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I don’t know what really made this comic fail since it has the right elements but usually within the first hour I can see how a post is doing and this was bad….like really bad. What’s your thoughts?




I love your art, your humour, and your depiction of joyful life - but not this comic. I think this comic is based on a weak joke. I worked hard and cleaned everything, now I relax! Pets say no, we make more mess! You are more than talented enough to make weak jokes work, but you haven't done it for this one. Your execution here is competent, but not enough to lift the overall comic to Reddot standards. Maybe panel one needs a little "show, don't tell", like a montage of cleaning? Panel three looks like the bare minimum needed to establish that pets made a mess. I think it needs more funny chaos, like maybe if they had made forts out of the laundry and were launching literal shit-bombs at each other? Or maybe I'm wrong, and this was just one of the inevitable failures that comes with the inherent randomness of public popularity tests? Thankyou for asking for feedback, and thankyou for all your wonderful comics. You're making the world a better place.

Sam Simmons

This. Except it's their hair. I dust, the vacuum everything up. As I'm putting my $650 vacuum away, a big hair mass rolls by like a damn tumbleweed.