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im sick buddy is still even alive



Just realized that Suzukiri called Tokita "Replacement" because Red Keeper killed the original Junior 1st Rank, who would've been D's original Monster Actor.


Fighter D giving off that isagi’s “Donkey” comeback energy here 💀


This anime is so good, it's unreal.


Red font of the anime title gives me Ninja Kamui ptsd for some reason.

David Washington

Is it crazy to say this anime has one of the most creative stories of the modern era?

Fernando Perez

Hisui gave them both a 6 piece combo

Liam Gilbert

Kind of tbh; I absolutely love this series, and it's by no means generic, but this is a mix of The Boys and Super Sentai, so it's not exactly the most "creative" story, just really well executed.

Yeeeeaaaah (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-21 20:51:42 For those who don't want to read all of this: TLDR; the anime makes the story so much less interesting its kind of insane, and turns the series from a very good story with fleshed out characters that enhance the concept into a sub-par story with a good concept and that's it. In the manga you would remember the personalities of all the fellow white rangers and the rangers playing as monsters because they had banter, remarks, and conversations with each other and D. In the anime basically all of that is cut out for pacing besides the ones that are at the immediate forefront of the scene, which means none of the moments coming up will really hit as hard if at all considering you don't actually know these people. D is also just kind of less interesting to follow. When you realize the best thing about this manga is the characters and how they interact and are unique and feel alive, and you realize that without those character moments the unique concept is all it has left since the animation of the season proves to be sub-par, you kind of wonder what's left to pull people in to go out of their way to read the manga, or even finish the anime. The truth is, to most people this will just look like a sub-par story with the only good thing being the concept, which sucks a lot since the manga is already much better by this point in the story, and its not very popular so it really needs this traction.
2024-05-21 20:51:42 For those who don't want to read all of this: In the manga you would remember the personalities of all the fellow white rangers and the rangers playing as monsters because they had banter, remarks, and conversations with each other and D. In the anime basically all of that is cut out for pacing besides the ones that are at the immediate forefront of the scene, which means none of the moments coming up will really hit as hard if at all considering you don't actually know these people. D is also just kind of less interesting to follow. When you realize the best thing about this manga is the characters and how they interact and are unique and feel alive, and you realize that without those character moments the unique concept is all it has left since the animation of the season proves to be sub-par, you kind of wonder what's left to pull people in to go out of their way to read the manga, or even finish the anime. The truth is, to most people this will just look like a sub-par story with the only good thing being the concept, which sucks. Like a lot, since the manga is already much better by this point in the story.
2024-05-21 20:51:42 For those who don't want to read all of this: TLDR; the anime makes the story so much less interesting its kind of insane, and turns the series from a very good story with fleshed out characters that enhance the concept into a sub-par story with a good concept and that's it. In the manga you would remember the personalities of all the fellow white rangers and the rangers playing as monsters because they had banter, remarks, and conversations with each other and D. In the anime basically all of that is cut out for pacing besides the ones that are at the immediate forefront of the scene, which means none of the moments coming up will really hit as hard if at all considering you don't actually know these people. D is also just kind of less interesting to follow. When you realize the best thing about this manga is the characters and how they interact and are unique and feel alive, and you realize that without those character moments the unique concept is all it has left since the animation of the season proves to be sub-par, you kind of wonder what's left to pull people in to go out of their way to read the manga, or even finish the anime. The truth is, to most people this will just look like a sub-par story with the only good thing being the concept, which sucks. Like a lot, since the manga is already much better by this point in the story.
2024-05-21 20:47:47 For those who don't want to read all of this: TLDR; the anime makes the story so much less interesting its kind of insane, and turns the series from a very good story with fleshed out characters that enhance the concept into a sub-par story with a good concept and that's it. In the manga you would remember the personalities of all the fellow white rangers and the rangers playing as monsters because they had banter, remarks, and conversations with each other and D. In the anime basically all of that is cut out for pacing besides the ones that are at the immediate forefront of the scene, which means none of the moments coming up will really hit as hard if at all considering you don't actually know these people. D is also just kind of less interesting to follow. When you realize the best thing about this manga is the characters and how they interact and are unique and feel alive, and you realize that without those character moments the unique concept is all it has left since the animation of the season proves to be sub-par, you kind of wonder what's left to pull people in to go out of their way to read the manga, or even finish the anime. The truth is, to most people this will just look like a sub-par story with the only good thing being the concept, which sucks a lot since the manga is already much better by this point in the story, and its not really that popular yet so it needs this traction.

For those who don't want to read all of this: TLDR; the anime makes the story so much less interesting its kind of insane, and turns the series from a very good story with fleshed out characters that enhance the concept into a sub-par story with a good concept and that's it. In the manga you would remember the personalities of all the fellow white rangers and the rangers playing as monsters because they had banter, remarks, and conversations with each other and D. In the anime basically all of that is cut out for pacing besides the ones that are at the immediate forefront of the scene, which means none of the moments coming up will really hit as hard if at all considering you don't actually know these people. D is also just kind of less interesting to follow. When you realize the best thing about this manga is the characters and how they interact and are unique and feel alive, and you realize that without those character moments the unique concept is all it has left since the animation of the season proves to be sub-par, you kind of wonder what's left to pull people in to go out of their way to read the manga, or even finish the anime. The truth is, to most people this will just look like a sub-par story with the only good thing being the concept, which sucks a lot since the manga is already much better by this point in the story, and its not really that popular yet so it needs this traction.


I know people will be like "oh just wait for the season to be over" but we are halfway through the season right now and I struggle to see how they don't just do this for the rest of it

Hasnain Khan


zILovePelmeni _

they cut so much manga stuff since ep 3


Bro if this show ends in some peaceful be and the MC doesn’t kill any of the rangers imma be so pissed he’s already weak which is annoying

Cameron Robinson

I just realized the reason the the clown guy is in this test is because Red Ranger killed his first rank. Not sure what happened to his second rank though.

sarthak bhatia

The pacing so god damn fast compared to the manga bruh


The director said they wanted to lean more on D and less on the conversations and thoughts of others so unfortunately this is true ya

zacharie garondo

Dammmm the speed running the adaptation… it hurt to watch


Its not that deep. I just read the manga and they just mostly skippef ummecessary stuff. But still i kinda understand the hate


Not to be rude but if you just recently read it your opinion might be different because its still fresh so i don't really get saying "it's not that deep" when they really aren't wrong or bashing the show. They are just pointing out the dynamics do feel different concerning the rest of the cast, which they do because of what i mentioned the director stating his intention was. The "unnecessary stuff" is necessary tbh in building your relationship with the characters and the groups. However, Sato, for pacing reasons decided that foregoing that would translate better in an anime so we're still seeing how it goes. it's only ep 6 so hard to tell if his vision is going to succeed completely, but there's no hate really in anything he said. It's more just really wanting the anime to succeed since the manga isn't that popular yet. But they really are going fast

shijishoutmon flare

yoooo the amount of content being cut off from the manga is crazy. a whole of information cut


If you like it so much I would recommend reading the manga instead, since it’s better in every way


i cant get over how it looks like everyone is wearing jockstraps!

Davon Thomas

That's what happens when you really don't have faith in an anime adaptation. Gotta keep it interesting can't have a lot of lore dumps or detailing as the manga for a lower end show.


Man i thought they were gonna do this series justice this is worse than the MT Cut content (plus the animation got randomly worse)

sarthak bhatia

There wasn’t any lore dumps or anything rly? I just think the car scene when fighter D was saying all that matters is winning or with him shape shifting didn’t get the credit they deserve. Like episode ending type beat yfm. Also comedy bits like him getting hit by the gun but playing it off like he dodged them in the manga lmao

Ren Lichtfoot

Never read the manga, but I don't see any animation issues. Sure you're not just viewing things through rose colored glasses? Sometimes high expectations lead to false experiences.

Mubarez Ahmad

There were many weird cuts in this episode


I noticed it too when I was watching, but I honestly think most of mine were Hulu related, cause if I just rewinded a bit it would show the stuff it cut out. In terms of actual cuts though, the manga does that from time to time as well. I've definitely had to go back a page a few times to confirm it wasnt just a skipped page or something.

Brobi-Wan Kenobi

I'm pretty sure Hibiki knows his sister is the Pink Ranger. There's no reason to hide it from him and he knows she's a ranger and she obviously isn't a white ranger since they all live together. The green squad Junior First rank girl even calls him "Sakurama's little brother".

Ren Lichtfoot

I don't think he does. Hibiki is naive a.f. Also, if he knew there would be no reason for her to visit him in a wheelchair and keep up that ruse. As far as he knows, she's still disabled.


D needs to learn the ultimate art of sidestepping. Weave.


Yeah the pacing is a lot faster here compared to the manga. A lot of side conversations and thoughts being cut, and shots that aren’t held long enough to give enough weight to the scene. What’s funny is it’s having the opposite problem of slime. Slime just info dumped its exposition into one non-dynamic sitting every episode, stuff that could’ve been abbreviated. But here they’re cutting dynamic conversations that act to characterize the expanding cast so they’re not all fully NPC’s and to give more weight/logical progression to the fight scenes. Like that’s literally the running theme of the series is you’re usually watching the underdog fight way more powerful opponents and have to outthink/misdirect them. Kinda defeats the purpose if you skip that thought process and it looks like weird writing ass pulls that last for 0.5 seconds