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Just desserts


Hasnain Khan


Davante Adkins

Now time for the ending of showtime🙏🔥


Just one more episode

James Bryant

just want Patreon gang to know I binged the whole season and caught up a few days ago. reliving this show through Roshi and the crew has been amazing but waiting on the last couple reactions has been dreadful 😭


I needed this today!


Does this mean we get the last episode this week?👀

Nick 8

Barry today? won’t he do it!!! 🙏🏾


i know some stupid shit went down just by the way lupa looks in the thumbnail lol

Jamaal Ellison

Succession has to be next in a three person reaction.


Gangs of London after this please

Michael Blake

Its so funny to me how much Sheera hates Saly. Like oh why didn't she stay at the house. You mean the house that was just broken into and ransacked while they were alone. You mean that house lol. Where else would they have gone LA they only other place where she knows people, and that's where Barry was.

Oni Legend

I’m ngl….if they came to me saying Daniel Day-Lewis wanted to be in a movie about me, i prolly would’ve folded too lmao nigga its Daniel Day-Lewis. Out of retirement I don’t give a shit about Mark Wahlberg tho they wouldn’t have caught me with that. They would’ve have to had somebody like goddamn Denzel or Robert Pattinson or something


Look I’m not saying what Barry did to Janice was right but at the same time it was not Barry’s fault. It was her fault cause she was about to arrest him over something she didn’t know the whole truth about let alone an assassin. She and everyone involved with Barry never let things go and take shit too far and too deep to the point where Barry has to go too far


It’s still not Janice’s fault, from the beginning of the show Barry has been a bad guy, so even if he wasn’t pinned for Ryan’s death, he needed to be locked up for killing other people anyway. He chose to kill Janice instead of complying, that is nobodies fault but his, she just connected the dots and did her job lmao. Barry having to go ‘too far’ is literally just him being a bad person.


I never said he was a good person I’m saying every time he tries to stop from killing, somebody always pulls him back in. It’s like an addiction for him. Mind he hasn’t killed anyone in 8 years ever since he got away from Fuches, Gene, Cristobal, that whole city. Right up until Gene comes out of nowhere getting ready to run his goddamn mouth for attention


the house wasnt broken into lmao.... it was sally's subconscious. shes the one who destroyed the house. its more obvious when she opens the door and her kid is still asleep without any injuries

Culdesac Jadoni

Jim definitely thought the “C” in Lon’s book meant Chechens so he didn’t pay it any mind fr

John Cedar

Yeah the Daniel Day Lewis mention was genius both as an element to the script and as something that the character thought up to lure Gene in. Daniel Day Lewis coming out of retirement is probably the most prestigious thing that anyone in Hollywood could ever hope for, especially to an older actor like Gene. They literally could not have picked a better name to entice him and get him to flip like he did. I think the Mark Whalberg bit was a joke about how even when an insanely talented artist like Daniel comes on to a project, it still doesn't matter as much as getting someone like Mark or Will Smith or The Rock on the cast as the lead to get people into theaters.

John Cedar

What do you mean it's her "fault"? It's her job dude, and I get that the cops are not supposed to be seen in a good light in this show, but the situation between Janice and Barry was never morally grey. Barry's situation and issue has always revolved around the fact that he can reason himself into killing anyone as long as it is to prevent someone from disturbing the status quo of his life. He rarely even kills in self defense, just to avoid taking accountability. And that's not a good enough reason, and it gives him 100% of the blame. Janice's only fault was not taking Barry seriously enough on the night she died or the weeks leading up to it. Also, maybe Janice didn't know the whole truth yet, but so what? The cops don't ever know the full truth before a lengthy investigation. Arresting Barry and digging into what he had done all the way back in S1 would've been the start of that. And you have to admit, if that happened, a whole lot of people would still be alive.


I also think she was just tripping hard and destroyed the whole house herself, i get the going to LA part but Sally is just not a very likeable character. Last episode she gave her own son alcohol just so he would sleep, what good person/mom does that? I'm not saying Barry is better tho


We saw him take accountability at the beginning of this season when he was still in prison until Cristobal got involved and he ended up breaking out. Basically like they said everyone in the show is irredeemable

John Cedar

Yeah, I agree, I just don't see how Janice is at fault for anything. The only thing you could fault is that she wasn't cautious enough, but everything she did was justified and she was the only one in the LAPD actually on the right track.

Michael Blake

I have to clear this up, look it up. Someone broke into the house she didn't imagine it. I get it's confusing, but she wasn't imaging someone else doing it.


That rocket miss just sent me 😂


True but at that point even from the beginning Barry didn’t kill that guy, but he shot the guys that did. Barry has killed bad and some good people. But we saw him throughout the show trying to change but no one intentionally and unintentionally would not let him. If Janice was going to arrest him she should’ve waited and play it cool the moment she realized. Not wait until it’s dark and go out in the dark alone when you’re hanging with a assassin. She didn’t ask what happened or who he was she just had him at gun point. Majority of the people Barry killed in the show were bad people, and some weren’t even killed by him but died some other stupid way, and some of the good that he did kill were folks who stuck their nose into stuff he told them repeatedly not to do but none of them listened. That’s the problem with everyone, not leaving shit alone, not staying out of harms way when told, and making dumbass decisions


I really like Barry as a character but he's a absolutely horrible human being. Janice was just doing her job and is completely innocent, every good cop would've arrested Barry on the spot and i'm saying that as a person that hates the police lol


True I’m not saying she’s not innocent. I’m saying why would you wait by yourself to arrest an literal assassin. Everyone knows a cop and a assassin standoff in movies and shows does not go well in the cop’s favor. Best thing for her to do is to make a call or text to her partner and tell him where they were and not to try to arrest him alone

John Cedar

I don't think it really matters that the majority of the people who Barry killed were bad. Maybe you can make this argument for Chris, to stay away from a life he doesn't understand, but Janice is a cop, an actually honest one, who works homicide. Her purpose is to stop people like Barry, end of story. It doesn't matter who he's killing or why, she doesn't want to hear about that until he's in handcuffs and at the station. Barry has no authority to tell her to back off from this situation because she was finally someone who would not let him lie or deny who he is. She was uncompromising, which is what she was supposed to be. Even the killing of criminals for personal reasons is still unhinged murder that can't be allowed to go unchecked. Self defense is literally the only reasonable explanation for killing someone, and even then, you can't just try to convince a cop to not arrest you, that's not how it works. It's also not self defense if you have purposefully put yourself in a situation of crimality or danger, e.g. working with a Chechen gang to kill a yoga instructor.


You’re not getting what I’m saying. I’m not defending Barry. I’m saying if you’re going to arrest him do it right and not by yourself in the damn woods where no one can see you. Barry’s a assassin not no average serial killer or thug. Do not go outside in the dark when and have your back turned when a trained killer is near. He could’ve shot her the moment she was on that laptop confirming what she realized before she even turned around

John Cedar

I mean, you said "she and everyone involved never let things go" which makes no sense to me. She will never let it go, she's a cop who is aware of a murderer on the loose in LA. If you just mean that it's partly Janice's fault that she got killed because she didn't take her situation seriously enough or let her guard down around Barry, then yeah, I agree. But I think that's more for the plot to move forward than anything, and she had a gun on him, which is usually a pretty clear situation that someone has an advantage. Barry managing to kill her without getting shot is incredibly lucky if you look at it realistically.


I’m saying she should’ve let it go at the moment cause if Barry really wanted to he could’ve murdered everyone in that house. She waited until she’s outside in the woods alone while everybody in the house sleep where it’s easily for Barry to pull up on her unnoticed if he wanted to. That was reckless. Don’t go try to arrest an assassin alone when nobody around. Also everyone else who couldn’t let it go, you got Fuches who basically manipulated not only Barry but others, Gene who snitched but went back to being a asshole and look at him now, accused of being a part of Janice’s murder, he should’ve stayed hidden, Cristobal always asking Barry to kill somebody for him repeatedly after he told him no. Even Janice’s partner was stupid cause instead of him arresting Barry he blackmailed him to assassinate the guy his wife was cheating with when he should’ve just arrested Barry and moved on


Why did the guy then say "You stabbed me in the eye" when she literally did nothing to him and just disappeared? If i'm wrong sorry but it just seems so unreal, in my mind this all was just her pent up trauma and stress making her kinda blackout. Edit: + It's so weird they didn't touch her son either, just seems weird to me that some guy trashed their house and just disappears so idk man

Kiril Kupenov

Bro, sally is the worst fucking character... She has been irredeemable since episode 1 of this show and stayed this way till the fucking end... This bitch is seriously trippin', at least Barry didn't put his son in harm's way, unlike her, coming to the fucking city where everyone's is/was looking for Barry. How is Barry - a sociopathic murderer more likeable than this woman? How do you stay such a trash character in 4 seasons... again there's cousineu, but still... that craaazyyy...


Can they plz stop getting these Walmart brand mercenaries 😭 remember the one that tried to kill barry in the jail and he fuckin blew his hand off

Erica Collins

The way that they baited Cousineau was funny af. He really fell for "Yeah bro we got Mark Wahlberg" 😭😭 Also I really hope Jim doesn't die. I really like his character and how they showcase how smart he is. Yeah he just made a slip up with Barry but he's human lol


We the people want Succession next! please put it in the next poll

Jurassic Jordan

loved this show man, gonna miss it


Y’all saying Sally dumb for not staying put but someone literally drove a truck into her house 😂 and like she said, Barry makes her feel safe. It’s not smart but it’s totally in character. Good writing.

rickie woodson

i aint mad at hank. homie is fine af and you can only grieve for so long


“Alright look dude stop talking about that piece of shit movie. Fast and the Furious, what does that have to do with what’s happening here? Be serious. The love between our boss and his woman is the most important thing.”

rickie woodson

the note just says "barry gave c 250k" it doesnt say WHY

Paden Snell

Sally isn't any worse than the rest of them. Every single one of them is trash. Harping on Sally being worse than the rest of them, when most of the other characters in this show are literal murders is telling.


It doesn’t make sense for some random dude to waltz in trash the house then leave……bro it was her subconscious

John Cedar

It's not clear at all that there was ever anyone in the house, that scene is very much open to interpretation. Personally, I really believe there was never anyone there. Regardless, Sally is losing her grip on reality, we can't really talk about what she should do right now through a rational lens. Alcoholism only makes that worse.


Watching this show again with you guys has been fun as hell. Can't wait for the finale.


1 thing i enjoy about barry is the satire part about hollywood. like in these eps where hollywood will try to capitalize on victims' trauma. its like when the dahmer show came out knowing damn well the families are still alive and were against it. theyre kinda right with every new movie or show the killer's 'legacy' lives on unfortunately.


the whole part of turning the story on gene made me so pissed. cause he isnt a great guy but omg how the cops came to that conclusion. felt like they made up a fanfic. i will never get over this show.


Why Hank always fumbling the bag with the assassinations this his third time 😭

Gmac paddiewac

he had money stashed in the school. i think they are saying that was $250k he hid at the school that they had linked to cusinou in the past. Establishing he makes $250k on a good hit


Everyone mad at sally like most of this chaos isn’t Barry’s fault 💀 nigga left her and his son with 0 protection putting them in jeopardy. They’re both stupid tho and should’ve put the kid up for adoption from the jump neither of them are good parents or people


Yes Gene, it's just a bad guy story.


And we’ve literally seen Sally’s mental state getting worse with each episode since she had to kill that guy(which technically was Barry’s fault) obviously she’s not in her right mind and she’s terrified (still wrong but obviously she’s not built for this and they both knew that)


Nobody forced her grown ass to follow Barry, have a kid with him and then STAY for 8 years. She made those decisions herself. Shit she was even gettin a job offer before she left. Nobody forced her to kill that biker guy neither, granted it was self defense (and her history of being abused), but her ass could've ran away after stabbing him. Why didn't Barry become a drunk who gives his kid alcohol to fall asleep because he can't handle watching his kid? Then she leaves with the kid when Barry was literally PRAYING her ass could just get through 1 day without getting fucked up enough to leave. Yeah she has PTSD but so does he. Her ass could've called or went to the police at anytime and even lie and say he kidnapped her if she didn't want to get charged frfr. You right tho that they both dumb af but you can't blame Barry for everything.


If this nigga Chris didn't have a mf nervous breakdown and vent to an assassin. OR shit if Barry had been smart enough to tell Chris WHY he should've gotten out the car with Taylor. OR if Barry had just gotten rid of Janet's body in a better way. Shit he never even went back ONCE to move the body so it couldn't be traced back to him? A trained assassin. Like DAMN this nigga Barry was just cursed from the jump lol.


the scene with the guy in a hood wasn't in her head guys >< remember how when she laid down in bed something fell on the floor? That's a bullet it got rolled over to the door so when the door was shut it fired (you can hear the bang) hitting the dude in the eye and then he freaked and left.


D1 Sally defender 😭 Any plans on going pro?


Not Gene looking like Mr Burns saying "Who the devil are you?" 😭

Oni Legend

That makes absolutely no sense. The guy literally point blank says the exact same thing the guy she stabbed in the eye last season said “The bullet rolled over hit the door and shot him in the eye” nigga WHAT

Oni Legend

I mean he’s not an expertly trained assassin like John Wick or some shit, just a soldier who flipped fields with his skillset

Oni Legend

I feel like everyone that says this forgets the fact that Barry already KNEW that she knew the truth, thats the whole reason he was out there on that dock. There was no waiting or playing it off for Janice because Barry already knew she figured out the truth. If she would’ve waited and tried to play it off she still would’ve died because Barry still would’ve gotten to her Lets not also forget that for everyone around him who couldn’t let it go(minus Janice because why would she let that go?), Barry was the main one who couldn’t let it go. His literal first move at the any sign of inconvenience has been to kill. Albert gets shot, kill the first person you see even if they’re obviously not involved. Chris says he’s gonna snitch, gotta kill Chris. Janice says she’s gotta arrest him because he’s a murderer, gotta kill Janice. Sally’s ex says some crazy shit and is abusive, gotta go kill him. Gets a text saying Fuches is at the monastery, GO SHOOT UP THE WHOLE MONASTERY OF PEOPLE WHO WEREN’T EVEN INVOLVED AND WOULD’VE UNDERSTOOD IF YOU EXPLAINED THE SITUATION. Literally goes right back into hitman work for literally no reason after that. See’s an article about that movie, gotta break 8 year hiding to go all the way to LA and kill Gene. He’s the main one thats been pulling himself back in


LMAOOOOO you niggas have issues I don’t know why this show is so difficult to comprehend


1 episode left, and that's a wrap for Barry. Love this show, it's crazy and definitely not like a show I'd expect imo but loved it. Now that you guys are gonna finish Barry, you guys should check out Sons Of Anarchy, it's another amazing S-Tier show, and would make for great reactions. You guys would love it ❤️.

Corey Leach

Barry's kid and Cousineau's son and grandson are the only ones that deserve a good life.

Corey Leach

Remember in the other seasons that the cops were terrible at piecing things together. Complete buffoons lmao. The only smart ones were Janet, Albert, and Jim.]

Corey Leach

I think this all boils down to that scum ass nigga Fuches. If he hadn't put Barry on an irredeemable path and wasn't selfish and manipulative, things would be better.


"I saw it in the theaters and my ears were ringing for days" lol. That whole scene had me crying laughing the first time I watched it.


Y'all think if Barry had just stayed in prison and told them the truth after that goofy ass assassination attempt failed, they would've believed him and he could've continued to cooperate with the feds to get into witness protection?


Yeah but he would of ended up here anyway. Cuz he would of went to witness protection then they still would try to make a movie. Gene was still going to be Gene and pop up and Barry’s ego would of led him to do the same shit. They were essentially in witness protection already. Middle of nowhere, new names, new life. 8 years tucked away. He couldn’t get past his sociopathic tendencies.


Barry one of the great shows that nailed its ending. Very difficult to do and they bodied it IMO


I was thinking the same thing that he'd probably end up coming back regardless. I don't know enough how witness protection works but I'm like maybe they'd end up in with a better situation/happier life then they'd gotten from being on the run and he'd not want to risk throwing it away if he saw Gene was making the movie or it'd be harder to make the movie legally or something idk.


The dude was literally trying to kill her?? Why wouldn’t she have killed him? That’s very ridiculous to put up ther with the shitty things she’s done of her own accord, that’s like the one thing she’s done that makes sense and was actually ok💀 and nobody is saying Sally’s great or anything she’s shitty like everyone else but in comparison to other characters she’s morally less fucked up and terrible, Barry can’t be blamed for everything sure but he’s literally the reason for so much shit happening in the show which has been shown many times I hate sally just as much as any of the other characters but I also think the way the fandom acts towards sally just because she’s more annoying than others is ridiculous because canonically there’s MUCH worse people in the show than her. Also everything you said about her not having to choose to live this life applies to Barry which is the whole point of what I was saying, people make it seem one sided, or like Barry is the lesser evil in the situation and it’s weird to me, yes I understand they’re separate characters but they’re two peas in a pod and they have to both be held accountable when it comes to this situation they both chose and the fact they’re both unfit parents and a unfit couple in general.


Like I’m sorry is all this chaos and insane shit no derived from Barry’s “profession” along with fughes bs like its literally his fault in that way💀 nobody would be going through the shit going on if he never came to LA including himself

Anna Anthony

One episode left is brazy! Sally from episode one to right now is... chile.


Or…he could’ve just trusted fuches & the lawyer he hired & he’d have been out of prison within the month


Sally is the worst mum on the fuckin planet. Barry should’ve stuck with fuches to learn to get girls coz he has to be with her out of desperation


So you wouldn’t kill someone who was literally just choking you out? Wow you must be Superman.


The only thing that I disliked about this 11/10 show was the fact that Sally was somehow able to call Cousineau despite his number being changed and recently coming back from being so far off the grid that authorities could not track him. Sally, also being basically off the grid equally long, somehow was able to obtain cousineaus new contact info? She did receive his old contact info in a scene and I feel that is exactly what she used, which therefore wouldn't work.

General Grevious

The comedy in this show is mixed in very well😂

Fua Miki (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-05-02 03:34:19 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack
2024-04-20 15:22:24 Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack

Jim Moss had to be put in as comedic relief cuz buddy was about as intimidating as a Magikarp splash attack