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this show is insane


Mafuba Titan

Love y’all reactions fr



PJ Rivera

The mutant bear is called a Yao Guai and gotta love the little easter eggs they put in like the super mutant arm and iguana bits.

Jazz Rivers

My dumbass decided I was gonna chow down on some ribs while watching this reaction. Forgot 2 minutes in mfs BBQ’in puppies n snackin on Rad Roaches this episode. I’m good fam 😂😂

Jazz Rivers

When Michael Rapaport said “Do you know what you can do with a toaster oven??” I felt that 😂😂😂 I love how much homage is paid to the source material in this show.


Been waiting all day for this


yall should start the show “ From “ It’s on mgm+ and Prime I believe, 2 seasons… A great watch for the trio 🤞🏾

Funny Name

Dude I am going crazy I really want you guys to give dungeon meshi another chance especially after you continued ninja kamui despite its flaws but I can’t and don’t want want to make people watch stuff. I’m really upset I personally hold the dungeon meshi manga above Frieren

Omar Bautista

Lupa every dog is considered Dogmeat

Jazz Rivers

When I first saw the Pip Boy figurine in the shop I did the Leonardo DiCaprio point 😂😂😂


Sheera just made me go deaf with that scream sheesh

Matthew Barrett

I love that Knight Titus was Michael Rapaport. Dudes a douche in real life and they cast him as the douche

Desert Penguin

There's no timeline shenanigans going on. You guys are making nothing more complex than it is lol


Fucking Micheal Rapaport Head Ass


I don't know if it's above Frieren for me, but when shit got real, it really elevated the show a lot. Not that the show was bad before the recent events. I enjoyed the crap outta the more goofy episodes as well. It's a shame they've been missing out on that.


This man really tried to be Lucy's sugar daddy in this dystopian ass world. Ain't no way.


Lmao can u blame him? Who knows when the last time he seen a female, especially a clean looking one

Paden Snell

Its wild how graphic this show is. Like some of the most intense grapic violence I've ever seen on film outside of splatterhouse movies. And like, yeah the games are just as gory, but man does it hit different in live action. Woof... yall right about the npc thing. This show hits perfectly the vibe of gremlin ass main character strolls though town of npcs minding their own business, and then all hell breaks loose


ngl, shit had me in tears. Yapping with that concave booty.


God I love charismatic outlaw Walton Goggins. Dude is great all around but this is a particular vibe he just absolutely cooks with. Will toss out Justified again as a show in which he is just living that role (admittedly Kentucky instead) as the villain and it is so good.

Ren Lichtfoot

Roshi "What is happening bro? Blow aLL of this shit up!" Me "And that's how we got here!"


Unfortunately with the amount of seasonal we've probably missed the boat on them revisiting Dungeon Meshi, but it really is a shame because once the actual plot kicked in it's become one of the best shows currently on (not Frieren level for me yet, but they're clearly cookin)

Omar Bautista

Yeah Lupa we understand that you haven't played more than 30 mins of fallout 3


I'm so glad he's finally getting his dues because his role in Justified is one of the all time best TV performances

Aidan Price

Love this reaction


Ruptured my ear drum for no reason

Abigail Clark

Me and Lupa both getting super excited over Ink Spots "World on Fire" lmao

Wes App

😂😂😂Michael rappaport


Really an all timer. He and the guy playing the lead both absolutely kill it

Dark Danny

They did blow shit up Roshi, that's why we're here now

Hasnain Khan



It actually was though. It doesn’t happen throughout the show but in this instance it was


I want them to watch from too. It’s absolutely great

Devon Joseph

Lucy with the speech check lmaoo

mason zeo

It really wasn't it's just showin time progress through different perspectives. So it went from night Lucy to day scientist to maximus a few hours later.


They're both insanely good. One of the most slept on shows, I'd love if they did a reaction. Even if it's just to season 2 lol

Teyon Alexander

Michael Rappaport. That death couldn’t have happened to a bigger asshole. Glad you’re enjoying the show!

Tramaine Thomas

In game the suit runs out of energy quickly, In lore the cells are nuclear and last a long ass time like over 100 years or something like that

mason zeo

Considering lupa said a bit of 3 and a bit of 4 I don't doubt he hasn't played that much. Especially when you consider that he said you didn't get the apartment in edgerunners in the game. which you see the exact apartment literally 40 mins into the game and he said he played that game too.


No way the previous "knight" earned that suit he must have killed the previous dude or something

Thulani Mason

But while I was eating an egg sandwich though?


Everything is happening at the same time timeline wise

Nate D.

One of y’all are underestimating the hell that would be living with post nuclear worldwide fallout, like,throwing dogs into a furnace, they either will not survive and use too much resources, or they’ll be released and killed by millions of things including humans. As far as the skeletons, “who has the right to make their children do that”, well they probably have radiation poison and are under or around 10 years, and they have a pain free death option right there, how could you not?


Those turrets are straight trash in the game too

Omar Bautista

Yeah Shera was bugging on that. Look around you, world got blown up nearest water source isn't for miles and most likely pure radiation. Baby must be crying non stop and we don't know if they suffered from the blast too, cancerous skin melting or what ever


We saw the Junk jet at the end of Ep 1 where it shot out the baby arm and other junk. Also there is no time difference Guy with glasses Escape from the enclave with the dog we learned that at end of ep 1. After escaping he meets Lucy leaves and next day he is at the cave and in town

Huemon Nottabear

Lucy learned her whole life that the vaults would save America. You guys expect her to learn a new truth in a day or two. Let her learn, or grow, or cook, or w/e the new line is.

Justin Neason

It took me a sec, they said Cuba Gooding Majors LMFAOOO


Difference was that they never got hooked with Dungeon Meshi and they didn't find the first two episodes very entertaining. Whereas, Ninja Kamui had a strong start and fell off later on, so they've decided to finish it


@ 9:43 same roshi😭😭

Sean Taylor

we need a scream warning please & thank u

Matthew Barrett

Yup that was a Mark 1 Turret. I've seen Raiders stand in front of that thing and it still misses

Kumi Chan

She def ain’t surviving out in the wasteland


Classic Fallout side mission ngl. Saving someone's life only to find out he's a chicken-botherer. 💀

I VisiBomb I

would have wanted more of the dynamic between the squire and titus, it felt rushed and under-developed. also, again, the whole part with the ghoul is cringe. like, come on, the way he flew from that punch was like what you see in student films or something. It also feels weird that the power suit is feared like it is, if its actually not that powerful at all, like sure it has awesome force to it, but my guy punches in slow motion, and runs super slow as well, just run from it on foot and you're good.

I VisiBomb I

but then, if she sees herself as someone who's gonna save america, who are they to tell her otherwise? she can definitely try, and make her point of view the accepted one, through actions.


Lupa, any dog can be dogmeat if you're hungry enough.

Argo TheSlicer

I want to see the NCR (New California Republic)

Sean Taylor

Was more worried about my daughter waking up and fuckin up her eatin schedule 😂


Jonathan Nolan cooked

John Cedar

The power armor is armor, not an iron man suit. You're not meant to do acrobatics in it 😂 They usually carry guns, that is how they are meant to do damage. And maybe most importantly, Maximus has never used it before.

John Cedar

Dude is an absolute clown, he's one of those people who just will not shut the fuck up no matter how deep of a hole he is digging for himself


Lmaoo right😂 as non game player idk what he on about

Argo TheSlicer

The ghoul seems mostly focused on agility his perks seem to be Hastily reloading your firearm, Bloody mess, Pile on additional damage to targets, Streak of destruction (fallout 4 perks)


I didn’t even realize till watching this again but the knight actually knew what he was doing. He didn’t just get off the helicopter to f around and “shoot something” but was actually tracking the target. And I know Roshi aint say that man look like Bill Burr😂


Nah the chaotic energy just everything that's supposed to be dramatic and serious just beeing straight up clownery and everything just beeing so unserious and yet messed up. I never thought they are going to actually transfer fallouts goofy and ridiculous energy that's caused by bethesdas weird coding and dialogues into the tv show but I love it and it's so weird to see that it works and idk this is probably the most faithfull video game adaption there will ever be wtf. This might just be peak cinema


Damn didn't realize they already tried it thats sad. I hopped on the boat late but been loving the anime and was wondering if they'd watch it. RIP

John Cedar

Dogmeat is the name of a dog NPC who can be a companion in the games

Jonathan Theodore

YEAAAHHHH SHEERA THE SCREAMS?! lmao had my whole dog run for cover lol


Walton Goggins aka the cowboy ghoul is awesome in this show plus he voices as Cecil head of the GDA in Invincible.

Hakohako Isubu

He became a ghoul in the first episode due to being so close to the nukes. Most people just die, but some become ghouls. There are other ways to become ghouls, but ones that become ghouls in this way are referred to as pre-war ghouls, meaning they were alive before the nukes got dropped.


the way they do gore in this show is kind of like the slow mo targeting in the game, I love that shit.

Drake Rage

42:05 Breaking News: It is reported that Roshi can no longer hear out his right ear. Viewers have been reporting that they are still hearing ringing in their ears even days after watching this reaction.

Jan Gabrielle Escuadra

The giant bear you see attack the knight was a Yao Guai. They are basically radiated black bears on steroids. They are arguably in the lower end of the top 10 most powerful creatures of the wasteland. Even most component knights on the brotherhood would struggle with one let alone a loser.


Titus reminds me of Bill Burr for some reason


What happened with Ninja Kamui? I dropped it after the first 2 episodes because I thought it was mid then, but it gets worse?


roshi not knowing people can take off jackets is crazy. he was sitting next to a fire. he probably just got hot and took it off. it's not that deep lol

Ice Over

There is absolutely no different time lines with those three. lmao

I VisiBomb I

also a thing i noticed, her Okie Dokies come up whenever shes stressed, as seen by when she got out of the vault and at the end of this episode, so going back to episode 1, she wasn't really excited about breeding with that guy, but actually more stressed, even if it sounded like she was looking forward to it.

zacharie garondo

They got the gatling from The port mafia


He probably fell into the trap of every Bethesda game where he wandered around the world for hours just killing random NPCs, doing sidequests and shit and ignored the main questline. I think I have something like 200 hours in Skyrim and never got far enough in the main story to choose whether I wanted to kill Paarthurnax or not.


That dog isn't Dogmeat from the games.

King Medjai

I would pat for y'all to watch Lost


Was hoping yall dropped the mixed timeline thing after yall seen everyone in the same town lol


30:45, 42:05 BEWARE a sheera scream that’ll blow ya eardrums out


Why do you think Maximus and Titus were rushed? They showed he was an asshole, and then he became a vessel for Maximus to get armor. Having him stick around wouldn’t make sense. And of course the armor is slow. It’s massive and heavy as hell, a tank. I just honestly don’t get the complaints.


Roshi - "I'm loving the cinematography." This is what you get when you hire the brother of THE CHRISTOPHER NOLAN to be the director of your show, you get damn good quality.


"THIS SUIT IS FUCKING USELESS" had me on the floor!

Austin Parker

Lupa! Play the game! Stream it! We would watch!

Austin Parker

Not a spoiler; in the game the turrets are SO inaccurate

Daaylen Watson

The real question is are we going to get the Kendrick X Drake diss tracks LMFAO


Please at least put a warning for the screams, my ears were hurtin for a bit lol. Good reaction!

Austin Parker

It kind of is though. Every game has its version of dog meat. This is the show’s.

Jake Young

I love lupa but sometimes I wish he'd stop yappin sometimes lol, Like yes the dog might be Dogmeat, you dont have to repeat in 5 times when roshi and sheera have no clue wtf that means


that sheera intro caught me off guard lmao


It isn’t. The show takes place several years after Fallout 4. The Enclave guy raised tv Dogmeat from being a pup. Personal head canon though is Dogmeat is kinda just the name for dogs in the wasteland to distance yourself emotionally from them. Not every dog is called Dogmeat, and not every Dogmeat is the same dog. Not to mention eating dog meat is common practice in the wasteland.

Kumi Chan

He’s just a fallout fan, its all right, he ain’t hurting nobody

Kumi Chan

Okay this makes a-lot of sense. I know its not the same dog from the games, but I thought your point was the dog in the show isn’t referred to as dogmeat. Otherwise everything you said is valid

Omar Bautista

Hes hurting fallout fans because he has zero knowledge on game and acts like he does


The super mutant tease in this got me hyped. hope we see more than a damn hand next season


i swear sheera just be screaming to scream cause aint no way that scared you like that

Jaelyn Mcgee

I just realized that the scientist was on Lost and Person of Interest and a bunch of other shows


jesus sheera, why the fuck you screaming like that goddamn


Sheera over here bustin' my eardrums 😔


Sheera out here with the Adventure Time screams🤣🤣


Roshi the dude looks like Michael Rappaport


They already listened to them Drake still losing though lol 😆 unless he can prove it was all a lie

Jake Young

I'm fine with reacting. It's the constant semi spoilering and repeating it that's annoying.


Max must have a powered up piston or something, ain’t no way he killing a Yao Guai in one shot.

Kumi Chan

I understand what you mean, he fan boyed a little too much this episode,

Kumi Chan

I mean, he has to have some knowledge of the game if he knows about the brotherhood, dogmeat, the songs from the game, etc

Kumi Chan

Sheera should learn a little bit of restraint when it comes to screaming. I understand fear or stress can provoke you enough to scream but it seems over excessive at times .


the "I think that's a puppet" is a funny af callback


Reaction videos might be the wrong genre for you bro, the whole point is to see people being animated with their reactions, moreso than the average person watching a show, otherwise what would be the point?

Kumi Chan

its just funny that there are people complaining so im riding the train 🚂


Sheeras screaming making me want to go back to watching for free on Youtube where the screams are actually muted


I've played Fallout 3, New Vegas and 4 to completion and i barely consider myself a fan of the series so how Lupa acting like he's a long time fallout veteran playing a couple hours of fallout?


Man, people in here complaining about the screams are so weak~ lol jk

Delinda Arts

Naw like i can usually prep myself for her screams but thats the first time i was caught lackin. now i cant see lmao

Des Bethea

subscribing to someone's patreon to bitch about how they react is crazy


Sheera ain't have ta do all that. 💀 I'm watching a 1:00 am without headphones and the fams trying to sleep. 😅


He did the same in The Witcher. To the point that Roshi said "Hold on, they'll probably explain it" because he would just start alluding to stuff that wasn't mentioned or say spoilery shit just because.

Mubarez Ahmad

I just lost my fucking hearing lol. Thanks Sheera


Me meeting roshi and he just beats me💀💀

Son Chaeyoung

roshi finding out rad roaches fight back helped him understand the people who took poison 😭


There was black people in lucy's vault Lupa. So that joke doesn't hit at all. Lmao 🤣 🤣 🤣


The last thing I expected was Michael Rappaport in that suit that alone was hilarious 😭😭.

General Grevious

Bro I forgot where I paused at yesterday and it was right before Sheera screamed, just gave myself a heart attack😂