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Chess pieces beginning to move


PJ Rivera

Patience is a virtue


Time to spark up😂

Hasnain Khan



ah another episode of peak


this shit smacks


There’s 5 episodes out and it’s one of the best shows I’ve seen in a loooong while. Can’t wait for the rest

Briana J

Mariko was right to let Blackthorne know about the honorifics though since he's going to be in Japan for a while, he needs to speak to people with proper titles. He didn't want to take a bath because with unclean water you could get dysentery aka "The flux." That was not an issue in Japan at this time but a lot of cities in England at this time were packed with people and much more urban.

The thing that flows

"You bastard". I don't know why, but that made me laugh the first time I heard it too.


The haircut is a religious thing I think.

Pedro Lopez

Lowkey Sheera in love with that priest haircut 🤣

Metweet .c

Not sheera trying to get cancelled by the catholics lol. The hair cut is on purpose, its called a friar hair cut. It's to be an open display of religious devotion and humility. Essentially it's for people to know that you're a Catholic but still be humble enough to not feel shame to adorn the hairstyle.


The “Flux” was also known as dysentery which could be spread by contaminated water, which was one of the reasons why Europeans didn’t bathe more than once a week.


"Everything looks yellow in here." Yeeeeeeeeeahhhh Roshi? It's like that? LMAO. Kidding obviously.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Has....Sheera just never seen a Friar depicted in media before? It's a ceremonial hairstyle used to show their devotion.


Bro said "Nah I'd win." Fuck my enemies

Smash Bran'Discootch

I don't know how people don't know this. Even if you aren't involved in the church or didn't pay attention in history class, there are countless depictions of it in media. Hell, Robin Hood exists. Friar Tuck.

Paul Reyes

Toranaga’s my favorite character so far. Dude’s always thinking two steps ahead of everyone.

Metweet .c

When it comes to this I just give them the benefit of the doubt since they're from florida. It'll save you the headache. No offense to people from florida but kinda small offense 💀

Matthew Barrett

Sheera clowning on the Priest killed me 💀💀💀


Man I kinda fucks with Yabushige. I've always had a soft spot for duplicitous scheming motherfuckers since getting introduced to Starscream as a child lol

Joydan Bri’an

this show is soooo good. one of the best i’ve seen in a while. the writing is top notch

billyon brown

i think Roshi was wrong with his guess at the end. Lord T, knew they would come but not bc of the other guy being a possible snake. but bc he denied the priest the stamp. thats why the father priest was talking about him denying it to one of the christian lords, that same Lord then said "This is my burden" or whatever implying he sent the assassin. again i dont believe this has to do with the snake guy yet who i believe is his brother or something if im not mistaken.


I mean, they probably know it's religious or has meaning. But that doesn't mean you can't still make fun of it lol

Killah_ Raze

so you 3 want hs wife to fuc men outside his own house thats sick

Ginger Dwarf

Sheera learns about bald people


I’m sure she’s seen a midevil show before this she’s prolly joking (hopefully)


That's messed up. How are these two countries agreeing to own land without the people living on them even knowing? I would be concerned too if I learned about that and these people being sneaky behind my back.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Honestly man I'm just jazzed you're shouting out my homie Starscream. He hung out on my bedside table; he kept the nightmares away. It's crazy the random childhood memories you associate with some characters, yknow?

Smash Bran'Discootch

TBH, I'm being a bit of a dick about it. Not saying y'all are, but I definitely am. I guess there are certain things that are so prevalent throughout pop culture that I just assume if you've watched TV or movies or read books in the past 25 years, you should just know because they're ubiquitous. So I get in my head and I'm like "HOW do you not know that? You must know that. You're being deliberately obtuse." and then I get annoyed and a bit shitty. But I'm trying to do that less. I need to realize that people possess different knowledge sets. Like, it's weird to me that people who claim to be appreciators of media haven't seen Casablanca. That's not shade on anyone in particular I just mean there are people who love movies and have never seen Casablanca and to my world view that's just super odd. Or like there are people who don't try to learn about history past high school or college. Again, to my world view that's just odd. There are people who won't get maximum value from this show because they don't know why the catholics and the protestants had beef in the 1600's. But like, I need to learn how to be okay with that instead of getting annoyed by it. Because like just because they're not gonna get maximum value doesn't mean they'll get NO value. And I need to stop looking down my nose at people if I have knowledge and they don't. Because if I'm a dick in the way I relay that knowledge, then I might as well not even type it because nobody is gonna be willing to learn from someone who is actively insulting them. Damn my bad bro I'm high as balls so I'm just rambling 🤣🤣🤣

Daaylen Watson

That assassin scene was dope, Enjoying this show a lot.


This show is combining my love for History in this awesome writing. Shogun is taking actual historical events and mixing them together, and these events are being portrayed accurately. Spain and Portugal did split the world during with the Treaty of Tordesillas, and Japan was on Portugals half of the world. Portugal didn't have the resources or manpower Spain had, so they wanted to influence Japan through the use of missionaries, converting the Japanese populace to Christianity.


Just for those who want to know - the flux is basically dysentery. Which was commonly transferred through contaminated water.

Thulani Mason

I love what they've done with the character Kashigi. It starts off with him seemingly being only a sadistic tyrant, basking in the screams of the man he had boiled alive. But at the very least he put his money where his mouth is by being willing to go down to gather Rodrigues (albeit because of his pride and lust for near death experiences) and ultimately end his own life. I like characters that have their own moral compass and stick to it instead of chickening out when it's their turn to suffer. He's definitely my favorite character so far. Her almost kind of reminds me of Daemon Targaryen.


dawg the spanish used to be fucking evil bro. read some history books. even then alot of “european” spanish ppl dont even consider hispanics true spaniards. they think of themselves as higher because they are the “first” spaniards


shi goes deep, the catholic spanish church were a power to be reckon with back then, they had everything including gold, guns, land and they also knew alot of areas which would include japan that no one ever knew so that they could have more menpower and add more land and gold. they were conquers. alot of corruption even their own ppl couldnt go against the catholic church

Aerial Senoj

Mariko so fine bruh

Bryann Kam

The flux: it’s Dysentery.

Lion's sin of Pride Lord Escanor

One thing that bothered me a bit is that there are 3 Christian faiths not only 2, Protestantism, Catholicism and Orthodoxy.

Jigga Man

"Everything looks yellow in here." - YaBoyRoshi 2024, watching an Asian TV show


Y’all should fire up the new Roadhouse movie on Amazon. Pretty fun B movie

Metweet .c

I'm not really hyped for John if that makes sense? It's literally choosing one coloniser over the other. Portuguese or the English. As soon as the Portuguese are gone it'll just be replaced by the English so...


to be honest...they do the same filter in mexico too


hes like a Ned stark and Tywin Lannister mix. He has the honor and duty of Ned but the cunning and decisive mind of Tywin. What a menace


yea they cookin wit this show


thats true, however the Catholics were the face of religion in a lot of European countries and the protestants were the face in others. orthodox Christians still practiced many catholic traditions and held similar beliefs, however they were not following in accordance with the pope. its also easier for complexity sake to use the two that were most dissimilar in a show like this. just my opinion tho

Tim Moore

Should probably do some research on who John's character is based on. Your thinking is too simplistic albeit understandable.


Ah yes, the Oregon Trail Classic https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/bgk3f8/youre_traveling_the_oregon_trail_and_you_meet_a/


You were wrong at the end btw Roshi yabushige is working with Ishido(who’s not Christian). It was kiyama(dude in red) who sent the assassin.


Goddamn, I'm telling ya if you like this, Ya'll would go hard for Black Sails. Its on a whole different level. Also 3 Body Problem on Netflix was fire.


Lord Toranaga: You're outnumbered by the Portuguese. You will lose! John: Nah, I'd win


love how obsessed sheera is with the translator's hair


so water in england was so bad in the 1600s that you would only bath rarely cause the water could get you more sick then just being dirty lmao

Hi How are ya

Man in ngl sometimes when I watch these shows I get a little lost, but roshi really be paying attention!! The way he explains what’s going on helps me keep up 😂


This show reminds me of Marco Polo on Netflix wish they didn’t cancel it


The flux was dysentery, and where he's from the rivers were pretty gross. You could get all kinds of disease taking baths, so they limited them as much as possible. I had to go look it up.

MM (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 03:35:00 Damn bro lay off the weed lmao
2024-03-23 16:25:19 Damn bro lay off the weed lmao

Damn bro lay off the weed lmao


it kinda does but this was way before the europeans could colonise asia or africa the way they did in the 19th century, so you`re painting future events over the early 17th century.


Lupa: "This is crazy!" Me: "This is history lol" Europeans always trying to lay claim to other people's stuff loool 🤣

Nunya Business

Me either. I didn't understand why they didn't just kill him outright and keep his stuff ESPECIALLY considering how disrespectful he was. His white privilege and entitled attitude ruined any chance of me liking him


For anyone who doesn't know Toranaga is Tokugawa ieyasu, Ishido is Ishida, and John is William Adams. The book/Show will cover everything leading into the Tokugawa shogunate pretty accurately with obvious dramatic flair and name changes. William or John is one of the most influential foreigners to ever come to Japan and had a lasting impact on the future of the entire country. If you wanted to look into the historical people, these characters represent.

Nate D.

Well the ending doesn't just narrow down the spy, it confirms everything was true and the englishman can be trusted


I don't think this has anything to do with this time period but sometime back than people with higher status like Nobles and such thought not taking baths was considered honorable or noble of some sort and King Louis XIV had gone a whole freaking year without bathing it was like bad really bad it was like the higher the status the more stinker


Nunya you sound really primitive. I don't think shows of this high quality are meant for such shallow eyes as yours. You should go watch Netflix's agenda-driven DEI shows if you want brainrot.


"Everything looks yellow in here" sounded a little racist Roshi lol 😆 😂 😅


Toranaga also knew because when the assassin looks between him and John, she goes for John instead of him.


The flux is another word for dysentery they believed the more they bathed the higher chance of getting sick by contaminated water

Wassim aitikhlef

Narrator: As John Blackthorne was asked that he would lose against the Great portugese army. His response was simply:Nah i'd win.

Kevin Davison

Jon didn’t get killed outside the prison because he was a prisoner of Lord Kiyama, to be taken and executed before the Lords themselves, since Toranagas men no longer had the rights to him. One of the guards said “you are now a prisoner of Lord Kiyama.”


Lost it when Roshi said a Nike check😂😂😂😂😂

Pan Cakes

amogus set in japan, 10/10

Kiril Kupenov (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 03:35:00 It had to be said! Mariko-sama be turnin' those barbarian protestant eyes
2024-03-28 17:24:06 It had to be said! Mariko-sama be turnin' those barbarian protestant eyes

It had to be said! Mariko-sama be turnin' those barbarian protestant eyes


Gotta love that good old English waste in the streets and water couldn't even take a bath regularly lol


I hope buddy can fight cause he's been talking the most shit since they caught him lol

Monotone Type-F

John said „Nah, I’d win”

Miguel Raya (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-29 08:47:27 just to clarify, it did not expose yabushige, Ishido isn’t for the catholics. The room switch just exposed the christian regents which is kiyama (red guy) trying to get rid of john for the catholics.
2024-03-29 08:47:27 just to clarify, it did not expose yabushige, Ishido isn’t for the catholics. The room switch just exposed the christian regents which is kiyama (red guy) trying to get rid of john for the catholics.
2024-03-29 07:39:47 just to clarify, it did not expose yabushige, Ishido isn’t for the catholics. The room switch just exposed the christian regents which is kiyama (red guy) trying to get rid of john for the catholics.

just to clarify, it did not expose yabushige, Ishido isn’t for the catholics. The room switch just exposed the christian regents which is kiyama (red guy) trying to get rid of john for the catholics.


I’m amazed that we basically learned the tactics of potugal and spain from our history books and now I’m seeing it well represented in a show. This is how they basically conquered the Philippines just start introducing religion. This is show is so good

Arsean Wilbon

when he said " Unless I win." I was like omg the dawg in him is real lol

anthony williams

yeah second episode was better then the first to me now im in it lol

Corey Leach

These niggas been to Japan and don't know what a zen garden is? That's what the intro was showing lmao. It was pointing out how the peace is now turning into chaos.


to be far i know what a zen garden is but the intro confused me 😭


I know I'm late, but I'm catching up lol. Doing some digging on the historical events of this war, it actually is CRAZY how things add up. I'll keep it simple: 1. Portugal and Spain share land like Canada and the US, BUT they are TINY and don't amount to much as far as country and population size are concerned. The BALLS to divide up the world between the two nations is insane to me, but that's just how the world worked back then... lots of boring politics I won't get into lol. 2. Magellan's Pass is a crazy trip, drawn pretty accurately in the sand, wrapping almost all the way around the world JUST to avoid a base they couldn't have really avoided if they took the shorter route. ALSO, information like maps and different ways to travel were obviously about as valuable as gold back then. That's why Spain and Portugal "kept it secret". 3. Growing up with an American, aka English, history being taught to us in school, we really wouldn't know anything from the rest of the world's view points. We wouldn't know anything our ancestors didn't know. It's like watching a show and ONLY getting one side of the story. Whatever you say goes, and whatever think is real, is real... crazy concepts 😆 4. The war in Ghost of Tsushima is based on real events, namely the actual Mongol Invasion. It predates these events (of Shogun) by about 300 years. 5. The setting of Blue Eye Samurai is basically about 10-20 years or so from Shogun, which makes me believe the whole "Japan closed off it's borders to the outside world" thing make a TON of sense. Think of Fowler, how he was hidden away for 20 years or so. Mizu was born after the borders were closed off, so by then White people were a mystery to just about everyone. And obviously, given the events of Shogun, depicting the struggles with scheming White men and the Portuguese specifically, Japan probably had a sour taste in their mouth from it's experiences.... 6. MEANING! I expect things to go to SHIT in a hurry lol 😆 7. Good show, mate. Good show!


Anjin talks like the guy that screams "a succulent chinese meal!"


it makes sense for Europeans then because they never had clean water so available unlike the Japanese. So they bath less since their water is always so dirty half the time they drank from the same streams they used to dump their shit. Crazy how they view the japanese as uncivil lol

rickie woodson

as someone who cocoons himself when he sleeps, head and all: I FEEL VEREY ATTACKED lol


Ya'll clowning the fake body was hilarious and on point 🤣 also John saying unless I win was so ridiculous to me like bro you was just saying you were a dog two seconds ago 😩 but I still respect it. Talking about respect shoutout Mariko sama she said put some respeck on my name okay she gangsta for real.