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Hello Patrons,

we have decided that we want to take a break and have also decided to pause Patreon for now. We don't know if or when we will continue.

Here's what you need to know:

- you won't be billed for the next month

- you won't be billed for the other months either that we pause Patreon

- if we resume our Patreon we will give you a warning

- DolphiniOS beta builds will be discontinued

More here: https://oatmealdome.me/blog/the-future-of-dolphinios/



Sorry to see y’all go but y’all do what you’ve gotta do to take care of yourselves first and foremost. I wish you luck in your future endeavors!


Appreciate all your hard work over this past year. Shocked me when you ported dolphin out of the blue (had been waiting on gc4ios forever) and since then you’ve done great work to improve it and make it a fantastic iOS emu. After your break If you decide to discontinue work on this project, have you considered porting any other emus? I’m still jelly of a few Android has such as ps2, 3ds, and Wii U.


Don’t know if you’re still checking this but i have a question. When you’re configuring buttons for a controller is there a way to intentionally not set a button? Like if I need a d pad to be my joystick. I can map my d pad to be this but it will still do the d pad functions. I can only remap them to different buttons currently. Anyway to just not set them?