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Alternative arts. Pack 2 includes: 

- Mask + OTM
- Mask + Ring
- Mask + Tape
- OTM + Tape
- OTM + Tape + Mask

The story: 

“Miss Hayami, are you ready for your endorsement shot?”

The idol was confused as to what the man was talking about. Shethought she was just dressed in a tennis outfit for a photo shoot. “Sorry,what product is this again?”

“Oh, it’s not a product! It’s for the next workout routine.”

“I must have forgotten... ah well, I suppose I’m ready.”

“Great! It’ll only take a moment.” The man led her to a nearby apartmentand asked her to sit on the bed. He then took out some ropes from abag.”

“What are those for? I thought this was a workout routine.”

“It is! In order to keep your legs from leaving the correct position, we’regoing to tie them in place, okay?”

“Well... I guess so.” Before she finished reluctantly agreeing, the manwas already tying her legs. Having finished that, he took some morerope out.”

“Isn’t it good enough?”

“Well, to be honest, we need to have your arms in place too.” He begantying her arms behind her back, much to her dismay.

“That’s a bit tight, don’t you think?”

“Not at all! Now, we have a few more things to tie.”

But as he took the rope around her breast, she cried out. “Hey! Thiscan’t be part of the routine!”

“Please, Miss Hayami, you agreed to this-“

“Well I changed my mind! Don’t make me yell for help.”

“We can’t have that, now, can we? I’ll fix the problem.” Instead of makingthe ropes any looser, however, he grabbed a massive ball gag from hisbag.

“What is that?!? Are you kidding me? Don’t you dare- aaarrmgph!” Thehuge ball was wedged into her mouth, causing her speech to becomeunintelligible.

“There we go! Now we can finish up, Yu-chan! Just wait a momentlonger.” He added the finishing touches on the ropework, ignoring hermuffled protests.


“Don’t worry, you’ll be compensated for your time! I’ll come back in, oh,maybe five hours?”

“Faaagggh Aaaawaaah??

“Here’s a little present to help you pass the time,” he said, grabbing onemore thing from the bag. 

Commission for anonymous



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