforced in Fallout 4 when a log describes actions from several airplanes in possession of China and how the Chinese submarine in Boston was what resulted in the Glowing Sea. In New Vegas, there's also a log that describes "weird activity" in the Chinese bombers from the higher ups' chain of command shortly before the bombs dropped. Vault-Tec was obviously counting on the bombs dropping in order to put their plans in motion, but America had absolutely no reason to drop them because they were about to win the war against China and since Vault-Tec still had unfinished vaults (and were filling some of the finished ones) when the bombs dropped, it's unlikely they started it. That leaves China going "scorched earth" on our asses. That said, in FO3 it's alluded that aliens could've also fucked with the activation codes so there's that...

shijishoutmon flare

yeah its new vagas, cuase it showed the deathclaw skull

Lily Rose

that was so good! now what american-english show will replace fallout? school spirits!!!!!!!


yeah im gonna go back to see what they were talking about, it had me thinking about that throughout this whole episode. How can fallout be an anthology when there is a whole f-ing cliffhanger lol?

Mu Nanyo

Yeah in the beginning when they ask him to do the thumbs-up pose he say something like “all things considered i don’t really thinks it’s appropriate” so the breakup was probably public and he might have even renounced vault-tecs actions


Yeah they didn't. People like to hope just because hands were held

Timothy Panngam

Just like with "The Last of Us" there are of course going to be deviations from the game. That's a great thing. I've played the games many times - if I want to watch someone playing the games I can watch a Twitch stream. This was a really, really good time.


Any chance we can get Black Sails now that a slot has seemingly opened up 🙏🙏🙏😉


I think it was 999 and 1, but still wild.

Argo TheSlicer

That is New vegas. The skinny guy in the room smoking built ICBM's around the strip because RobCo is rich


The retcon that Vault-Tec dropped the bombs is so fucking dumb. Literally makes no sense.


He’s probably not gonna play any rpg game on stream after what he said happened during Baldurs gate 3


I like when they put jokes in subtitles like “brain on a roomba”. I just imagine the guy in editing just cracking tf up to himself.

Ren Lichtfoot

They never said which side dropped the bombs first in the series to my knowledge.

Des Bethea

Even after watching it, I still don't understand what the cold fusion was supposed to be. What was Moldaver's entire like plan?


Vault-Tec didn't drop the bombs. Vault-Tec planned a contingency if peace talks went through. Doubt the mom would nuke her daughter when she was still with her dad at that kids bday party. Lore-wise I believe it's still we all started slinging nukes.

Ren Lichtfoot

Honestly, i thought the Halo adaptation was really good. I was confused why people disliked it.

Argo TheSlicer

master chief the main character has never and WILL never take his helmet off for any reason what so ever outside of his room he just DOESNT do that. We DONT see the Chief's face.


Yea I don't think they watch with subtitles, but they put them for us


“Oh lights, crazy” Lupa be having me dead😭

Johannes Joestar

ah yes, stating facts, everybody's favorite form of "crying", you need to take a break my dude

Tre Staples

Lupa already warned Roshi not to play back in episode one, told him he wouldn't like the games


Ik still doesn't mean he can't try it out if he wants to just to see what the hypes about. Maybe he plays F4 and stops right after the Concord fights, besides it'd be interesting to see what he does in that time frame.

sotonye ogan

7/10 cuz the villains (vault) motive is so braindead and foul proof. I with Roshi heavy with the Vault tech logic of capitalism them saying you want "peace" but have 100 diff vaults with diverse rules so when yall step out yall will have war over all again over bs, "capitalism" is for getting money but bombs don kill everybody so??. the world building is spot on but the whole origin of how it started as a show is so aggravating for me.


Actually we don't know for sure who really dropped the bombs. Yes, Coop's wife says we will do it but it may ended up being China doing it first. Hence why Coop's wife didn't have her daughter with her when the bombs dropped. His wife probably didn't know that China was about to drop them otherwise she would of had her daughter with in the vault before having the bombs dropped.

Jan Gabrielle Escuadra

Its not about capitalism its about control. Capitalism was just a tool. Vault-tech wanted to have complete control over the course of humanity so their plan was to wipe out all humans on the surface and control all the remaining humans in the vaults. They gave vaults to the other companies in order gain more funding for their plans. I mean they are pretty self aware that putting people in locked cage will eventually lead to them killing each other. That is why Vault 31, 32, and 33 are focused entirely on managing and generational brainwashing. They aren't doing this for profit, or shareholders, or any of that. They want control and they were simply using capitalism as a tool to manipulate wealth and resources. Now that everyone is dead they have all the resources and the tools to gather said resources with the brainwashed workers that do their bidding. It is by all means actually a pretty good plan but relied on too many What ifs.

Jan Gabrielle Escuadra

Because It was ok written show that gave no respect to the original source. If the show was written with another character in another setting it wouldn't be a bad show. Most people that never played Halo but watched the show didn't really hate it and most of them liked it. So they pick up the games or the books or the comics then quickly realize not only does the show deviate a lot from the main story but the actual lore of the games is far better. Its simply not a Halo show its a glorified high budget fanfiction and it shows.

sotonye ogan

Interesting pov. I just find it funny and bemused why they were so confident of a wildy ambitious plan

Chris Johnson

Lore-wise, it was vault-tec behind the scenes pushing both the US and China into dropping the bombs. So while they didn't drop them themselves, they set it up so that it was almost a guarantee that it would happen.

Ren Lichtfoot

To understand the thought process of Vault Tech, you have to understand how money works. Money is just paper. The reason money has value is because, once upon a time, someone went around and collected a bunch of valuable materials. They then made a piece of paper to represent that hoard of materials and circulated those pieces of paper so that other people wouldn't need or have to go and acquire precious things. In other words, money is backed by resources. It doesn't matter if you destroy an economy if you have resources, because you can just do the process over again. In fact, this has a lot to do with modern day America. Republicans try to do this very same thing EVERY time they get into office. They cause recessions and depressions, with the end goal being a complete crash of the economy. Then, once everyone is poor and struggling they plan to use their resources to "reign" people in and subjugate them. This is the exact plot that Vault Tech uses in this fiction. And that's the scary part - isn't it?




38:01 beware headphone users. Or just anyone that can hear


doesn't help that lupa over exaggerated the difficulty beyond belief

anthony williams

Bro new vegas at the end gave me crazy chills

Leo (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-31 08:24:09 Wait hold on a minute so you're telling me coop could have killed maximus anytime in filly bro these power armors are hot garbage this is the same timing as the death star 😭😭😭😭😭😭. 8/10 though I still preferred the last of us more but this was 🔥 for sure.
2024-05-31 08:23:15 Wait hold on a minute so you're telling me coop could have killed maximus anytime in filly bro these power armors are hot garbage this is the same timing as the death star 😭😭😭😭😭😭. 8/10 though I still preferred the last of us more but this was 🔥 for sure 10/10 for just the soundtrack 👍.

Wait hold on a minute so you're telling me coop could have killed maximus anytime in filly bro these power armors are hot garbage this is the same timing as the death star 😭😭😭😭😭😭. 8/10 though I still preferred the last of us more but this was 🔥 for sure 10/10 for just the soundtrack 👍.


I know I'm late but Coop wasn't part of the brother hood he just wore that suit in a war that happened before the bombs fell fighting for America he talked about with Bud saying how the faulty design got a lot of good men killed. Honestly great show but I think the logic just wasn't there for why they wanted to nuke everyone. Rich people be crazy I guess.

General Grevious

I’m honestly surprised that Maximus is still alive😂

Gabriel Souza

Yeah, definitely every main character in this show are completely stupid.


I’m mad they gave Max that AB special