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S tier show



Barry was so good. Bill Hader is goated

James Bryant

and with that the Barry journey is over. glad yall peeped.


Honest opinion Fuches should’ve died. That’s the main thing I’m not satisfied with


Yes he is — he absolutely crushed it with his directing of the entire final season

Danger Tomato

S tier show bout to be replaced with booty cheeks

Renni .

Fuches really a legend


Nah at that point, he had fully changed. He was the bad person who accepted who he truly was. Killing him wouldn’t achieve anything anymore.


Sally still not being able to tell John she loves him is heartbreaking.

Aniki Pft

Fuches has been a thorn in people's asses. Yeah he sucks but he deeply cares about Barry, I think he didn't want to rip him away from his son. It's definitely something much deeper than saving his son just to get Barry off his back.

Hasnain Khan



Crazyyyyyy ending

Devante Vickers

Sally is still the same person. But she did grow up a bit. She totally ignored her son saying I loved you, and asked if her play was good. She is still a narcissist, but at least she patched some bad parts about herself.


Exactly, till the end Fuches still saw Barry as his own son despite all the times he betrayed him


What do yall mean this when Walmart used to sell guns Walmart sold guns when tf was this 😭😂

Devante Vickers

Also, the fact that Sally know's everything and still let Gene rot in prison is wild lol.

Metweet .c

That is not highly acclaimed actor Daniel Day-Lewis. I doubt he would come out of retirement for Barry of all things


Mmmmm nahhhh. I’m offing Fuches if I was Barry. All the stuff he did to him. Manipulating him, sending random people to kill him out of jealousy. Nah bro I would’ve slid on Fuches


Sheera is wild for saying Gene deserved it.

Alfredo Hernandez

This show is so good! One of my favorites of all time. Y’all HAVE to see a video called “Barry Finale: An Ending that forgives nobody” by Comodín Cam. It shows ALL of the crazy details that the show gave & how the show predicted the ending all the way in season 1. Loved rewatching with you guys!

Jesus Perez

Fuches and Sally finally faced the truth about who they are. They survived. Noho and Barry kept clinging to the lie they told themselves, they died.


3 body is fire bro (nowhere near Barry but still fire). Stay mad 😂


Whole point of the show is growth (or lack thereof) imo. You holding onto wanting Fuches dead puts you in the same boat as Gene 😂😂


Damn I was not expecting Barry to go out like this. S-tier show I’m so sorry for sleeping on this show


First off Gene wanted fame out Janice’s death and his situation with Barry. Killing Fuches is not the same result. It’s not like hey I killed Fuches now I want credit for it woohoo I’m a hero. Gene couldn’t let stuff go where as Fuches was constantly messing with Barry throughout the whole show. He didn’t even thought about letting Barry go until he found out about the son


This show hits so different I have a hard time fully, objectively articulating why its so goated. And that movie at the end is one of the best pieces of satire iv seen lol


Long live the raven 🐦‍⬛


I kinda interpreted John's smile at the end two different ways. 1. He knew the movie was bullshit and his smirk was because at least his dad is being seen as a hero. Or 2. He always envisioned Barry as a hero, and the movie fed into the image he already had of Barry.


any idea when the new show starts? is it gonna be next week or next couple of days

Tyrese Marshall

No matter how shitty and egocentric he is; no one deserves to do time for something they never done.


"was he in stranger things" LMAO


It's definitely the second one. He was younger and barely knew anything about his parents and his last memory of his father was his dad with guns on his back coming to save him after tons of people died. That plus him knowing Barry served in the military, regardless of what Sally pointed out, makes me think his father was still a hero to him.


Yea thats what makes me lean more into the second theory. Children are very impressionable and that is a image that would be very long lasting lol


How they were able to weave comedy into such a dark drama is masterclass


ngl gene had ample opportunities to get out of that situation, but saying he deserved to go to prison for life for the murder of his girlfriend that he didnt comment is wild lmao. Family threatened by Barry, he complies. Barry buys his silence, he buys his son and kid a house. Comes back to *initially* try to stop what ending up happening in the end. He made horrible decisions, was very selfish, and didn;t deserve a happy ending really, but he def did not deserve that kind of ending


So if you get sentenced to prison for a crime you didn't do I can say you deserve it just because you're an asshole?

Victor Grubbs

The thing is…the writers didn’t do anything to Gene. Gene did EVERYTHING to himself. He got like 4 different chances to do better and he just REFUSED. Everybody else died anyway lol


One of the best endings of a show Ive seen. Lol it ended with a comedic ending just as the show started. That movie is hilarious. Also, Gene kind of deserved his ending. It was harsh but his narcissism led him there. Barry deserved death. And Sally although ended up living a decent life, she ended up alone. When her sons ask her to spend the night at his friends house, he ask her will she be okay… like he was scared to leave her alone. Shes lonely now but she rather deal with that than give herself in to another abusive boyfriend. Shes learning to rely on herself. Fantastic show.


He did. His ego put himself in the line of fire when he didn’t have to be.


He still murdered Barry. He was going to jail regardless.


Gene wanted fame, period. He couldn’t let that go. You want Fuches dead, period. And you don’t seem to be able to let that go. 🤷‍♂️ Also, Fuches never said he wanted to kill Barry after the time skip. Just that he wants Hank to find him. He probably didn’t even have a plan for what to do when he found him lol


Well how about somebody do all that to you and see if can let it go. Wanting fame from a murder does not line up with getting revenge on somebody manipulating you and sending people to kill you a bunch of times


Sorry, wasn’t trying to put down your opinion! Fuches is an asshole for sure I understand wanting him dead lol. I just love this show and enjoy discussing it, and imo fixating on Fuches’ death runs counter to the themes of the show. But that’s just how I took it


Oh I know lol. This show was amazing and deserves all the praise


Perfect ending. Barry and Cousineou were two men who wanted to change and refused to. 1 wanted to live, 1 wanted to be famous- but neither changed so Barry died and Cousineou became infamous. Both lost their relationships with their sons. They made it both funny and tragic. Great parallels, great bookends, great range... great show.


Walmart didn’t stop selling guns in Texas until like the early 2010’s lol, at least the Walmart I went to


Thank you for introducing this show came in thinking it was going to be cobblestone but left with diamonds.


I’m not even surprised the Walmart in Texas was still selling guns 😭


Oh wow


i think i made myself forget the ending of barry , i hated it. but i love that i hated it. ofc gene was framed and barry came out looking like a hero. hank dying by cristobal's statue was beautifully sad. and i love that barry's last words were just 'oh wow'. again so so glad yall watched this.


the it 'kids' and stranger things 'kids' will always be confused w/ each other cause of finn wolfhard


There's a difference between deserving what he got and just being punished for his actions.


Amazing show. Amazing reactions. Thanks, guys.


Great show overall but the ending imo is pretty wack like Barry deserved way worse for everything that he did. Im not saying that Gene didn't deserve shit either bc he def did for constantly trying to capitalize on tragedy but Barry getting to live on as a hero to everyone makes me sick to my stomach frankly.

rickie woodson

as someone who has been in publix with dudes carrying openly: very believible

rickie woodson

So long, farewell to you my friend, so long, farewell until they reboot you and 🙃. End of an era. Now just got to finish the last two seasons of succession and ill be done with the recent "prestige " shows.

rickie woodson

Just found out Giancarlo Esposito has a new show called Parish that started Sunday. 6 episodes, a weekly drop. Definitely something to keep on your radar as a possible Barry replacement


I dunno why it makes you sick to the stomach lmao, sure he's a bad guy but he is not on the level of someone like King Joffrey and rooting for his terrible death.

Paden Snell

So glad yall finally watched this after it got beat in the polls over and over. Probably my favorite American TV drama. The whiplash this show gives you going from comedy bits to intense dark moments is balanced so well and creates such a unique feeling.

Paden Snell

Yeah from what we see barry telling him about his time in the military earlier, my impression is his son buys the "hero" the movie makes barry out to be.

Paden Snell

Love this show to pieces and overall love the end. But God damn fuches getting arguably the best ending and not ever getting his pisses me off

Chad Gloria

Yo, how sick was the transition between seasons? Always stayed fresh cause they kept modifying the tone. Chef's Kiss

Franklin Saint

🔫💥OH WOW 😕🔫💥

Garion pope

The Ending to Barry was very fitting for everyone involved. Everyone got what they wanted at a cost. Hank got to be with Cristobal in death. Sally became the strong woman she wanted to be. Barry became a loved and remembered hero in the eyes of many including his son by dying, repaying all the murders and crimes he did. Gene got what he deserved only because of his ego and always seeking fame instead doing the right thing. If he did that, his and Barry's roles would have been reversed. Gonna miss this show.

John Cedar

Idk where you got that Sally is a "strong woman" by the end, but I have the complete opposite impression. She is still broken and unable to move on from what happened to her. The quick rejection of her date indicates to me that she is so scared about ending up with a violent man that she won't even try to date again, at least for a long time. And even after surviving all that she did and coming out the side with her son and her life intact, she's still insecure and unsure of herself, looking for approval that her show was good, showing that she still has some of the affirmation seeking behavior that brought her to Gene's class in the first place. And biggest of all, she still thinks she's a murderer, even though she's not, she killed in self defence. But she still holds onto that trauma and guilt and will perhaps never let herself get over it. And the way John looks to her sometimes only to see an empty response, it feels like she just cannot always give him what he needs as her son either. I felt somewhat sorry for her by the end, despite all the shit she has done. It felt easier to forgive her after she bluntly admitted who she is to John and he forgave her. At the end of the day, Sally really just wanted someone to love and rely on.

Anna Anthony

Barry finally got some character development 2 seconds before he died. I loved this show from top to bottom. The definition of black comedy lmao.

Anna Anthony

Also I love the title of this episode cause I'm one of the people who went. "Wow!" At Gene and Barry's last scene.


It just struck me Barry straight up replaced Fuchs with god. That's all his worship is, Man needed a father figure so desperately he went to the only one left who wouldn't tell him to fuck off lmao.

Jurassic Jordan

barry fucked fuches over in prison. i loved fuches character.

Garion pope

I respect your view point on that. The reason why I called her a "strong woman" in the end was because she moved on and became content with herself. Ever since the beginning she was trying to portray herself as strong and independent when she wasn't like in the Ex-boyfriend incident and with Barry in the 3-4 season. This stemmed from having a neglectful mom and a passive dad. The scene of her telling Barry to do the right thing and he didn't. She took initiative and removed her and John away from him. She used to feel safe with Barry but after seeing he wasn't gonna change, she took action. Yes she did ask for validation and avoided that guy at the end but I see that as she knows her limits now. She moved on from the guilt and trauma, even though she isn't completely happy. Sally's ending is the only one that is good even though it's bittersweet compared to the others. She actually overcame her flaws and did better developing unlike the others that were stuck in their own cycles until the end. That's my opinion on it.

John Cedar

Very interesting how the same writing and performances can give wildly different impression. I do like the ambiguous parts of this ending a lot.


Im so Glad yall enjoyed how it ended I'm very sad its over again rewatching this.


Ehhh this show for me was B tier, 7/10 for me. It was a good but of course I had my issues with it. Obviously Sally getting a semi happy ending rubbed me the wrong way since she's a horrible person. But I could tell that the show was trying to go that route, even though I disagreed. I can't really say the show had overall good writing since a lot of time the predicaments the characters got in were comedic, and after all this is also a comedy. I've also never been a fan of constant metaphors and imagery. When it gets overused I just tend to get annoyed. Overall I can understand why people like the show, it's pretty unique. It was good, not spectacular.


The movie they made is like the ember island players episode of avatar just overly dramatic and plain …. Wrong 🤣🤣

General Grevious

I haven’t seen the comments this hot about character’s endings since Snowfall😂


For me a 10/10 would be wild, but like you said, to each their own!


it was so funny that they teased redemption only to take it away bc barry doesnt deserve it


too many people in here saying gene didn't deserve that ending bc he didnt kill janice, except he DID kill barry which is a life sentence either way. him and sally are still gonna end up on that beach along with the rest of the murderers.


How is killing a serial killer with over 50 bodies a life sentence. Jim was planning to kill Barry until the 250k thing came out as well.


if that was the case, ryan madison and janice moss would be there.


killing a murderer just makes two murderers. and gene isnt a good person, he's an egomaniac who has spent his whole life being an asshole. he flipped on his morals after his little spiritual exile thing, just like everyone thought he would. he even hears his agent outside talking down barry, but he sees his public image is already tarnished, so he decides to crash out instead. he CHOSE revenge and a life sentence for his own satisfaction, over actual justice for janice and clearing his name.


@em Why was Jeff there then? Also that's some batman logic "Killing a murderer just makes two murders." Barry is worse than Gene that's not even debatable. Barry was a serial killer and Gene was just a prick which is not a crime.


killing him cause hes a serial killer? vigilante killing, life. killing him cause he hurt his image? revenge killing, life sentence too. no ones debating which is worse because its a waste of time picking the lesser of two evils, the line is ONE body, and his wasnt even in self defence. gene made his bed, knowing he'd go down for both killings and the crimes. and if everyone on the beach is someone barry killed, taylor's sister and crew wouldnt be there bc he didnt kill most of them.


Roshi is tripping. Depending on which state you live, murder 1 gives you 25 to life in prison. California is such state which also carries no parole. The circumstances also matter. The kill was self serving in cold blood. Plus you had a witness on the scene. Gene clapped himself on that one murder.


He didnt kill Janice, but he got her killed. He himself realized that too when he recalls bringing up the story he thought was fake.


Gene definitely got a shitty ending but him killing Barry was ultimately him ending the never ending cycle they had both been going through, both trying hard to change but failing too and restarting almost every season.


Wish Barry could’ve gotten away ngl but Ik it’d never work


Bro said the writing wasn't good because of comedy elements lol you just tryin to be a contrarian


The first time Season 4 ended, i wasnt sure how to feel about it but the more time passes, the more i like it

Casually PS

This show is actually a banger barry was a piece of shit most of the show but atleast his son got away from it and some what got a half true half lie of what his das was and he tried to fix himself but got pulled back into it