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My Muscle Mommy 🫡🫡😢😢😭😭


Gg thumbnail 😂😂😂

gerard long

Aye she went out like a savage and she made America look good 🇺🇲

Devin B

The plot didn't need this muscle mommy for more than 2 eps apparently, thank you for your service

Ultra Lit

What a pointless ass character, decent fight and animation tho lol.

cyrus gudino

Star taking on AFO and shigi within All for one was one of the coolest fight sequences in this show yet


Star went out crazy 🔥

Ultra Lit

No, I just have an opinion. There's no way I'm going to give a shit about a character that lasted 1 and half episodes lmao.

PJ Rivera

Stars and stripes RIP


She should’ve won the plot armor is crazy bruuuu😭


Star was a G


It’s funny you say this while you have a Rengoku pfp lol. She was pointless tho. She’s cool but writing is absolutely atrocious. Hiro has a tendency to cook, but absolutely fail presenting anything.


This really sets the tone for how much damage is being done because one of the strongest heroes got got in one episode

Ultra Lit

I literally only like rengoku's design, other than that he ain't shit either 💀

King Tayo

I knew i shouldn’t have looked at my email 🙃 from yall caption i already know what’s gon happen to star and i ain’t seen the episode yet 😭

Mob K.O.

Her and Twice broken why they both had to go


plot goes downhill from here

Nick Vaughn

How she got the very air perfectly caked up like my god


Nanami be like: If you gotta go out, go all the way out!


And that is how a busted character is used to just slightly nerf the main threat, the problem with destroying his quirks is he can just take new ones so yeah she slowed him down but that all her character amounted to a dusty speed bump.


that blast still should’ve killed him cause he literally buried himself in a hole…..so


" i have to get harder" PAUSE!!


Personally I hated the how they just got rid of her. I would’ve preferred if she just got so injured she couldn’t fight anymore or something but to kill off a #1 hero after just being introduced seems kinda dumb. But that’s just me not everyone will agree


Damn that was short lived but boy did that have a big impact. RIP Miss Cathleen Bates. Love the idea of imposing her quirk to act like a virus if it got stolen from her, ver smart on her end to think of that based on the intel she got before showing up to the fight. And it seems like it's highly implied that New Order has power and limits based on the individual giving the orders. Star can only do so much with that power based off herself, which means if AFO stole it, he'd exceed her limits because he's generally more powerful than she is with his enhancements and multiple quirks that would also enhance the limits of New Order's power so thank god New Order ended up killing itself otherwise AFO would have straight up won period. I can imagine with the AFO quirk of giving and taking powers + New Order, he could start customizing Quirks and their functions on a whole different level. That's what I assume the possibilities are with him because nothing is more op than someone with an op quirk who also has a vast imagination. He'd lab the hell out of New Order and find every loophole possible.

Mario Merida

Says the one who has a character profile that only lasted in a movie lol

Ultra Lit

Yep rengoku has the same issues as star, I literally never said he didn't.


Man she leveled the playing field for Deku and the others


I don't understand how characters like Star and Rengoku are pointless to ya'll. Like, y'all have zero media literacy.


Star was too strong for the plot.


The problem is that if she got injured she would be a constant target for AFO

Tony Aoude

same way that had to remove gojo from jjk, they cant exist for the plot to move foward


Pretty hyped for this season, aside from some Dabi spoilers, I have no clue what happens from here on out since I stopped reading


I gotta get harder is wild 😂


People disagreeing to other people saying she’s a pointless ass character. It’s just I hate that the point of her character is to just to be a plot device to delay the villain. Fantastic character design only to jobbered for convenience.

Vincent Velez

Even after she died, Star and Stripe was still cooking Shigaraki. Salute 🫡 🇺🇲


Ngl Lupa done ruined the way I see All might he really looks like he is wearing sunglasses 😎 🤣🤣🤣🤣

King Tayo

also does anybody know what happened to their old reactions of my hero seasons 1-2? I think i started watching their reactions starting with season 4. Just felt like rewatching/recapping and i can only go back as far as season 3 in their YouTube 🙁


Not the stars and stripes bakery going out of business😭




I knew Lupa was gonna laugh at the Cathleen Bateo Scene


Same lol, roshi mentioned too he stopped reading midway this season lmao, all of us just stopped reading MHA

Cameron Robinson

I really want a Star and Stripe movie. I can maybe be a more fleshed origin with an origin villain that All Might help defeat in the end. It could even have some flashback cameos of the students when they were younger. I would love to see the expansion of the MHA world and see what America is like. What’s their hero System? What did All Might do in America? Did America have a symbol before Star or did All Might start that idea? How are the second amendment rights affected by a world full of people with superpowers? (This not the angle it should take, but just an interesting thought). Just something more for Star since they are not gonna stop making movies anyone, I would love more from an area that Horitokoshi left bare.

King Tayo

Hmm i only see season 4 and 5 on the missing reactions master link. Trying to see season 1-2

Cameron Robinson

I am curious why Sheera was so focused on what happens after Shigaraki passes the New Order quirk because that person wouldn’t know they had a new quirk immediately, for the most part, so it’s not like could use it to fight back and Shigaraki was just gonna kill them immediately, so it wouldn’t really matter.


I'd like to see a movie too where it takes place in America just to see their hero system. I'd assume it's more or less the same but has their cultural differences. Being in America you'd probably have more of a DC/Marvel/Invincible/The Boys vibe with their hero system.

Delinda Arts

This season about to be insane. I have full faith in studio Bones that they're going to do these fights their proper justice!

Rin Okumura

Ey All for One was spitting FACT tho... As long as you're still alive that's all that matter. She caught that BIG L even with that OP @$$ BS @$$ power.

Earphone Jack

I saluted along with Star. 🫡 She went out like a G. AFO got too greedy and suffered the consequences. I’m excited for the next episode!


Where did Roshi stop reading?

Hasnain Khan


J. J.

Lupa talks through the entire dialogue then asks what just happened bruh pay attention

Logan Gamb

It was a few chapters after this fight he said if I recall correctly, I know he said last episode the general area


can’t believe they got me crying already, can’t wait for the rest of the season


If they make another game, Star had better be in it as a playable character. I will argue directly with CC2 if not.

FreshxEli Tv

Personally I know afo & shig will lose to plot but I’m sorry Class A all alive against shig is crazy he not even awakened yet but I’m not a fan of that Gege would never

Zen Reacts

You literally cannot have Star in any of the battlefields for the upcoming part cause then they end without any of the character moments were about to get and it becomes alot less fun

Wassim aitikhlef

She got hoed, she is litteraly a plot device. She did nothing as value. Taking weakass useless quirks and gave AFO a few days to recover and that its. AFO is the winner here, no countries will help japan no matter what in this war now.

The GoDKing 27

12:35. Too broken? Bruh I know all for one and shigaraki are the antagonists but they are too broken especially with the regeneration in that scale that lets u survive situations like being in a volcano

The GoDKing 27

I wish the regen quirk got destroyed

Arima Kana

Star have been training with all those musclar men for years, she must had sex with all of them

Gumball watterson

freaky ass generation I swear, she said before the fight that she'd give their corpses to their families. Just to humor you though, you REALLY think anyone of them niggas could hang with her in bed????

Gumball watterson

we should be glad the reflection quirk got regenerated, otherwise bakugo & anyone else with a shooting type quirk would be cooked lol.

Son Goku

You have mental issues my guy, I could recommend you to a very professional psychiatrist.


I think this person should be ignored completely. I'm sure they didn't write this comment expecting any positive response, they're just an attention seeker so we should not give them what they want.


Momo in her plain leotard with her hair down is so erotic, I would have impregnated her on the spot.

Rishad GB

which is why I dont understand why she even wearing that in a normal room in the first place

Rishad GB

This has to be one of the most rushed out end and waste of a huge great character I Have seen...She couldve just said "the wall in front of me is impenetrable" "I can bounce off air" "make the air of 100m very sticky, Force field" but no she just died like she didnt have an op quirk. The quirk was too poorly displayed and the limitations werent explained that well....it really felt like nighteye situation again


It's TOO much bro, like is Deku just gonna punch this man real hard and win? What's up with these authors making OP villains and writing themselves into a corner?

Tj Denby

That's the problem when it comes to powers like this where imagination is involved. The character is subject to the creativity, or lack there of, of the author. Like Gremmy from bleach. They deff did Stars and Stripes dirty


You know I see people complain about Star saying she's a pointless character and you know what .. you guys are right. She's not a fucking main character so what the hell were you expecting? For her to stick around? You guys liked her a little too much to the point where you forgot she's not a main character and never was going to be one. It's an anime set in Japan because it's about Japan with Japanese main characters, why the hell would a Powerful Foreign character stick around to take the Japanese spotlight? She was great for what she was and what she did in the plot, let her go. She was there to show that the series also have foreign nations who have their own heroes but it needed to just make them be a cameo. She was abasically an American Cameo character and nothing else. Her part was going to always be small so they made it so she hit hard and then leave.


Also how was Cassie able to have inner thoughts/dialog and memories when her brain was erased by Decay? I understand it's an anime but when X-less got grabbed by the face Decay killed him instantly but when Cassie got grabbed by the face Decay took twice as long and she still had lines


waste of a character


I think most people understand she is not the main character but the way they just threw her away after such a big build up is why most people are pissed, she had a cool design and interesting quik but they used her as a speed bump


Her character was made solely for plot, they needed a way to slow down All For One and they didn't want to sacrifice a main cast member to do it atleast not yet anyways, who knows who the writers will decide to use as a speed bump next


star and stripe - the goat


There is a limit to how much she can power somethings up, there making a wall might have stoped him, but also it might not have. If she bounce off air, then what? She cant enforce rules on her enemy she dosnt know the right name of. They would have to avoid Shigi and wait for another extremly powerfull attack, or weapon.


@6:25 - I know he's read the manga up to a certain point, but seeing Sheera and Lupa with shocked faces when Shigaraki touches Star, while Roshi is just sitting there unphased, kinda made me laugh. 😅

Cleven Anthony

Why does he need help ? Lmao as an adult it’s a fair question to ask bout a grown women around men. Y’all ppl need to relax 😂


I want to say half anime timing and half the fact that she made the "Cassie will not decay" order that got overpowered by decay


you need to calm down cuz they just appreciated her character n obviously when you like a character you don’t want them to die. and roshi literally explained she served her purpose in the show it’s done. you trying to turn this into a “americans trying to steal another nations shine again” thing is weird lmao this is a fictional story about fictional characters calm down bro


You're talking about anime-obsessed manchildren here, these are very lowly creatures. Treat them with context.


Dunno about the inner thoughts bit, but in terms of how long she had to decay - Shigaraki/AFO now has much better control of Decay, and they wouldnt want her dying straight away, as they wanted to steal the quirk first.


Her order didn't matter because AFO took her quirk so she was quirkless while Decay was tearing at her


Not at all I just don't know why they hyped her up gave her a sweet character design, back story to make you care for her if they were just going to be used a quick fix for a problem. I get annoyed when that happens to any character but more so when they try to make you care for the character to just have them die an episode later


This nigga all for one really said “yea! you better run” clown shoes😂

Ren Lichtfoot

She even had Shigaraki / AFO paying respect. "Ms. Star"


Tbh i didnt think he would want to kill him, originally. I thought his plan was to have that man "carry" the quirk atleast for now until he can figure out what to do with it? Otherwise why even make him quirkless, just give it to him and kill him after regardless of the side effects. I figured he'd want a vessel, maybe find a way to make the quirk work etc. Until it ofcourse destroyed itself

Ren Lichtfoot

P.S. Lupa, those people who got killed were criminals. Dude was a murder and the woman was also pretty bad if I remember right.


Her order stays regardless of rather she is alive. New order opposes other quirks remained after her death.


Yeah because she place that rule on the quirk itself, and remember she could only change two rules she used the first to strengthen her body to be close to All Might and the second was for New Order to rebel against all quirks, I am pretty sure the order she gave not to decay was a bluff to hide the trojan horse she gave him, either way after she lost the quick she would have lost the protection

Ethan J Soto

It's a lot more simpler than that. America could have just sent a second missile strike as a counter measure, and Shigi would've been screwed.


Roshi what you mean most people don’t have other quirks? Most people have one quirk which is in fact “other quirks”


Its funny cause last season when nagant blew up Roshi said how the hell do you booby trap a quirk and star said here lemme show you

Intravenous Burger meat

I get Roshi saying “she’s OP she can’t stay around” but that’s not even the issue. Star should have been introduced or referenced prior. We should have gotten a class trip arc where 1a goes to the USA and also have her appear in a movie. That would have been enough to make her a real character and not a plot device


Because she has too much faith in the writer's skill.


You right but Gege be going over board with the killing imo


They should've gave her more screen time in a OVA or a movie 🤦🏾 I enjoyed her character more than 90% of class 1A


Deku's gonna hit us with that ultra super universe punch

Dalton Hawes

I mean it’s the same thing with Rengoku from DS. It’s all for the main characters lol


Introduced and dead. Didn’t even have enough time to care about her


I’m so mad I laughed when you said “she turned into confetti” 😭

Jdogzero Silverblade

missing the reactions to season 1 -3. both on the patron site and in the missing reactions link.


Hmm Roshi needs to find a way to start blocking people from this channel. There are some weird people showing up in the comments just saying the weirdest rapist/pedophile things 🙃 The new generation of teenagers are taking a turn for the worst. Anyways, I liked her character and all, but idk why people are complaining. She's a little too OP and she's an American super hero. Even if she didn't die, I doubt she would've been on screen for long. I have no feelings towards what happened and don't understand the outrage.


Whatever you guys want to call it. She wasn't important enough for me to care. The author couldn't have anyone outshine class 1-A and the MC (Deku), which is understandable. Probably knew she was gonna end up a fan favorite or maybe not, since they don't care much for foreigners' opinions. I need to see what the Japanese fans are saying. Plus, she looks like All Might and we don't need another him.


The way bro called out her government name while getting torn apart had me rolling.

Rishad GB

glad lupa agrees with me how BS stars end was....like literally rushed asf


Even if the quirk was passed on to someone quirkless, the quirk is Star's spirit so the rule she put would stay no matter what, not even the new user would be able to undo it, think of Deku's previous quirks they all have the spirit of their users and thier wills, same with all for one, so Star's will aka the rule she had on her quirk would remain no matter what


Endeavor taking his sweet time he could have took his ass over there and help