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bro wanted them out of his house!



first. phillip is second as per usual

Hasnain Khan



Aqua has been drunk every episode and darkness has been getting embarrassed every episode lol

Gregery stunt double

this isnt going to be much of a heartfelt comment or anything, but thank yall for always giving me something to look forward to. you guys are hilarious every reaction, and are by far my favorite reactors. i watched my cat ive had since childhood get euthanized today, and have been feeling like absolute shit, but at the end of the day, you guys still put a smile on my face. keep being lit and stay safe.

tori Wills

Cobra Kai season 6 part 1 is coming out July 18th 😌

Liam Gilbert

"What the hell's a honey trap" We'll tell you when you're older Lupa


It’s scary how accurate Sheera can get with shit

Huemon Nottabear

Kasuma's first instinct always right, then he thinks and fucks himself


lalatina becoming more and more of the straight man of the group as we go lol, the masochist bits are becoming more rare now lol


sorry about your cat my man, sounds like they lived a life of being loved


Darkness the real MVP this episode. I was going to make a joke involving the trio with how Darkness was with Aqua and Megumin but their dynamic is NOTHING like that (Roshi does keep everyone all together though).


I've no doubt there's gonna be some serious fuckery next episode lmao

Big I

Please give Black Sails a shot! Its an amazing pirate show that I think y'all would enjoy.


What’s really funny is Kazuma only seems to remember Mitsurugi’s name when he’s impersonating him 🤔😂😂


I think Darkness has been slowly Awakening her inner Dom over the course of these episode due to stress. BTW Lupa, A Honey trap is where a Man or Woman seduces a person in order to get Classified or not well known Information out of them.

Funny Name



bro darkness wasn't horny once this episode it's kinda nice


Going with kamui instead of dungeon meshi is the opposite effect, meshi is slow but amazing later, kamui had a epic start and now just feels terrible, need meshi asap.

Stephen D

Is it just me or do most of facial expressions in Kamui seem stiff? Also, they really did give up on Meshi waaaay to quickly.


The rest of the people didn’t even know the thief was there. Why pretend to have been captured?


Chris' cries while Kazuma was sexually harassing her were so cute. Hopefully she gets more screen time so Kazuma can sexually harass her more.


"Cute"? bruh, the SA content is the least funny part of this show smh


yeah somebody gotta check yo hard drives boi


Wrong, it's the most hilarious slapstick comedy bro, you trippin' if you claim it's not funny


I don't know why they dropped it, to be honest. They've continued shittier shows. Hell, Dungeon Meshi isn't even bad, it just has a slow start. But once it picks up, it really gets going.

Drake Chuckle

Cause then the mission isn't 'over'. He specifically told them the thief was too strong and to not bother with trying to deal with them. If the didn't do that he'd be waiting around for a thief that'd never show up.

Sum1s0mewhere (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-07 07:34:49 I also dropped meshi and kamui. Level 2 cheat anime is getting good ngl I ended up reading the manga. Not the best animation but still better than that other one with awful CGI
2024-05-07 07:02:03 I also dropped meshi and kamui. Level 2 cheat anime is getting good ngl I ended up reading the manga. Not the best animation but still better than that other one with awful CGI (misfit of demon king)

I also dropped meshi and kamui. Level 2 cheat anime is getting good ngl I ended up reading the manga. Not the best animation but still better than that other one with awful CGI (misfit of demon king)


No way u dropped meshi but are advocating for generic op mc isekai #2413


No way you think meshi is peak or unique. And I'm not saying that "generic" anime is peak. I just think it's more entertaining than meshi for me. 🤷

Chase Daly

It's funny that she's the goddess of water, but she drinks like she's allergic to it.