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I’m not sure if it’s me, the Instagram algorithm or just luck but my reach has plummeted. I know it’s silly but seeing how many people have unfollowed has really taken a hit to my self esteem. It happens and will continue to happen, of course. But when you put hours into a drawing and see the fallout is like a kick to the stomach. I think with Randy getting over his sickness and me trying to organize our finances to pay for it, my mind has shift to “what will sell” from “what I find funny”. And ultimately it doesn’t because it’s not authentic.

I wish I could explain this mind fuck. I’m torn from wanting to make something I love, to appeasing what will make money, to keeping the social media platforms happy so I’m not banned.

I’m sorry I’m venting here. Randy is home, and relatively healthy so I shouldn’t be complaining. But I’m dealing with the fallout, of piecing it back together, trying to act like I’m okay but I’m terrified opening our fucking mail because the market sucks so much he can’t find work and I’m holding on to a job that told me if my husband died then is SOL. I’m the 1%, for once’.

Goddamnit. I’m drunk on a Tuesday at 7 and didn’t mean to rant. I’m sorry




You can rant as much as you want. That actually helps a lot. Things are not good for most of the people. I do understand your pain. My own job is on line. Working extremely hard just so that my managers are happy with my effort. My father was detected with a brain tumor which was removed successfully. But there were some complications. In the end he is back home now and recovering well. This took a big toll financially on us. And it does not stop there. We all were tested positive with covid couple of months back. My father having very weak immune system after such a long hospitalization, was worst affected by it. Eventually he is recovering from that too. He has changed a lot, he is scared now, he has lost so much of his weight. I have not really worked during all this and which is causing me to feel I might lose my job. In all this, one positive I keep looking at is that my father is alive and getting better as well. Last 1 year has taught me a lot about life than my entire life so far. I am just happy to be alive.


Wishing you the best and happy to help however I can.