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So I made this one a while ago but put off sharing it. After hubs got out of the hospital and losing my job I *really* fell into alcohol. I never had been fired before and still didn’t address the emotions that came with almost losing my partner in such a sudden/scary way.

When I realized I had a problem, but l wasn’t ready (strong enough) to fix it I made this. This was a way for me to digest that I knew something was wrong. I felt like I was drowning and still waiting for the worst to still happen.

My relationship with alcohol is much better now but I don’t want to let myself forget either. ❤️






We quit drinking alcohol one month ago. My wife's doctor told her she could take this medicine to make her life better or she could drink. It was a no-brainer. But I realized over this last month I was drinking because I'm not happy with where I'm at in my life. Alcohol made things fun again. It was my only friend, because all of my friends have moved on in life. So I'm very thankful that we had to stop drinking, because it helped me realize that I was truly an alcoholic. Just like my father. Very grateful that we stopped because while my wife's health is improving, my whole health is improving so I can be with her longer, and be happy just being present with her. Thank you for sharing Dot!