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bro got clapped AGAIN



20 seconds of silence for that joke had me dying

Hasnain Khan



Gotta feeling each time they gonna do the death gag, it's going to add 10 secs. I swear the one in season 1 when he first met her was like half that length. Hopefully we get a 30 sec version😂💀


One of the best episodes of the series imo. I was constantly laughing

Saucy Jonathan

One of my fav eps of the season 😭


Lupa has changed a lot. Comparing to Konosuba 3 to before

Nick Vaughn

I’m on Roshi’s side with this convo lmao but bro should have stopped wasting time cause now all he got was his ass beat


i agree with u roshi😂😂


Megumin is somewhat to blame for the punch. She was planning on teaching the princess how to haggle and what to say in a fight. Essentially she set the princess up to get snuffed in Kazuma`s body. By a stroke of luck they switched back in time.


Btw not sure if you heard the news but grand blue dreaming season 2 got announced


are chris and eris the same person? almost same name, same voice actor, they look similiar and her reaction makes sense


Eris gets back to the women shower with people she know and trust. Kazuma gets back to his body in an alley getting his ass absolutely beat while his friend instigates and watches. It’s really not hard to see who had it worse lmao


Damn, Claire really is Drake, huh.


Funniest episode of the new season yet lmfao


W outro💯


him INSTANTLY being dead was the funniest shit ever


Dude, delete this. Like why the fuck do you gotta spoil shit for people?


Spoiler for what? I don't read the LN, its freaking obvious there the same person. How many clues does the anime need to drop for you guys to figure it out?


This season is going to be straight FIRE. The book they're on now and the one after, which should be the second half of this season, had a really great story arc, with an awesome payoff at the end.


NGL wasnt expecting an Eva elevator scene gag. They honestly coulda added in another 10 or 20 seconds and it'd just make the discomfort even more hilarious.


Kazuma being in the princess body was hella funny... But i would have preferred if it hadn't immediately turned into him being a pervert again. Also he probably ruined his relationship with iris which kinda sucks cuzz i really feel like they had something of a somewhat positive relationship actually


"My amazing brain has learned from experience" had me rolling.


Also i love the fact that they had the correct voice actors do the swapped characters. Way to often does a bodyswap also involve a voice swap and i am so glad to see them not do that. Iris's voice with kazuma's [personality was legit hilarious


Not Roshi with the, "Ok, hear me out..." 🤣


You should delete it. If they don’t notice it then at least let them have a visible reaction and pay off during the reveal, right now you are just ruining things for them and for us.


Don’t read the comments. People are spoiling


Im willing to bet Iris holds Kazuma in such high regard she will give him a pass to a lot of his actions after pouting over it for a bit.


i'll delete my comment but jesus christ how do you not pick up on sometime so obvious.


Lupa was not cooking lmaoo im not switching back to a body with 3 gunshot wounds 😭🫵🏾


Didn't realize Kazuma was such a fan of Captain Ginyu lol

Liam Gilbert

I don't know when it'll happen, but I can't wait for them to finally confirm that Eris is Chris. They look identical, Eris pads her chest (ie is actually flat like Chris), Eris said she goes incognito onto the mortal realm regularly, was upset that he sexually harassed Chris, and asked him to help reclaim the treasures, which is what Chris was doing. I would be legitimately shocked if they AREN'T the same person.

Arima Kana

If i were those men who carry megumin, I would have put my dick into her mouth when she can’t move after using explosive magic🤫

Connor Grynol

Both Iris and Kazuma were being rather irresponsible with each other's bodies. That said, Megumin is (and will continue to be) a bad influence on Iris.

Connor Grynol

You also have to consider what each of them were trying to achieve though. Kazuma just wanted to perv on Darkness and Claire. And while it's true he probably wouldn't have taken it beyond washing their backs, it's still a rather unpleasant reason. Iris, on the other hand, wanted to go on a small adventure. What's more, she was egged on by Megumin. Iris is too sheltered to have intended any real harm, but Kazuma knew exactly what he was doing.

Drake Rage

Bruh, the lightbulb went on in my head when you said the Goddess Eris is Chris, that could very well be true, lmao.


Bro spoiling the obvious for anime only’s


TFW this greenass hoodrat bamboozles you into getting jumped. Average Detroit moment


Also they literally have the same VA so it's like the studio isn't even trying...


When Kazuma said something about Chris chest being flat and Eris got mad that gave it away for me


So...if Iris is 12 years old and her bodyguard is an adult...wouldn't that mean that Claire is sexually attracted to a child? WTF


Yeah, it's so weird to see everyone be perfectly ok with that...guess it's "fine" when it's a female character...


That’s True but aside their thoughts, I’m on about which outcome is the worst. If I was teleported back to one’s body in the men’s shower/men’s dressing room with the homies I trust after gym or simply an Onsen one wouldn’t find it weird or particularly bad since it’s a normal custom. (Even if it was weird its still 10 times better then the latter lol) However nobody would want to get get back into their body in an alley getting a 20 piece combo from 4 different sides while your homie in the corner watching and instigating while your ass getting beat. You’d get the course of beating and the toppings of betrayal the same time lmao.


It's not obvious. Was spoiled to me years ago by some prick who claimed that it was hinted at in the anime (I've seen both seasons and the movie a few times and there is absolutely none of that). I hate people who just casually spoil it for everyone without 2nd thought. Other than some similarities in how they look, this episode is the very first time where enough info is given to make it possible make that assumption and even then it's very easy to just attribute it to something else.


Pretty sure there's no shortage of doujins that would satisfy your needs. Megumin's the most popular girl of the 3 by far.


Eris is adorable when she's embarrassed, it makes me want to sexually harass her and lick her non-existent chest.


She was asking for it, lying like that on the bed.


This was so ridiculous that I actually laughed.

Teddy McDonald


David Washington

I was today years old when I discovered chunchunmaru means penis


In defense of Kazuma, he is 17 here I believe, so still fucking weird, but not as weird as a grown ass adult acting like that. I don't think he is being sexual towards Iris, just a little freak who likes being called older brother. Maybe I am wrong and it is sexual for him idfk


If you havent yet, def start in on the LNs from teh beginning. The anime switches some things up, not a TON, but enough that its worthwhile to do both. And the books are short, so you can blow through them and catch up pretty quick.


Gyaaattttt Darkness


Wtf is going on with this comment section all of a sudden? Weird teenage boys acting like pedophiles? Some of you guys need to take a break from anime and porn. Go touch some grass.


she's a cartoon and I'm a human so I can't be arrested

John Nesbitt

I already knew what time it was after the battle. "Sun was getting real low"


Well, at least he wasn’t on some Sanji type shit…

Rishad GB

30 sec silence this show is goated

Aaron williams

As his is not anywhere as bad a kazama. He’s a predator at least sanji is a gentleman

Travis James

I agree with roshi. What she did was worse


Lmao, there’s no way you’re delusional enough to think Sanji is a “gentleman”.