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Scott sauced up!



That combo was nasty. The fox Cyclops was a bum

Alexander Flores

are u guys going to react to the slime movie and the ova since they are cannon

Trayvon Brown

Loving this show so far

PJ Rivera

Usually continuations and restarts of old series suck but this is an exception

Devin B

They really gave Cyclops more love then I thought they would




Yall Gen V is on a indefinite hiatus.


Storm is indeed Omega level, so is Ice Man! Along side Jean, Charles, etc, there's quite a few actually


CYCLOPS GANG WE UP!!! Also, love the synergy between different X-Men, feels like early X-Men fighting games! Also, also, Cyclops Was Always Right.


Roshi, Marvel released a official recap video titled "Previously On X-Men" on YT before the X-Men 97' premiere. It recaps all the main storylines from the original series. It's a 2min37sec video. Highly Recommend watching it, pretty much catches you up.


Magneto leading the X-Men was some of my favorite stuff from the old comics, cool to see it adapted


Ice-Man is also Omega level. Gambit COULD be, but thats a story for a later time as I have no idea who shows up in this series.


Scott need to be carful how he talk to wolverine the only reason he ain’t put the paws on bro yet is cuz of Jean 😭😂

Red Death

Iceman, Jean, Magneto, and Storm are all Omega level mutants which means their power is immeasurable and can't be surpassed.


Couldn’t see that coming is foul Lupa XD


This is the most accurate depiction of cyclops' powers. When you get hit, you arent getting hit by a laser, you are getting hit by a solid object, like a bus traveling at lightspeed.

Hasnain Khan



Yeah it’s cool Lupa Storm was only officially made an Omega level mutant in the past 5 years, before that it was something that was debated for years

Nick Vaughn

Sheera’s right Lupa. In almost every single adaptation of Storm in animation or live action has been severely underutilized. She’s god-tier if she were to truly let loose


bruh the wolverine and Scott beef is so funny imagine your pregnant wife having to give a mf puppy eyes to keep yall from fighting

Julian Rother

I'm not sure but some parts looked like they were rotoscoped

Sean Harding

The Cyclops respect starts NOW✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾

Justin Spencer

Not super related but if Disney can do this with Xmen maybe it is time for a gargoyles revamp


I did not realize that was SunSpot this guy is OP

Semaj Brown

Storm is omega level. The issue is most omega level mutants are really shown at the height of their abilities cause then you gotta figure out how to keep things balance. I believe storm and Jean are omega level. Cyclops is up there too I believe in some list. Maybe not omega but one of the top tiers.


The jump start I needed to watch it myself


I was thinking the same thing as Sheera at 19:20. That man said "your kind." Like dang, which of my kind? Mutants, black people, and women? 💀😭


magneto getting everything doesnt sound too crazy at all. remember magneto is HUMANITY enemy not theirs. his way of methods is bad but throughout comics and movies magneto has done everything for mutants. he was eric at some point before he was magneto yk


the only reason storm and ice man has always been underutilized in movies and shows is bc they are omega threats and they are extremely strong in the comics. u cant really bring a omega threat character into a live action or tv show cause youd have to make everyone strong enough to have an entertaining fleshed out story. but making everyone strong means more money for production and more time. so a city level basic version is better financially and timely


My boi cyclops finally getting his just dues


Bro thinks cyclops is scared of wolverine lol if you only you knew 🤣🤣🤣


Where in that comment did I say he was scared of him I’d just said he’d beat tf out hit them kinetic punch beams ain’t finna do a damn thing against Logan them adamant claws will remove bro head from his shoulder real quick tho


I can't believe I watched the whole episode and not once did I realize this dude was Sunspot. He was pretty cool in the X-Men: Evolution TV show.


It's awful what happened to that dude, he had such a promising career in front of him. He definitely felt like the Secondary Main Character too.

Camilo Lemos

Told yall they gave bro SAUCE 😭 was not familiar with his game being like that

Dark Shogun

Jean, Charlies, Magneto, Storm, and Ice Man are all Omega Level. Trask doesn't understand his own technology. I wonder if he would have chosen to abandon them if he saw what happened in Days of Future Past. I don't understand the hate that those mutant haters have. Even if mutants are meant to replace humans, it's not like mutants are going to go around killing all non-mutants. Basically people would just have babies that end up being mutants. Of course you do have the bad actors, but that's what you have the X-Men, Avengers, etc. for.

Kumi Chan

Cyclops is fking sick


Professor X didn't really die. At the end of the original series he got sent into space by his alien empress girlfriend to get healed.

Steve Harvey Dent

after this we better get a spider-man 98


You shouldn't understand it it's racism which is the whole thing of the X-Men it's an allegory for racism and civil rights, the hate is senseless, it's meant to be because racism is senseless. Charles Xavier and Magneto different ways of going about things were modeled after Dr. King and Malcolm x, one through peace diplomacy, and one by any means necessary


Yo they really had Scott doing some MVC2 shit, most fun I had watching a Marvel show in a min trust y’all they cooked.


Sheeras thinking Scott's blast landing only works if no one's underneath him, my thinking his blast landing being perfect for his enemies being underneath him😂😂


Cyclops literally sandbags because his powers are too strong. Iron man measured them once and they surpassed a nuclear reactor. If he truly wanted to kill wolverine, he could, he doesn't because deep down inside he understands Logan. They have a mutual respect, they just both love the same woman.


Nuclear blast don’t mean jack shit when fighting Wolverine he literally got his entire skin vaporized by a nuke and proceeded to heal after 😭


Iceman is Omega level too. He just doesnt figure that out till he moves to new york and starts hangin with spiderman


It's easy to understand the hatred for Mutants. It's called being paranoid and it's practically human nature and it's why we have so my problems with eachother. We don't trust eachother and now Mutants are here who can kill a person with a thought. I mean it's easy to understand, with gun laws as they are, I wouldn't trust nobody who carries a gun and my first thought is, either get that gun taken away or that person with the gun needs to go the hell away. Paranoia breeds fear and hate. It's all there is to it and they think that Mutants will be like the Supes in The Boys which can be a scary thing with that "I can do whatever the fuck I want" energy they had in that show. Paranoia is why straight dudes are uncomfortable with gay men. Paranoia is why white women fear black men. Paranoia is why people don't want any Refugees coming to America bringing their "strange culture" or "drugs and rapists." Paranoia is why we don't let kids roam alone because of other people. So paranoia against mutants is only natural and the propaganda doesn't help.


Bro what? you don’t even know what you are talking about nigga the live action movies really fried your perception on cyclops


I didn’t say he was weak ik he strong Logan will still fold that nigga at the end of the day niggas think just cuz I say Logan would beat bro up that mean oh I’m calling him weak no nigga lmao 😂


I thought it was Emma Frost that enabled his Omega Level potential or was it her just realizing he's Omega level?


P.S. Charles isn't an Omega Level as surprising as that is but Emma Frost is.


Logan is not folding cyclops go do some research your just making your self look silly


Right? Literally the Capcom fighting games was the only time I've ever seen Cyclops do an Optic Blast on that large a scale.


If in my opinion Logan would fold bro who you tell me it’s my opinion don’t get mad cuz I have my own opinion no go somewhere my good sir have a wonderful day lmao


Only time Storm was utilized as an Omega Level was in MvC2. Y'all know what I'm talking about.


Yep. I mean Roshi saying "Why didn't they open with that?" With Storms thing means literally no character gets to do shit. They kinda have to put op characters on the side lines to give other characters some moments.

Semaj Brown

That’s why storm gets knocked out in fights a lot. They do things you keep her out of the fight until she is needed

J. J.

The best thing about this show is the emphasis on the teamwork the Xmen have, these guys train and live together, their chemsitry is off the charts. Even when the jet got shot down you see how quickly they reacted who everyknew their roles. It's way better than the forced chemistry of the Avengers imo.


Yup, pretty sure this show is one of the rare shows that show people with powers doing combo formation attacks. More action shows should do this.


I may be missing a few here but the Omega level mutants I can think of are Jean Grey, Storm, Magneto, Kid Omega, Exodus, Stryfe, Hope Summers, Rachel Grey, Franklin Richards, Mister M, Jamie Braddock, Legion, Exilir, Proteus and Vulcan

J. J.

Roberto was in the Days of Future past movie, he's Sunspot, the guy who was blasting sentinals in the future


Though logically inworld, I would also say she tones herself down because she doesn't wanna kill people otherwise it kinda ruins her image as the good guy. Controlling the weather is like ... something that can cause extreme collateral damage and she could unintentionally kill a lot of bystanders. So, she has to tone it down which I'd assume is hard for her to do but we can tell she's mastered it because she can literally smite someone with lightning and not kill them.


iceman too and franklin richard’s isn’t a mutant anymore


Don't forget Emma Frost Aka The h'white Queen.


When i was younger I used to think Cyclops was lame af, but since I've gotten older I've finally realized that he's the Captain America of the X-Men. Cyclops is fukin dope.


This is real Nostalgia 🥹


I wonder how many people know that Cyclops mutant power are that his eyes are literal "portals" to a dimension full of kinetic energy and that what comes out of his eyes is just that energy leaking out. lmao Unless they retconned that, but when I heard that's what his actual power is, I kinda had to laugh at the logic.

King of New York

Marvel has been trying to find a character to push as their "Wonder Woman" for years in the MCU and comics with characters like She-Hulk and Captain Marvel but the problem was they've been sidelining the X-Men lmao. Storm, Rogue and Jean ARE the top female characters for Marvel (Or at least some of them). Glad they're writing this show well!


Never saw the original show, but I am loving this one a lot. Always felt more invested in the x-men characters compared to the avengers from the movies, so seeing the teamwork and character dynamics in this show is really making me excited for the next episode


I bet they will make Franklin a mutant again, how the F4 book is going I can see it and yea somehow I forgot about Bobby my bad


did roshi like black out in 1997? talking about big cell phones lol. they had flip phones in 97 lol. they weren't expensive either tbh lol. well if you got them from those corner cell phone stores lol. FREE PHONE FREE PHONE lol

Justin Hearst

Hey Lupa, if you want to look up omega level mutants, here's video on youtube: https://youtu.be/Qme5Yduw3BE?si=Pq97ACmdkv1DqCt1


also like magneto and charles founded the school right? so it would make sense he is in the will lol


There's a reason Logan respects Scott as a leader. Scott isn't someone you wouldn't want to fight my guy. "I want this thing off my lawn" for example


That look never comin bac sheera lol


Pure gas!

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

Im finna get tight. WHERE TF IS MY GOAT ICEMAN AT?!?!? You can’t have every other original member show up (morph turned into Angel) and not have him. Plus he’s in that small group of omega levels smh


Cyclops is Alpha, not Omega, but he's one if the most powerful Alphas.

Semaj Brown

I knew he was up there. I’ve seen some list with him as omega and some with him as alpha. So I wasn’t completely sure


Yup, in the past it was stated she was a possible omega level, but Hickman (Marvel's chief editor, and one the GOATS) confirmed it. Makes sense given her powers etc, Storm is stacked power wise.

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

3 questions. First, is Jean an Omega level when she isn’t possessed by the Phoenix Force or only when she is possessed? is she an omega level telekinetic while in base form cuz ik she better at kinetics than telepathy. Lastly , whose powers does Rogue have atp? If I remember correctly, didn’t she absorb the power from Wonder Man or Captain Marvel or someone like that?

Daniel Turner

yeah watch the last ep of the og to see what happened to professor x

Jeremiah Ward

They kinda had to due to the fact that they didn't own them but now with fox under them they can finally re integrate them into the greater universe.


11:01 Shooting gold balls from your body?!!! Hahaha you can't possibly have an xmen with that power right? (jk)


God I can't wait to see the episode 2 reaction, Magneto the goat.


He showed up once in the OG series and had already left the X-Men long before then to do his own thing.


I kinda hope this show gets to his Demon Time Era. #CyclopsWasRight


Unless it has been quietly shelved, a reboot has been in the works since last October

nathaniel dixon

rouge absorbed captain marvel, she held on for too long so it was permanent it usually wears off. jean is an omega level mutant without the phoenix probably why she was chosen a a vessel. jean is a more powerful telepath than Charles but hes older and more skilled/experienced. so she is both an omega level telepathic and telekinetic, the usually go hand in hand aside from Charles and emma frost... (who both have it but I think they have blocks or something so its a lot weaker)


They already did the phoenix story line y’all should react to the original x men cartoon it goes hard I had the first 2 season on dvd


A big skull pops up. "Is this Phoenix?" Do you know what a phoenix looks like?

Devin B

They were basically homies with the same goal but different approaches, I would've been surprised if Charles didn't leave him with anything

rickie woodson

us: there are recap videos on youtube including an official recap from marvel. you should watch one before the show. roshi: they said we can just jump right in. we wont be lost on five seasons of story. me:..................


yeah i honestly thought he was still one until recently

rickie woodson

surprised yall know the term omega level mutant as this is the first time its used outside of comics (unless it was in video games). there are like 13 or so omegas (more if you count the dead): Jamie Braddock, Iceman, Elixir, Jean Grey, Legion, Magneto, Proteus, Mister M (dead?), Storm, Exodus, Kid Omega, Franklin Richards, Vulcan, Hope Summers, matthew malloy (dead). the list gets bigger if you throw in future characters, clones and the mutants of Arrako.

rickie woodson

you'll be happy to know this is a studio mir production

rickie woodson

so he wasnt SHOT shot. it was an energy weapon. it disrupted the electric synapses of xavier's mind overloading his powers, essentially causing him to have a seizure. that happened in the season 5 finale of x-men 92.

rickie woodson

man yall young. 7 in 97? i was 14. yutes

rickie woodson

cant wait til yall see ep 3 and 4. obviously 4 isnt out yet but concept is something all 3 of you will very much appreciate and 3 is pure anime


Charles isn't one shockingly. Emma Frost is though.


SO WAS DOTA:DRAGON'S BLOOD. It's legit a sleeper HIT. If you're reading this, do yourself the favor of watching it (on Netlix)

Thulani Mason

Wolverine: Dismembering? Nah, Curves. LOL bro I love Wolverine!


FUN VA Facts: So, the OG Cast returned for the most part, tho a lot of them switched roles. The rundown: 1. Rogue, Wolverine, Storm, and Beast are all the SAME voice actors from the OG. 2. Scott/Cyclops is now voiced by the same guy to dub Tengen Uzui, Bruno Bucciarati, and Roy from Fire Emblem lol (Ray Chase). The OG died. 3. For anyone who knows "like that", there are about 6 other VAs from the OG that returned for this show, but they're all playing different roles. Lots of them are spoilers to say, so look it up if you're interested! And 4... Jean Grey here is played by Jennifer Hale, Goddess of video game VAs (look it up, she has a Guiness World Record for it) AND the voice of Jean Grey in Marvel Vs Capcom 3 😁


Okay, seriously, I HIGHLY encourage anyone enjoying this show to go back and watch a little bit of the OG in between episode releases. It WILL definitely make the experience better for you, BUT there IS something special about seeing things referenced first in '97 and THEN going back and watching the OG like "OHHH, snap... That's what they were talking about!". Depending on the type of person you are, if you like things in retrospect (after the fact) then watch 97 then go back and watch the OG and it will be a GREAT time. If you like to know things in advance, by all means, rewatching the OG is great time on it's own, and if you struggle with the imagery (it can be pretty bad) then just put it on as background noise while you do chores or grind video games; it's just as easy to digest. One TINY detail here I noticed, especially after going back to the OG, is that thus is the FIRST time we see Gambit it regular clothes. He was one of the few Xmen that NEVER had a different look, never had a different outfit. Storm, Jean, Scott, Logan ALL wore several different outfits from regular clothes to swim suits. Gambit, however always seemed to at least keep his mask on. In this episode alone, we've already seen him with the crop top and jeans, AND shirtless with the bandana. I think they made a point to change up his looks because he never got the love in the past. Gambit movie when???

Tamara Palmer

SUNSPOT !!! Let’s Go !! My childhood has been relived once more !

Steve Harvey Dent

I was one year younger than roshi. unfortunately I missed out when it came out. I watch the repeat on toon disney.


Jean is Omega Level as well plus Magneto, Ice Man (Similar reason to why Storm is Omega Level, they can change the Climate like that) , Hope Summers, Franklin Richards


Let's see in 97 I was negative years old 😂 God ain't even have me in the plans yet


Xavier is technically still alive, he's on another planet getting treatment (I forgot where)


where is Scarlett Witch on that list? 🤔

Alexander Szabo

Scott’s “to me, my X-Men” and Magneto’s “… belongs to me, my X-Men” was so good.


She is and she isn't - She's either always classified as Beyond Omega Level or far below it - (This is mainly because of her counterparts on other Earth's where she's millions of times more powerful) The other characters are more consistent across all worlds - for instance we can take Cyclops and say he's Omega Level but that's his counterpart where he killed all the X-Men

J. J.

Most of the "Omega level mutants" aren't well known in mainstream media, almost all of them are variants or decendents (Nate Grey, Hope Summers, Legion (Xavior's son), Franklin Richards (Reed and Sue's son) down the line. There are only a few in the "current" universe which is Jean, Magneto, Storm and ice Man. Although Ice Man is generally portraryed as young and inexperianced he develops into one of the most OP mutants ever once he controls his powers.


Oh he was then Charles told him that he wanted to be a mutant so bad Franklin altered his own DNA to have an X-gene. But they could always take that back and say he’s always been a mutant at any point and I think they will

rickie woodson

The show started in 92 with BTAS so i can see how yall missed it. Got a few younger friends and they all skipped the og series and grew up on xmen evolution.


Hickman has never been an editor at Marvel or an editor anywhere else, he is a writer though and was the one who confirmed Storms classification along with many others.


people are really recommending this? it be better if you just watched the original show, cause this one is very low quality


first off this doesnt even make sense since they are resembling the 90s animation so you want then to watch the original bad quality show? Niggas a troll


Bro the xmen fangirls are deadass writing think pieces about absolutely nothing this cant be real


Gambit is also Omega Level but he's limited - I'm not sure if the show ever revealed that part of his backstory


Gambit also but that's an entire discussion - Gambit backstory is something I'm not sure they touched on in the original 96 show


first episode was dope


Fuck you mean c'mon dude, others have commented this as well - basic fucking knowledge they need from previous series - lol literally episode before this episode


She's only Omega Level telepath - She's not Omega Level with her other power - she's got far more potential than Xavier (Omega Level normally refers to an ungodly amount of potential)


Really? So many characters were in that movie and movie didn't bother to tell you who they were


Scarlet witch is no longer a mutant at least in comics anyways for a few years now they retconned magneto being the twins dad but he still claims her at least as his daughter and vice versa but I’m not sure about quick silver though he still might hate that nigga fr Same goes for Franklin his no longer a muntant supposedly that might of change literally from the most recent Ffour run after a few years of him no longer being mutant


2 minutes in and lupa is laughing at a man in a wheelchair


Iceman is an Omega Level too


Lupa wanted Phoenix to show bad, LOL.


They re did the entire intro song it doesn’t have the same idk power in the beat 😂

Joe Topside

I like the fact that storms got the haircut from some of the recent comics

These Plums

I mean she CONTROLS the weather. There's a surprising amount of Omega level mutants, but Storm is one of the few is always omega because most of the rest either haven't unlocked their latent potential or can't for some reason or another.

Jason Eastman

Just in case you didn't recognize it, when Storm came out, the ground she was walking on was glass. She used lightning to hit the sand and turn it into glass.

Charlie baker

97 def looks like cgi copying 90s animation which while cool is nothing like the actual old-school look

Charlie baker

is legion or david haller no longer considered an omega, i wanna say hes still alive

Charlie baker

lupa im fucking dead pocket dimensions to take a shit into lmfao


Cyclops dominates the X Men & Avengers - Cyclops Is the leader of the X-Men for a reason


It's mostly from being rookies - Ice man is always a kid in adaptations

Anna Anthony

i aint even blink at Berto and Jubilee's pager exchange til Lupa said something. Mind you, wasn't even 1 yr old in 97. Didn't catch that lmao @-@


Not me actually owning a crop top that I brought two weeks ago 😂


It'd be dope but I doubt they'll go there. There was a lot that led up to that (M-Day, Decimation, X-Force, Messiah Complex, etc.) and without the circumstances that led him to that point it'd be a little weird for him to go down such a hardline path where he basically becomes Magneto 2.0


MB its been awhile since I've watched the original show when i commented that, but i just finished season 1 of it, and i can now see that the old show(first season) isn't well made either but still better than 97/

Jdogzero Silverblade

i pretty much gagged when i saw her pregnant with scotts child. few reasons. 1 scott liking her was literally implanted into his head. 2 he does not deserve to be a couple with one of the strongest beings in the entire marvel universe. if anyone deserves that its logan. dude i think in one story straight up marries death XD. dude can do that he can marry the host of the entity on par with death. the idiot who cant even control his own powers and is mind controlled by sinister to put a baby into her so he can beat apocolypse does not deserve her.

Jdogzero Silverblade

you talk like anyone wouldnt. but what I want and what others want doesn't matter my point still stands. not sure why you think jealousy has to be the one and only source of reasoning XD. plus only someone who isn't attracted to anything would refuse to date the host of the phoenix force. hot strong smart and can literally do anything. so don't act like you arent in the same boat


Damn they got Sunspot in this?? Kinda dope

Kryptik _

“Take that nose of yours and go find the kid” is crazy 🤣🤣🤣


No normal people do not think about dating fictional characters buddy you really need to go outside 😂

Jdogzero Silverblade

why do you think its called a fantasy. nearly everyone fantasizes about dating a character be it fictional an actor or even a character written in a book. so yes normal people do fantasize about dating fictional characters. that is normal. expecting it to ever actually happen though is not normal. there is a difference and you don't seem to know that.


Ayy is that the drifter as Henry Gyrich. Instantly recognized his voice.


bro she controls the weather. how is that NOT S TIER lupa?😂😂😂


Well i think it isn't old school xmen look but if xmen came out in the 90s sort of old school mixed with modern CGI tricks.


Even if others spoil stuff I wouldn't add on to it. Many people watching are coming in cold and I know it's fun to flex the X-men knowledge for all of us in the know but I don't think it helps anyone coming in fresh trying to enjoy it.


Sir they watched a recap! Relax, lol they know he's technically still alive, pay attention


She brought the mohawk back in those comics. She first had a mohawk (and leather clothes) in the 80s.


They only showed a bit of the Thieves and Assassins storyline.


Lupa's joke about magneto folding wolverine hit a little too close to home if you know you know 👀 also come on now lupa you're talking about a literal goddess here I half expected a bolt of lightning to hit during the reaction for that blasphemy 😂. I love this version of cyclops he literally hit em with the beam he's still kinda lame personality wise but he's for sure a leader and can mop up anyone in a fight. Sidenote but I wonder if morph is omega too 🤔 because if he can transform into anyone and gain their abilities he's cracked hope he gets some shine.




Dont forget my boy Iceman is Omega level too. The Xmen got a few Thems in the squad


can't believe they actually made the "laser beam guy" cool. To me he was always the lamest out of all the xmen

PJ Rivera

I had no idea his laser was concussive not heat like supermans heat vision. Instantly makes him more interesting


Wolverines obsession with another man's wife is why I always hated him as a character. Repungnant moron.