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A newer version, 3.0.0 (JB: 166, NJB: 167), is now available for testing. Please go to that post for the latest download links.

Version 3.0.0 (JB: 162, NJB: 160) is now available for testing.

If you are jailbroken, install the update from our repo: https://cydia.oatmealdome.me/patreon-6e0b53ab 

Otherwise, download the IPA from here and install it using AltStore: https://cdn.oatmealdome.me/dolphinios/ipa/DolphiniOS-NJB-Patreon-3.0.0-160.ipa

 - Added grid view to the game selector.

-> Look at all of your game covers in a pretty grid

-> It may take a few moments for the game covers to download. In the meantime, all covers will be represented with the Dolphin logo as a placeholder.  -> List view is not going away. Press the button in the top right to switch to list view. (Your preferred view will be remembered.)

- Added the ability to download and install the Wii System Menu from Nintendo's Wii update servers.

-> Press the menu button in the top left of the game selector, and press "Perform Online System Menu Update".

-> If no existing Wii System Menu is installed, you will be asked to choose which region you want to install.

- Added the ability to boot directly to the Wii System Menu if it is installed.

-> Find it in the menu button on the top left of the games list.

- Fixed a crash when you tried to modify any setting in Config -> Interface.

- Fixed a crash when loading DolphiniOS update information takes too long.

- You can now have both the public version of DolphiniOS and the Patreon version installed at the same time. 

- Support for APRR JIT was added for A11 and newer processors.

-> This may result in a slight performance increase, especially for games that are CPU-heavy.

-> A13 support is highly experimental. Please report if it crashes.

-> Read more about the technical details here: https://siguza.github.io/APRR/

- Added the ability to boot the GameCube main menu directly.

-> Dump it from your GameCube, then put it in DolphiniOS/GC/[region] with the name IPL.bin.

- Left-aligned the grid view in the games list.

- Converted the action sheet pop-up when pressing on a game in the games list to a context menu for iOS 13 users.

- Rewrote the automatic save state mechanism to support the GameCube main menu and channels launched off the emulated Wii system memory.

-> Starting 3.0.0 with a 2.x.x automatic save state present on jailbroken devices will cause the automatic save state to be deleted. (Normal save states are unaffected.)

-> When the public version releases, all 2.x.x states will be automatically converted.

- Added mitigations to prevent DolphiniOS from loading corrupt and partial automatic save states. 

- Reduced the possibility of the Dolphin configuration INIs becoming corrupted when quitting the app.

- Fixed a bug where booting the Wii Menu would cause all subsequent attempts to launch other software would also boot the Wii Menu. 



Do I get the appr jit with the iPad pro 2018? A12x I went to find it, but I didn't have the option,