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So sad this has come to an end. Hope we get a season 2 announcement soon!



AOTY for me. This year and last.

King of New York

Frieren Fridays are now over....sad. I don't even think this show is overrated I think it's a top contender for anime of the year but the fantasy and isekai this year is straight up insane so who knows. Great show hope we get s2 soon.


All the good anime are ending around the same time 😓😥😢


I’m gonna miss this show man. It was such a breath of fresh air. It’s one of my favorites for sure


I’m not crying because it’s not over I have devised a plan to travel back In time to ep 1


Good luck with season 2 JC Staff




Peak from beginning to end. Praying this team stays with the show and we don’t get another One Punch Man situation. You never know with Madhouse

Hasnain Khan


Jamie See

Y'all missed the credit pictures of everyone and the post credit scene. "The journey to Ende will continue." (Last second of episode)


Honestly got a huge sigh of relief lmao. The dilemma tho of wanting the director to do Bochi season 2 but also frieren season 2

matthew bremmer

bro is so faded in this reaction lmao


Ubel knows what his ability is, and she wants it because having a clone is useful, but she was not aware that his main body never came to the test. Ubel is skilled, but she is still weaker than people like Denken and even Wirbel. Her beating Sense is purely just a bad matchup.

Fernando Perez

“Not too much on my girl” Lmao Ubel genuinely became Roshi’s favorite

Tyger Burch

Skark is still traumatized from the last noble he talked reckless to lol! Great show, can't wait till the next season!


Man ive been trying to keep my hopes so low for a s2 cuz of my history with this studio, im so fucking relived to get a confirmation lmfao. Hopefully it doesn't take till MT is finished for S2. I need more anime w/ high fantasy Tolkien themes. I fucking love it so much.

Jamie See

We haven't gotten season 2 official confirmation yet though. The journey to ende will continue thing is more of a tease and a "yeah at some point season 2" if anything.


I need the next season but at least mushoku tensei will fill the void


yeah Lernen was the mage who made the golems for the second exam


Yeah, Denken's three spells combo will roast Ubel before she has a chance to get close to him.

sotonye ogan

OMG now back to that bum ass rudeus of mushoku tensei lol just great.

Alexander Szabo

Four-eyes was sipping tea on his terrace during the entire exam lmao


at least we have slime next season, doesn't compare, but still

Oni Legend

Lmao Fern picked up that SSR dry-cleaning spell Nah but following up on what that person said about Serie and not taking anything she says at face value because she’s in denial, i think that with all the elves we met in the show, as far as Serie, Frieren, and Kraft go, they all 3 represent a sort of scale when it comes to living so long and meeting so many people that you’ll outlive and just accepting your feelings. Like Frieren’s whole character throughout the show has been about her learning to come to terms and accept that its ok to care and be present in these smaller timeframes with humans in a variety of ways. She regretted not taking advantage of her adventures and their lessons to the fullest extent because they ultimately meant way more to her then she ever thought and now she’s going forward again, this time with a new perspective on it. She’s in the middle of the spectrum Then there’s Serie who as we see and learn, is in a lot of denial about her feelings and about caring when it comes to humans and the memories she has. She barely understands it herself based on what she said about remembering every student’s favorite spell. She’s so long lived that she detached herself from all that thinking it a waste of time without seeing that deep down she does care about all that. She represents one end of the spectrum And finally we have Kraft who so far seems to be way older than even Serie to the point that his statues are weathered to hell and his adventures are nothing more than age old legends. We don’t get much with Kraft because he tende to come and go but i want to say that Kraft kinda represents full acceptance of their feelings and caring. Like he’s been around so long and seen so much that he’s accepted the nature of things and that its ok to care and be present which is why we see him travelling around so much. He accepts it so he just does his own thing and lives life with full acceptance of his own feelings and he’s able to move on because of it. He knows that they’ll come and go and even with that, it matters all the same. He represents the other end of the spectrum So its Learning(Frieren), Denial(Serie), and Acceptance/Moving On(Kraft)

cami ً

s2 was announced right after this episode went live :)

Moses T24

To be honest One punch man season 2 wasn’t even bad. The animation just went from above average to average


Nah Kraft is older than Frieren too. Plus Frieren has great memory, she wouldve remembered him


i think Ubel just likes Land


S2 already greenlit


Wait, did anyone mention that there was something at the end of the episode that was after the song??? maaaaaaaan


lmao after the erectile dysfunction season things can only go up

Fernando Perez

We have slime, Mushoku, and Konosuba next season. Then in October we get Rezero. Fantasy anime fans winning this year


bro was working from home the whole time thats crazy


Crazy that Land was just working from home this whole time. Bro never left the covid era

Orlandez Malone

I can't remember the last time i was this sad at the end of a season. Frieren has been the highlight of my fridays for months and i'm so sad its over. Truly a once in a generation kind of show. Def gonna rewatch in dub and make sure i get the bluray too


Saw a bunch of comments saying "Land really took the exam on Zoom and made it a long-distance relationship." 😂


Ubel wants to learn Land's doppelganger spell because it is really useful, but she was never aware of the extent of his ability. Up to now, all of us thought that his spell allowed him to create a doppelganger when his real body hides and controls it from a distance. At most someone would assume that he can create and control more than one doppelganger at a time and the ones who showed up were all doppelgangers. But remotely controlling his doppelgangers from hundreds of miles away and didn't even set foot out of his home village? Serie was the only one that could see through that and revealed his trick.


Lernen is the one who created the protype bottle with the golem in it.


I also love that Fern has become a human Frieren when it comes to mundane spells. lol. The mold spell, the cleaning oil spell, and now a laundry spell? Definitely legendary


Can’t wait for Macht


Serie could be right when she said to Lernen that battling Frieren is a fight that he could have won. Although he might caught Frieren by surprised, this is the first time that I saw Frieren's barriers shattered like glass instantly by a spell since the barrier spell was introduced in episode 3. Even when fighting her own replica in the dungeon and defense against a variety of powerful spells, her barriers were not broken that quickly. And Lernen was a golem master (he created the bottled golems for the second tests), so when he throws his golems into the fight, it is difficult to guess the outcome. I still bet my money on Frieren, though it should be a high diff win for her.


He could work at least 3 9-5 jobs with that spell. That's something I would do if magic were real.


yooo seriously and it better not be with any other studio other than madhouse i trust those guys with the animation of my life at this point

Saucy Jonathan

Plot twist that old man is the demon king 😭🙏🏻


Sheera cookin, can't wait for the Ubel country-size assassination arc when she makes 30 clones of herself.

Saucy Jonathan

This is what duplicate from invincible should’ve done just leave a clone at home

Daniel Borrego

1000 years is like a 10 year ban for elves :D


I got pluto last year, and if we include arcane. S2 will prob take it this year for me like s1 did.


Nah ubel didn't notice land the reason ubel is so increased in land is because she can't read him cause man is halla guarded

Liam Gilbert

I feel like everyone forgot when Serie said "I doubt you'll ever get the chance to fight Frieren, despite the fact that you can beat her" to Lernen last episode lol

Joshua Burns

They’ve said it before elves don’t typically like each other and that’s also why they’re dying out.

Greg Harrison

A spell like that in ancient times? Yeah that's a W spell


They said they don’t have any reproductive instincts.

Jake Thompson

Something I thought was interesting is it seems Serie knows how Ubel's spell stealing works, so denied her the chance to talk and get to know her, otherwise she'd be walking around with thousands of spells.

Daniel Borrego

the only thing they said was that elves dont have reproductive instincts. not that they dont like each other. i really think serie sees frieren as a waste of talent and that pisses her off. remebmer her lament about humans. every time they get to the point that serie can be pround of them, they die. then theres frieren who has unlimited time and lerner was able to beat her. to be fair though, shes specialized for steath killing demons.


Sheera might be cooking though. Ubel is a weird genius type that learns through intuition and empathy. She's probably never even opened up a grimoire, and Land notes that she's the type to learn spells without knowing the principles behind the magic in the first place. She probably didn't know that Land wasn't there but she definitely knew something was up and that piqued her interest. Also, I think she's into Land because I think she gets off on getting a rise out of people hence her non threats that are threats, and ultimately she likes the chase in getting someone like Land to show some emotion.

Taiwo Aileru

On that Land point, it may have been possible that Ubel had realised especially after they had fought their mimics, bc Ubel was originally aware that the injured land wasn't him but also he had managed to even create a fake golem also. So she knew land possessed immense ability that she was desperate to get hold of but good thing she didn't get it tho bc imagine 50 Ubel's Sukuna slicing a whole town up imao.


And I just realized that Himmel got his ideals of not ignoring someone in need of help in front of him from Frieren, when she randomly decided to help him when he got lost as a kid. Deep man.


Land goated for that


Imagine two Ubëls. One is already a problem.


I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I started this show, but I was pleasantly surprised. Favorite anime of last year, excluding second seasons. Sad to see it end, but now I'm off to read the manga!


Don't tell me these guys really skipped the ending and outro scene just cause Roshi was looking too deep into a line.


This nigga Land pulled a Naruto & said "I'll send a clone to my daughters birthday party, nobody will notice."


I swear i cried when i saw how he cut this sentimal ending just because he thought it was kraft 😭😭


This show was good from start to finished and actually enjoyed all the characters they showed


Nah this nigga Land is the first mage to get an online certificate via a zoom call. That's wild. 💀💀

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

When they exposed Land’s shadow clone my jaw hit the floor. Bro got me twice cuz he said he was there but it was another clone 🤣🤣 I gotta respect it bruh he’s built different for fighting these strong ass mfs while making a turkey sandwich


If jc staff does the next season of frieren I’m pulling to lupas house and braking his kneecaps

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

Many have already said it but this show was absolutely fantastic. When I saw y’all post that first episode I was kinda skeptical but 1.5 hours later I was teary eyed and locked in lol. Thank y’all for putting me onto peak🙏🏽


Truly goated show. Just that last episode was a bit cheesy


Fern learning a laundry spell is the most op practical spell I'd never have thought to learn. In these fantasy times, no washing machine. You had to hand wash your clothes and it was mad physical labor so this is a goat spell.


Girls can't resist a mysterious cool distant guy that knows a cool as spell.


Lmao Land having the cheek, the nerve, the gall, the audacity, the gumption to have never showed up for the test.. I would have passed him too. Thinking he slick. He funny for that stunt. Lmao DUPLIKATE SHOULD HAVE TAKEN NOTES. Jk


Yeah, no doubt she'd fold him because the guy is old now. That's why she busted out the op talk no jutsu on him as a mercy.


Her barrier broke against her clone like 2 episodes ago

Janell Robinson

I feel like if Ubel could have talked to Sense more she would have gotten some kind of handle on her abilities and I think Sense knew that which is why she had to get her TF out of there 😂 Could you imagine Ubel sympathizing with Sense and having even a smidge of her power?


Roshi is always confusing the other two LMAO

Nathan Elkin

Why is there such a strong aversion to letting the credits play? It feels so intuitive to sit with an ending and yet y’all always pivot hard af. That was foul


I don't think Ubel knew Land wasn't actually there...BUT. She probably figured SOMETHING was wrong, because she usually has an easy time understanding people and learning their spells pretty fast, so the fact that she couldn't tipped her off that there was something off about him even if she didn't know what. And yes, I am a Manga reader, and no, this isn't a spoiler or anything.


Yeah, but you can't get a bro to show any interest if he ain't even there lmao.

Brian Garcia

so for ubel many are theorizing that seire didnt want her to copy her magic so she kept the conversation short


Somehow, I didn't make that connection until after reading your comment. Good catch!


Alas, there hasn't been an announcement about Frieren S2 yet. We all know that it'll happen someday, but the fact that it wasn't announced after the finale makes me think we'll be waiting a while (i.e. it isn't currently being worked on).


There have been a few comments with (completely valid) misunderstandings, so I just wanted to point out that S2 hasn't been greenlit yet. Or, if it has, we didn't get a public announcement. The end of the episode showed a message, but that wasn't a confirmation that the anime will continue... just a reminder that Frieren's journey is far from over. We all know this anime is gonna get a S2 someday, so I'm counting down the days. What feels like an eternity for us will be mere moments for Frieren. 🤣

Paden Snell

I think Ubel at least suspects Land is a clone, but that it just isn't in her interest to let Land know that. I think it's a big part of following him around not trying to let him out of her sight. other than just trying to learn more about him (...and the fact that they are cute together and are gonna have babies and live happily ever after)


not sure if anyone mentioned this but the beginning shot of Frieren yawning waiting for Fern is almost an exact duplicate of the shot of her yawning waiting for Himmel when she comes back to get him for the meteor shower. Not sure there is any real hidden meaning but probably deliberate and a nice touch


"Give it to J.C. Staff or something" - Lupa still won't let go of the one punch man studio change🤣


When you realise Stark always helping the villagers is just like what Himmel did,


Plus he was using the spell during the first test which meant he could use it through Serie's barrier, I'm guessing his clones can supply mana to eachother or make their own clones,

Delinda Arts

Learin: Frieren: not you wanting clout lol

Arima Kana

Want to have my dick rubbed by serie’s feet and cum on her face🥲

Brian danny

I need to know what be going through roshi head lmao he be misreading the shit of things


This became on of my fav shows in no time during eps 1-12, makes you really appreciate that not all magic fantasy animes are straight up dog shit


Frieren's little eye twitch whenever Wirbel mentioned Himmel was cute.


I cannot get over how good the final scene was. "After all, It would be embarrassing when we meet again."

Sy'mon Almeida

can you imagine how nasty Himmel was... the demons waited until this man DIED to start making moves again, the story Wirbel was telling was literally that.

Norman kay10

Its sad to come this far and see character growth, but its been truly a journey. one of my top 3 anime this season


Serie said "could beat" not "would beat". Lernen is still not the expected winner.


Idk why Land hasn’t just shook her off already he’s not even there he could just turn it off.


It's not super important, but there were a few pretty still images during the end song that showed what other characters were doing and a tiny scene at the very end that you missed. And it said "The journey to Ende will continue" which ain't an announcment, but it gives me hope for season 2


Wait till you hear about the Hero of the South, the one before Himmel


Been reading the manga since Saturday. Good shit. Season 2 is inevitable, and it will be FIRE.


Lowkey hate how they're SO quick to just cut shit off the moment an episode ends. Like, it wouldn't kill them to just let it rock for at least a little bit lol.


I get where you're coming from, Arc, but shush. Stop with implying spoilers bs please and thank you. They don't need to know shit yet, not even names or titles.


Demon timing. I'm sure a lot of ppl here understand how you feel, you really gotta reign it in. It's like going to hang out with friends in one of those restaurants with the TV's, and then you state loudly to your friends so everyone else can hear, "I WANT THEM FEET TO DO THINGS TO ME." Like dude, the whole world doesn't need to know you're a degenerate. Be a civilized pervert with discipline and self-restraint. That is the way. You're too loud, like a tornado. You need to be a gentle breeze.


Literally nobody here said they should watch it 28 times. You suck ass at reading, Jake.


But Siri isn't a character in this show? Idk why y'all keep saying her name. There is no Siri here lol. None of the characters have said that name ever in this show. Lmao, it's so far off base.... like the LEAST you could've done is say "Seri"... that would've been close enough. "Siri" just makes you sound like ignorant southern Americans. OH WAIT.

Tactical Camper

Oh yea, about Lernen's favourite spell, he's the one who made those bottled escape golems for the second test, Sense said herself in ep 23.


I'll die on the hill that Lernen would smoke Frieren.


PSA: Learned you can click into a user profile and block them.

Uriel Batuk

Frieren was so good. This show was great with show-not-tell. The characters had real personalities and were very likable. Despite some of the demon killing, this journey was so peaceful. At least, that's the feeling I'm left with. W anime.


You'd think with all the anime they've watched they would know by now most anime have some extra scene at the end of the season finale.


This was such a amazing show I have a gut feeling S2 will be a banger


I love the ending for this show it was literally telling us goodbye

Ren Lichtfoot

Frieren fridays was lit. Not gonna lie, love the show.


Yeah. It feel really surreal. I still remember watching the first two episodes thinking "why the hell they started the show after their journey ends and Himmel is dead now? I want to their journey to be the main focus of the show". Little did I know back then how much I will be hooked into the series, and how sad I will feel when it ends.

Jazmyne Mattucci

Fern got the 'your J's will never be dirty' spell

Radford J

Idk man, Serie did hint that he could possibly beat her, but it's hard to bet against thousands of years of combat experience vs just 80 years.


Seriously, if i could learn either "500 KG bomb" or "The laundry is DONE" as a spell, im taking the latter.

Ty Be

Still, a "could" is still more than most in this world.

Ren Lichtfoot

It's almost like you don't understand the concept of accents, you condescending fuck. Imagine paying just to be a hater, yikes - TOUCH GRASS.


Good to know. Who are we blocking though? *edit Nevermind. I see someone that probably needs to blocked.


Serie being the proctor is a blessing in disguise for the people that failed, except Frieren. She said that the usual 3rd test would just kill the people that didnt truly deserve to make it that far

Johnny D. Wicked

Since you’ve enjoyed Pluto by Genco, consider watching Monster. It’s a highly-rated seinen, drama, mystery, and suspense anime on MyAnimeList, also animated by Madhouse with the same character designer.


this got me wondering how powerful Himmel and the party was, hes was out here fighting niggas who have immortal and hell in their names and the whole party came back unscathed


take the cookie


My bro Frieren got dat 1 year ban 😂 But honestly facts. Mfs don't understand how valuable a Cleaning Spell is in a shitage medieval shithole era w/o washing machines or anything, where handwashing larger clothing would take hours to maybe even half a day depending on the condition of the stains. Not to speak of getting blood on your gear it would be a bitch to clean even w/ modern day shit w/ specific anti-stain products applied as well, let alone medieval. I assume the spell basically disintegrates smells & dirt/stains on atomic level or w/e, so I guess it could be useful even in keeping swords or w/e from getting fucked by blood etc (there's a reason you must regularly clean your metal weapon from blood & keep it wrapped in oil paper potentially even during trips because over time the small fuckery will stack)


Wait, since golems are the favourite spell of Lernen. Is he actually the one that developed the golems that saved people in the dungeon test?


Series started the new Magic Association after saying she'd never teach human mages.

Brobi-Wan Kenobi

Every time Himmel speaks it trips me out a little bit remembering he has the same VA as Bakugo.


She didn't say that? She said she wouldn't teach anyone without talent. Read the words on the screen lmao


WHAT, Really? Damn he has a soft voice when he likes to do it then, like it very much.

Casually PS

Bro you can see the disappointment in roshi when she asked about the spell💀😭


Yo the dude with clones is actually fucking fire imagine doing side quests irl and just chilling at home playing games or some shit 😂 getting multiple jobs and making cash while sitting at home maaaan make magic real already im going that the passage of clones


Yup she’s never honest they’ve pointed it out a lot specially at the end where frieren just straight reveals it


Its kinda sad Himmel wasn’t chosen by the hero’s sword but I have a theory that it’s because his motives weren’t set on simply saving the world but also doing it to go on an adventure with frieren AKA the woman he fell for, I have a theory that the reason Himmel wanted to take his time before reaching the demon lord was to spend as much time as he could alongside frieren which is why he used to do so many side quests and take his time in dungeons, maybe I’m wrong but I feel like that’s what will be revealed when frieren meets him again in “heaven” where the demon lords castle is


From what they were hinting at, it was probably a battle against series best mage, which is why he even said that frieren would’ve been an impossible task


I mean sounds boring in a world that’s already peaceful unless you’re planning to become a villain or something of the sorts, to be fair there are still demons out there but when your teacher is an atomic bomb herself there’s no point in learning some overly destructive and useless magic when frieren can just clap anything and everything whenever she wants to, on the other hand I would’ve asked for the clone spell that the blonde dude be using bro was chilling at his house while his clones were accomplishing side quests and main quests that shits raw


That’s actually dope and it sounds lore accurate

Charlie baker

Homie doing what naruto shpuld be when he grew up instead of phoning it in in 700 places


I think it works differently than the shadow clone jutsu works, remember, it’s still a jutsu at the end of the day, and it wasn’t til later in Shippuden that Kurama was willingly lending Naruto chakra, I don’t think Naruto would have had the chakra to have clones running around 24/7 like that before then

Matthew Tigue

Yep HER clone. Not even Denken could do that. That only makes what he did even more impressive.

Matthew Tigue

Except for Frieren who's like only a few centuries over a 1000 years old. She'd have to wait essentially her current life all over again before she could go.

Oh, That's Wild

But remember that Serie told Frieren that if anyone were to kill her, it would be a human mage. It has been a running theme of humans not needing 100+ years to learn something, because their short lifespans breed ingenuity and urgency.

Daniel Borrego

its one of those things that at first its disappointing but when you actually think about it its legitimately an incredible spell, especially for people who are traveling.

Baren Nerab

dang Stark been busy with side quest the whole time 🤣🤣

Daniel Borrego

apparently lerner could beat frieren which kinda makes sense as frieren is basically geared out for stealth kills on demons not fighting battle mages.