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PJ Rivera

Prison arc love this show lol one of the oddest premises to be succesful. When will you guys do brothers sun and shogun?

Hasnain Khan


Skye Brooklyn

soooo we dropped mr & mrs smith or…?


They have 2 episodes left I doubt they dropped it. They may just do the last two next week if we don't get it today.


Have they said anything about checking out Shogun ???

Tejiri Ubiedi

Sally's mom is where she learned to be a narccistic asshole. Her dad is where she learned to try to avoid and ignore her problems. She never stood a chance lol

Skye Brooklyn


Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-11 22:04:21 Sheera's take is goofy. Gene's career is revitalised and thus him trying to capitalise on the story of him 'capturing' Barry is not only a business move, but also a solid FUCK YOU to Barry. This isn't a regression of the character that was trying to make amends with the people he's wronged in the past, because from his perspective capitalising on this story by going to the media is a triumph over the person that threatened his family and killed the love of his life. In his eyes there is no moral conflict.
2024-03-09 01:48:02 Sheera's take is goofy. Gene's career is revitalised and thus him trying to capitalise on the story of him 'capturing' Barry is not only a business move, but also a solid FUCK YOU to Barry. This isn't a regression of the character that was trying to make amends with the people he's wronged in the past, because from his perspective capitalising on this story by going to the media is a triumph over the person that threatened his family and killed the love of his life. In his eyes there is no moral conflict.

Sheera's take is goofy. Gene's career is revitalised and thus him trying to capitalise on the story of him 'capturing' Barry is not only a business move, but also a solid FUCK YOU to Barry. This isn't a regression of the character that was trying to make amends with the people he's wronged in the past, because from his perspective capitalising on this story by going to the media is a triumph over the person that threatened his family and killed the love of his life. In his eyes there is no moral conflict.


there some creative ass shots and techniques this episode/season


I’m confused so is Gene now the villan in season 4 and Barry and Fuches are burying the hatchet? So many questions

Sincerely, the Best.

fuck barry. i dont care for what trauma that nigga went through, he knew right and wrong. his layback attitude when he did his killings doesnt get rid of the fact he prolly killed a lot great people like Janice and deserves to rot in this prison. still like character though but if I were to think about him like he was an actual person, fuck him.

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-11 22:04:21 While its mostly vanity the only reason he shouldn't be doing it is because it may effect the court case. Otherwise Barry deserves everything that's coming to him.
2024-03-09 01:54:42 While its mostly vanity the only reason he shouldn't be doing it is because it may effect the court case. Otherwise Barry deserves everything that's coming to him.

While its mostly vanity the only reason he shouldn't be doing it is because it may effect the court case. Otherwise Barry deserves everything that's coming to him.


Sally’s relationship with her parents reminds me of Marc Spector’s relationship with his parents in the MoonKnight series. Damn near the same dynamic. Terrible mother, passive father.

Indifferent Denji

Hey speaking of Barry there's a new anime coming in April called the fable you guys should check it out. It's pretty much Barry but anime and it's funny asf with fire fights too.


We need reacher reactions

Indifferent Denji

bro just be patient and wait for when a new show spot opens> im sure they are aware but they have a lot of request and few spots to fill. Plus invincible 2 is coming back soon as well so they may have to slide that in its a lot of planning


cousinau genuinely tried to be good because of the shit with barry, but he noticed he kept getting rewarded for being better. so now he's back to his narcissistic showboating, but not how "talented" he is, but how "good" he is.

Esperance Adzem

Nah. Gene is a POS. Someone killed his girlfriend and he's trying to get money and fame for that. That's fucked up.

Esperance Adzem

You'll come to realize that Barry only enhances the bad quality everyone in Hollywood already had

Indifferent Denji

Gene deserves to the man has been good to Barry since he met him and the dude killed his gf. And tried to fix the issue by getting him a job. Hes not capitalizing of Janice why should he not capitalize off Barry?

Philecia Jones

W reaction. Jim literally told Gene not to talk to that reporter especially, and then he goes does it anyway? And on top of the fact him doing so might fuck up the case against Barry the person that killed “the love of his life” and threatened to kill his family, and some people don’t think that’s piece of shit behavior?? Any normal person wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize that especially someone so close to it. Plus the father of your dead/murdered gf told you not to do it so why would you? Gene is a POS, argue wid yuh mada!

Indifferent Denji

im not rly sold on Janices dad yet. hes such a dick to gene who literally had to find Janices body, was kidnapped, and had his families life threatened. and then Jims mad at him for protecting the mfk CONTRACT KILLER? Id do anything to not lose the rest of my family. I get Jims hurting but hes not stupid he should understand some people have to do things they don't like in order to keep those they love safe. its tragic but Janice knew the risk of the job she's a homacide detective their jobs to stick their noses where they don't belong sadly you make enemies. Janice was a cop and now she's dead if I was gene I wouldn't trust the cops at that point its obvious Barry is highly skilled it would be better to just go on with your life imo. Justice may not be served the way you want but someday it will happen.

sotonye ogan

what you saying nigga, Gene has tricked and got Barry (also key witness for his trial) what other shit does his have to do more to have a solid "fuck you" to Barry, writing a selfish entertainment piece? you think Barry gon fall to his knees when he sees the media story from gene? 😂 he alr know gene an opp now lol. Yo ahh didn't hear when Jim said to Gene not to talk to the reporter to make his daughter as an entertainment piece?

John Cedar

No, the DA says in this very episode that talking to the press can only hurt the case against Barry if it goes to trial, and Gene immediately says he agrees, but he doesn't. He can't help himself, he absolutely must be the center of attention. It's why he was an absent father, it's why he ruined Annie's career, it's why he has the acting class. Gene absolutely is acting in his own self interest and not in the interest of honoring Janice's memory or getting Barry behind bars for life, which should be his goal. They are 100% spot on with their take on what Gene is doing and his motivation. Jim Moss and the DA know what they are talking about when they tell him to be silent, they have worked in law enforcement for a long time. They know what it will take to make Barry's case open and shut, and if Gene acts directly in opposition to that advice, then he is not honoring Janice and IS being selfish. Most importantly, do you think Janice would approve of what he's doing, if it were another murder case and she was still here? I doubt it.

Jaelyn Mcgee

I'm not surprised, that Gene's acting like this, cause he's always been selfish and wanted to have his moment back in the limelight at the expense of everyone else, which is ironically something he calls out Sally for as well. Bill Hader has said that people always tell him about how much they hate Sally and can't stand her and he constantly reminds them, that Barry is a murderer, who kills people.

Aniki Pft

Gene never really cared about Barry, and once he got his hands on the acting career it was done deal. Not to say he didn't care for Janice since he despites Barry for it, but obviously he's in for the reward. His apologizes to people he wronged in the past last season never felt genuine, like he just wanted to move past it while not really accepting what he did was wrong. Gene has always been this way, even as their teacher in the previous seasons. He hates Barry and i doubt getting him back his career would change that lmao.

James Stephenson

I made a joke on twitch and YouTube and Roshi and Sheera didn't laugh and now it feels like a hoe 😂😂😂

Jake Coulter

Fun little fact. Bill Hader(Barry) said in an interview that since he directed the whole series by season 4 he was kind of losing his mind and you can see it channeled in this season lol

Alexis Sullivan

Passive parents are often so overlooked in how they participate in abuse. Sally's dad is NOT a good dude. Please rewatch that scene. While the mother was emotionally and verbally abusing tf outta Sally, dad was sitting right there staring straight ahead and pretending it wasn't happening. He said nothing. He waited until the abuse was over then swooped in to clean up behind mom. If as a parent you can passively sit by and watch your child being abused and then just clean up after the other parent you're a POS too because you are actively not protecting your child. That's not a good parent or a good dude. He's seen as a good dude because he's not the one actively abusing her but hes also not protecting her either. He does not protect her and probably never has because if he did step in then mom would turn all of that venom on him and he doesnt want that so he lets her do it to Sally and then just cleans up after. He's also to blame for why Sally stayed with Sam. She's used to the abuse and the cleanup: mom abused her, dad cleaned it up. Sam would abuse her then he'd clean it up with an apology or a gift. She learned that dynamic from BOTH of her shitty parents.


Thank you for commenting this. This is exactly it. He's seen as the nice one becuase that's the role he's taken to cover up the fucked up shit he lets happen. He's just as at fault as the mother for letting it happen

Alexis Sullivan

He's probably been on the receiving end of his wife's verbal abuse many times so he's scapegoating Sally and offering her up as a sacrifice to his wife so HE can avoid her abuse. Thats why he sat there quiet as a mouse while Sally was being emotionally ripped apart. Then he convinces himself he's not as bad as her cuz he wipes Sally's tears and holds her hand and makes her feel better, etc but at the end of the day he sacrifices Sally to save himself.


Right, sometimes people in these comments forget that and just bag on Sally only. This is like Joe Goldberg from "YOU" all over again.

Derek Sanders

very nice detail when Barry is near death he is on the limbo shore waiting on the boat and before Barry gets beaten almost to death, we/he hear the ship horn Bill Hader calls the sound "the sky opening"


Oh yes, very similar. At first u feel bad for him a bit (as most of his kills were either an accident or done to someone who is also awful)(also he had a pretty fucked up past that made him this way) but similar to this show, each season you cant defend him as much anymore. He keeps getting deranged. You should watch their reactions, they're great. Lots of fan girls forgiving joe, but Joe's actor actively hates joe as a person. Lmao


okay, but you can hate them both. and God forbid you like a villainous protagonist

Corey Leach

Not a sane mind this season besides the kid we'll see. That scene with Hank nightmare, Hank really likes and respects Barry because he's helped him so much. Hank probably really wanted Barry to save him when Hank was captured by Cristobal wife.

Oni Legend

Jim had absolutely no way of knowing that Barry was a professional contract killer and had threatened Gene’s family. Literally the only thing he was told was that Barry killed Janice(told by Fuches) and that Barry was a student in Gene’s class. So from his perspective, this guy claims to have loved his daughter but is letting her killer walk around scot free. Matter of fact, after Gene broke down to him I’d make a guess that he did explain that his family was in danger and that’s part of why Jim and Gene set up the plan the way they did

Elle E.

i wonder if the dad will take a stand for his daughter and put the wife and check. he's definitely passive but that doesn't make him a bad guy


Sally mom is terrible.