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Wow, opp to the whole planet



Op to the whole planet is a correct statement cause wtf😂

Zion Noland

I gotta say y’all got me interested in this show and now I watched the first 3 or 4. Excited to see these reactions!

Nathan Elkin

Love how you aren’t understanding the science, even something simple like a giant antenna. The reason the weather changed and animals went crazy is because the machine is producing a radio frequency with such magnitude that, even though humans can’t hear it, animals and chemicals in the atmosphere are being shook and fucked up by it. Imagine a dog whistle a million times stronger; not a 1-1 example, but it should get the point across. The birds weren’t dying in the air, they were loosing their sense of direction and crashing, kind of like bugs circling a light. Their experiments aren’t killing people or giving them cancer.


As someone who kinda knows what's going on, just seeing some of this is like "Oh fuck, THAT?" Edit: I got to the end of their reaction. Idk if they'll do it, but they do not actually realize how big of a PROBLEM that last scene just made.

Hasnain Khan



Summoning aliens to clap everyone is crazy she graduated from crash out university top of her class 😭😂


Can't wait for them to realise what Saul meant by deep fake

Erica Collins

lmao I know that alien was mad as hell receiving that message like mf I told you not to answer...

Nathan Elkin

She said that grave belonged to her father and then the camera showed it belonged to a little girl. She was LYING. 🤡

cami ً

the wow signal (which is a real life event btw!) is what she used to explain the sun amplifying their signal to that dude who stole her idea, the warning she got from space is something only she knew about as nobody else was watching and i doubt she told her boss she did what he forbid her to do lol as for the grave, it was shown to the audience to let us know that she was lying about visiting her father’s grave and she only made it up as an excuse to talk to the detective,,,,, this is a really good episode one of the best imo :)

John Fleming

An I the only one feeling like Netflix called the guys from GOT and said “gimme Lost season 7?”


As someone who read all 3 books, I will say this is a good adaptation. It's waaay more complex in the book but they still did great at making it complex but understandable in the show. And so much more to look forward to!!


The producer of this show wasn't able to see his own creation on Netflix because he was poisoned by his jealous co-worker. It's a wild story! Yall should look it up.


Are the books under the same name? It's got me on a chokehold and wanna read them now lmao


I think they missed a day on the count, because I only caught seven.


Yes! 3 Body Problem by Cixin Liu. It's different in ways in the book (there's 1 main character vs 4) but otherwise you get sooo much more depth and story

Dean Khalil

If J Cole could send that message rn he would, I know he sick of humans


Nahh homegirl did nothing wrong. I would've done the same fr


Well I mean huge doses of radio waves over long period of time can still cause problems to us (like cancer). Mofo really talked about "science" and didn't now this simple science fact......


but how are they helping the aliens I wonder

Ashley Austin

I wouldn’t do it because as an equally flawed human, it wouldn’t be my right to decide for everyone else.


I honestly don’t find her actions to be trash. Humanity has never shown her kindness and at every angle someone has betrayed her (Her mom, her coworker with the book) or used her(The one who stole her idea, the party using her to rat out her dads friends). If the aliens are coming to conquer and they bout it like that: tbh, I would align with them. Her bosses would have definitely just contacted the aliens anyway and been hella aggressive so good on her for getting that first lick in so she was safe 🤷🏾‍♀️ (We still don’t know how it connects to her daughter tho)


After watching the first reaction I had to go binge the show and all I can say is I can’t wait to see the rest of the their reactions to the show


did u just call her trash😭 sheera go live that life then and lets see what typa timing u on smh🤦🏽


I think the soldier and the fly was neat foreshadowing, they didn’t explain the fermi paradox too well in this but basically imagine the universe is dangerous like a forest, you’re not just going to answer any message sent because it might be a predator. But back to the fly thing, I think it was foreshadowing showing that humanity was captured the second they sent the signal because like the fly we got too close

Url Robbo (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-12 04:49:04 Nah she did the right thing. Humanity will never be able to save itself, we only ever cause destruction. There will never be a time when the whole world will truly be at peace with one another. I dont blame her tbh.
2024-04-12 04:06:31


Saul smart asf

Jaden Coleman

I was about half way through the show before I knew they were reacting to it and I got so hyped when I found out lmao

Samke Dladla

I was a bit confused by the grave scene as well. I also thought it was her grave at first. They were just showing that she's lying about it being her dad's grave

Samke Dladla

No. The Wow signal was the response. It came in 1977. The explanation was just a signal from Jupiter that they recieved in or prior to 1968 (because that's when they discussed in the show). She just had a cipher for the Wow signal because she sent the original message, the Americans didn't.


I understand if you said you see why she did it but saying her actions isn't trash is crazy yeah her life's sucks but don't screw everyone else on the planet that had nothing to do with it


I think sheeras wrong saying she's trash, it's understandable. Her country is in ruin and ruining itself leading to the exploitation of people like her and the murder of people like her father, the rest of the world isn't any better and the past 10 something years she has seen how trash humans are and where there priorities lie, I dont agree with her but if I was in that situation I'd probably do the exact same thing. " oh, you gonna deal with these motherfuckers for me? Bet"


@Trist9n I understand where your coming from. But the thing is, when you've had nothing but a terrible life surrounded by betrayal after betrayal, you really get a twisted view of the world and of the people. Not saying what she did was morally correct. But I absolutely understand her actions and honestly probably would've done the same thing if I was her lol.

joshua barnett

Id buy the vr if that existed. Vr isn't the same if it's not like sword art online. I want to feel everything. VR now is incomplete


fuck no, humanity is in its infancy in the grand scheme of things in the universe, why would we as humanity give up just cause we got issues to deal with


It's not their company together. Everyone of the gang see has their own thing. Auggie has the nanofibers company, Jin is a researcher


Nah Roshi should be with this shit if you help them they probably will treat you good like fuck everyone else. Someone else in the world will contact them so might as well look out for yourself and be the first one to work with them


I am sick of these WMAF (white male asian female) propaganda show. First devil eyes samurai, then shogun and now this? Bullshit.


What????? So the only solution is by enslaving all of humanity?


Crazy. Enslaving humanity to a civilization that could be just as if not more fucked up than Humans are


The show itself made it clear that it does not need you to understand science. Reflecting an AIMED(?) radio wave signal off of the sun(?) to make it a million times stronger(?), and it randomly hitting probably the only other civilization in the galaxy? Really?


Hmm, you think the aliens ever run Honey Select on that shit?

Ritchel Cousar

All of humanity shouldn't have to suffer just because you (one person) don't see a path to global peace. There are thousands of simultaneous efforts going on right now to achieve global peace, but they get no recognition because people only care when the results come.

Nathan Elkin

They made that part pretty clear. The birds dropping was a bit more ambiguous.


What in the PornHub? Also, all the white people in Blue Eye Samurai are irredeemable villains.


news flash bro that's how it was in the day. Also I may be reading into it wrong but if you're just being a racist DUMBFUCK you might as well leave.


i think its like slime with the angels and theyre just trying to stop them from becoming advanced enough to fight back


The Fermi Paradox and the Dark Forest are two distinct concepts. The latter is a possible explanation for the former, but it's not the only one. They didn't explain the various possible explanations in the show. The Kurzgesagt channel on YouTube has great videos on both of these concepts.


The nerve gear is a fucking CIV game?? Lmao

Ian Hover

Nah she sold the entirety of humanity. Ye wienje is selfish asf and doomed us all😂. If the race literally tells u don’t do this again we will invade we are not peaceful and u do it again u just give no fucks

Danger Tomato

Battlestar Galactica next


bruh fuck Honey select, I'm ready for Honey select 9000 whatever those aliens fucking with.


Bruh this episode actually made me hate the character, she really fucked over everyone out of spite for the planet that was already getting it's tree's cut long before she was ever born lol Also was in her feelings cause of what happened to her father, she not only fucked over every person but including innocent people years later wont know what is happening. This is a result of someone who has no control over feelings over the fate of the world.


@MonarchXIII If I ever find out some dick ahead fucked my life over some shit they got going on in life, I would 100% be on the side of those that make her life suffering if your gonna fuck over others that have nothing to do with it. It is what it is at this point.


Yeah I understand that’s why I said I see why she did it but that doesn’t mean her actions wasnt horrible. Like Eren from AOT his actions was horrible but I see why he did it.


It’s not propaganda buddy, most white dudes I know got an Asian girlfriend. Why does that upset you


That’s some little girl shit, sacrificing the whole world and future innocent people out of spite


Like I said, I personally don't agree with it but if I was in that situation I'd be petty and childish and do the same thing, I know for a fact I'm not high and mighty lol

Hueki Yuuki

Holy Auggie is 100% altered by one of these liberal writers because she's the dumbest character in the world holy, and beyond annoying. Only gets worse with each episode, atleast everything else seems aight

Robert Golden

I get why you're saying this, because I legit can't recall the last time I saw a Asian-Asian couple in US/western media. But time and place lol.


Sheera spitting tbh I think a game where you put on a helmet and could literally hop into it would be sick

These Plums

Auggie and Jin don't work together


some people just cant fucking help themselves huh? shut yo ass up damn

Joshua De Hart

Think my favorite part of this show is that everyone, for the most part, doesn't have any information that's going on with them. They're all trying together to piece what the hell is going on lol.


One disgruntled interstellar telephone operator just doomed all of humanity.

Ja'Chin Dilnessa

lupa got hangtime on niggas i see you mane


WOW signal is a real thing that happened, but it wasn't the message from aliens, it was just 2 black holes colliding or something similer


one more thing i don't remember if its a story or some theory, but originally the the message we saw here reads "quite down or they will hear you." that indicates there is 3rd civilization not so pacifists and the message was from another civilization (2nd civilization) warning us to STOP or they (3rd civilization) will come and destroy you. EDIT: this explanation some how fits the name "3 body problem". 3 civilizations 3 bodies.

Marshall Lee

so tell me why they LITERALLY contacted the viltrumites doe

Marshall Lee

????? so the whole fuckin world, innocents, children, and eb else js gotta deal with that? its NOT that serious.

Corey Leach

Ngl im with homegirl summoning the aliens. All through out history to this day all of humanity wanna do is harm and control each other rather than live in peace. Come and end us cuz im lowkey tired of things.


Like I've said twice now, I wouldn't personally do it but until I've been in that exact same situation I can't say anything, but if I went through all that I would absolutely be that petty, take out the world to take out a few assholes, I would definitely do that if I went through what she did, but I haven't and probably will never so I'll never know. Nobody can say for absolutely certain that they wouldn't until they have gone through the exact same circumstances


Her actions are trash, would you feel cool if you and your whole family and neighborhood were nuked out of existence because one person in the neighborhood had a shitty life? It's stupid logic and she is, while relatable, utterly trash for doing that to the world.


Now we know who should not be allowed to run for any leadership position, you cynical bastard.


When you live a hard life like hers, sometimes mfs just crash out and dont give af who caught in the crossfire, she on demon time 😫😂😂💯

Lucius Reinhard

It’s fitting for the dark forest hypothesis, which basically says that the universe is quiet because everyone is hiding from everyone else—and they should, once you realize how easy it is for a civilization that can achieve things like this to end another

matt i

sad truth of most great scientists, authors, musicians that passed before they could see the fruits of their labor. all they needed was another perspective, another test, another pair of ears to guide their life's work to success, but thats life haha


yes yes that was the name dark forest theory thanks for telling me.

Ira samples

I would’ve sent the message, not because of anything petty. Simply because I would want to see what would happened. Basically im the embodiment of the cat that died if curiosity

Abdul-Rahman Lawal

38:00 Based on hoe Lupa was acting and the way Sheera was looking at him might have some personal experience with cancer from Lupa

Abdul-Rahman Lawal

59:10 I am SOOOOOOOOO with you man!!!😂😂😂😂😂


That man Saul was actually spittin at the beginning the satellites not picking anything up is weird these aliens are scammers r us. The ending message was crazy I imagined an alien hunched over typing know general zod right over his shoulder 😂 his people must be some demons for real 👿.


in my eyes, this lady is worse than hitler, worse than osama, worse than literally any person that came before her. not just a country, not just a city, not just the world trade center. we talking bout the entirety of humankind as we know disappearing in a flash, no barry allen. you said you wouldn't do it personally, but then say if you went through what she did that you would also sacrifice the many for the crimes of the few. now i don't know if you're trolling or actually need to be admitted into some pysch ward, because i cant think of a single person that would be down to let an entire world, BILLIONS of people who did NOTHING TO YOU...SUFFER because of your petty emotions that you refuse to let go of.

Hueki Yuuki

Huh? Man if you enjoyed her character then you're probably not very logical or quick on the uptake at all.


@Arz.09 uhm I dont think its little girl shit to see your entire country in ruins full of murderers and evil ppl adn think it needs to be gone. If i went through what my enslaved ancestors went through I promise none of you would be alive today. Everyone getting THANOSED. Sending the aliens is crazyyyyyyyyyyy tho


People are mad but I get it lol. I never see Asian-Asian relationships in western shows. Even when I do see an asian interracial relationship its never black woman, asian man, or native-American man, asian woman, etc etc. Always has to be the same template. But thats just life I guess lol


Thank you lol, I'm not necessarily agreeing with the basically contracting aliens thing but wanting to end the world that the people who made you and people you love suffer? I can see that. People saying I need to go to a phych ward and people would never risk the lives of the billions of people on earth when there are BILLIONS of people, and not one person would feel like that? Ok buddy. Intense hate for what she went through is valid

Gabriel Souza

I'd do the exact same thing that she did, and i would give them whatever information they needed to wipe humans away

Gabriel Souza

@FjordPhd Not the only other civilization, if there is even one more then the probability automatically goes to the exists of an infinite number of them

Gabriel Souza

@Jazko We don't know the other species, they can be good or bad, but the humans we already know are nothing more than trash

Gabriel Souza

TheDroppedFry Your comparison doesn't make any sense, in this case the entire human race would be extinct, which is perfect from every possible point of view, including for the planet and the animals that live here. Enough of humans already, we gotta go.