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vials are a hot commodity


PJ Rivera

Sometimes a fella’s gotta eat a fella, also nice of fallout to bring back ghouls needing radaway to keep sane. Edit: Btw netflix is working on a Bioshock movie but quality of course can vary but they did great with arcane

Big I

Reminder to please watch Black Sails or at least consider it! Glad y'all are enjoying Fallout though, its such a good show and so good to showcase the universe as amazing and horrifying as it is.

cyrus gudino

Roshi and Lupa calling for a Bioshock show made my whole day. The Bioshock trilogy is my favorite game series of all time it’s amazing

Art of Trolling

This Titus nigga remind me of Finn corny ass from the new star war movies 😂


Arcane S2 this year too, this is a good year for game adaptations. If we got a bioshock show sometime id be so happy man.


A bioshock show would literally be an absolute hit. It has to be a show though a movie would be fucking dumb and they would find a way to make it pg13

Mario Munoz

this show was so amazing really

Musical Esscence

I feel like the fact it's going to be a movie has me extremely weary! Bioshock would greatly benefit from a show format.

John Cedar

Game adaptations are the new superhero movies and it's far superior imo


Finn was literally the one good character in Star Wars

Art of Trolling

I couldn’t stand that nigga. they couldn’t even give him a fade 😂. I’m also biased cause I favor villains in all the shows I watch.

PJ Rivera

Sadly netflix has confirmed to be working on a bioshock movie not series. Probably about the fall of rapture


Idk if i'd go that far. The marvel series had a fucking nasty start with the ironman 1-2 and cpt. But we are def in a WAY better place with game adaptations than we were previously and I'm here for it.


speaking of a bioshock show, the leading actress here literally looks like emily lmao


The show on the tv was an experiment with rats to see what would happen if they were given a utopia, they slowly devolved into chaos and began eating each other and many other odd behaviors you should look it up


How is Lucy's finger not cooked? She ain't had no alcohol to disinfect her stub before the robot put that mangy finger that been sitting in that drawer for who knows how long. Just hopes and dreams.


Remember in episode 2 when she got to the city and the old lady(asked the girl to deliver the soon to be head). "Clean hair, teeth, and all 10 fingers, must be nice". She now has dirty hair, im sure that rad water wasn't clean, and 9 fingers. lmfao

John Cedar

I say it's better because superhero stories are so locked in to origin stories and time travel these days. Despite taking place in a vast cosmos, a lot of what we get feels very samey. Video game adaptations can be anything from The Last of Us to Fallout to Arcane and it really only requires an interesting world to place the story in. Superhero movies feel too templatized and expected these days, whereas video game adaptations are still a new horizon where they let writers and directors take risks.


I've heard a couple theories I quite like, the first is that the vials are made from the spinal fluid of non feral ghouls and it keeps them from turning feral. The second is psychological, living for extended periods of time when you should otherwise be dead is one hell of a mental hit. The longer you go the harder it is to stay sane, the drug eases the mental burden and keeps the mental illness at bay. Kinda like constantly micro dosing on shrooms but kicked up to 11. The mind can only store so much information before it loses itself. Supposedly as it stands the brain can only handle 2.5 petabytes of information, on average we process 74 gigs of information a day. If that's true and you store all the information you process(which you dont) you'd run out of "storage" around 92 years old. It's a lil more farfetched then the spinal fluid considering we see ghouls locked up for no other reason then to just be there and they got Hella vials.

I VisiBomb I

only now on a second watch i understand the meaning of the management thing in the overseer chamber.

Julian Vargas

its not just vials, its drugs in general that the ghouls need to stay lucid, it helps them keep their sanity. its a new thing they added to the show. if you go back you'll see they had bags pumping drugs into the coffin when they first dig up the ghoul

Julian Vargas

ghoul never said he knew her mom, he just recognized the last name

Hasnain Khan


Ren Lichtfoot

Or...maybe she just knew what was going to happen. It's actually more outlandish that you have the audacity to speak for another person's intentions or thoughts - you apparently can't even police your own. XD


Y'all getting triggered over people you've never met nor even know of your existence, is hilarious to me.


Some of these vaults have some dark histories 👀

Kevs rey

I saw a theory saying she might be pregnant 1.she fuck that vault 32 man 2. She threw up in this ep

Joshua De Well

I love the fact that Roshi called out that the vault would never let Lucy back in, which is Nostradamus level. In Fallout 1, after you save your Vault, the Overseer casts you out as you are changed and you'll be a negative influence on the other dwellers.

Ren Lichtfoot

Nah, I just saw the part you were talking about. I knew she showed up for the D the moment the door opened. A lot of people could have seen what time it was. What exactly are you arguing about? Arguing about agreeing with her? "75% of the time she's making asute and highly perceptive" She was right by your own admission. You sound crazy. Get some help bruh.


45 minutes is too short I need more 😩

Huemon Nottabear

Took way to long to realize that's "Blind Al"

Art of Trolling

Ngl I deleted Fallout 4 after 10 minutes because of the roaches. Those shits were gross.


Yeah I liked that comment but then I saw it was op who wrote! Op just admitted they were wrong, yet still says otherwise.....I don't get it.

Jaelyn Mcgee

a Bioshock show would be so good by this studio, as long as they got Del Toro involved somehow cause the art deco style and class struggle are right up his ally, and he'd be great for the creature effects


Man these three racist as hell against ghouls lmao, just like the games

Huemon Nottabear

Just a small thing, but we saw that vault 33 is on the beach, right near the Pacific. If the tunnel caved in, the vault would be flooded, or at least leaking. Probably would have been leaking for decades. What a dumb place to dig underground.

Owen Halloran

Interesting how Norm had separate plates of cake set aside for the prisoners but gave the gate guard the whole cake


been listening to not like us too much cause the moment i saw the clinic sign I yelled out WESTSIDE

Lily Rose

lmfao despite giving a major wrong prediction before hand 🤣

Jaelyn Mcgee

yeah, esp since a movie removes so many options esp if they decide to follow the games instead of a prequel set up


I agree with y'all the way the main actress handles pain is the main thing I didn't like about the show but since that's one of the only things I think this show is pretty damn good


The way Roshi yelled "then why'd you put the finger back on?" Took me out for some reason.. Also, I ain't trying to be one of those "Day 10305938 of asking them to watch ___" people but.....Black Sails...that shit is peak. Y'all should consider it.


I’d be down if they made a bioshock show


I really hope not, that guy is a piece of shit. Besides, unless she does a pregnancy test, wouldn't a woman show signs of pregnancy around a month after conception? I'm not married so please don't chew me out if I'm wrong lol.


Nah, that’s the ending of the game and the vault dweller is forced to walk the wasteland


Man they really did a good job with this show

Suited For Gaming

You know....this episode has me wishing the crew reacted to the IT crowd.

Kumi Chan

Lupa calling Gary out was hilarious


This episode is one of my favorites in the series.. All of the shit in the vault was more intriguing than anything else. 1 other thing, the reason the Ghoul didn’t take the whole container is because in the games you can’t take containers, you can only take the items in it lol

Drake Rage

7:30 The girl been thirsty for water for a bit now, and people can't survive without water for long, but The Ghoul over here giving her some "ass jerky" to eat, lmao. 27:36 Last bio-signal detected was 2 years ago. 27:48 Lupa questions Roshi if he still thinks there is nobody in there... Roshi starts believing Lupa that there actually might be someone in there .... YEAH?? Whatever happened to Vault 32, happened 2 years ago. The Raiders came recently, prolly quickly investigated 32 and then went to Vault 33 and left, lmao. The "vials" he took to keep Ghoulism at bay is taken from an inhaler... the shit he was chugging was some other drugs, like cocaine, and alcohol(?), etc.

Moon God

Funny Roshi mentioned a bioshock tv show, me and my buddies were talking just an hour ago about how with the new Fallout show an Elder Scrolls show taking place across the locations depicted in the series could be possible.


You could also just google "Some women may begin noticing the first early signs of pregnancy a week or two after conception"

Drake Rage

You right, I thought the bloody knife he gave her had some jerky on it, but realized he was telling her to cut out more Ghoul ass meat for him, lmao.

Dark Danny

Or or, she's just sick after coming out into a radiated World after spending her whole life in a vault


Oh shit, a Bioshock 1 show would be FIRE... if they did it right.


22:55 pure really nigga vibes


Wasn't there a rumor of Netflix doing a Bioshock movie? I will remain skeptical since i don't trust Netflix lol. Besides, a tv series would've been nicer.


10 fingers, 9 are hers. Shit's a spare tire at best.


Netflix is actually working on a Bioshock right now lol


Yeah, it's a movie that'll be mostly covering the first game with a few added stuff

Matthew Barrett

I think its Jet. In the game Jet has a similar object appearance, and we see one of the raiders shoot up Jet right before attacking Chet in the first episode


I just realized, the Cousin almost saved the day when he was going to pretend the button didn’t work. If they had just let him keep having sex with his cousin things wouldn’t have gone so bad lol.


I’m guessing that the vials can be used like a stockpile, so if you drink 60 at once you’re good for two months.


I’m guessing they don’t feel as much pain due to some genetic stuff. Remember, the blond lady took a fork to the eye and still went on to kill a guy and keep fighting.


Yeah. Bioshock needs the time to introduce the setting, and an episode 1 would have done that super well. Unless they plan to have it be just like the game where you have no clue what’s going on.


@mercury Nahh, but in the next Fallout you learn how the Overseer was killed by the other dwellers for his decision, and most went out to join the player character and start the village you start in in Fallout 2.


Damn, surprised they didn't mention it at all and no one in the comments has, but that ending scene wasn't only kinda sad but its growth. It was past coop talking to future coop. The Ghoul is the villain in the movie. 'Feo, fuerte, y formal. Ugly, strong, and had dignity. Well you got 2/3' Man's like damn look at how far I've stooped

Joshua De Well

@mercury - It depends on your karma in game, if you had bad karma or bloody mess perk you automatically kill the overseer and leave. If you were good karma, the game gives you the choice to kill, but you leave the vault forever either choice you make. If you let him live, the others find out about the betrayal and kill him and deify your character for saving them. @Matt - bruh, I literally said "Fallout 1" (i.e. the game) like did you even read what I wrote or did you read like 7 words and stop?


Johnathan Nolan would cook with bioshock

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

22:54 i have never seen roshi so speechless LMAO

Julian Vargas

So i think the reason why he put the finger back was because a whole hand is worth more than one that's missing a finger, he was grading her condition which is why he pointed out the missing finger and offered to fix it. I assume if you can replace a finger you can replace other body parts,


Tell me the actor for Lucy isnt gonna be another Kristen Stewart. Cut off a whole finger and nothing!


Idk that sounds like mental gymnastics to me dog. Girl who got her eye stabbed had adrenaline so I take that as a pass. Also to dude who said they're just strong I feel like that shit has been mad inconsistent they showed her kicking ass with martial arts in the first episode and then proceeds to get bodied by everyone she fights.

Ren Lichtfoot

Not everyone reacts to pain the same way. Some people don't freak out about everything. I remember once a picture frame dropped onto my head and cut a 2.5 inch gash into my temple. I felt blood come out (no pain) and went to my mom about it. She freaked out (completely) as blood was gushing from my head. On the car ride there, I was a bit lightheaded, but otherwise fine. Same with cramps or other bodily pains - the ones that generally crumple other people, I walk around as if it's nothing.


yeah, give the animated shows to netflix, and the live action shows to amazon


Fax except for the cousin part in the beginning she said it was when they were younger


35:34 she used VATS for sure


The robot sputtering and glitching out to just say “There’s no fudge here.”, all normal had me fuckin DYING.


GARRY! Garry....... GARRY!!


Coop is my favorite so far in terms of comedy his snarky remarks are everything from ass jerky to Lucy pops waiting for the cannibal cookout and my him offering vials to the slumped ghouls his commentary is hilarious 😭.

General Grevious

That old lady just told her she was lucky to have 10 fingers😂

Gabriel Souza

At this point she's not naive, she's stupid af

The Zany Spirit

43:01 Sir, what are those hand gestures?