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Letsgoooo been hyped watching it with them


Also for people mentioning the missed end credit scenes, im pretty sure these are prerecorded way in advance so ripbozo


Yamada really got all the plays, I think I just noticed she set it up for a date on Xmas eve


Sheera was correct when she said that Yamada saw Pick-up Senpai enter the library, we can see her slighty turn around to the entrance before she made her move on Ichikawa. So yeah she was using him in this case.


Started watching this with yall but it was so good I went ahead and finished even season 2, can't wait for the reactions! Love this show


nah she didn’t notice him, she was just in her feelings about what ichikawa just said and the show frames it in a way to explain how ichikawa mistook it


11:55, you can see her turn around. She didn't mean to harm him, she just wanted to show the senpai who she is after but it backfired but still she used him there


Yea Roshi missed the mark on this one. But I wouldn’t really say she was “using him” cuz she actually liked him. More like she wanted pick up dude to know she was already interested in someone.


Best romance ever imo, there's 2 full manga volumes after this and its still ongoing too. Once there's 4 there will be enough manga for a 3rd season.


End credit scenes... sadge, PLEASE look out for them from now on, you missed like a solid 90 second long end credit scene in episode 8.


Moments like that hug is what makes this one of my favorite rom coms


Ichikawa liking the same part of the manga is a big deal to Yamada, not only because it’s something they have in common, but also because it’s a smaller detail which shows Ichikawa actually paid full attention while reading it and wasn’t just humoring her.


very gudddd


bro they prob watched this ep like 2 months ago lmao

Devin B

Yamada is probably used to some people not taking her seriously or just taking her for face value so Ichikawa actually liking the same moment as her in the manga shows that he not only took her advice to read the manga seriously but also they could relate to each other


This episode really hits me in particular. I totally understand the line of thought Kyo had. Low self-esteem can make you almost completely unable to trust others, thinking you're not good enough. And then you start and try to rationalize people being good to you as you being used. It's awful and something really rude to do, but as someone that's been there it's doubly frustrating to see it happen. But seeing them both being able to walk past that makes me really happy, and in a way, makes me wanna try harder as well.

Kareem Davis

This is top 3 anime of the season fs

Ara Araragi (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-16 22:16:40 An explanation of Adachi's "you want to date your sister" joke: it's a misleading question using wordplay Japanese: "Ne, chanto yatteru?" ("Hey, are you doing it right?") "Nee-chan to yatteru?" ("Are you doing your sister?") English: "You ever check if your sys is up to date?" "You ever check if your sis(ter) is 'up to date'?" (aka "Do you ever ask your sister if she's willing to date you?")
2024-05-16 22:12:42 An explanation of Adachi's "you want to date your sister" joke: it's a misleading question using wordplay Japanese: "Ne, chanto yatteru?" ("Hey, are you doing it right?") "Nee-chan to yatteru?" ("Are you doing your sister?") English: "You ever check if your sys is up to date?" "You ever check if your sis(ter) is 'up to date'?" (aka "Do you ever ask your sister if she's willing to date you?") And Ichikawa was so focused on saying "I do (use LINE)" that he accidentally agreed with Adachi's question.

An explanation of Adachi's "you want to date your sister" joke: it's a misleading question using wordplay Japanese: "Ne, chanto yatteru?" ("Hey, are you doing it right?") "Nee-chan to yatteru?" ("Are you doing your sister?") English: "You ever check if your sys is up to date?" "You ever check if your sis(ter) is 'up to date'?" (aka "Do you ever ask your sister if she's willing to date you?") And Ichikawa was so focused on saying "I do (use LINE)" that he accidentally agreed with Adachi's question.

Louis Kalman

I binged the whole thing in one day after they dropped like episode 3 tbh

Devin B

Lol I like how Yamada was texting Ichikawa I'll see you tomorrow and then he replied it's today already. She was so into texting him that she didn't realize they went into the next day already.

Devin B

I'm calling it right now, if for some reason this relationship doesn't go anywhere then it's probably Ichikawa's fault for not taking the hints. Bro really is his own cockblock at times.


A romance anime where a misunderstanding gets resolved this quickly? Say it ain't so. Typically that trope getting drawn out is what turns me off of most of these types of anime, but i'm loving these two.


Okay hear me out. What a cute anime. Made be blush and stuff for no reason. Glad i tried it out with you guys

원 지

The peak

Devin B

The sad thing is I can relate to him, either we don't get the hint or we overanalyze it

Stephen D (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-17 03:01:13 "It's such a small club, if they haven't invited me, It's because they don't want me in it" Dawg... I felt that one.
2024-05-17 03:00:12 "It's such a small club, if they haven't invited me, It's because they don't want me in it." Dawg... I felt that one.

"It's such a small club, if they haven't invited me, It's because they don't want me in it." Dawg... I felt that one.

Luis Guillermo Cerda

cada capitulo purifica mi alma de tanto anime seinen

Colin Kolb

y'all are gonna love season 2 for sure


I want Yamada's boobs in my face.


"He looks like he's not even finished being drawn" LMAO


LOL Roshi be like "How does he not get what shes doing" and then 5 minutes later "Nah, Yamada didnt know that guy was there, she wasnt doing it on purpose"


I did the same when S1 first aired. It was so good i absolutely could not wait another week for the next ep. S3 is going to be so damn good if/when we get it.


This show is so relatable I binged it all after you started reacting to it. I was REALLY dense in middle school about girls. There was a girl I had a crush on and she was always wanting to walk home from school with me but I was scared of my friends making fun of me for having a gf. She even straight up told me she liked me and I turned her down. I even turned down 3 other girls in middle school for the same reason. Then when I got to high school and it was finally "cool" to have a gf I couldn't get one until senior year 😅


This shit is heartwarming fr, I wish more relationships were this wholesome. Socials kinda screwed with things


Love that they were able to hash it out in this 1 episode and not drag it out, actually shows real life scenarios where the characters have a functioning brain Also Yamada using the tissues that ichikawa laid out in the library is cute

Argo TheSlicer



I think Yamada heard the dude talking as they were walking into the room, so she knew he was there. She still did get lost in the moment tho


Loving this show!


actually one of the best anime romcoms ever


This is the kinda show that you can watch during a bad time to lift your spirits and give you diabetus.

The Zany Spirit

3:55 my voice crescendo's with Roshi as I had the same, audible yell of recognition.