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Lupa in shambles




Hasnain Khan




Art of Trolling

Nahhh Deku better then me. That nigga snitching was getting people killed. He need his ass whooped 😂


Nah I don’t blame Aoyama, if the most powerful villain came to me when I just started high school and said “snitch on these people you don’t even know or I’ll kill your whole family” I’m doing the same, fuck these random dudes

Ginger Dwarf

Poor roshi the single man trying to speak sense. Justice for Aoyama

Ginger Dwarf

Nah calling them terrible parents is c r a z y directly after the "Theyh did everything possible to make their child happy"

cyrus gudino

Nah fuck AFO for real. Not because he pretty much put the Aoyama family in his pocket but because he gave this poor kid this shitty ass laser quirk AND to top it off it ain’t even compatible with his body 😂😂😂

Rashaad Taylor

this whole episode I was just thinking gross the whole time, lmao


It looks like Best Jeanist was an inspiration for Bakugo's latest drip, and I'm absolutely loving it.


in their efforts to fix a "problem" that wasn't that big of a deal, they literally put their child in danger! so yeah, the parents did fuck up.


Midoriya's Danger Sense went off before Yuga used his Navel Laser, so either Danger Sense is sensitive or Navel Laser is an entire problem

Casually PS

nah watching lupa have mental breakdown through out the whole episode is actually fucking hilarious bro is going the 5 stages of grief


They gave their lives for a quirk & All for one gave this nigga the super shits omg 😔


"This is worse... than i thought" - Lupa 2024. Deserves to become a clipped meme and photoshopped into every situation that matches the statement lmaoooo the delivery was everything 😭😂


His parents risked everything and dabbled with forces beyond their understanding... all so their son could shoot belly button beams. What, was All For One fresh out of nipple lasers? 🤣 It seems like a massively uneven trade, but I suppose desperate people be desperate.

Nick Vaughn

I genuinely love it when we have reactions where Roshi actually read the manga and knows what’s coming while Lupa and Sheera are shocked lol. Roshi almost has a devious face too when it comes to big reveals that he already knows about 😂


I hate this show, I be in feelings when it gets emotional 😭

Ginger Dwarf

100 percent. There's no doubt they made a HUGE mistake. But they're not bad parents. They saw their child sad and likely being bullied due to a lack of quirk. Like how deku was back in season 1. And they wanted to fix it, they heard rumors of a guy who could give you quirks. And they made a mistake to try and help their son.


If I see my kid getting bullied so I shoot the bully, am I a bad parent?


Cluster reminds me of Piccolo's HellZone Grenade


I mean, if you were him, wouldn't you give up a shitty ass quirk to have some rich mofo's in yo back pocket? I would lol


Deku: "Take my hand!" Aoyama: "I'm in restraints. My hands are literally tied right now."


He had it since season 5 and it’s because it’s their winter outfits


@Wsgyan - Yeah, but I never noticed how much it made him look like Best Jeanist until now. There were multiple close-up shots of Bakugo with his mouth being covered in this episode, so I guess that's why it finally stood out for me. I'm a bit slow sometimes. 😅

Ritchel Cousar

The sad part about Aoyama, is the usual pattern of people being angry with the pawns instead of fighting the king. A lot of people can't beat the king, so they cope by ruthlessly punishing the pawns. In the moment a pawn is captured, they see an opportunity to enact justice. But in that moment, there is also a release of frustration at being inadequate in the face of tyranny. Sure, Aoyama deserves to be punished, but let's not act like most fans would care if he suddenly got killed because he refused to snitch. All for One would just find someone else.


Ok all I’m say it was good and bad what he did it was good cuz he was protecting his family anyone would of did that but it was also bad cuz he put other people in danger whole city in chaos students got got hurt heros got killed or they quirk took bakugo ended up being took because of what he did which resulted in lot of people and hero’s getting hurt to save him all I’m say is it good and fucked up it’s both in my opinion students definitely have a right to be mad cuz bro we could of got killed 😭


I love how Sheera wasn't even remotely vibing with Roshi's unusual "What if Invisible Girl was actually a grown ass man with a voice changer and his dick hanging out this whole time?" theory. Her deadpan face made that moment so much funnier.

cyrus gudino

It's also interesting because the author been hinting at it for quite a while, go back and read the manga or watch the anime, there have been quite a few times when Aoyama would just break the 4th wall and look straight at the camera. Almost like Kohei Horokoshi was saying "It's literally me, but they'll never believe you...."

Trey Milliner-Williams

i mean knowing Deku if he knew about all these people and their backstories he would want to save them

Vincent S Deluca

It actually made a lot of sense for it to be Aoyama, during the initial raid he was the only person not accounted for, everyone else got screen time he was "hiding" and we had no clue where he was. Also during the Camp raid he got passed over by Dabi at the end when by all rights he should have been caught

Danny C

Nah I think they said it activates based on hostility instead of incoming attacks. Cause it never went off during deku vs class 1a, and he called it out saying “danger sense isn’t activating, because you guys aren’t trying to hurt me”

Berts Tv

Another episode of MHA with someone crying 10/10 😮‍💨

Art of Trolling

It’s been years but when they raided them when they was training with the cat niggas wasnt people dying?

Arkan Matlub

Roshi, can you please tell us where you stopped reading the manga when that specific reaction comes out? So we'll know where you stopped and that makes things more exciting for us manga readers to see your raw reaction!

tiana britton

Roshi is definitely right on this one. & Yuga can’t really be compared to Shigaraki. Like yes Yuga is still accountable for what he did but it’s not a black and white situation when his parents made an idiotic decision where he would have to pay the consequences. He’s not fully culpable on this one at all. Not saying there shouldn’t be consequences. I remember reading this chapter when it dropped. I was definitely shocked.

Berts Tv

Invisible girl L character

Homeskilletbiscuits (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-21 00:02:47 wtf did they do to Uraraka's hair. Nah she needs to sue her barber.
2024-05-21 00:02:47 wtf did they do to Uraraka's hair. Nah she needs to sue her barber.
2024-05-20 23:56:36 wtf did they do to Uraraka's hair. Nah she needs to sue her barber.

wtf did they do to Uraraka's hair. Nah she needs to sue her barber.


Anyone remember dudes super hero name choice was I can’t stop twinkling?


I think Invisible Girl would have been TOO OBVIOUS, lol. Like, she's too perfect. And I'm dying because it's Roshi being the voice of reason and not wanting to instantly clap Aoyama for being the traitor spy 😭😂.

Abdull Zubair

Literally nobody died. People were hurt, captured, or had their Quirks stolen, but no deaths.


Idc what anyone says AFO is such an entertaining villain. He gave Aoyama All for shits

Davon Thomas

The mole reveal happening in the anime right when the manga is like 2 chapters away from officially ending lol. MHA got 1 season left then its an end to an era.

Arkan Matlub

tbf quirk stolen was the search which led to Shigaraki in season 6 using that quirk and we all know how season 6 went.


dam sheera thought she was eating with that joke until roshi shut that down lol. poor lupa though he was about to flip his shit lol. whats funny is that invisible girl said she gotta tell someone and deku showed up so fast like dam lol


Bro I remember waiting that week for the next chapter only for that switch out to Aoyama

FireLord Kade

You can't really call aoyama parents terrible parents because they didn't know about all for one, they just wanted their son to be happy so what makes them terrible?

Boogie's Games (edited)

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2024-05-21 00:36:13 Ik this is super out of character but it would’ve been funny ash if he actually ran up on Yuga and cracked the fuck outta him 😂😂
2024-05-21 00:33:27 Ik this is super out of character for Deku but it would’ve been funny ash if he actually ran up on Yuga and cracked the fuck outta him 😂😂

Ik this is super out of character for Deku but it would’ve been funny ash if he actually ran up on Yuga and cracked the fuck outta him 😂😂

Shawn Mondol

aoyamas parents really made a deal with a cartel druglord

Isaac (edited)

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2024-05-21 00:57:20 Ignoring people's dumbass jokes in the comments ... Aoyama being the mole was probably one of the best, unexpected twists this series had. Like seriously? Aoyama of all people? They did a good job making you like him over time too. He was nothing but a joke at the beginning but he became so endearing with the moments they sprinkled in throughout the seasons leading to this heartbreak. It's not his fault and though his parents are at fault they clearly only meant well for their child who just wanted to fit in with super society. Deku was fortunate to meet All Might, Aoyama was unfortunate his parents came across AFO.
2024-05-21 00:56:31 Ignoring people's dumbass jokes in the comments ... Aoyama being the mole was probably one of the best, unexpected and heartbreaking twists this series had. Like seriously? Aoyama of all people? They did a good job making you like him over time too. He was nothing but a flamboyant French joke at the beginning but he became so endearing with the moments they sprinkled in throughout the seasons leading to this heartbreak. It's not his fault and though his parents are at fault they clearly only meant well for their child who just wanted to fit in with super society. Deku was fortunate to meet All Might, Aoyama was unfortunate his parents came across AFO.

Ignoring people's dumbass jokes in the comments ... Aoyama being the mole was probably one of the best, unexpected and heartbreaking twists this series had. Like seriously? Aoyama of all people? They did a good job making you like him over time too. He was nothing but a flamboyant French joke at the beginning but he became so endearing with the moments they sprinkled in throughout the seasons leading to this heartbreak. It's not his fault and though his parents are at fault they clearly only meant well for their child who just wanted to fit in with super society. Deku was fortunate to meet All Might, Aoyama was unfortunate his parents came across AFO.


Yeah I remember people also theorized that Kaminari could have been the mole too because there was one panel where he did thar gesture that looked like he was doing the Liberation salute with the L thing but that was just him posing and nothing else. Lol


Girl what? Sit down.

Jesse st.facile

They lucky Deku found out after he took that shower; depressed Deku would’ve offed all 3 of them

Zen Reacts

Man Roshi the only one on the couch with any empathy while Sheera over there with nothing but trash takes


appreciate roshi for being the voice of reason on the couch while still allowing lupa and sheera to still express their thoughts about aoyama this episode. definitely a twist i didnt see coming lmfao

Art of Trolling

@Abdull Zubair ai stand corrected nobody was killed. But people did get hurt captured and had their quirks stolen…..so with that being said he need his ass beat.

Earphone Jack

Notice how Bakugou is starting to wear his collar like Best Jeanist. He really is his mentor lol. I felt so bad for Aoyama when I read it in the manga and watching it here in the anime.

Ren Lichtfoot

Ngl, this episode definitely had me feeling a certain way. I read this far into the manga and I was still UP-SET.

Javon Adams

Roshi you said that aoyama was saying that he knew Deku was quirkless when he wrote that cheese message when he didn’t even know yet. his message to Deku was that he knows how it feels to have a quirk that doesn’t fit the body I was confused at first too hope this helps.


He knew that anything less than full commitment would be worse than useless. He knew that Deku would be fine, he just needed to buy some time for his parents. He didn’t care about himself, he just wanted his parents to get away, at least.

Justin Neason

It now makes sense why he approached Deku talking about being different. He also started out quirkless, that's a CRAZY plot set up

Corey (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-21 02:02:08 Thank you, Roshi for being the voice of reason regarding the whole Yuga situation. Let's get one thing clear: Nobody is saying Shigaraki wasn't manipulated and shouldn't have a chance to be stripped away from All For One's brainwashing. The difference between Yuga and Shigaraki is that Shigaraki's brainwashing causes mass casualties and will continue to result in mass death across the entire globe. Now, if someone can still save this man, then go ahead, but if it comes down to eliminating him to save billions, the choice is clear. With Yuga, he was trapped from the start and felt remorse from the start. The important point is that Yuga seems like he would stop working for All For One if he could. If he was given a way out by his friends that would not result in him dying, then he would take it. The amount of work to get Yuga on the good side is leagues less than the amount of work to get Shigaraki on the good side. They both deserve to be saved, but realistically, only one of them probably can be saved.
2024-05-21 02:02:08 Thank you, Roshi, for being the voice of reason regarding the whole Yuga situation. Let's get a couple of things clear: Nobody is saying Shigaraki wasn't manipulated and shouldn't have a chance to be stripped away from All For One's brainwashing. The difference between Yuga and Shigaraki is that Shigaraki's brainwashing causes mass casualties and will continue to result in mass death across the entire globe. Now, if someone can still save this man, then go ahead, but if it comes down to eliminating him to save billions, the choice is clear. With Yuga, he was trapped from the start and felt remorse from the start. The important difference is that Yuga seems like he would stop working for All For One if he could. If he was given a way out by his friends that would not result in him dying, then he would take it immediately. The amount of work to get Yuga on the good side is leagues less than the amount of work to get Shigaraki on the good side. They both deserve to be saved, but realistically, only one of them probably can be saved. Sheera makes a weird point of saying that we should feel bad for all the brainwashed/blackmailed villains because they are children. She says this as a counter-point to Roshi, but in reality, it's your choice whether you want to feel bad for any of them. I honestly feel bad for both of them, but that doesn't change the fact that the strategy to help Shigaraki looks way different than the strategy to help Yuga.
2024-05-21 02:02:08 Thank you, Roshi, for being the voice of reason regarding the whole Yuga situation. Let's get a couple of things clear: Nobody is saying Shigaraki wasn't manipulated and shouldn't have a chance to be stripped away from All For One's brainwashing. The difference between Yuga and Shigaraki is that Shigaraki's brainwashing causes mass casualties and will continue to result in mass death across the entire globe. Now, if someone can still save this man, then go ahead, but if it comes down to eliminating him to save billions, the choice is clear. With Yuga, he was trapped from the start and felt remorse from the start. The important difference is that Yuga seems like he would stop working for All For One if he could. If he was given a way out by his friends that would not result in him dying, then he would take it immediately. The amount of work to get Yuga on the good side is leagues less than the amount of work to get Shigaraki on the good side. They both deserve to be saved, but realistically, only one of them probably can be saved. Sheera makes a weird point of saying that we should feel bad for all the brainwashed/blackmailed villains because they are children. She says this as a counter to Roshi's argument, but in reality, she is only proving Roshi's point. Roshi isn't saying let's remove accountability for Yuga. He's just trying to show sympathy for a kid who was left no other choice. That doesn't mean you can't always show sympathy for Shigaraki. But feelings aren't the same as actions. It's your choice whether you want to feel bad for any of them. I honestly feel bad for both of them, but that doesn't change the fact that the strategy to help Shigaraki looks way different than the strategy to help Yuga.
2024-05-21 01:59:53 Thank you, Roshi, for being the voice of reason regarding the whole Yuga situation. Let's get a couple of things clear: Nobody is saying Shigaraki wasn't manipulated and shouldn't have a chance to be stripped away from All For One's brainwashing. The difference between Yuga and Shigaraki is that Shigaraki's brainwashing causes mass casualties and will continue to result in mass death across the entire globe. Now, if someone can still save this man, then go ahead, but if it comes down to eliminating him to save billions, the choice is clear. With Yuga, he was trapped from the start and felt remorse from the start. The important difference is that Yuga seems like he would stop working for All For One if he could. If he was given a way out by his friends that would not result in him dying, then he would take it immediately. The amount of work to get Yuga on the good side is leagues less than the amount of work to get Shigaraki on the good side. They both deserve to be saved, but realistically, only one of them probably can be saved. Sheera makes a weird point of saying that we should feel bad for all the brainwashed/blackmailed villains because they are children. She says this as a counter to Roshi's argument, but in reality, she is only proving Roshi's point. Roshi isn't saying that we should remove accountability for Yuga. He's just trying to show sympathy for a kid who was left no other choice. That doesn't mean you can't also show sympathy for Shigaraki. But feelings aren't the same as actions. It's your choice whether you want to feel bad for any of them. I honestly feel bad for both of them, but that doesn't change the fact that the strategy to help Shigaraki looks way different than the strategy to help Yuga.

Thank you, Roshi, for being the voice of reason regarding the whole Yuga situation. Let's get a couple of things clear: Nobody is saying Shigaraki wasn't manipulated and shouldn't have a chance to be stripped away from All For One's brainwashing. The difference between Yuga and Shigaraki is that Shigaraki's brainwashing causes mass casualties and will continue to result in mass death across the entire globe. Now, if someone can still save this man, then go ahead, but if it comes down to eliminating him to save billions, the choice is clear. With Yuga, he was trapped from the start and felt remorse from the start. The important difference is that Yuga seems like he would stop working for All For One if he could. If he was given a way out by his friends that would not result in him dying, then he would take it immediately. The amount of work to get Yuga on the good side is leagues less than the amount of work to get Shigaraki on the good side. They both deserve to be saved, but realistically, only one of them probably can be saved. Sheera makes a weird point of saying that we should feel bad for all the brainwashed/blackmailed villains because they are children. She says this as a counter to Roshi's argument, but in reality, she is only proving Roshi's point. Roshi isn't saying that we should remove accountability for Yuga. He's just trying to show sympathy for a kid who was left no other choice. That doesn't mean you can't also show sympathy for Shigaraki. But feelings aren't the same as actions. It's your choice whether you want to feel bad for any of them. I honestly feel bad for both of them, but that doesn't change the fact that the strategy to help Shigaraki looks way different than the strategy to help Yuga.


tumblr spoiled this for me years ago, good ep

Arima Kana

Want to cum inside invisible girl and see my jizz flow around her body with her invisibility


With the Hagakure face reveal ... remember when Twitter tried to cancel Horikoshi for making that tasteful cover art of her? Lol


“Tasteful” and it’s just a naked teenager lmao. People on Twitter on dumb but let’s not pretend like it isn’t obviously horny bait for the series target demographic


The bnh theories for every aspect of the plot that I watched on yt over the years were truly the best. And genuinely scared me idk why. The ones that involved time travel were something else. Some theories made no sense, yet actually happened (like aoyama), and some that seemed obvious were proven completely wrong. Truly fun times.

Isaiah Cox

Sheera had some trash takes this episodes especially since she’s the one that’s ALWAYS going on about putting family above everything else 😭

Zen Reacts

Everytime i say shit about Lupa some asshats come out of nowhere to suck his dick

Champion Bescos

They snapped this episode. I’m not talking about the animation (though they was pretty solid, too) so much as the direction. From the majority of the shot composition (some taken off rip from the gorgeous manga, others actually improved), to the music, to the atmosphere (they made the Yuuei Forest full of shadows and texture instead of just bland green and bright blue skies, which is what I feared for this reveal), to the voice acting and pacing. On god, the new series director is already an improvement over the series director of seasons 4 - 6, though part of me wonders if we’ll ever reach the heights of 2-3. Either way, I’m so stoked for the next few episodes and I’m glad Lupa and Sheera are still enjoying the journey as anime only and they haven’t allowed the wave of MHA hate the past few years to sway them.

Isaiah Cox

Actually lupa too…


Then maybe, idk, stop saying shit. Then people won't get mad about how much u stink? *shrug*


"The difference between life or death.....is whether I'm depressed or not" sounds like most villains tbh

Zen Reacts

Ok so youre just prowling the comments looking for the attention your parents never gave you. Alright then this conversations over have a nice life dipshit

Renni .

an invisible mole would have been too easy


One of the nice hints I liked about Aoyama being Quirkless was that flashback as a kid where he said " why am I different? " because in our heads we're thinking Navel Laser was a stupid useless power when in reality ... it never was a stupid useless power. Compared to non hero civilians, Navel Laser is actually a normal and cool quirk to everyone else's eyes so to show us him saying that and it being a silly looking power was a nice play on the writters part. Being quirkless and having AFO give him one never crossed my mind til the reveal. Lol


Anime is horny bait in general so I didn't bat an eye to it.


This fucking belly button bitch

Mad4Life (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-21 04:26:55 Aoyama's parents aren't trash Sheera. Their son express to them not wanting to be different from everyone else and in fear of their son getting bully and shunned they looked into a rumor of getting him a quirk. They had no idea AFO was on some fuckshit. Sometimes bad shit just happens, not everything has to lie in fault with somebody.
2024-05-21 04:25:38 Aoyama's parents aren't trash Sheera. Their son express to them not wanting to be different from everyone else and in fear of their son getting bullied and shunned they looked into a rumor of getting him a quirk. They had no idea AFO was on some fuckshit. Not every unfortunate situation needs to have blame placed on someone, sometimes bad shit just happens.

Aoyama's parents aren't trash Sheera. Their son express to them not wanting to be different from everyone else and in fear of their son getting bullied and shunned they looked into a rumor of getting him a quirk. They had no idea AFO was on some fuckshit. Not every unfortunate situation needs to have blame placed on someone, sometimes bad shit just happens.


They got my salty tears... I cared about Aoyama like the rest of the class. He is quirky but so is everyone else in their own way so this hit deep. A friend of mine might've spoiled this for me years ago but I'm glad I forgot about it so I could experience it fresh.

Paulson (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-21 05:52:25 Its rare when Roshi is the voice of reason and Lupa, the one who clutches his pearls all the time is first to "pack" someone up. Neither the parents or Aoyama are trash. The parents wanted their kid to be happy but didnt know the man they were dealing with and Aoyama wanted to protect his parents, SIMPLE. I'm sorry but we would ALL be doing the same if we were in either positions, lets stop the cap.
2024-05-21 05:52:25 Its rare when Roshi is the voice of reason and Lupa, the one who clutches his pearls all the time is first to "pack" someone up. Neither the parents or Aoyama are trash. The parents wanted their kid to be happy but didnt know the man they were dealing with and Aoyama wanted to protect his parents, SIMPLE. I'm sorry but we would ALL be doing the same if we were in either positions, lets stop the cap.
2024-05-21 05:51:20 Its rare when Roshi is the voice of reason and Lupa, the one who clutches his pearls all the time is first to "pack" someone up. Neither the parents or Aoyama are trash. The parents wanted their kid to be happy but didnt know the man they were dealing with and Aoyama wanted to protect his parents, SIMPLE. I'm sorry but we would ALL be doing the same if we were in either positions, lets stop the cap.

Its rare when Roshi is the voice of reason and Lupa, the one who clutches his pearls all the time is first to "pack" someone up. Neither the parents or Aoyama are trash. The parents wanted their kid to be happy but didnt know the man they were dealing with and Aoyama wanted to protect his parents, SIMPLE. I'm sorry but we would ALL be doing the same if we were in either positions, lets stop the cap.


Imagining cumming in invisible girl and then cum just begins leaking out of thin air.


Shigaraki is to far gone. Yuga was just protecting his parents but that betrayal did hurt me.

Son Goku

Damn.. I am requesting Yaboyroshi to cancel your membership and block you permanently from Patreon. 😊

Zachary Jackson

-_- when you typed this out, did your brain seriously not once go "huh maybe let's not do this"?

Rishad GB

i was gonna coment the first two lines but dang u did it perfectly


@Anorak not even a good comparison bro, better luck next time.


@Dyastro damn bro that's hella weird to get pressed over someone talking shit about someone else you don't even know. Get a social life. He didn't even mention him by name which is more wild.

Ren Lichtfoot

One of the crazy parts about the "reveal" is that AFO can give "suitable" quirks to people. He can even combine and modify them to do things like he did with Nagant. That means he gave "the mole" a quirk that wasn't suitable for their body as a way of making them mediocre - on top of everything else he did. Mf is just evil for no reason.


Im confused, wasn't he the one getting pressed about someone else's opinion about fictional characters on a fictional show? And yet, when i point out the biases in his opinion, I'M the unfair one? I was just saying "dont be pussy, trash talk them both." Otherwise whatever he says just sounds like the bullshit others probably accuse him of. My bad for calling him out *shrug*


Dumb comparison, the parents I believe did not know that AFO was on some fuck shit.


I’m just here to witness the discussion lmao. But episode was fire to me!

Milk Man Slasher

I think there's another mole because of what All For One said this episode, he told someone to put him in the school which leads me to believe that there's someone else on the inside.


I like how they circle back to this theory


Deku: “Stop…don’t you remember it took the whole class to stop me when I was tired and beat up…I’d destroy you laser boy.”


Sure, but they continued to put him in a position to lie to all his friends, teachers, never feel like a real hero, and potentially get everyone he loves killed. They did that to thier kid. They could've orignally tried teaching him to love himself quirkless, there's nothing wrong with being different (like Midoriya's mom was doing before he got chosen by All Might).


Okay but it's easy to say they should've tried making him accept being quirkless when we've seen the results of their actions. Aoyoma's parents were wealthy so they had the means to get him a quirk If possible. Saying he should just be happy being quirkless is hard when your kid is getting bullied and made to feel like shit because of it. Once again they had no idea the person who happened to be able to give their son a quirk to be the most evil person in the history of the world. Also they can't go to the police so at this point it's either themselves or other people and most people who aren't heroes are choosing themselves.

Doc Anime!

maybe he was talking about Susan Storm lol.....plus let's not act like these characters were created without perverted intensions. She's literally butt booty naked 24/7 lmao


lupa clapped whole ep cant stop laughing

Quinton Campbell

i played back 10:30 like 7 times lmaooo


How does Deku always find a way to make himself the wrongdoer in any and every situation. Like your classmate has just betrayed you, the class, the hero association, and the entire world by siding with the villain and being directly responsible for so many people’s deaths and still deku is crying about how he didnt see the cries for help. Im tired.


You should've known Deku was a lost cause the moment he blamed himself for Bakugo bullying him.


He's a hero to a fault. Also I think hes very sympathetic because he was quirkless too and that could of been him if afo approached his mom with that deal.

Devin B

Deku tends to sympathize with people to the point that he would help them even if they were a villain, when it comes to people close to him he empathizes with them and sometimes feel like he's at fault for not noticing the signs sooner


Man Horokoshi be dropping plot twists like bombs...! I actually had a sneaking suspicion about Aoyama because of how weird he was acting. Like my spidey senses kicked in whenever he showed up. Also I had an inkling it was him because they never showed him much when the USJ incident occurred. That being said, I'd imagine a "what-if" scenario if Aoyama and Midoriya swapped places with who they met, like that would've been insane to think about...! Anyways, fire episode and can't wait to see what the next couple of episodes will give us this Season!


Spoiler alert, wrong. This was the only mole. Don't need to go digging deeper suspecting someone else.


Lmao you and the 29 people who liked this comment fall for it everytime. Plus, the Roshi gang make pedophilic comment jokes like ... all the damn time in a good chunk of their reactions so quit playing like you're not used to this. Lol


You're requesting the roshi gang to ban people for this when the Roshi gang themselves at many many points in many of their reactions make pedo jokes too? I gotta laugh at you, girl l.


Honestly one of the nice things about Aoyama is that at the beginning he was craving attention so bad that everyone ignored him and it wasn't until he was being a genuine friend that Deku and Hagakure picked up his emotional habits and caught him red handed.


Well when someone you care about is in pain you will blame yourself. If you didn't then you aren't a friend, period.


TFW the baddest bitch in the series has been literally invisible all this time


The kid was like 5 when he felt different and kids can be really messed up. Cut him a break. They were rich, I dunno, they could have homeschooled instead. The kid was in no position to be making decisions let alone being responsible for what his parents decided. But no his parents were so rich that they had have everything for their son instead of being practical. Any other alternative to alleviate the problem would've been better than taking a shady deal from a guy with no face. From the conversation they had Aoyama didn't even want to be in UA at all in the first place. He just wanted a quirk to fit in with his peers. Everything about his life has been directed by AFO ever since he got that quirk.


They're not the worst parents. They're still very loving. But they got their priorities mixed up. It's the case with a lot of rich parents. They think their kids need things let alone everything to be happy, when what they need is guidance, skill, and wisdom given to their kids. They were naive because their first course of action is always to just obtain what it is that they want because why be denied. They could've homeschooled Aoyama if bullying became too much of a thing, or taught him to toughen up. They were naïve or foolish to be sure. They aren't the worst parents in this series, but they should've never put this kind of burden on their only son.


He's saving his best quirks for his heavy hitters and most loyal.


I mean cmon… Sheera usually never hits. 🤣 She only has one good take once every year.


I do too! Meanwhile, when Lupa has seen a show he just wants to name drop every second. 🤣

DJ Muldrow

Gotta remind myself and niggas in the comments that these are KIDS in HIGHSCHOOL 😭


I think Aoyama is redeemable, he isn't outright a bad guy just a scared kid, afraid that someone like AFO would kill his parents if he didn't do what was asked of him. Shigaraki however is irredeemable, although moulded by OFA, he's actually killed people. I swear if they do a copout and Deku uses Talk No Jutsu to turn Shigaraki good, then I'm turning this anime off for good!!

Slim jimmy

Y u giving spoilers in the comment section ur weird delete this


"we're friends right, i forgive you" most shonen ending ever

Aaron williams

Aoyama was my first pick for the mole since they brought it up in season 3 and since then he seemed more and more suspicious. My second chose was invisible girl actually. I felt like her ALWAYS being invisible meant that she was hiding her identity and I thought later we’d find out and realize she was in front of us the whole time but I didn’t see anybody else worth suspicion so that made it easier to decide it was him and not her.

Kumi Chan

Sheera has no empathy towards aoyama 😭

Kumi Chan

I just mute the audio whenever shes talking so i dont have to hear her yap

Kumi Chan

Roshi is the only one this episode who had the right take imo

Drake Chuckle

Lupa this ep was great. I'm glad to see a sincere reaction to this revelation.


Author had to make this fool a whole plot point for us to even remember who he is. This feels like such a nothing revelation since Aoyama has does literally nothing for 6 seasons, I'm sorry but personally this reveal falls flat for me.


Bro now that I think about it damn near every main villain is either manipulated or broken


yeah i guess the reveal only really works for people who pay attention


AFO: broken, Shigaraki: i can see an argument for him being manipulated but I think he still desires destruction out of his own will. wb dabi, twice, or toga?


Bro shout out to invisible girls parents, cuz how tf do you raise an invisible child????


why does horikoshi keep letting bakugo beat midoriyas ass that nigga needed the whole class to catch him💀💀